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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Melinda, Jax, Micah | summary = Visiting Hive and discussing plans. Also discussing discussing plans. >_> | gamedate = 2014-08-24 | gamedatename...")
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Latest revision as of 22:12, 25 August 2014

Dramatis Personae

Melinda, Jax, Micah


Visiting Hive and discussing plans. Also discussing discussing plans. >_>


<NYC> Mount Sinai Hospital – Harlem

There's a sameness about hospitals, same antiseptic smell, same background beeps and the roll of wheels and crackling of intercoms, same mix of interminable waiting and lots of /bustle/. Same cafeteria food and vending machine meals after cafe hours.

The hospital room is quiet - or as quiet as these rooms get. The soft hum of electrical equipment is punctuated by muted beeps of the monitoring devices. Melinda is settled in a chair, trying to relax as much as possible, her feet kicked up on a cooler that has made its way into the room on one of the visitor's many stops. She has a blanket draped over her, from shoulder to hip, hiding a child sized lump that may be attached to her chest at the moment. The rest of her is clothed in yoga pants and a low buttoning henley. Bare feet wiggle bored toes in the air as she shifts her gaze from watching her child to looking out the window.

On one of her rare actual days off, she has left the laptop at home, only a small tablet rests where she usually keeps her 'paperwork.' Breakfast leftover containers are partially overflowing in the trash, but the air is clear of their odor, putting the last meal for mommy a little while ago.

There are quiet footsteps outside the room. Jax pokes his head in quietly before entering properly. He is still dressed from church, a neat white dress shirt paired with grey slacks and a tie; his suit jacket has been removed in the heat to drape over one arm. The same arm bears a Tupperware full of -- cupcakes? muffins? it's hard to tell through the vaguely tinted plastic. "Hey, honey-honey." His smile is slower than it might have been in previous months but no less warm, and he heads over to drop a (very overheated) kiss onto Mel's cheek. He sets the tub on a free bit of table, following up this kiss with a stop by Hive's bedside, fussily fiddling with bedsheets before touching a light kiss to Hive's forehead too. "Y'all doin' aright?"

Less quiet footsteps follow along behind Jax's, Micah's lack of ninja status never really up for debate. His morning, while timed to fit with Jax's purposefully, was certainly less formal. His casual sneakers, jeans, and olive T-shirt bearing a Darwin inspired sketch of finches with adaptive /technology/ upgrades still carry a touch of diner scent on them—coffee and eggs and maple syrup. His auburn hair is already mussed where he pulled off his newsboy cap to shove it into the messenger bag at his hip. A second bag hangs at the opposite side, a rainbow-colourful canvas number, and clinks softly as he moves. His first step is to an unoccupied table, where he deposits the messenger bag over a chair and empties the shopping bag onto the tabletop. Behold there: one thermos each of coffee and tea. There is never enough caffeine to be had in hospitals. He pets a hand over Mel's hair softly in greeting before pulling up a chair near where Hive's head rests on its pillows. An absent hand brushes along Jax's back as he settles in. “Mornin'.” He nods a seconding of Jax's question. “Any news?”

"Yeah, I'm doing alright." Melinda replies quietly, her eyes fluttering closed at the kiss and then at the gentle touch against her hair. She gives them both a smile but stays still, a little too preoccupied to move. "And no. No news, unfortunately. It's eerie, it being so quiet here. Before, you know, you at least knew he was listening even when he was sleeping, now..." She gives a little shake of her head, then a weary smile. "Thanks for coming. How were your mornings?"

"D'you think he can't hear us no more?" This thought puts a deep furrow in Jax's brows, his eye flicking back to Hive's bed. "I mean, maybe he just can't..." He stops here, uncertain, his fingers tracing briefly against the top of the telepath's fuzzy head. "Holy," he answers Mel's question with a crooked smile. "I brung raspberry and banana walnut muffins. If y'want." For himself he is taking the thermos of coffee to open it for a cautious sip, testing the heat. After which he just gives Hive a small /glare/. "Best wake up soon. Have Joshua fix him up proper. He was so excited about goin' to Atlanta nex' weekend."

