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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Nekara, Marinov, Liv, Dakota | summary = "I'm not surprised by your form, Ms. Kemsit, just your form rocketing right at me." | gamedate = 2017...")
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Latest revision as of 05:26, 7 February 2017

Feline Form
Dramatis Personae

Nekara, Marinov, Liv, Dakota


"I'm not surprised by your form, Ms. Kemsit, just your form rocketing right at me."


<XS> Gymnasium - B1

For a mutant school, this is a pretty standard gym, even if its sturdy construction to handle mutant powers is less standard. Still, it is designed along normal lines; setup for a basketball court, standard equipment -- punching bags, rubber mats, standard assortment of balls, weight training equipment, the usual fare. It is large, and as well-appointed as the rest of Xavier's tends to be.

As it is a bit chilly out (and a little rainy out) this Monday evening, Marinov has opted to stay indoors in order to burn off some energy. They are presently wearing a pair of workout shorts and a Xavier's t-shirt, apparently having decided against a hand-made outfit for this particular go of things. There are a few balls out on the basketball course, and not necessarily basketballs, but at least one of them is. Marinov is presently just trying to get them into the basketball net, but upon a miss goes to chase down the ball by dropping to all fours and sprinting over.

Liv refuses to let the miserable weather keep her from moving so here she is, wearing a pink tracksuit and jogging steadily along the outside edge of the gymnasium. Her green hair is braided behind her and her face is gently pink and her breaths lean towards heavy, suggesting she's been at this for a while already. She watches Marinov with some curiousity and, as a ball rolls near her, she grins and gives it a gentle kick back in Marinov's direction.

Nekara walks her way out of the womens locker room, looking different, -very- different than what anyone in the school has seen her before, and its not just because of her clothing, wearing a fairly standard two piece gymnasium outfit consisting of a top and shorts, but more because she is tall, almost seven feet tall, or would be if standing straight, but her general pose is a bit hunched, for better balance on digitigrade, clawed feet, also it could be noted that her whole body is covered in short, black fur, with no markings of any kind, just pure black. She also have a feline tail, and her head is very obviously feline also, with quite large, green and slitted eyes, fairly long ears, and a short muzzle. Overall the proportions of the body look really weird, and awkward even, as she is very lean, with long legs and arms, but despite that, she is moving with noticeable grace and coordination as she lopes her way towards the middle of the gym where the other people are. It should be noted also that, perhaps strangely so, she does not emanate that feeling of nervousness around her that she does in her human form, but thats not to say that her appearance might not still make people nervous by itself. Grinning as she sees Marinov chasing after the ball, she crouches down on all fours, and leaps forward, covering around fifty feet, and breaking to a sprint after as she tries to beat Marinov to the ball, but the teen has enough of a head start over her that she probably wont make it.

Dakota wears a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of well-fitting sweatpants as she stretches on one of the mats, sitting with both legs extended, arms reaching out towards them. Though she would not admit it, she has been watching Marinov do their best at basketball - after all, she was encouraged by people -other- than her parents to make friends, so maybe there's something actually to it. The short girl is about to move onto her next stretch when the felinoid teen's ball rolls away. The appearance, then, of a much larger feline creature causes Dakota to simply give up on her stretching and stare, squinting at the figure.

Marinov hops up to catch the ball tossed their way by Liv, saying, "Spasibo," and looks about ready to say something else, but upon seeing the felinoid form streaking towards them, they reflexively launch the ball at her to at least slow her down. Their fur is standing on end, tail poofed out, from being surprised, but upon a sniff in the air they say, "Ne- Ms. Kemsit??" They cover their mouth with their hands in horror as they realize that their reaction to that was inappropriate.

Liv squeals and jumps back in fright as a...creature suddenly bounds at her. Her heart continues to pound even after it appears that it's going after the ball and not her. "What is...what, what?" she asks, glancing back and forth between Marinov and the creature with confusion. "That's a...that's a teacer?" She leans against the wall, trying to catch her breath as she takes in everything. "I don't remember anymore cat people."

