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Latest revision as of 22:17, 21 July 2014

Dramatis Personae

Hailey, Jax, Flicker, Jean Grey




<XS> School Grounds

Xavier's School is situated on grounds as luxurious as the mansion itself. The tree-lined drive brings you up to the lush green sweep of front lawn and the wide front porch with its bench swing, often frequented by students studying in pleasant weather. The large oak tree in the front yard is home to a tire swing, installed long ago beneath the sturdy old treehouse.

The lawn rolls out all the way down to the thin rocky pier at the edge of the glittering lake. The water stretches huge and wide off into the distance, the boathouse a small blip at its shore. Along its bank, forest stretches dense and shady to one side; to the other cliffs start to rise, high and rocky, providing trails for hiking or climbing, for the adventurous.

Hailey yawns a little bit as she stands on the lawn of the Xavier's Institute. It was summer break and she was pretty bored, she was a late admission into the school year and was somewhat lackluster at the school anyway. She still had a tendency towards her street bound atitude and now that she was at the institute she was using her powers to aid in her slacking atitude. Shadow walking here and there, trying to push and pull the shadows. Just trying and testing her powers as much as she could to try and find the best uses for them rather than socialising or interacting very much. As a result she wasn't a very well known student to many and often just faded into the background.

At a tiny boarding school, though, it's really rather difficult to be there for long /without/ at least a passing familiarity with all the residents -- it helps, too, that Jax has /met/ Hailey before. Or maybe it's the odd /familiarity/ of her powers that make her memorable to him -- at least, as he exits the school building he glances towards her with some recognition. The young X-Man has long since finished with teaching for the morning and moved on to training sessions -- at least, judging by the fact he's still half in his uniform, dark pants though he's stripped off his jacket (/his/ jacket is beadazzled with a smiling sun on its back in glittery yellow, making it somewhat less forebidding than most of the X-Team uniforms) to leave only a sleeveless white undershirt on his torso. There are bruises visible around the fabric, mottling his skin in darker purpling in between the vivid-/bright/ colourfulness of his many tattoos. Huge mirrored dark glasses shade his eyes and he moves a little stiffly, a little /exhausted/, shirt sweat-damp and a large metal drink bottle in one hand. "Afternoon," he greets Hailey easily in his thick Southern drawl, moving to lean against the porch railing and gulp thirstily at his bottle. "Y'done with class for the day, or y'ain't takin' none over summer?"

Flicker, for his part, /is/ a little-seen face around the school -- graduated a few years back, /not/ a teacher but off at college in the city, /he/ only shows up around campus for official X-Men duties. Meetings, training -- which he's evidently just finishing up with as well. The /other/ X-Man is still in full uniform though he's in the process of unzipping his jacket in deference to the summer /heat/ once he's out of the mansion's air conditioning. Beneath his jacket he also wears an undershirt (black, short-sleeved); its right sleeve hangs empty, shoulder truncated where his right arm has been severed /off/.

If the missing arm is cramping his style any, though, it doesn't show. He doesn't follow Jax out the door -- he simply /appears/, poof! -- a lean-tall youth standing beside Jax where a moment earlier there was empty space. He pulls the jacket off, drapes it over the porch rail, and beckons towards Jax's water bottle. Gimme. He's also worked up a healthy dose of sweat, a healthy dose of /tired/, drooping in against the rail as he lifts his chin towards Hailey in a tipped-up jerk of nod. "Hey."

Hailey stops mid walk and she stumbles out of a shadow giving an oompf as she tries to break her fall but finds that she needs to be connected to the shadow to move it. "Hello, Um...I'm not sure, I don't *think* I have classes. My enrollment was late and kinda tweaky ya know." she says in a half pass tone. She stands and brushes her outfit off. She's wearing an overformal school uniform too, seems she likes the outfit even in the summer though the thick heavy combat boots do sort of break the impression. "I'm just out here uh...studying." She shrugs then stumbles as the new person appears. "Hey!" She blinks. "You can move around without walking too?" She asks with a suprised tone of voice.