“He could still be listenin'. An' just can't...tell us just now.” Micah finds a space that isn't full of leads and lines on Hive's hand to rest his own over. “No news can be a good thing. Means he's still here an' restin' an' workin' on gettin' better. S'got quite the rest deficit t'be makin' up.” He finally pulls his eyes off Hive's face and back to Mel. “Had brunch with Dusk. He'll be over here again for a later shift. Tryin' t'spread folks out 'stead of alla us bein' here at once. There's coffee an' tea in the thermoses there if y'want when you're less attached t'the little one. How is she doin', by the way?” Micah's teeth sink into his lower lip at the mere thought of Hive trying to go on that trip. All of the concerns about surgical recovery on top of chemotherapy and immunodeficiency are bit off there.

"Oh, no. I'm.. apologize. I didn't mean to say. I... I'm just pining away for the times when it was easier to believe - to know." Mel's head hangs as she explains, her free hand struggling to find just the right gesture to help this explanation. Instead, it lays back down on her daughter's side. "Yeah. I know he's still here. It's just quiet." She takes in a deep breath and falls into the posture of listening, nodding slowly at the information the other two add to the conversation. She smiles a little at the mention of food and licks her lips. "She's... doing okay. Kind of afraid she's still jet lagged. Probably reacting to all the different environments she's spending time in lately. She's up at the strangest hours and sleeping when she didn't used to. It's also possible she's just being an infant." She pauses for a moment then looks between the couple with a small smile. "Tove's excited that we're probably going to get to feed her solid foods soon. Well, you know, a little bit at a time. She's definitely starting to show interest."

"Maybe she's missin' her daddy's voice." Jax settles onto the floor, church-clothes notwithstanding, leaning back up against Micah's legs. "Oh gosh if she's gonna start solids can I make her /all/ the tasty things? Can start on. Puddings. With all the fruit." Tiny little fruit-cups with large colourful wings start to flit through the air around where Tola is nestled. "... how long till I can give her cupcakes though, I got Priorities."

“Think we're all missin' his voice,” Micah agrees, this statement serving answer to both Mel and Jax. “We've gotta have some recordin's of 'im talkin' somewhere? Tola might like 'em. Ain't the same as voices in 'er head or nothin'. But she might like.” He nods along at the talk of Tola's sleep patterns. “Does take little ones longer t'adjust. An' she's sure been a busy little peanut.” Jax's cooking excitement earns a giggle. “Prob'ly just purees for awhile at first, sugar. Babies ain't so much...needin' any added flavourin' or sweeteners or nothin'. Takin' whole fruits or veggies an' just makin' 'em mush s'about the best way t'start.” His head shakes, giggles returning at the idea of giving the baby cupcakes.

"Yeah, It's more boring cereals at first, different fruits and veggies next, slowing building up a list of things we know she can eat without problems." Mel agrees with Micah, nodding after his last statements. "Gotta establish what she may or may not be allergic to before combining foods into more complicated dishes. But... Cupcakes will come." She inhales deeply then grows thoughtful, adding softy, "I... probably want to hear those too. The recordings."

"Well, fresh fruits we got in plenty, Jim sees t'that good enough. -- I can do /healthy/ things too," Jax protests with a laugh, "once we get past the puree stage." His teeth scrape against his lower lip, eye lifting towards the bed. "... don't know as you quite want recordings of training sessions but I got those in plenty. Dusk may have more, uh, casual type. Things. 'course y'could always call his phone an' listen to his answer message."

“I'll hafta look through the home videos I've got stored an' see what's on there. I'll send any to you that have a lotta him in 'em.” Micah pulls his phone out to put a /reminder/ in so that he'll do this in the nebulous future. Before the phone gets a chance to return to his pocket it vibrates with a text message. “Oh, there's the lunch food. I ordered a bunch t'have here for folks in the afternoon an' early evenin'...however long it lasts. Gotta run t'pick up.” He gives Hive's fingers a little squeeze before he stands, passing out hugs and kisses to Jax and Mel on his way. The messenger bag and canvas shopping bag find their way to one shoulder each as he waves and heads out the door.

