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Revision as of 02:52, 17 April 2019

Creaky Nemesis
Dramatis Personae

Cassy, Marinov


"I've been debating my future as a hero of justice."


Student Dorms

The main hallway of the second floor runs lengthwise through the building, secondary corridors branching off at regular intervals. Tall windows at either end allow daylight to filter in, while rows of recessed lights in the ceiling bathe the hall with an incandescent glow come nighttime. The hardwood floor has a slight creak to it.

Balancing on the window sill in a way which is almost certainly not comfortable /or/ practical Cassy has a scowl on her face. An intense look of loathing worthy of a hated foe. And what is she glaring at? By all appearances it's a section of hardwood floor.

Her outfit is a fairly typical example of her own personal sense of style. At it's heart a skirt, tights and top combo but with plenty of pockets to hide magic tricks and things in. Plus an eclectic selection of mostly cheap brightly coloured plastic jewellery.

Instead of anything too elaborate, Marinov is wearing black yoga pants and a blue tank top, likely having just come back from a run and are walking down the hall at a quick pace. They pause upon seeing Cassy in the windowsill and remark, "You practicing your heat vision? 'cause you look like you're about to burn a hole in the fucking floor. Which..." They look towards said section, and continue skeptically, "Might deserve it, I suppose."

"I've been debating my future as a hero of justice," Cassy proclaims solemnly. "And I think the floor might be my first nemesis." A muscle in her face twitches as Marinov moves down the corridor and one of the floor boards creeks.

"Why can't they fix the stupid thing so it stays quiet? I bet the floor doesn't make this much noise outside staff bedrooms." She sighs. "I thought about maybe trying to fix it myself. But I can't imagine anyone will give me permission to borrow a hammer and bash the floorboards..." She forces a brief smile. "Probably wouldn't help with the noise but at least I'd feel better."

"A hero of justice?" repeats Marinov, "I think that life's gonna treat you pretty well if all your nemeses end up being, uh, inanimate." They keep their eyes on the floor a couple of moments, seeming unsure whether to move any further and risk provoking battle between it and Cassy. "I'd guess that battering it with a hammer would be a good way to make a lot of noise and not much else. Though... yeah, fucking things up can be pretty cathartic."

"My current debate winning argument was I might not be cut out for it," Cassy explains ruefully. "If the floor is already making me so annoyed. Probably means I don't have the right stuff." She waves her hand dismissively. "Besides I still have to get over the whole risk of hurting people issue." She pauses, then hastily adds "Not like by accident just... sound isn't precise."

"Yeah, I don't think that I'd want to be around while you were taking out some kind of nemesis. I don't even like when people talk loud, so you'll have to count me out as a sidekick," says Marinov as they cross their arms over their chest. "What does being a hero of justice look like anyways? Like... in the comics? Where you put on a colourful costume and, uh, dispense justice?"

Cassy winces at the very notion of a person being close to her during a loud moment. "I can tune myself to something more comfortable for you," she offers. "I just kinda stay 'normal' to be polite to anyone else around."

"I don't really read comics. Unless you count manga. Which I suppose is the same but.. A lot more friendship speeches. That's like. The main thing. Declare you're hitting someone because of your friends and have some really intense battle music." She grins. "I've at least got the /music/ bit down. Punching less so, but it's not exactly super relevant to me. Compared to just shouting anyway.."

"Oh, I mean, I don't mind normal speaking volume or anything. But... yeah, I do prefer things a little quieter," says Marinov at Cassy's offer. "Maybe we should just do a proper team up after all. I'm not really good at friendship speeches or at the intense battle music, but I sure do like some wholesome, old-fashioned punching." They make a punch towards the air, eliciting another creak from the floor as they shift. They cringe at the sound and look towards Cassy apologetically while trying to find a less plaintive floorboard to stand on.

Cassy waves her hand at the floorboard creak. "I just didn't sleep well is all," she admits. Slightly adjusting her volume so her voice is a little quieter and more controlled in the pitch. "Every time someone needs to use the bathrooms or sneaks into another room it wakes me up."

Of course when Marinov does make the air punch Cassy helpfully adds 'Dramatic punching sound effects' and a little J-RPG style battle music. Although the effect is slightly ruined by the sounds coming from Cassy and not Marinov's fist.

"Do you think it'd be bad if I asked for some sleeping pills or something? It'd probably get me through the noise now. But it can't be healthy taking tablets just to sleep. Maybe what I really need is warm cocoa."

Marinov's ears perk up and their tail curls in delight at having a sound effect for their punch, and they look down at their fist. "I dunno. I drink like, so much tea to combat falling asleep all the time, so taking drugs for the opposite just seems reasonable to me. If you're not getting the sleep that you need, do what you need to do. School's hard enough without being tired all the time, yeah?"

They pause momentarily and look upwards, "And maybe also hot cocoa. Embrace your inner hedonist."

"I'll try hot drinks first," Cassy decides. "If nothing else it means less talking to teachers about stuff. I'm hoping I'll just grow into my ability with time. But if I do start to get so tired my control slips... well then I'm not gonna be stupid and refuse to try tablets."

"What I /really/ want to master is some sort of super sound power version of ventriloquism. That'd be tons of fun for sound effects. And uh. Probably some really mean things too."

"If I need to sleep and I'm feeling pretty wired sometimes I drink, uh..." Marinov looks a little sheepish for a moment, eyes directed to the floor. "Catnip tea is a good drowsy time tea. It can be sorta nice." They rub their arm lightly and turn their gaze back to Cassy.

"Super ventriloquism would be real cool. You'd be able to unleash justice, one mean practical joke at a time," they say encouragingly. "I'm gonna go get changed. Good luck with your creaky nemesis."

"My reign of terror would begin by filling the staff dorms with the sound of poorly maintained wooden floors," Cassy says, making her voice briefly sound exactly how she pictures a supervillain would sound. "Muahahahahaha."