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Revision as of 02:49, 5 March 2013

Hook-Up Protocol

Learning to ride a bike is fun. WARNING: Nekkidness.

Dramatis Personae

Doug , Eric

4 February, 2013



<NYC> 503 {Doug} - Village Lofts - East Village

The trip from arcade to the Village Lofts was a pretty quick one, being only a couple of subway stops over. So, there wasn't a /lot/ of time for flirty conversation, but somehow Doug and Eric managed it. Doug might have even been intentionally funny, at times. Now, here at his door, he seems a bit nervous with a wall of hot cop behind him and THIS IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN, FINALLY. He fumbles with his keys a bit, scraping them on the lock plate before sliding the key home and turning it with an audible fall of tumblers.

The apartment remains much as it did upon Eric's last visit, albeit a bit unkempt, with homework sort of scattered over the low coffee table, and an open laptop on the kitchen counter, the screensaver hiding whatever is keeping it humming. The low couch has a pillow on it that looks recently slept-on, and the pizza box on the floor that's being investigated (again) by two kittens (one calico, one black) is evidence enough of a Nerd All-Nighter having taken place in the recent past.

Doug smiles a bit shyly as he leads the way into the apartment. "I'm afraid I don't have any beer or anything," he says apologetically, ducking his head. "There was some wine, but..." he lifts a hand, helplessly, because these things happen. "I've got soda, or bottled water, if you want it."

Glancing around the room, Eric sticks a thumb in a belt loop as he glances around the apartment, letting out a low whistle. "This is much nicer than my shithole of an apartment." he drawls, with a bemused grin on his face. "If I wasn't a cop, I'd be worried about getting stabbed in the hallway of my place. D'ya live here alone?" he asks, curiously, turning to glance Doug up and down once. He shrugs his shoulders and waves off the offer of liquor. "Nah, I'm fine. No worries." he smirks, slightly. "You might want a glass, though. You look a bit nervous."

Doug blushes at the compliment of his place, and lifts a shoulder. "My dad actually pays for half of it," he confesses. "In exchange for my maintaing at least a 3.8 GPA." He scrunches his nose. "I used to have a roommate, but she moved out 'cause she thought the place was haunted." A light flickers from a cracked door in the hallway, something that Doug seems either unaware of or unconcerned with, as he moves to straighten the homework and claim the pizza box from the cats. "Oh, I'll be all right," he says with a shaky breath, beaming a grin at the older man. "I've just never..." he makes a wry face. "Done any of this, actually. I'm just unsure what to do." The pizza box is waved, for emphasis. "There aren't many websites with 'proper protocol for your first hook-up' out there."

Eric smirks and steps over towards the other man, stalking closer to him with a twinkle in his eyes. "Generally speaking," he says, invading the other man's personal space once more. "You do what you /want/ to do." he says, breath brushing pepperminty against the other man's cheek, only inches away. "The only protocol is making sure the other person wants to do it too." he leans in, warm air brushing past Doug's ear. "For example, right now, I'd like to push you into the counter."

Doug's breath catches when Eric moves into his space, and his eyes widen as color creeps into his ears. Then he's dropping his eyes to the expanse of Eric's chest, staring as if a bit dazzled by it. He even raises a hand to press against it. Maybe he's verifying that the older man is actually /here/, and not a sweaty dream. He turns his head as Eric's breath brushes his cheek, placing his lips close enough that his own cinnamon-tinged breath is warm against Eric's. His voice is soft and hesitant. "I-I'm not stopping you."

Eric takes another step forward, pressing the younger man forward, into the counter, pushing Doug's hand back to trap it between their bodies. Eric's lips close on the skin behind the other man's jaw, kissing then nipping at the skin as his arms wrap, strong and muscled, around Doug's body.

Doug swallows when Eric steps foward, and when the cop's bigger body presses against his, a shudder runs through his frame, stilled by the crush of the counter behind him. When lips find his skin, his knees actually give out, and he hangs for a moment only suspended by the counter and Eric. A low moan escapes his lips, and his free hand comes up, around Eric, coming up to curl around his shoulder and pull him even closer, if that's possible. "Oh, fuck," is a tiny noise; a bare squeak that slips from him at the apex of another full-body tremble.