Mel nods stiffly at the offer and gives a small smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, that'll be good. Just... Yeah." She nods again and looks down, starting to shift things under the blanket, pulling the baby away and covering herself and adjusting her shirt. She then pulls the cover off and half folds, half drapes it over the arm of the chair. "I... think I could use a muffin now, if you don't mind. Tola's probably going to be out for a while. Kind of hard to stand up, she's getting so heavy, kind of throwing off that initial lift balance."

Jax rises after Micah does, returning the hug one-armed and then moving to open the muffin tub. "Raspberry or banana nut?" He sets her selection down within easy reach, a small smile on his face as he looks over at Tola. There is, though, a distinct creeping discomfort settling into his posture as Micah heads out; it makes his perch on the chair his husband just vacated a little bit tenser than he had been. "Did she like Thailand? Did /you/ like Thailand? I only heard good things afore. 'bout the place an' Hive's family both."

"Oh, Thailand," Mel turns her head to look over the selection and grabs a raspberry muffin to start, balancing it on the arm of her chair as she picks at the paper with one hand. "She loved Thailand. There were so many new people and she was constantly being entertained. She has so many more family now, I'm thrilled that she had that opportunity. I hope she remembers some of it. The heat was lovely too. I think she really thrived in the humidity." She picks out a small edge and pops it into her mouth, her gaze skating over to Jax's face. "You okay?"

"She make friends with the local plants? Flicker said Hive's family adored her too. That's gotta be great. Y'can't never have enough family. An' maybe after Hive's better again an' she's a touch older, can make a /proper/ vacation of it." This thought at least puts an easier smile on Jax's face, though his posture stays tense. It relaxes just a hint at Mel's question, cheeks flushing deep red. "Oh gosh I'm good I just." His fist circles over his heart. "Just been not good lately at -- I'm fine."

"If she is, I'm not sure how to tell yet. I guess we could ask Jim." Melinda gives a little shrug and takes another bite, this time studying Jax as he blushes. "If there's anything I can do, please. You kind of look like you have a... something stuck somewhere uncomfortable and you're kind of hot too." She winces as she speaks, chewing on her lip now that the muffin is clear of her mouth. "You're family. I apologize if I'm a little... well, less formal when I'm concerned. Just... I'm here for you."

"Just. Ain't been doin' so good, I think. Since the. Last raid, I -- should just kinda get /past/ it by now but m'head's been a little. Stuck." Jax blushes deeper, looking down at his hands. His fingers fidget together in his lap and after a moment he reaches forward to take a raspberry muffin as well. "You don't got nothin' to apologize for, honey-honey. You /are/ family, I just been. I guess just feelin' like. With everything else there is to worry about --" Briefly, he glances towards Hive. "Don't like just bein' a mess when there's other things need tendin', y'know?"

Mel listens and nods, gaze drifting between him and her muffin, the food needing a little more concentration to move to her mouth. She chews quietly and thoughtfully, brow furrowing as he finishes. "Ah. Well. I think it's okay if we're all a mess together, okay? Besides, as much as I love Hive, there isn't a whole lot we can do for him right now, other than keep ourselves close and be around when he wakes." She looks over at the silent form on the bed, her expression melting into something more sorrowful, the pinch in her brows and lips echoing her concern. "I think he'd want you to take some time for yourself now. And no more talk of just getting beyond the last raid. What happened... it was hard. It's not something you just get over." She falls silent afterward, lost in thought.

Jax's mouth twists up at one corner, a little bit wry. "Guess there's been plenty enough mess t'go 'round, huh?" His hand skims over the top of his head, fuzzy with a few days' regrowth of hair. "Kinda been doin' nothin' but taking time for myself -- kinda? I mean I barely been functional since all that just. Hidin' out at home ignoring the world. Only but I don't know as it's properly... ain't felt /rested/, y'know? Only jus' tired. Brooding. Ain't sure how to make that. Constructive." His head shakes as his hand drops back to take a pinch of muffin. "An' I'm supposed t'be going to Atlanta next weekend t'work but I can't imagine Micah's gonna come with if Hive's still in a bad way an' I so don't think I could handle crowds without -- but that ain't fair to put on him an' --" He tosses Mel a sheepish look and takes another bite of muffin. "How you been holding up with. Everything?"