Nekara blinks in surprise when the ball is actually throwed towards her, but it seems that she has quite good reaction speed in this form also as she raises up to lunge at the ball, and catches it in mid-air, claws retracted of course, before landing perfectly at her feet a short distance front of Marinov, tossing the ball back to them casually with a toothy grin. "I did tell you what my mutation is, Taylor, you shouldn't be that surprised." she offers, raising up to her usual, somewhat hunched stance, in which she is still easily over six feet tall, though rather gaunt looking, Marinov has clearly more actual muscles than she does. She offers a nod to the other two present, Liv and Dakota, her words are more directed to Liv though, since Dakota already knows her name. "Forgive me if I startled you, I am Nekara Kemsit, and yes indeed, I am a teacher, just started actual classes this week though, so I am not surprised if you do not know of me yet. But it is nice to meet you now." Then adds, back towards Marinov. "You can see now why it is hard to find clothes from the shop for this form."

Even though she can only catch snippets of the interaction between the two felinoids and the green-haired student, Dakota is able to piece together who the newcomer must be, especially since she was given a nod. There's a note of excitement in her actions as she stands herself up and walks over to join the others. Beneath furrowed brows, the girl's eyes inspect Marinov's current state, though she says nothing of it. "Ms. Kemsit," the fifteen year-old states simply as she stares up at the looming figure. If she's nervous, it does not appear to show. Then, to the Liv, as way of introduction, she sticks out her hand. "Dakota."

"I'm not surprised by your form, Ms. Kemsit, just your form rocketing right at me," says Marinov, eyes returning from dilated form and they stroke down their tail to smooth the fur again, ears flicking a fair bit as they try to regain some composure. They glance towards Liv and says, "Ah... ah, I guess you haven't met the newest teacher. She's got cat powers, like me, except that she can actually change shapes." Back to Nekara, they continue, "But yea, I can understand. I guess your proportions are probably something like my own, but you are also... really tall."

Her heart rate returning to mostly normal, Liv peels herself off the wall. "Oh. I'm sorry Professor Kemsit. You just...took me by surprise." Her eyes do linger on the new teacher for a bit, likely taking in the form before Dakota's approach takes her by surprise. "Oh, hello! I'm Liv," she says, smiling brightly and taking the other girl's hand as it's offered.

"And... skinny." Nekara adds to Marinov's assessment. "Its like the same mass I have in my human form, just really stretched. Most of the added muscle has gone to the legs. And again, apologies for startling you, I haven't used this form much like I told you, so when I saw that ball, I just wanted to test a bit how fast I can be and if I could beat you to it." Then turning her attention to the two girls, which is much easier now when Dakota walked over to Liv, sniffing the air some to take in their scents, something that she really needs to get more used to. "Hello Dakota, nice to meet you, Liv. I will try to make a less dramatic entrance next time. In class I probably wont look like this... unless its a gym class, I suppose."

Dakota executes a single shake of the hands before removing her's from Liv's grip. "Nice to meet you, I guess." She stares up at the other girl for a moment, but apparently cannot think of any more to say before she returns her attention to Nekara. "You should. Go to class like that, that is. It might even make learning history more fun." The teenager shrugs, but there's an wry grin on her face.

Marinov nods a couple of times in agreement with Dakota and says with a slight shrug, "Yeah, I mean, nothing wrong with looking like that when you're teaching classes. Whatever you're comfortable with, I suppose." They start dribbling and continue idly as they pause to try and take another shot. "I mean, nothing unprofessional or anything about looking however you look, if that's the worry."

"Yeah, it would be kinda cool to see you teach like that. I mean, I dont know if I'm taking any of your classes. But it would be cool. All the teachers have fun with their powers in class. This is kinda the only place you really can, with all the legal stuff about using your powers." Liv gives a slight shrug, "But yeah, whatever you want."

