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Latest revision as of 05:17, 11 June 2014

Home Repair
Dramatis Personae

Jax, Micah, Dusk

10 June 2014

Collapsing after a long day, with a touch of awkwardness.


<NYC> Candyland - Harbor Commons - Lower East Side

Jax has been Quite Busy, this last day. Apparently starting to drift into old habits as his powers return; a full sleepless night of setting small glass tiles before a long very early-morning tattoo session before helping to set up the new deliveries of furniture and housewares for the common house and then more work on their /own/ house once Micah returned from work. The fruits of this labour is one basically-finished bathroom (though not yet /usable/ until the grout has finished drying and he's had a chance to polish off the tiles) and a whole lot of progress in Spencer's room.

Also fruits of the day: one rather exhausted photokinetic, currently draped in a boneless slump in the currently un-cushioned window seat at the end of the upstairs hallway, a haze of mottled blues and purples swirling around him and a very syrupy-oversweetened lemonade in one hand. Spencer is out for the night, picked up by Desiree to spend the night at Lucien's; with no pressing need to get him to bed Jax is contemplating the door of the boy's bedroom like he is working up the energy to tackle it some more. He might be contemplating this for a while; he doesn't seem to be /getting/ any more energy. He's dressed in the same paint-splattered jeans he's been in all day, though he has shed his boots /and/ his shirt, tired perhaps of it chafing against the vibrant new ink spread up his chest.

The only real sign that Micah has called it a night on his Spencer-bed building is that it has gotten a lot less /noisy/ around Lighthaus without the assorted carpenter's shop sounds drifting through it. The redhead is once again in clothes that he isn't concerned about ruining: a pair of extensively patched jeans splattered in an assortment of paint colours and a sunny yellow T-shirt that has been dulled by a coating of fine sawdust and a smear of grease from /something/. His hair isn't faring much better than the shirt and is in a spectacular state of spiky disarray. His hands have been freshly cleaned, at least, and are full of a tea thermos (lavender rooibos this late in the day) and a plate of lemon cookies. These he carries over to Jax in offering before sitting beside him.

Jax's rather vacant-exhausted look doesn't get a good deal more focused at Micah's arrival, eye just fixed, still, ahead of him. He moves instinctively, shifting to nestle against the older man's side, head tucking against Micah's shoulder even before he reaches on autopilot for one of the cookies. He only speaks once he's polished off one cookie and reached for the next. "It is going to look so awesome." Only then does he look down, pleased, at the cookie in his hand. "... whoa. Is this Hanna's?" Probably a roundabout way of saying it is delicious.

Somewhere downstairs there's the sound of a door opening, a quiet pad of footsteps. "-- Jax? Micah?" Dusk is picking his way through the empty house, eventually poking his way up the stairs when the lower level proves empty. He's dressed very similarly to Jax -- barefoot, shirtless, though in place of jeans he has a pair of cargo shorts slung low on his bony hips. "Oh. Good. You're still here."

Micah's chin tilts down to grant him access for placing a light kiss to Jax's head. He sets the plate of cookies in his lap and wraps his freed arm /carefully/ around the other man, avoiding new ink as much as possible. "S'gonna be the best bedroom ever. /Kinda/ want one m'self," he replies with a sleepy chuckle. "Dunno, actually. They're from Evolve. Not sure what all they're doin' in house an' what all they're gettin' from not-you people. Vegan selection's always fantastic, though. Can't say I've ever gone lookin' an' not found somethin' I wanted t'bring back for sugarin' you up. An' I been /spoiled/ by all your bakin'." He perks, a little less /perkily/ than usual but perking nonetheless, at the sound of Dusk's voice. "Up here!" serves as a rather unnecessary call since the other man was already on his way. "I'm considerin' just crashin' here, actually. There's mattresses. An' linens t'stick on 'em now. An' I /always/ have a two-day bag in m'van in case of /things/. Y'wanna crash, Jax? Or go back t'the school?"

"We could build somethin' crazy-awesome for our room /too/," Jax says wih a small smile, nuzzling in against Micah's neck before he polishes off the second cookie. "Playhouse-bedroom, why should only the kids get the fun. Have you had a chance t'see Hive an' Flicker's space yet? They got this huge hammock-thing up by the /ceilin'/. An' Hive's bed hangs from like. Chains. /An'/ he says they're buildin' a ballpit." He tips his gaze up towards Dusk as though seeking confirmation of this fact. "M'good with crashin' here. T'be honest I'd be good with it even on the floor. It's just. /Nice/. T'be in /our/ home."