Jax's brows hike upward, and he passes the bottle (not water but enormously over-sweetened basil lemonade) off to Flicker, reluctantly pushing himself up off the railing. "You -- don't know whether you have classes or not?" There's a very faintly tired note to his voice but he pushes it away a moment later in favour of cheerful warmth once more. "That's terrible, I know things been hectic around here but I don't know how anyone slipped up /so/ bad that you fell by the wayside. Come on in with me, I'll help you get squared away right now." Despite the easy warmth in his voice there's a hint of teacher-firmness here that makes this /not/ a /suggestion/.

Too-sweet or not too-sweet, Flicker takes the lemonade and swigs it greedily, blissful refreshing-cold-hydration gulped down like he's been /dying/ of thirst. He hands the bottle back to Jax after a long pull, single arm propping back in against the railing though his other shoulder /twitches/ uncomfortably with the motion. "I like your teacher-voice so much better than your scary commander-voice," he laments -- though it's with faint amusement in his quiet tone. "Does this mean we have a longer break before going back into the grind?" He looks a little bit puzzled at Hailey's surprise, smile a little crooked before it evens back out. "Sure I can. Around here? That's -- pretty normal."

Hailey gives a little urk at his suggestion. "No that's okay, I was going to head there later in the day, After everyone's calmed down from the heat ya know? That way I can get some training in and allow them to catch up without having so much extra work to do." She tries to give him a pass off smile. Clearing her voice a bit as she looks at Flicker. "Oh really? I thought I was unique like that.." She hmms a bit and thinks. "I can only move through shadows, and kinda move them and stuff. Since you did that in broad daylight, do you use the sunlight?"

"That weren't a suggestion, Hailey. The administration's there all day, we can get all your records in order right now. It's sorta terrible it ain't been done /before/ but --" Jax beckons Hailey closer, the warmth in his tone iiiiinching slowly further into just firm territory. "Come on, let's go."

"Shadows?" Flicker's brows crease very briefly, a faintly troubled expression crossing his face -- though it smoothes away quite soon. "No, I don't use sunlight, /this/ guy here is the suncatcher." He tips his head in Jax's direction. "I don't use -- anything, I just teleport. My roommate -- my old roommate, though, he played with shadows a lot. Slipped around them like some kind of ghost." He moves to settle into a chair on the porch, exhaling in quiet relief as he gets off his feet. "You'd best go with him," he adds, cheerfully amused, "he's got stern-voice on now."

Hailey sighs a little bit and nods. "Fine~" she twitches a brow at Flicker before smiling. "Oh I can do that too." she grins and moves into the nearest shadow, walking from another just a short distance away. "It's a nice fun way to get around. Though if I try to go too far I kinda run blind." she grins before remembering she's been teacher'ed "Ngh yeah let's go I guess." She huffs a bit. The street atitude back in her voice and demeanor. No more lazing about it seems.

"I'll ping you when we've gotta get back to training," Jax tells Flicker, leaning in to squeeze the other X-Man's good shoulder. "Won't be long, though. Don't relax /too/ much." Despite Hailey's attitude his own smile has turned back to warm. "Don't worry, it'll be painless, promise. Just be good to get all your records settled, right? I mean, you sure don't want to be stuck in high school /forever/, do you?"

"Definitely a convenient way to travel," Flicker agrees. He rolls his shoulder up into the squeeze -- and then reaches up to /snipe/ Jax's lemonade-bottle back from him. If he's getting downtime, he is getting it with /refreshments/. A very small smile touches his lips at the teacher-student interaction. "Yeah. Can't graduate if you never take class. And the world after high school is a lot more fun." He settles back into his chair, opening up the bottle again to sip at the lemonade and enjoy the sunshine.

Hailey sighs and runs a hand through her hair slowly."Yeah yeah, painless I bet... going to Highschool is such a pain though." she closes her eyes and adjusts her uniform before heading along after him. "I might be able to finish it out, but I mean I have no career in mind. Hell i might just go back to what I was doing before. Being able to phase into where you need kinda keeps you in the state you need." She smirks a bit cockily

Jax doesn't resist the drink-theft, instead just tousling at Flicker's hair. He moves off to the front door, holding the door open for Hailey. "That's aright. You don't really need a career in mind jus' yet. I mean, some people know what they want t'be doin' and that's fine -- but lotsa people well /done/ with high school /still/ ain't quite sure where their path is. We jus' try to make sure you got a solid foundation so you're prepared, /whatever/ you end up decidin'." He holds the door open for Hailey, waiting for the teenager to go back into the school first. "Keepin' your abilities sharp is a good thing, s'true, but there's a whooole lot more to life than that an' it's good to be ready for alla it."

