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Revision as of 04:49, 30 January 2016

Ryan Gosling
Dramatis Personae

Jack and Liv


Liv asks Jack on a date. Kinda.


<XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2

The main hallway of the second floor runs lengthwise through the building, secondary corridors branching off at regular intervals. Tall windows at either end allow daylight to filter in, while rows of recessed lights in the ceiling bathe the hall with an incandescent glow come nighttime. The hardwood floor has a slight creak to it.

It's a chilly Friday evening past dinner time and a good number of students have ventured out of the school to enjoy the start of their weekend. Jack is not among them, electing to stay home instead. In jeans, sneakers, and a bright red hoodie, he's got a book in hand and should probably be paying more attention to where he's going than reading. Especially when he trips and falls with a THUD. "Ow," he sighs, not immediately getting up.

Liv really isn't paying attention either, until the sound of someone crashing to the floor wakes her up from her thoughts. Quickly, she hurries over, offering Jack a faint smile as she holds her hand out to him. "You ok?" she asks, trying to look concerned even as an amused grin forces its way through.

Jack slowly pushes himself over onto his back so he can look up at Liv. "Oh, I'm fine," the empty hood replies. "Just thought I'd lay down here for a while. Enjoy the ceiling and lovely recessed lighting," he remarks with an unseen, wry smile. Eventually he reaches up to accept the offered hand up. "Thanks."

Liv grins as she takes a firm hold of Jack's hand and pulls him up. "Naturally. Can't see why people don't do that more often," she says, nodding along to Jack's story. "So, how have classes been going for you?" she asks, reaching up to brush away some mossy-green hair behind her ear.

Jack's hand is invisible but it can certainly be felt. He dusts himself off once he's on his feet. "They're going okay, I guess. Doing better than I thought I would. Ethics seems..." he just trails off, shrugging. Telekinesis picks up the dropped book and Jack offers an unseen smile. "Good to see you're going green again."

Liv smiles faintly and shrugs. "Time does heal wounds, I guess," she says. "It's not /green/-green yet but it's something." She suddenly smiles though she tries to keep it hidden. "And I think...I don't know. Serg and I were talking. I don't want to get my hopes up but things might be good between us. At least...we're talking again."

"It's greener than before," Jack remarks, taking a bookmark from his pocket and slipping it into his book. He perks up at the mention of talking with Serg, smiling invisibly. "Well, I'm glad you too are getting better together."

"Yeah, it''s nice," Liv agrees, her voice soft and dreamy for a moment. "So, uh...what about you? You have your eyes on anyone? Valentine's Day is in a couple weeks."

There's a long pause before Jack sighs, shoulders slumping and his gaze turning to the empty hall. "No one's got my eye," he replies. "Not like I've got high hopes for any guy to be interested in the invisible man anyway."

Liv chuckles a bit. "That's why you tell them you look just like Ryan Gosling." She shrugs faintly. "Well, if all else fails, we can have a Single's Party. Watch movies, eat ice cream and pizza." Liv suddenly grins mischievously. "Get fake ID's and sneak into bars."

Jack laughs a bit, shaking his head. "Well my hair does look kind of like his right now..." he trails off, tugging his hood a little. "That party sounds like a great idea," he says after a moment. "Careful, you might get grounded and confined to the school grounds just for thinking that."

Liv grin. "Well, we've got a few weeks to plan. We'll see what happens." The threat of being suspended gets a faint grin. "You can only get in trouble if you get caught."

"If only," Jack mutters. "Apparently the school's got no problem with spying on us," he says, bitterness in his tone. "I'll help plan a party though. I think there's a school dance too."

"A school dance? Of course there'd be a dance. Well..." Liv suddenly chuckles and smiles sweetly. "Will you be my date to the Valentine's Day dance?" she asks, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. "I'll even buy my own chocolate box. We don't even have to dance together."

Jack blinks a few times then chuckles. "Well, as flattered as I wouldn't be right to date my best friend's ex. I'll come along as a wingmutant if you'd like though," he offers. "or just hang out as friends," he adds. There's then a little laugh from the invisible teen. "Oh good, I'm a terrible dancer," he's not, he just doesn't think he's any good.

Liv chuckles and shakes her head. "I'm not sure it's /really/ dating. I mean, I'm not exactly your type." She gives a faint shrug. "Well, we'll figure something out I guess. We've got a few weeks."

The empty hood nods, Jack stretching his neck a bit. "Yeah," he agrees. "So you have plans for the weekend or just hanging out here and doing homework?"

Liv shakes her head. "No plans. Study, Netflix maybe. No idea."