"I don't know," Mel replies quietly, forcing her attention back toward Jax. "Brooding can be okay, maybe. It's got to be part of a process some how, but talking with people might turn it into something constructive. Have you asked Micah about the trip to Atlanta? I mean... well, there are a lot of people here right now, here to help Hive, and if it's important to you to go, then maybe talking with him might help him lean more toward doing that. Besides, until he wakes up -- is there anything to do?" She searches his face before glancing down at Tola and then over to her muffin.

"As for me? I don't know much either. I'm here. I'm working. I'm doing what I can, but I'm also just spending time with Tola, focusing on her without obsessing, hopefully. I'm not ... good. I'm definitely a mess, but I feel like I have a lot of good people around me, so if I do end up unable to get out of bed under the weight of it all, it'll be okay. That... kind of helps me get out of bed." She gives a little shrug and pops some more of the muffin in her mouth. There's only a brief chew before she moves it all against her cheek and continues. "Feel like I'm kind of here to help people talk about things, lately."

Jax shakes his head slightly. "I ain't asked him nothing 'bout it. Kinda felt lately I ain't been nothin' but a huge burden an' I don't want to --" He shrugs a shoulder quickly, nabbing the coffee thermos for a gulp. "Do you need a hug? I feel like hugs might be in order. Things just been -- I mean, s'probably things you want t'talk 'bout too?"

Micah returns with not just that first canvas shopping bag, but another pair added to it full of smaller containers of sandwiches and a few other veggie dishes that will stand up well to waiting for people to eat them. He moves rather quickly to the table again to deposit the bags on it. “Hey, folks. I come bearin' food if anybody's in need of some lunch. S'mostly sandwiches.” He pauses once he finally gets a good /look/ at the other two. “Oh... Y'all got serious faces on.” His teeth grab at his lower lip, pulling the skin taut. “S'everythin' okay?”

"Oh, Jax, you got to at least talk to him about it. Communication's important between part..." Mel cuts herself off when Micah reenters the room, leaving him to be greeted by that awkward silence that might let the newcomer know they are being talked about. She purses her lips as Jax shifts the topic and considers quietly, only responding when Micah finishes. "Yes. I could use a hug. I can almost always use a hug now a days. As far as talking about things, I'm pretty good at blurting things out. Comes with the territory of... being with a telepath. I don't really have anything burning inside me at the moment that I need to get out, but if think of something, I'll come find you."

She inhales deeply and shrugs to Micah. "Ah. Well. Talking about talking. It's a very meta-conversation conversation. Those always get a bit heavy, I think." There's a brief pause and then, "So, what kind of sandwiches?"

"Oh!" Jax's expression brightens visibly when Micah returns, his posture perking up in his seat. This puts his blush back into place, furious red as Micah puts the food down. He gets up from his seat, moving over to give Mel a tight hug, leaning in at the side where Tola isn't sleeping on. "Good 'cuz I always got so many hugs. Free any time y'need." The blush doesn't fade even after he straightens again, his fingers skimming again over his skull. "Yeah was kinda. Talkin' about talkin'." He doesn't yet sit down again, leaving the seat to Micah again. "Did you have thoughts about -- was you still plannin' t'come to Atlanta?"

Micah's eyes go a little wider as he looks back and forth between Jax and Mel. “Oh...okay.” He blinks several times, feeling like he doesn't have the full picture. Particularly with Jax's blushing. Knowing better than to /mention/ it, he just watches Jax a moment longer, a pale pink surfacing in his own cheeks. “Sandwiches, um.” That's a safe and simple enough topic. “I got bunches. All vegetarian an' some vegan. They're all clear marked. Couple veggie burgers. Couple paninis...mushroom kind an' an avocado kind an' a tempeh thing. An' sandwiches with a lotta sprouts, some avocado, some fake turkey, some sunflower seed based thing. Y'want me t'bring y'one?” He /might/ not have a future in food sales. He shifts a bit toward Jax, then stops, remembering he just offered to fetch food. “Ohgosh, right, that's comin' up right soon, isn't it? Was...I guess that whole bringin' a big group thought we had ain't like t'happen. Dusk's still got 'is monitor on. An' Hive's here. Flicker'll wanna stay with Hive. The pups plannin' on goin'?” His fingers rake through his hair. “S'pose it depends where I end up needed most. Where the kids're gonna be an' who's...where.” There's a little bunny crinkle of his nose. “Don't guess that was much of an answer.”