Hailey sighs, she's been defeated for now so she walks into the school and starts down the hall, her bag hanging over her shoulder as she clomps along rather heavily with her boots. "So what classes and junk am I supposed to have anyways?" she asks curiously as she walks along boredly, obviously not too intent on this being her focus at the moment.

"Well, there's a list of /requirements/ you need in order to graduate -- how many credits of math, English, history, all that. An' you got some flexibility in what classes you take /within/ each department. Then there's a few classes -- coupl'a Ethics ones, coupl'a sex ed -- where specific classes is required." Jax shrugs as he leads Hailey down the hall and down the stairs to the basement, heading for the administrative offices. "Then outside of how many credits you need in specific departments, you just need a certain number'a credits /overall/. But there's flexibility there, too. So there's space to take what /interests/ you most after the core curriculum. -- What /does/ interest you most?" He glances back towards her briefly, eyebrows lifting over the edge of his glasses.

Hailey listens halfheartedly and sighs just clomping along until she's talked to directly. "eh, I like exploring. Before I got put in here I used to run the streets, boosting what I need, exploring places. Just kinda ruling the night. I might like to know how to use my powers better and maybe know how to fight. Tch' running is pretty sucky and ruins your credit." she huffs a bit and grabs her arms as she walks to get another stretch. "I don't really have any normal aspirations ya know."

Jax pushes out a small laugh, quiet, through his nose. His mangled hand with its missing finger lifts, for a moment, tracing against the messy snarl of burn-scarring that leaves half his face in ruin. When he drops his hand it is to brush down against the heavy fabric of his X-Uniform pants. "I wouldn't even know what "normal" aspirations /are/," he admits, quietly amused. "An' I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear nothin' about stealin' what you need. With any luck we can help y'learn /other/ ways t'navigate the world."

Once he's /reached/ the office of the assistant headmaster he knocks, waits politely outside for a woman's voice to call enter. Inside, Jean Grey is embroiled in the middle of paperwork already, computer screen filled with some form that she is minimizing as they come in. Her smile is warm, her /mind/ alert to the thoughts of the others entering as well. "Jax. Hailey. Can I help you?"

"Ma'am." Jax may be Dr. Grey's /colleague/ now and not her student any more but old habits die hard. "Hailey was sayin' she didn't never get her enrollment squared away proper? That she don't even know what classes she's meant to be in? I was hopin' we could work that out for her, finally get her settled in right."

There's a small frown that crosses Jean's face. For a moment her mind hones in more /sharply/ on Hailey's. Her fingers are typing at her keys, though this might be only to /verify/ what she already knows, because she's speaking before she's even fully finished pulling up records. "Ms. Star's schedule is very much in order," she assures Jax with a small lift of brows, a small touch of amusement in her eyes. "There's a difference between not /knowing/ where you should be and just not /wanting/ to be there."

Hailey shrugs a little bit with her eyes closed. "Hmmm....I must have not gotten my schedule. Ya know busy zipping here and there and exploring and whatever. That and I havent even gotten really moved into my room. So it may be in there and I didn't notice." She tries to shrug it off. Ms. Grey has done her mind voodoo on Hailey before so she tries the classic cartoon defense of letting her mind race with lots of loud music and random flashing thoughts. It's distracting to do but maybe it will keep this nosy teacher out of her head!"

There's a small twitch upward at the corner of Jean's mouth that never fully makes it into a smile. She glances over Jax and his uniform, glances over Hailey. Gestures to a seat in front of her. "Jax, I believe you have a training to run? I can take things from here. Ms. Star, please sit. I think you and I need to have a talk about responsibility. And honesty."

Jax's brows hike upward, a sudden deep /flush/ darkening his cheeks. "But -- oh. /Oh/." His head dips with the abrupt embarrassment of someone who has very much been taken for a /ride/, and he runs a hand over his bald head. "'pologies, ma'am. An' thank you." His blush is still very much in place as he turns to head out of the room, leaving Hailey with Dr. Grey to sort out truth from fiction.