"Flicker's bed just folds into the wall. And we /built/ a ballpit," Dusk corrects easily, meandering down the hall to settle in a crouch on the floor in front of the window seat. "Finished it this afternoon but the actual, uh, /balls/ aren't getting here till tomorrow. Plus we don't want to /fiill/ it till we put the sofa in. -- Honestly as rooms go though I think the pups win for awesome. No offense to what I'm sure is some spectacular amazing you're making for Spence."

"We can make it crazy-awesome, too. But I figure it'll end up bein' a touch more practical. Since a lotta the 'bedroom-playhouse' things you're wantin' are like t'end up in the basement over time, I'm thinkin'." Even Micah's /blush/ is lazy by this point in the evening, barely making an effort at pinkening his cheeks. "Just really like the /space/ theme. Speaks t'my inner geek. Nerd. Both of those, really." Passing the plate over to Dusk, he uses his lap to push imaginary buttons and toggles on. "Gonna rig up the controls in his bed t'actually do things. Control the lights with dimmer features an' all. Turn on some of his electronics remotely. Just fun fidgety stuff."

Jax's blush is hard to see beneath his cloud of shifting colours but the blues and purples around him shift lighter to pinks and reds. "Ohhh. But that's a whole different kind of playhouse." A small shiver runs through him, and his nuzzling shifts to kissing, lips pressing softly to the side of Micah's neck. A smile curves his mouth at Micah's play button-pushing. "He's handling all that stuff," he tells Dusk with a giggle. "Rigging of -- things that require. Being smart enough to make them actually work. I'm mostly just handling the making-it-colourful part. An' oh /gosh/ the pups' room /is/ like a dream ain't it? S'jus' kinda perfect for 'em."

Dusk's wings ripple behind him in a faint echoing shiver, his eyes just a touch wider as he watches Jax's lips touch against Micah's neck. His very prominent Adam's apple makes the slow swallow he pushes down his throat that much easier to see, and his eyes drop very abruptly to focus intently on the floor. His current rather extreme pallor makes the sudden flush of red that colours his cheeks very stark in contrast. "You /have/ an inner geek? I wouldn't think there was much left over with how much of it is /outer/."

"Mmhmm. /Completely/ dif'rent," Micah nearly purrs the words out, chin tilting up to bare his neck to Jax's kisses. "M'doin' most of the buildin' parts an' he's doin' most of the prettyin' parts. Though I'll /probably/ be gettin' some fancier carvin' goin' on the dinin' room furniture an' all." Tucking his thermos against his hip to free up another hand, he reaches out to play them through the thick mass of Dusk's hair. "The inner geek's the one bouncin' 'round makin' high-pitched 'squee' sounds 'bout nerdy things a lotta the time."

Jax's mouth presses to Micah's neck again, tongue flicking out against the skin, this time. He pulls back with another small giggle. "Honey-honey I think that's the outer geek /too/ you're kinda a bouncy ball'a /squee/ a lot." He glances down at Dusk with a small frown. "Sweetie when'd you last eat you're lookin' kinda like death."

Dusk's eyes tip up from beneath his thick fringe of hair, breath catching as Micah's neck bares further. He closes his eyes altogether, then, a very small growl rumbling for a brief moment as he nuzzles up into the touch, shifting forward to sit closer with his forehead bonking down lightly against Micah's knee. He just shakes his head at the question, wings shifting in a small approximation of a shrug.

The purring words shift into just an outright purr at the touch of tongue to throat. “So I'm really /in touch/ with m'inner geek. Keeps 'im happy.” Micah's lips twitch upward in amusement, fingertips tracing down along the safely-uninked stretch of skin over Jax's belly. The other hand tangles its fingers deeper into Dusk's hair. “S'been 'bout a month exactly for me if y'needed a quick bite.” Har. Punny.

"Ohhh." Around Jax the light warms into just a soft yellow glow, shimmering faint at the touch of fingertips to belly. He shivers, a small gasp escaping his lips. He looks down at Dusk, too, quieting for a moment and nestling closer to Micah's side. For a moment his gaze lifts back to Micah, teeth scraping against his lower lip before he offers softly, "An' with me you haven't -- not since -- I mean, if you wanted. You could..." He trails off, tongue darting briefly out to wet his lips.