Melinda reaches an arm out to wrap around Jax's shoulders as he moves in for a hug. It starts out warm tight and fierce, but pulls back somewhat quickly. Her hand gives a fond rub at his back as she mentions, "the day you run out of hugs or start charging is when I organize an intervention." Then, she turns her head toward Micah. "Maybe after I finish my muffin," Mel initially declines, despite the intrigue blooming on her features as the sandwiches are described. Fingers dig into the muffin once more, finding a solid outside edge to pry off. She draws a deep breath. "Yeah, not actually an answer," She agrees quietly, then amends, "sounds like maybe it's more of an immediate family discussion."

Jax's hug in return is fierce as well, tight and unfortunately rather uncomfortably warm. "Hug intervention? I don't think I'd complain much 'bout all m'friends gatherin' up t'hug me." He drops a kiss on Mel's cheek afterwards, turning aside at the talk of food to rifle through the paninis and claim a mushroom one for himself. "The pups wanted to go before. Ain't sure how everyone's feelin' now," he answers Micah, his tone skewing just a little more uncomfortable with his added, "I kinda gotta go, though, s'... work for me an' I been doin' little enough'a that as-is." He rubs his free hand against the back of his neck, looking down at the sandwich he holds.

Micah nods at Mel's delay of sandwich, shifting to walk over to the others until Jax comes to him. “Figured you for a mushroom or avocado,” he informs Jax with a soft smile, directing him to the appropriate bag. Once his hands are free, he wraps an arm around his husband's shoulders. “Of course y'gotta go, hon. Y'been plannin' this for a hot minute an' s'good for your art gettin' exposure an' sales. I...just don't know how comfortable I'd be, both of us leavin' the kids all the way up here just now, considerin' what all's goin' on. Otherwise I'd sure be goin' like I said. We do...maybe need t'talk at 'em 'bout what they're doin'.”

"I can watch the kids," Melinda offers from her seat, watching quietly. "I know things have been rough, I'm sure that the four of us can manage for a little while, just so you guys can go together to this work opportunity. I know I'm not like you, Jax, with the powers and all, but twins can stay at the school for protection and I can ferry the them to their jobs in the afternoon." She straightens up a bit and glances back and forth between them before offering, "but definitely, talk to all of them about it, not just about scheduling, but maybe about their feelings, too," there's a quick, almost pointed glance at Micah here, but she quickly looks back to Jax. "I'm sure if everyone knows everything, you'll all be able to work something out."

Jax leans into Micah's touch, nestling against his husband's side and unwrapping the sandwich to nibble at it. "I think," he says with a somewhat shy glance to Mel, "that that's Mel's tactful way of sayin' I should speak plain with you 'bout how not real confident --" He wrinkles his nose, cheeks flushing again. "-- how scared," he amends awkwardly, "I kinda am about. Lotsa travel. Huge big crowds. On m'own. But I -- yeah. The kids need." He shakes his head here, giving Mel a grateful look after. "You sure you wouldn't mind that if they're okay with it? I mean who knows mebbe they'll still want to come but. I don't know as it'd even require much ferrying 'cept Spence, I imagine all the boys -- all the kids'd be aright stayin' here in the pups' house but. Jus' knowing someone was around for them would be. Good."

“Thanks for offer, sugar. I /know/ they got plenty of people up here t'look out for 'em. An' it's not so much their...physical safety I'm worried about. Goodness knows, anythin' like that happens an' /I'm/ the one around, they're more likely t'end up protectin' /me/.” The tilt of Micah's head is only the least bit sheepish, nothing self-deprecating in the simple assessment of facts. “But they've had...a rough time of it lately. An' B ain't always the best at expressin' hir needs. An'...the twins at least've both felt more often'n I'd like that we got so much on our plates that /they/ get put off.” A small pink triangle of tongue slides over his lips to moisten them. “So's I just think we gotta talk to 'em 'bout what they're doin' an' what they need first. Might be a moot point if they're still /comin'/. I'm just hesitant t'give a solid answer on what I'm doin' 'til I know what's goin' on with the kids an' how they feel 'bout it.” His arm squeezes at Jax again, hand rubbing at his shoulder blade. “An' if they /aren't/ goin' an' they /do/ need me up here, we maybe need t'figure someone else t'go with /you/. Considerin'.”

