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Revision as of 20:53, 25 January 2016

Snow Daze
Dramatis Personae

Derek, Jack, Sergio

In Absentia




<XS> School Grounds

Xavier's School is situated on grounds as luxurious as the mansion itself. The tree-lined drive brings you up to the lush green sweep of front lawn and the wide front porch with its bench swing, often frequented by students studying in pleasant weather. The large oak tree in the front yard is home to a tire swing, installed long ago beneath the sturdy old treehouse.

The lawn rolls out all the way down to the thin rocky pier at the edge of the glittering lake. The water stretches huge and wide off into the distance, the boathouse a small blip at its shore. Along its bank, forest stretches dense and shady to one side; to the other cliffs start to rise, high and rocky, providing trails for hiking or climbing, for the adventurous.

As one might imagine, the mansion is a sight to behold following any winter storm. The snow that blankets the school's expansive grounds appears perpetually untouched even as young mutant bodies drift across it.

Class cancellations due to off-campus professors and staff have set free a good portion of the student body from their ordinary Monday routines. It's Sergio's first snow and his first /snow day/. In a navy-blue men's parka and knitted brown mittens, he slips and slides his way down the front steps of the school. The pom-poms on his UGG boots bounce around at his heels as, in female form, he trots out into the snow.

It's been a serious few months for him, but the recent blizzard fills him with a sort of childish delight. The former jock bends, scoops up a ball of the powdery snow, and overhand throws it at the first person he can spot within range. Granted, his new body's throwing arm leaves a great deal to be desired.

Wearing jeans, a school hoodie, an actual pair of boots, gloves, and a bright white coat, Jack blends in a little more. That doesn't stop him from getting a snowball in the chest. The empty hood tilts and he offers an unseen smirk to his friend. "Enjoying the snow day already?" he asks, brushing snow off himself as he trudges closer.

Sergio opens both arms, pouting his fat heart-shaped lips in mock-disappointment, "You're just gonna let me get away with throwin' a snowball at you?" His voice goes a bit shrill, and he chicken-necks in a playful challenge.

Jack pauses and then laughs. "Sure you wanna pick a snowball fight with a telekinetic?" he teases, crouching down to scoop up some snow when he's not as far away. "The first one is free though," he jokes, making a snowball and tossing it Sergio's way.

Jack pauses and then laughs. "Sure you wanna pick a snowball fight with a telekinetic?" he teases, crouching down to scoop up some snow when he's not as far away. "The first one is free though," he jokes, making a snowball and tossing it Sergio's way.

Out of no-where a snowball comes flying towards Sergio as Derek makes his way back towards the school after one of his 'breaks' in the woods. He's spotted the snow being tossed around by the two and can't help but attempt to hit his newest roommate. Winter clothes are definitely lacking for him as he's just wearing his jean jacket over a t-shirt, jeans and his beat-up sneakers. No hat, gloves or anything wintery. Derek doesn't care if the snowball finds it's target or not, it's just his way of greeting the two teens.

As two snowballs hit him at once, Sergio emits a high-pitched squeal. An octave or two higher than anything he's ever really achieved, Sergio staggers back in surprise. Wide-eyed, the telepath looks first over at Derek in amused /SHOCK/. His long hair spins around as he turns to face Jack and he cracks what is likely the first wide, goofy smile since he's been back.

Sergio tucks down, darting behind a tree. He scoops up snow as he moves.

Jack looks as shocked as an empty hood can at the appearance of a second snowball, glancing Derek's way. He laughs a moment later and can't help but smile when he sees Sergio grinning. The invisible teen offers a quick wave Derek's way before ducking behind some cover to make some snowballs too. Once he's got one, he tosses it Derek's way. Just using his arms for now, no powers yet.

A faint, yet genuine, smile crosses Derek's face and he waves to the two. He tries to duck Jack's snowball but ends up ducking right into it and the snow splatters against the side of his head. He laughs and starts grabbing snow to form into a ball. Looking around for a place for cover he dashes behind the closest bush quickly trying to form the snow into a throwable ball with his bare hands.

At the very least, Sergio's advantage is that he's a smaller target than he used to be. He packs in as many snowballs as he can tuck into the crook of his arm, which ends up only being a relative few. After he's re-upped his ammo, the teen makes to book it across to the next snowy embankment, where large mountains of snow have been piled up from plowing the driveway. Giggling as he runs, he throws two snowballs haphazardly towards where Jack has taken cover and one in the direction of Derek's bush.

"Free for all is it?" Jack calls, laughing as the pile of snow he's hiding behind is pelted. He's focusing on making a little stockpile for a the moment.