Nekara turns to regard Dakota at her suggestion, opening her mouth to reply, then Marinov adds in to it, and then Liv as well, three against one! "Well, it -would- be unprofessional to do it without being properly dressed. And right now, I don't really have anything else that fits this frame other than this sportswear, which is not quite appropriate way of dressing for a class." She explains her dilemma. "Otherwise, I might do it, if just to get better used to this form, now when I finally can do so without worrying about someone calling the police." Her attention drawing back towards the ball when Marinov starts throwing it again, though she doesn't run after it this time at least.

"You should do everything like this," Dakota advises Nekara as she gestures with a hand to indicate the teacher's current form. "I don't see why you wouldn't want to," she continues with a shrug before her eyes glance over to Marinov. A furrowing of the brows is offered to them along with another shrug. "Not to say that it would be the most fun -all- of the time."

"I guess, yeah. Maybe once I'm done my project, I'll take your measurements," says Marinov, jogging towards the basketball to try and throw it again. They get it in upon being closer. "And people called the police on you in this form?" Pause. "Yeah, I can see it. I've had my fair share of incidents with randos on the street. When people call the cops, it's usually time to get the heck outta there. I know I'm not doing anything, but why risk it, y'know?"

Liv listens quietly as the others discuss cops being called on them. "I guess I've been lucky. Never been in serious trouble. There was a close call in an IHop once." She shakes her head and gives the teacher a genuine grin. "Well, /I/ think you look awesome and if I were part cat, I'd show it off when I have the chance."

Nekara looks back to Dakota and chuckles softly. "Well, I -might- be interested in doing that, and thats not a promise, but as I said, not without having proper clothes to wear. It is true that this form has quite a few advantages over my human form when it comes to physical capabilities." she admits, giving a nod to Marinov as she looks them chasing after the ball. "Mmm, I really appreciate that. And yes, though it was back home in Cairo, like almost ten years ago, when my powers had just emerged and I was kind of figuring out what I can do, back then mutants weren't exactly household name yet, so whoever saw me probably thought I -was- some kind of monster. I certainly did not stay to explain the situation though." She offers in agreement to the other feline person, blinking then at Liv's words, rather surprised. "Well, thank you. I... well I might try to do that more... when I get clothes for this form."

Dakota offers an encouraging, "Nice job," to Marinov as they return following their successful basketball attempt. She otherwise remains silent until the others finish speaking. "I had the police called on me once. Wasn't my fault though," Dakota supplies as she scuffs a shoe on the gymnasium floor. "And at least you can control it." This to Nekara.

Marinov glances quickly towards Dakota at her last words, and then back towards Nekara, "Yeah. I would kill to be able to... control it. Not that I have any problems with how I look, yeah?" They gesture towars Liv and says, "Fine to look part cat, I guess. But if I could stop people from making shitty comments about my body on the street, well, I'd probably take it."

Liv nods slowly. "Yeah, I can imagine it''s rough. Guess I'm lucky all I have is green hair." She glances towards Dakota, looking over the least-mutant looking of the group curiously. "So what do you do?"

Nekara hmmms slightly at what Dakota says about controlling it. "I suppose... though often I feel that I am more like hiding it than controlling. Maybe thats why people get nervous around me in that form... my body trying to tell me that is not what I am supposed to be." she notes, shaking her head some, thats a silly thought. "I can understand that feeling, Marinov, though I think its more the people making those comments that should change, not you. That reminds me, I would like to apologize for thinking you were a girl when we first met. Mr. Tressier explained it to me." Grinning a bit at Liv. "What can you do though? I assume at least that your mutation isn't just the hair color."

"I don't think those people -are- going to change," Dakota comments on Nekara's response to Marinov. When Liv focuses her attention on her, the short girl actually looks a little uneasy. "I can shoot blasts from my hands. Like I could, if I wanted to, probably push you over without touching you," the fifteen year-old explains with a shrug that she might be using to cover her nervousness. "I done it much since I got here, though. I can lose control of it pretty easily and it can kind of be dangerous." Another shrug. "And your hair is cool. I've been thinking about dying my hair," she remarks as she narrows her eyes curiously at Liv's hair. "But that doesn't quite -look- like dye."

