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Planning the Date
Dramatis Personae

Alexandrine, Dan

20 February, 2013

Smart phones make bad ideas easier.


Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Hey, It's Alex. You free?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Yeah. Just sitting lobby duty tonight.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: What's up?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Like security work? Nifty. So, what's your favorite color?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Yeah, I do security work full-time. I just help out at Molly's fr time to time.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Red. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Ha HA you're funny. Next favorite, then.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Red really is my favorite. My next favorite is grey. Soft grey.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Grey. Okay. any others that rank up there?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I'm batting zero, huh? Lol

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: No, I like grey. Just curious.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I'm partial to blue, too. And purple.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Hang on. Duty calls.

(20 minutes later)

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Okay. Sorry. Drunk in the lobby.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Good to know. Sry about the drunk.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Where we going to dinner?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Hazard of having a bar in the lobby.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You don't want to be surprised?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Oh. I had a question about that, actually.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Does a woman ever? I just don't know what to wear. Girl thing, I know.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: About what?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You like 40's music? Place I'm thinking of is like a dinner club? They do jazz and big band stuff.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: They got a dance floor. I'm not as good as you, but I can move around the floor and not break your toes. Lol

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Yes. I like most, but Jazz and big band are some of my fav. Do you even like to dance?

(Five minutes later)

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I like it with the right girl.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Might leave me out then. ;) You're not doing the music and dancing thing just to be nice to me, are you?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I like music. I like food. I like dancing. I like you.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Yep. Just being nice. ;-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Well, most ppl like food, don't they? You know I like dancing and music. I lick you too.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Like!! LIKE. OMG.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: rofl

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Let's just have dinner and dancing first, and see where the night goes. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: If I don't crawl under a rock and die from embarrassment, first.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: My mother warned me about you Southern belles.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: She did, did she? What did she say?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: lol. She hates my sister-in-law. The one from Charlotte. She thinks all Southern women are trouble.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You're not trouble, are you?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I'm a redheaded dancer. She would think I'm the devil. There's really no good way to answer that question, is there?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I say yes, you run. I say no, bored.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I'm former Army. I don't run from trouble that easy.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I also like the quiet.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: But what if I don't know the answer? The only one who ever called me trouble was momma.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Hah. Mothers know.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: My gran says my momma was trouble. Don't all mothers say that?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Mine did. Of course, she was right.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Are you trouble, Dan? Should I be worried? :P

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Oh, yeah. I'm all kinds of trouble.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: That's why we get along so well.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: LOL I don't know what you mean. I'm a sweet good girl. That's why we get along.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Exactly. ;-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: You're too much, you know that? So, what's your favorite drink?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Sorry. Am I coming on too strong? Haven't done this in a while.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Bourbon, straight up. After that, Scotch.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Too much as in making me laugh. Haven't done this? Rly?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Bourbon. Knew I liked you.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I haven't dated anyone in a long time.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Really? Can I ask why? Just mean you're a nice enough guy, good looking. Don't have to tell me, if you don't want. I'll understand.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: No, it's okay.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I lost my wife a little over three years ago.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Haven't really felt like dating before this.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Oh god, sugar, I'm sorry. I.. well, Sorry is about all I can say, huh?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: It's okay. I still miss her, but it's getting better. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Is it wrong I wish I could sort of..umm give you a drink and a hug, all at once?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Aw. You're gonna make me blush here at work.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You're sweet.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Pssht. Like you didn't make me blush, telling me you liked me. And I'm not always sweet. Or at least not according to momma.

Dan (to Alexandrine )TEXT: Even better. Keeps it exciting.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: You might regret thinking that! ;)