Micah falls silent when Jax begins his prompted explanation. “Oh...sugar. It's still that bad. I should've thought better... After y'went on that trip with Noah I guess I backed off more'n I should've on you needin' help with gettin' back out. We'll talk with the pups. Like I said, could be a moot point an' we're /all/ goin'. An' maybe if they aren't, it'd be okay me goin' an' us video chattin' with 'em a few times a day or... We'll get it figured. Need alla us t'talk t'gether here quick, s'what's needed.”

"Of course I'd stay with them," Mel shakes her head, a little bit of amusement playing across her face. "I love those kids. I may not be able to help B with everything ze needs, but I can remind hir to eat and sleep and offer hugs when desired. Hold down the fort, if you will." She picks at the last of her muffin and nods along with the rest of the dialog. "Yeah. Just... talk to everyone openly and honestly and I think you'll work it all out. It's the best place to start." She stuffs the last bit of cupcake in her mouth and leans back in her chair, shifting which ankle is crossed over the other, appearing tired just then.

"'pologies," Jax murmurs to Micah, dipping his head slightly, "s'just different going out to. Quiet. The mountains. An' heading into -- huge crowded --" He shakes his head quickly, moving to perch just on the edge of the bed. "We'll talk t'them an' let you know, thanks, sugar. S'there somethin' we can do for you y'look a little beat. Or mebbe can just quiet down a spell. Play a game or somethin'." There's been a small store of them gathering with all the people here around the clock.

“Sure, thanks, honey. I think we just need t'all talk about it an' we won't know what direction t'go in 'til that happens.” Micah pulls Jax a little closer, careful of the sandwich, kissing him on the forehead. “Don't apologise. There's things y'need an' things y'feel an' it just...takes time t'work through 'em. I know you're not /choosin'/ for this t'be difficult for you, sugar.” He gives Jax's shoulder one last squeeze as the other man makes for a new seat. “Absolutely, honey. Let us know what we can do, too. I know Tove an' Jim got Tola covered most of the time when you ain't around, but let us know if there's ever anythin' else y'need for her. Or /you/.” He gestures to the food on the table. “Want that sandwich now? Just tell me what kinda things're soundin' good an' I'll bring it. Um...there's also a few orders of fries an' lots of little bags of kettle chips an' a container of pickle spears an' some cups of spiced apple slices. Side things as came with 'em.”

Melinda stays quiet while the other two discuss their more personal affairs, keeping her opinion to herself now. She slowly moves her legs off of the cooler and starts balling herself forward, getting to her feet as soon as she's certain of her balance. The blanket she used as a cover falls to the ground when she shifts, but she doesn't pay attention to it. Instead, she heads over to Hive's bed and starts fussing with one of his arms - the one that has the least amount of medical paraphernalia attached to it. As she pulls away, she leaves Tola behind, the sleeping patient holding her in place on the hospital bed, blankets pulled up around her arms. "Hmm. Me?" She turns to look back at the married couple, still a little sleepy, but not as near to unconsciousness as when she was sitting. "If I think of something, I'll let you know. The apples sound good. And maybe a game, if we can keep it quiet for Tola."

Jax is quiet, watching as Mel tucks Tola in at Hive's side. It takes a long moment afterwards for him to shake himself back into the present, a reflexive smile touching his lips briefly. He abandons the sandwich to the table so that he can go pick up Fluxx's box from the small store of games. "We can do quiet."

Micah shuffles through the bags to find a little round black plastic container of cinnamon apples, a plastic fork, and a napkin to bring to Mel. He waits for her to finish situating Tola, watching the process with a smile that has a sadness to it. Once Mel is seated, he passes them off to her, then drags other chairs as close to her seat as possible with a minimum of noise. Once the stage is set, he fetches himself a tea thermos and a little container of fries with a pickle on the side to nibble at until he wants a sandwich later. “Quiet sounds nice for a bit, actually.”