"Oh, you assumed I was a girl when we first met?" says Marinov, tilting their head slightly, "Good on Mr. T for explaining. Yeah, I should have probably done the whole introduction with pronouns. They and them." The teen rubs the back of their neck and says to Liv, "I think your hair is pretty cool, too, though I don't think I could pull off the colour. I mean, your plant wizardry is cool too." And then they continue, agreeing with Dakota, "Yeah, I don't think those people are likely to change. It's nice to imagine that they would, but imagination doesn't change anything."

Liv smiles a bit one the attention is suddenly drawn to her. "Plant wizardry is the coolest way I've heard it described. But yeah, I do things with plants. Growing them, changing them. I'd show you but I don't really have much to work with. Maybe some mold in the locker rooms," she explains for the sake of Nekara who asked. She then looks towards Dakota and smiles. "It's kinda a side effect of my mutation. I have chlorophyll in my hair. But hands blasts, that sounds fun. Pretty useful, too. Nobody would ever mess with you."

Nekara nods in agreement to what Dakota says, echoed by Marinov. "Yes, you are probably right. But still, they are the ones that -should- change, not us." then turning her attention to Marinov. "Well, it was a logical assumption to make since you were wearing a dress, but still, apologies for it. But at least I know now." Moving a hand to pat Dakota's shoulder lightly. "It is important to keep practicing though, thats the only way you can improve your control, and here in the school we provide safe environment for doing just that." She listens curiously as Liv's powers are explained. "That sounds very interesting, though I suppose winter is indeed not the best time for demonstrating that kind of powers."

"People generally run -away- from me when it happens," Dakota informs Liv with a slight furrowing of her brows. "It -can- be fun, but it stops being fun when I can't turn it off." To Nekara, she counters, "I have my hands full enough at the moment just with classes, Ms. Kemsit, and I think it's generally advised that you have a trainer-teacher-person with you or something." Whether either of these statements are completely accurate, the teenager doesn't seem willing to investigate. "Green fur might not be the best idea, though."

"A dress?" repeats Marinov, trying to think back on what they might have been wearing, "Maybe I was just feeling pretty proud about how great my legs look. I wear whatever I feel like, really. Since I look cute in pretty much everything." They shrug lightly and then agrees, "But yeah, green fur might not be the best idea, I'd probably just end up looking lazy, like I grew moss... I think I have interesting enough patterning without using dyes anyways." They start gathering up the balls that they took out to put them away.

"Yeah. Your fur is already awesome. Covering it with green would just look...meh." Liv agrees, grinning once Marinov deends their fashion choices. "That's true. Though maybe not animal prints. Seems like it would clash?" she says. She twists her torso about, stretching a bit and then jogging in place as she warms up. "I've got a few more laps to do. I'll see you guys around I guess," she says cheerfully before resuming her jogging path.

Nekara nods slightly at Dakota. "Oh, I didn't mean like right now, but in general." she clarifies. Laughing then at Marinov's considerations about colors. "Yes, I don't think green would look that good on you. You are definetily right though that do you have the kind of body that does look good in all kinds of clothes... that is quite a boon to have, really." Stretching a bit as she listens to Liv. "Oh, you are right there, I almost forgot why I came here in the first place, which was to test a bit more of what I can do in this form, so I better get back to doing that as well. It was nice to meet you though, Liv, and great seeing all of you."

"Well, I do have one animal print suit that I made," says Marinov, "But I haven't really had a good opportunity to wear it yet. Soon, though." They drop all the gathered balls back into their respective bins and says, "Enjoy yourselves. I've got a call soon, better get ready for that." They jog towards the exit, leaving the others to get in their workouts.