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Nah.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: There's probably lots of stuff I'll regret, but thinking you're exciting isn't one of them.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I can't believe I just texted that. Pretty corny, huh?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Does it make me corny if I smiled?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: No. It makes me feel better, though.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: There you go, then. So, you have a favorite dessert?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You'll laugh.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: My favorite dessert of all time is vanilla ice cream with strawberries in syrup.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: My ma used to serve it on Sundays, after lunch.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Why would I laugh at that?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: People say it doesn't really suit me. Like I should be eating some fancy thing like that shit they set on fire.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: But I like stuff that makes me feel good when I eat it.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Baked Alaska? No. You don't strike me as the uppity type. Good tasting simple stuff, is what I would think.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I had some of that baked Alaska at a fancy dinner, once. It was just hot ice cream and egg whites with brandy poured on it.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: fanciest I ever get is creme brulee. Birthday thing. But my favorite is banana cream pie. No smart remarks now.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I like banana cream pie. Also lemon merange. Hey, I know a good pie place. We should go there, after dinner and dancing.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Now you're just trying to get brownie points, or something.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Is it working?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Maybe. You're not one of those guys who gets offended if a girl actually eats, are you?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Shit, no. If I'm buying dinner, I want to see the food get eaten. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Because I actually eat. I burn too many calories dancing not to. Wait...who said you were buying?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Oh, no. Don't tell me you're one of those women who won't let a fellow buy the dinner he invited you to, are you?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I like to treat a lady like a lady on a date.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I... I was told women should be ready to pay half, was all. I mean, I'm not going to be stubborn about it. It's kinda nice to know gents still exist.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: My ma would wear my ass out if I asked a woman to dinner and asked her to pay half. I was raised right.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: At least on that, your ma and my momma would agree.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Be too forward if I asked you if you wanted to meet for coffee when you're off in the morning?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Nah. I'd like that.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You know a coffee place called Malebolge or something like that?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Can't say I do. Sounds like German porn or something.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Montague's. That's the name of it. I knew it was something classy sounding.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: If you think stories about teenage infatuation and suicide are classy :P. Heard of it, yeah.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: How about we meet there for coffee? My shift ends at 6, so I can go home and shower and meet you there around 7? Or later, if that's too early.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: All going to get all pretty for me? 7 is fine, I have a class pretty early tomorrow anyhow. I'm an early riser.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: lol. You don't want to smell me after sitting in this stupid lobby all night. This place smells like bad shrimp curry. :-P

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Still, sweet of you to think of it. I've probably smelled worse in the FQ,

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: We've already met over coffee when I was gross. I'd rather do it right this time.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: When do you start at your prep school job?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Three weeks. they do terms different, so...

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Wow. That's soon.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You said it was upstate? Are you moving up there?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Outside the city. It's doable by train and stuff. Not moving out of my place or anything.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: That's good. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Who knows, maybe after this date you'll wish I'd go away. :P

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: It'd have to be a pretty bad date. Like, you stabbing me with a fork or stealing my wallet bad.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: So being boring isn't enough?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You've met me, right? I'm not exactly the most exciting man in the world.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I don't even like Dos Equis.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Thank god. The only thing /good/ about that beer is the commercial!

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: A woman after my own heart.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I don't much fancy beers, but if I'm going to drink them. I prefer them dark. A good porter, stout. You know.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I drink Guiness on St. Patrick's day. Because they can't dye it green. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I might have to really like you.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Go ahead. I don't mind.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: A girl could take that as a challenge.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You seem like you're sturdy enough for it.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: You have no idea what I'm capable of, sugar.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Hah. I'm looking forward to finding out,.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: You sound so sure of that. Now I'll have to plan how to keep you on your toes.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: You trying to scare me? Cause it's not working. :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Scare you? No. Make you wonder? Maybe.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Tell yourself that. I know you're terrified! .. or not. ;)

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Ha ha. Don't front. You're just as scared of me. Clearly, we need to keep an eye on each other for our mutual safety.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Scared? Of what, sugar? And you just want to keep an eye on me, ha ha. :P

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Any good girl should be a little afraid of a Brooklyn Mick. We're the scariest guys around. Lol

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Me, scared of you? You, scary? You haven't shown me that side, sugar. And maybe a little wary, but not scared.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I hope I don't ever scare you.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: And I'm wary, too. This is new territory for me.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I don't scare too easy. And new territory? I'm sure you've been charming ladies since you were a little lad.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Nah. Before the Army, I was a real jerk. Ellen was the only girl who didn't think I was a complete fuck up.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Before the army, you probably were. But most young men /are/, sugar.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Hah. If you meet my sister Kathleen, she's got all kinds of stories about me back then. None of them I approve of. ;-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I may not have any, but I am pretty sure that is the job of a sister.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Well, I've got seven of them, so there's plenty to hear. Lol

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: And I have no one but my momma to embarrass me. And her 1200 miles away. How did I get so lucky?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Right place, right time? I never go in that coffee shop.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Oh, you meant about your mom being so far away. ;-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT LOL I go there randomly. I forget it's there, sometimes. The one barista there is amazing with her skills. And yes, momma being so far, too.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: It was good coffee. I'm glad I was there that morning.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Just for the coffee?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: No.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Good, me either.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: I'm going to have to do rounds, soon. I should let you get some sleep if we're going to have coffee in the morning. :-)

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Gotta be bright-eyed for your class! Can't be on your toes if you're not on your toes.

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I did it for years, it's called college. But you probably have to work, I've been inconsiderate. So 7?

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: Nah. I've enjoyed having someone to talk to during my shift. This shit is boring.

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: 7 AM. Montague's. I'll buy the coffee, and you can buy the muffins or whatever. Fair enough?

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: I don't generally text this much. It's been fun. See you at 7, and yes, I've got the pastries! See you then!

Dan (to Alexandrine) TEXT: See you then! Sleep tight! :-)

Alexandrine (to Dan) TEXT: Night!