Dusk growls again, quiet and brief. His head tilts back, lips brushing lightly against the inside of Micah's wrist. When Jax speaks he opens his eyes again, locking for a long silent moment on the artist's face. He pulls back rather abruptly, shifting back a half-foot on the floor as he rocks back into a crouch. "Are you s -- No, I -- I shouldn't -- I have to go. Home. I just wanted -- I forget what I wanted. I'm --" His fist rubs against his heart quickly as his wings press down against the floor to help propel him back to his feet.

The upward curl of Micah's lips at Jax's glowing falters with Dusk's obvious discomfort. "Honey, it's okay. Y'don't...have to. But we're not /offerin'/ outta obligation. I know at least /I/ want y'to. An' Hive's worried y'ain't been eatin' again. So don't worry 'bout me, at least. It's okay." He doesn't venture to speak on Jax's behalf for the rest of it.

"M'sorry," Jax says immediately, the glow fading around him. "I jus', I /love/ you. An' I'm fine with -- I mean I'm more than fine with --" His cheeks flush, eye scrunching up for a moment as his words stumble. "I mean I want you. I want you healthy, 'course, but. I also just. Want you. An' love you. So jus'. Please. Know that, okay?"

Dusk swallows again, fingers raking through his hair. "I just don't want to -- to hurt -- I'm fine," he finally just insists, wings curling in tight against his back. "I just have to --" He gestures back towards the stairs with a shake of his head. 'Goodnight,' he signs quickly, turning to head back down, taking the stairs two and three at a time on his way out.

"We both love you. But...don't do nothin' y'ain't ready for, honey. Y'need t'eat /somethin'/, though. So, least use the packets Flicker's been pickin' up for you at the Clinic. Okay? We love you. Don't like watchin' you starve. Again." Micah moves to give Dusk a goodnight hug, but the other man is already fleeing. "Sorry, hon," he breathes out between a sigh and a whisper instead.

"... goodnight, honey --" Jax quiets as Dusk flees, head bowing until the other man is down the stairs. He scrubs his palm across his face, slumping back against the window and pulling one leg up close to his chest. "... I shouldn't've said nothin' I always jus'. Say stupid things and -- he was fine with you I shoulda jus' --" There's a brief flutter of darker smokey shadow around him, though it vanishes soon. "Should get back t'work," he finally mutters, sliding his foot back down to the floor so that he can stand.

"Y'didn't say nothin' stupid, sugar. It's good for 'im t'know that /you're/ ready. Helps 'im get to a place where he can /think/ 'bout bein' ready. Prob'ly he's avoided it this far by thinkin' /you/ weren't. Just give 'im a little time." Micah leans in to place a kiss to Jax's temple, arm squeezing gently around his shoulders. "An', honestly, if he's still lookin' wilty later in the week, ain't no real harm him waitin' t'drink from me a few days. No harm done, sugar." His head shakes firmly as Jax mentions wanting to get back to work. "Uh-uh. Y'wanna get ready t'come t'bed with me. /I/ gotta be up bright an' early in the mornin' anyhow, so y'can get a start on things again then. Let some things dry an' you'll be able t'do more, too."

"I wasn't. Not for a while. But I -- it's /Dusk/. I /love/ him. An' the more I been around him the more I /want/ to be around him -- Oh." Jax halts at the mention of bed, a surprised note to his voice like this is an option he hadn't actually considered. He turns, shifting the cookies off Micah's lap onto the spot on the bench he just vacated. "Comin' t'bed with you sounds --" His hand slips into Micah's, bringing it up so he can press a kiss to the back of the other man's knuckles. "You want t'take a shower with me first? There is /so/ much room in these tubs it's pretty great."

"It's good. S'good for everybody t'be honest 'bout where they are on these things. I was...afraid t'be in the same /room/ with Hive for awhile after... An' that weren't even... It weren't /violent/ or nothin'. Had t'have /several/ talks t'finally work things out better." Micah's expression is a little pinched discussing that particular topic, even now. He shakes it off, head and shoulders shuddering. "Mmn, yes." He stands, pulling Jax close. "Definitely shower. I'm kinda gross between work an' after-work."

Jax's arms slide around Micah, nestling -- gently -- in snug and close against his husband. "Oh, goodness. We've all had a -- really messy year, ain't we?" He presses a small kiss to Micah's neck, then to his lips. "I love you, angel." A small crooked smile pulls at his lips as he pulls back, fingers lacing through Micah's to lead him off. "Could definitely both use some scrubbin'."

"Really messy year an' then some," Micah agrees, the sentiment silenced by kisses. "Love you, honey." His own smile returns in answer to Jax's, his fingers squeezing tight against his husband's hand. "Lead the way!"