Derek tries to stockpile as many snowballs as he can, ignoring the burning cold in his fingers. He jumps slightly as the snow hits the bush, knocking snow off various branches and some even on Derek. He peeks out and quickly throws two at Serigo as he runs. "Everyman for themthelf!" He calls out in answer to Jack, tossing a thrid snowball in his direction before having to restock his ammo.

Derek’s snowball splatters against swell of Sergio’s hip. The surprise nearly causes him to careen into the large snow-drift, but he braces himself against it with both mittens and manages to scamper up onto it. For the moment, he’s a rather high up target as he attempts to climb over to the other side.

Peeking out in time to get a snowball to the side of head, Jack snickers. He shakes his head and whips a snowball Derek's way before darting to get behind a tree with a pile of snowballs under his arm. Spotting Sergio climbing, Jack tosses two quick snowballs his way. "I'll go easy on you for now!"

Snow showers Derek as he's hit in the shoulder by Jack. Having only formed two snowballs, he joins Jack and in taking the golden opportunity in the temporarily easy target of Sergio. Derek steps out from behind his bush to get better aim and throws the two at Sergio, the smile on his face growing at the simplistic fun of a snowball fight.

Unaccustomed to the texture of snow ...and rock climbing, Sergio's hold gives way half-way up the little iceberg. As he's pelted, he scrambles for a hold and causes a great avalanche of snow to come down on himself.

With another high pitched scream of delight, the teenage girl's form disappears under a great heft of dislodged snow. That is, except for a mitten that rests just on top.

Jack's about to toss another ball when he sees the avalanche. "Crap," he curses, dropping the snowballs he's carrying. He jogs out from behind cover and slides to a stop by the pile. Almost crashing into it, he drops down to start digging quickly.

Derek drops half formed snowball from his hands and follows after Jack towards Sergio. "Shit." He echos more vulgarly, the smile not leaving his face. He drops to his knees next to the avalanche and starts to dig his roommie out to help pull him out of the pile.

"RAAH-WRRR!" With both hands raised, one exposed, the blonde erupts from the pile of snow with sudden force. Sergio throws up as much of the snow up over the heads of the other boys as he possibly can with little concern for getting any more of it on himself. With a lopsided, gap-toothed smile and a nose red from the cold, he falls back onto his elbows in the snow and laughs.

Worried, Jack's focused on digging. Just as he's about to switch to TK, Sergio pops free. Jack lets out a startled yelp and tumbles back onto his rear in the snow, much of it falling down over him. Bits that land in the hood float in mid air, resting and melting on invisible skin.

Startled, Derek falls back on his rear into the snow. His jeans are quite soaked and snow sticks in his mess of hair. The ground shakes with a tremor briefly, stopping when Sergio's infectious laugh causes Derek to break into laughter himself. He grabs some snow and tosses it Sergio in good humour.

Bringing up his mittened hand, Sergio half-heartedly blocks the onslaught. His laughter is only broken by momentary gasps for breath. "Where's my-" Sergio huffs, "-glove?" Beaming behind a toothy smile, he begins to shiver as he slaps around at the surrounding snow.

Jack starts laughing too as soon as the shock wears off. "Oh you are gonna get it for that!" he laughs out, snagging the glove with his TK and pulling it to himself. His clothes are covered in snow as well but he doesn't seem bothered by it, instead getting up and offering one of his own gloved hands to help Sergio out of the snow and another to help Derek up.

Derek takes Jack's hand to help pull himself up, his own hand is quite cold and red from the snow. "Thankth." Once his his feet, he starts brushing the snow out of hair and from the back of his pants. He jumps suddenly and surprised noise escapes his mouth. "Thnow up the back of my shirt!" He does a little dance, shaking the back of his jacket and t-shirt to get the snow out.

Now shivering uncontrollably, Sergio giggles at Derek's dance. His own small hand reaches up to take Jack's as he rises up from the the avalanched snow. As soon as he's standing, his knees knock inward and he crosses both arms over his chest. He nods sagely, speaking very matter-of-factly, "Yeah. It's uh, definitely down my pants." His knees buckle as he continues to shiver.

Jack just laughs. "Then how about we get inside and get some hot chocolate? Or coffee or something?" he suggests, patting at his chest and sides to get the snow off and out from under his coat.

"That thoundth like a good plan. Hot Chocolate." Derek nods as he starts to shiver himself. His clothes don't really lend to snowball fights. He leads the way towards the mansion, eager to get warm and leave a wet trail of melted snow to the kitchens.

Smile growing more continued, Sergio nods a few times as he follows after Derek. Eyeing Jack with amusement, he playfully reaches out with a darting movement in an attempt to snatch back his mitten. His teeth chatter well after the three are safely inside. Tiffany might be used to New York winters but Sergio certainly isn’t. This sure isn’t Hawai’i.