Eric's hands run down the other man's back, trailing lower and lower. They stop to grope the other man for a second, then fall even lower to pick the other man up bodily, without seemingly any effort at all. He smirks, trailing kisses along the other man's jaw as he carries Doug towards the bedroom. Over the next few hours, Doug is very, very much rid of that pesky 'first time' problem.

As morning comes, so too come the sounds of the street outside -- specifically garbage cans being rattled as a heavy truck moves down the street. It's enough to shatter the sleep that claimed both Doug and Eric after a particularly educational lesson(s). Doug stirs, his head resting on Eric's shoulder and an arm and leg thrown over the bigger man. As he rouses from slumber, he shifts, pressing himself against the older man's thigh firmly without opening his eyes. He groans when there's a noise that sounds like cans being hurled down the street, and rubs his face againt Eric's chest. "Can you go downstairs and shoot those guys?"

Eric stretches and yawns, rolling out his shoulders and blinking his eyes to rub the sleep out of them. "Mm. Morning," he purrs, hand running down Doug's long-since bared back. "Nah. No gun." he says. He glances around the room and then sits up fully, cracking his neck out by twisting one way and the other. "Also, I think my sergeant will be pissed if I shoot someone else. I've already got the rat squad crammed up my ass." he drawls with a slanting smile.

Doug rolls away obligingly when Eric sits up, bringing up a hand to stifle the yawn that splits his skull. "Pity. Those guys always sound like they're bowling with those fucking things." He grins, and slides out of the bed, then, unconcerned with his nudity as he stretches, popping his back loudly. Then he's canting a curious look at Eric, and scrunches his nose. "Oh, man. Did I bring home the bad boy of the NYPD?" he asks, licking his lips playfully. "I always did kind of have a crush on Riggs. And McBain." He grins, and heads for the bedroom door. "You want some coffee, or juice?"

Eric shakes his head, smiling as he stands up, unabashedly revealing his naked body. He leans backwards, spine cracking as he stretches, then he picks up his clothing and begins pulling it on. "Nah, I'm all set. I should be gettin' out of here. I've got a shift that starts in a couple hours, and I wanted to get a work-out in at the station before it starts, since I'm going to be sitting at a desk all day."

Doug nods. "Okay!" he says, stopping at his dresser to fish a pair of underpants out and slip them on. "I had a lot of fun," he says with a grin. "We can totally do that again, sometime, if you want." He reaches into his underpants, adjusting himself. "Thanks," he says suddenly, flashing a grin. "You were a great first patient."

Eric smirks and gives the other man a lascivious look up and down. "Sure. Sounds like a good time." his eyes darken for a moment, hungrily. "Next time, I might not get you all the way to the bed from the counter, though." he says, eyes twinkling mischeviously. He pulls on his pants, letting them hang off of his hips, glancing around for his shirt.

Doug plucks said shirt from the corner of his mirror, pitching it at Eric with a grin. "I'm not opposed to that," he says, with a similarly hungry look, and then he wrinkles his nose. "I sort of thought that's where you were going last night," he confesses, and rubs a hand through his hair. "But that could be fun," he says as he slides out the door, looking back and winking. "The counter seems to be the right height." Then he disappears, and a moment later, his voice carries back: "Oh, yeah. We'll be /fine/."

Eric catches the shirt and smiles, tugging it over his head and smoothing it out. He follows the other man into the kitchen and moves, quickly, darting forward and pressing him bodily into the counter. "Yeah, we will." he says, with a brief press forward of his hips. And, as quickly as he had pinned the other man, he steps back, winking.

Doug actually yelps when Eric advances on him, his hands coming up to brace themselves against the muscular chest. He's laughing, though, when Eric pulls back, and pushing at him. "Tease," he says, worming around the older man and pressing a kiss against his jaw. "Go protect the city from paperwork, and give me a call sometime." He slides away, moving around the counter and pausing shortly to hook his thumbs into the waist of his briefs and flash bare ass at him briefly. "Unless you /want/ to be late...."

Eric gives a hungry look and digs into his pocket to fish out his cell phone. He glances consideringly at the time, then pockets the phone. "Nah, I gotta get out of here. I'll call ya'." he says, winking then heads for the door to slip out into the hallway and to the stairs.