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Revision as of 07:00, 24 November 2015

Sleepy Beauty
Dramatis Personae

Jack and Sergio


Jack finds Sergio incapacitated shortly after this and brings him to the Infirmary. (Part of Flu Season TP.)


<XS> Cody, Jack and Sergio's Dorm - FL2

The influx of new students this year has led to a bit of overcrowding at Xavier's, and it is starting to show in the dorm arrangements, many rooms like this one refitted for three students where they had once been built for only two. The standard two closets have been joined by a large armoire against one wall; three dressers have been moved in, three desks. A bunk bed on the left side, a lofted twin with its desk underneath it on the right.

The water from Liv's flower vase as stopped spreading. Now, it remains stagnant in a wide, oblong circle that seems to take up the entire room. Spikes of glass glitter where they hide in the puddle, some larger and some almost microscopic.

The water has just reached Sergio's head, where it is folded under his shoulder unusually. A lush bruise has begin to form on the teen's forehead. On his desk, his gameboy still flashes on its pause screen.

Coming up from a workout down in the gym and still slightly damp from the shower, Jack's got his gym bag hanging off one shoulder as he approaches the room he shares with Cody and Sergio. In lounge pants and a red hoodie, he pauses when he sees the door ajar. Shoulders tense and he carefully pushes the door open with his TK. The scene he finds isn't one he's expecting though. And once the shock wears off, he curses in Spanish. Ignoring the crunch of glass under sneakers and the splashing, he drops to his knees at Sergio's side and checks for a pulse while looking for any immediate signs of injury.

Unconscious but not dead, Sergio's pulse has the steadiness of someone who might be sleeping. Save for the bruise, the teen appears to have no other injuries.

Through Jack's eyes, Sergio's disembodied mind watches in silence as his roommate and best friend inspects him. He doesn't reach out, out of shame or shock or some median between the two.

Jack lets out a breath of relief when he feels that steady pulse. Some of the fear that had spiked in him when he saw the scene drained away but he is still running on adrenaline. "{Okay...okay...}" Jack murmurs in Spanish. He glances around at the glass and then frowns. The first fall and bump had worried him so he wasn't taking a chance this time. He starts to say something but stops when the whole 'No English' thing is remembered. "{Infirmary.}" he says. He knows Sergio wouldn't be able to understand and doesn't even know if he's floating around or just normally unconscious but he still says it, getting up to wheel Sergio's wheelchair over. He starts to carefully lift Sergio into the chair physically.

Sergio offers no resistance. His body is dead weight, head flopping loosely on his neck as he’s moved. His hands and bare feet just drag.

Jack uses his TK to help keep Sergio's head a little but otherwise sticks to not using powers. Once he's sure Sergio is secure in the chair, Jack starts wheeling him down to the infirmary. He'll deal with the mess in the room later. For now, he's just worried about his friend.

Watching himself get hoisted into the chair, Sergio waits for Jack to leave ...and for the room to go back to black.