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Revision as of 09:15, 2 January 2016

Scent Socialization
Dramatis Personae

Dani & Jack


"I've smelled worse."


<XS> Stables

The distinctive smell of hay and sawdust and horses greets visitors to this large barn, kept well-tended by the stablehand and those who have a passion here for equestrianism. The horses at Xavier's are well cared for, stabled in comfortable stalls. The walls host a plethora of tack for those who wish to take a jaunt around the grounds.

Past dinner time but still well before curfews are up, not many people are out on the grounds. The chilly weather and threat of freezing rain have chased many in to shelter. Jack is undeterred though. In jeans, sneakers, and a plain black hoodie, he's on his way into the stables in search of his roommate. Sure he could text him and find out where he is but he's saving that for after he checks the most likely areas. He's careful as he walks into the building though, not wanting to spook the horses. "Don't mind me, guys...just looking for my roommate..."

One such horse very well does mind. At least 17 hands high, Brightwind rounds the corner bend of the stables and comes to an abrupt stop upon spotting the floating, empty clothes. His proprietary offended, the great white stallion flares his nostrils and stomps. The loose horse might appear unaccompanied at first glance but soon enough his rider appears.

With a red headband and her hair tied into two long braids, Danielle strolls casually just a few paces behind her mount. Finger by finger, she tugs off her riding gloves as she walks. "Don't mind him," she assures Jack from afar, shaking her head, "He doesn't like change. And this is a BIG change from Colorado." Coming up along side Brightwind, Dani heartily pats the horse's flank.

Shoulder tense and Jack curses silently at the sight of the horse. One that looks angry and he's ready to jump out of the way if he has to. He really hopes he won't though. When Dani appears, Jack relaxes a little, letting out a breath. He watches her for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah...I don't think there are ghosts out there," he tries to joke.

Pressing her lips into a toothless smile, Dani continues moving forward until she is close enough to take Brightwind by the reins, “But there certainly are here, aren’t there?” She motions gingerly with her free hand towards a nearby rope attached to the wall of the stables with a clip, “Grab that for me?” At the same time, grabs one nearer to her to attach to one side of the horse’s bridle. With both, he’ll be locked in place. “I don’t think your roommate is here. Been just me for an hour or so.”

"Just me, the ghost of dirty laundry. Come to haunt everyone for not using enough fabric softener," Jack continues the joke, gesturing vaguely with an empty sleeve. His empty hood tilts to the side at the request and then nods. "Sure," he replies, heading over to retrieve the rope. He brings it over and offers it to Dani, watching curiously as she secures the horse. "Oh...thanks. He hangs out here a lot."

“I’d say something about the smell of manure, but I’ve already heard about some of the recent houseguests you all just had,” Dani smiles more, taking the rope with a nod of thanks, “Oh, yeah? What’s his name?” Rounding the horse to retrieve two brushes, she tosses one to Jack and starts brushing down the side of the horse closest to her with the other, “I’ve only just moved back, still picking up on who everybody is.”

Jack gives a little snort. "I've smelled worse," he says casually. "Cody Maddox," he replies, catching the brush and looking as surprised as empty clothes can. He watches Dani a few moments and looks at the brush. "Oh...I'm Jack," he offers, avoiding using his last name like always. He shrugs and carefully starts to brush the horse.

"I'm Dani," the woman responds, paying more mind to what she's doing than to Jack, "This is big jerk Brightwind. What does /Cody Maddox/ look like? Maybe Brightwind's seen him." She's hardly gentle with the brush, but then how can you be and still expect to get all the dirt out? "Then again, he's a grumpy old man at heart. Humans more or less look all the same to him."

Jack is a little awkward as he brushes, having never actually taken care of a horse before. "You're...a Professor here then?" he guesses. Jack takes a moment before describing his roommate, shrugging a bit as he does. "Don't horses use uh...scent more than sight?"

“That I am,” Dani grins, “Yes, their sense of smell has a lot to do with their socialization, especially. That’s why it’s always polite to approach a horse with the back of your hand extended to smell. It let’s them know you’re a herd-mate, and not a predator. But horses also have a 180-degree field of vision, and it’s just plain easier to communicate images to him rather than how we would communicate uhm, mentally. If that makes any sense.” She shrugs a shoulder, finishing off her side and tossing the brush away, “He may have seen him earlier, before dinner if that’s helpful.”

"Oh," Jack stands up a little straighter at that news. He tends to be a little less casual around Professors. "I tend to have some issues with hand-related gestures," he remarks. "You can talk to animals telepathically?" he asks, a little slower on the brushing. The information on Cody gets a nod. "It's a little helpful. Thanks," he pauses a beat. "To both of you."

Dani chuckles as the boy becomes more formal, "At ease, soldier." She tussles Brightwind's mane, "Yeah, I can. Not in the same way we think of talking, but yeah. Here," the Cheyenne woman holds out her hand to take the brush from Jack if he'll hand it, "You can't be afraid to really get in there. It feels good to him."

"Ah...Lo siento," Jack replies. He nods a bit as Dani explains. It doesn't make complete sense but he gets it enough. The brush is handed over, Jack rubbing the back of his neck. "I've never had much interaction with animals before I came least not the uh...friendly kind."

Dani digs right in with the brush, "Well, Brightwind might not be where to start. He's kindof a dick but you should give them a shot. They're a lot less complicated than people." Finishing up, she lets out a huff of exertion before moving to unclip Brightwind and lead him into his stall, "But if you ever want to learn to ride, say the word." She snaps her fingers, "Or ask your roommate to show you the ropes. Might as well take advantage. These are the best stables on campus."

Jack isn't so sure about riding but he does give a little laugh at the mention of animals being less complicated. " seems that way. At least what I've seen so far...animals are a lot easier to deal with. The ones that don't freak out about the whole...invisible thing anyway," he says.

Coming out of the stall with bridle in-hand, Dani carefully latches the door. “As opposed to all the people that I’m sure don’t freak out at all,” she adds with a skeptical tone, “That’s a tough break. But I’ll tell you what, if you go traditional English style - half the point is making sure no one can tell what your hands are doing with the reins. You’d be a natural.” Winking, Dani crosses to hang up her tack.

Jack's shoulders slump. "Freak out, gawk, call me every insult they can think of..." Jack trails off, gesturing with an empty sleeve. "Huh?" he ends up looking like very confused floating clothes. "English style what?"

"Riding," Dani elaborates, barely. "Walk with me," she commands a nice way! "When I was your age, and I was first sent here, I was a walking pariah. I couldn't control anything, and let myself get really down, and pissed and bitter about all the people that rejected me for what I was. And I let it stop me from letting in the people that didn't, and wouldn't." She gives the teen a hearty pat on the back, "So, next time an animal gets spooked by you. I want you to offer it your hand to sniff and reassure it."

"There are styles of riding?" Jack seems amazed by that. He brushes it off though, something to look up later. Instead he walks with Dani, hands slipping into his hoodie pocket. His unseen expression darkens a little at the story but he nods. The pat makes him pause, Jack quirking an unseen brow and giving a little smile. "Alright...I'll give it a shot. But I reserve the right to make a bad joke if I get bit," he says. There's a chime from his pocket as his phone goes off, Jack blinking and fishing it out to check quickly. "And my advisor wants to meet early...I have to get going. It was nice talking to you, Professor. And uh," he rubs the back of his neck. "Welcome back I guess," he adds, starting to jog towards the mansion.