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Latest revision as of 22:32, 2 May 2013

Mobile Bees!
Dramatis Personae

Ivan, Peter


Peter gives Ivan a gift. OH GOD THE BEES ARE MOBILE.


<XS> Ivan and Peter's Dorm - FL2

The first thing one might notice upon entering this dorm room is the almost constant, low drone that emanates from almost a dozen terraria, situated mainly on and around one of the two desks present. Inside of them are plants, sand, bits of driftwood and a /lot/ of different insects and arachnids, all making their respective little noises. Krrt, chkk chkk. The other desk houses no such creatures, but it does have a laptop. There is a poster of a Dalek hanging next to a small television perched atop a few game consoles, a three-seater with a dark brown coffee table in front of it, two dressers and beds on the far side of the room. One is made quite neatly, the other... not so much. Books are strewn across pillow and sheets, mostly English and Russian-language. An even greater number is piled precariously next to the bed. Numerous postcards depicting well-known European and some Russian cities are taped to the wall above it.

There is something unusual sitting on top of Ivan's bed, today. It is a wooden crate - a bit smaller than your average milk crate - with a fine metal screen mesh on top (which can be removed to reveal various 'layers' inside), and a wooden plate that slides into a 'slot' to cover it - as well as a small 'access slot' near the bottom. At a glance, it looks like a funny little Langstroth beehive; except it's /also/ got a set of D-rings on its back and sides - as if it were designed to /attach/ to something. That something... would be the five point climbing harness laid out /next/ to it.

If Ivan is confused by the sight of this, he is probably soon to even be more confused by the sight of Peter, dangling from the ceiling by his feet - studying one of many science textbooks. As soon as Ivan steps in, Peter glances up - er, down - and grins, blotchy-faced and all: "IVAN I got you something." He gives a spurious glance at the box, then back to Ivan: "Um actually I don't know if - man, Ivan, beehives are /complicated/, y'know?"

The sound of Ivan's footsteps into the dorm are only preceded by the -kerthunklethunk- of things falling onto the ground. Books, in fact, from his last tutoring session, that he previously has clutched to his chest. What follows then is what is possibly the world's longest inhale as Ivan /peers/ at his bed, slack-jawed and in /awe/. Like he's staring at an ANGEL having descended from the HEAVENS.

-- If that angel was there to give him a /PORTABLE BEE HIVE/.

Exactly 0.2 seconds pass between him finally starting to move again and him FLINGING HIMSELF AND HUGGING THE PRESENT. It had better be sturdy because it is getting /SQUISHED/. And excitedly babbled at in Russian. Somewhat endearingly. There is no end to it, maybe.

"Ohjeez Ivan you dropped your - oh, /oh/, you - you like it," Peter says, briefly blushing, listening intently to the excited Russian babble - dropping from the ceiling with a ker-*THWUMP*, landing on his bed in a crouch. Watching, his book now carefully held to his chest. /Watching/, with a crooked, delicate smile: "I--don't actually know a /lot/ about bee-hives, so it -- um you might have to make some modifications, but /basically/ you can wear it like a backpack, or on your hip if you prefer -- bees are -- bees are /complicated/ Ivan, I mean holycrap did you know they can overheat? But I figured -- maybe you could use your power to put them to sleep, kinda like how they use smoke to calm them down... Anyway all I did was take a bee hive and kinda /CHOP/ it up, like chop chop chop," this is accompanied by a chopping motion with Peter's hand, "and fasten on some other bits."

The Russian babbling may be a little too quick to even be coherent at first, but eventually slows down a little. "{Yes this is the best Peter of course I like it it's the BEST THING oh no I'm going to need a lot more practise but then I could take it /anywhere/? Or maybe I won't, but y'know, theoretically--} It is perfect, Peter -- {Okay maybe not /perfect/ because the spacing could use some work, just a tiny bit of rearranging} -- It is /perfect/." He /beams/.

That things a dog does when it's already got a tennis ball but then there is another ball RIGHT THERE that needs to apparently be fetched /right now/? That's Ivan, just for a moment; The present is hugged, but now PETER is within hugging range. His eyes dart between the gift and Peter, until eventually he reluctantly slips away from the first and rushes to plant a hug on Peter, BOOK OR NO BOOK.

Peter /tries/ to keep up with the Russian, but - he is still just learning! Which means, he catches about a /third/ of what Ivan is saying, maybe at best. When Ivan briefly flickers between Peter and the compact little beehive, Peter lifts the book - almost shieldingly! - but then dispenses with it when Ivan SWOOPS IN for hugs. And returns said hug, immediately, with a squeeze. "{Bad times you havings,}" Peter says. Well. That is an /approximate/ translation. Point being, when he attempts the Russian, it is just /short/ of incomprehensible. "{Want gift good Ivan.}" SQUEEZE. Peter smiles. "You can - I don't think you should take it /anywhere/, but... you could be a superhero. If you /had/ to, I mean. Beekeeper. Bee-Master. Mister BEE."

"The first thing is to be /safe/." Ivan SQUEEZES back, around Petershoulders. It is brief, though, because a second later and he is excitedly wandering back to his bed, stopping only to flick open the front pane of a terrarium near his bed on the way. A cobalt blue tarantula comes meandering out in careful but unusually /quick/ steps to mirror its owner's excitement, starting in a scuttley trek along a desk and over toward Ivan's bed.

"{Lena, Lena look.}" Ivan mutters, sitting down on his bed again to inspect the gift more closely, smile still smacked across his face at both the gift and the spot of broken Russian received in return. "Sleeping bees-- yes. That will be good," his attention snaps back up to his roommate, then, the very image of hopeful, "... Peter do you think they will let me take this into the Danger Room?"

Peter watches as Ivan introduces Lena to the beehive with a sheepish grin. "...oh man, you know, it would be /hilarious/ if you put spiders in there instead. A spider-hive. You could show it to Shelby she would /freak/... hm? In the -- you know, maybe. I mean, it would be /weird/ for the bees, maybe -- but -- yeah maybe. A few at first, maybe more later?" Peter brightens at the notion. "That would be kind of cool, really, it'd be a neat way to -- practice -- doing the bee thing. Maybe even safer, 'cuz it could just be you and the bees in there, alone, and it's like they can /control/ that environment if things go really bad... I bet Dr. McCoy would let you. Or - Jax, man, you know I heard he rides /unicorns/ in the DR I can't imagine they wouldn't let you go all /bee-crazy/ in there--"

Fidget fidget fidget. Ivan spends his time listening to Peter well - everything that can be removed or detached from the mini-hive? It IS. And put right back again straight afterwards with the utmost care and precision. Lena, having made her way over, climbs over the back of Ivan's shirt to end up perched on his shoulder, as if to inspect the present with him. When he speaks again it is a mish-mash of Russian and English, the latter a little heavier than usual in the accent-department. "A spider-hive is also possible. {So many different possibilities. Beetles don't live very long or that would be amazing.} It would be a /surprise/. {But also, slower.} But safer." LENA LOOK. He shoots a happy smile at /her/ too, then at Peter again. "/Thank you/. Thankyouthankyou{thankyou}.

"You're wel... You're welcome," Peter responds, managing to squeak out a /little/ bit of Russian that doesn't sound like a horrible mish-mash of words all jammed together in a sack. "It'll be totally cool, Ivan," Peter says, and now he's hopping back atop of his bed, grinning. "I mean, you can - you don't just have to do /bees/, right, you can swarm any type of bug in there. Maybe even /multiple/ types if you can get them to behave. Crapman you could put /hornets/ in there if you promise to be /so/ careful because hornets scare me to death they're /huge/." Then: "Is... everything okay with Rasa? I was worried sh--zhi," Peter corrects himself, because WORDS ARE HARD, "might be a little mad? Actually, zhi totally didn't seem mad when zhi showed me how to punch things."

The fact that mention of Rasa does little to dampen Ivan's expression of pure /happiness/ aimed down at the mini-hive, still, is a good sign. Lena does shift a little, turning and raising a few limbs as though she wants to climb right onto Ivan's head. "Rasa /was/ mad. Maybe still. I do not think either of us know what is... the thing to do." Despite that bit of news, he doesn't look worried. Pretty chipper, in fact! "I think it will be okay. If I work to make it better."

"{Yes,}" Peter agrees, hopping off the bed and stepping toward Ivan to give him a shoulder hug - the shoulder /opposite/ Lena, mind. "It will be okay, /and/ we can both learn proper PUNCHING procedures. And you can learn how to sting everything with bees. In other words," Peter concludes, "everything will be /awesome/ forever."