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Revision as of 22:27, 5 June 2013

Selling Yourself
Dramatis Personae

Iolaus, Sebastian


Lining up summer work.


<XS> Medical Lab - B1

Gleaming and sterile, the school's medical facility is all cool science in contrast to the mansion's old-world old-fashion. All stainless steel and antiseptic tinge, the room is filled with the quiet whir-click of the various implements that comprise its medical equipment -- all state-of the art. The hospital beds are curtained off for privacy when they have patients, and in one of the alcoves there is a small operating theatre visible. More heavy-duty equipment is visible in the lab in the back, where the securely locked cabinets keep sensitive equipment out of the reach of teenage fingers.

The school has a strange kind of energy during exam period. Students who are /finished/ are relieved to be so, exhilarated with a sudden rush of summer-vacation energy; students with exams still to go are more frenetic, studying, stressing.

It's hard to tell which camp Sebastian falls into, from his demeanor. Not really excited. Not really harried, despite his usual perfectionist-studious bent. Purposeful, though, as he slips through the medbay, bare feet quiet against the cool tile. His purple capris stand out against his blue skin, paired today with a strappy white tank top. He does not approach School Nurse for any sort of /care/, just beelines straight for the offices in the back where the doctors do their work and students are generally not supposed to go.

Knock! Knock knock knock!

Iolaus is not frenetic, perhaps, but he certainly looks excited, face pressed up against the eyepieces of a microscope. "Come in, Hank! I think I finally figured out how we can break through the skin without causing too much damage!" The doctor enthuses, pulling back and causing the edges of his lab coat to flutter from the quick movement.

When Iolaus looks up, though, his mouth claps shut and he eyes Sebastian with a surprised expression. "Oh. I'm sorry; I thought you were...." The edges of his cheeks color a shade. Bad Iolaus - not all blue people look alike. "You're not supposed to be back here, you know." He says, a smile spreading almost shyly onto his face. "What's up? Everything alright?"

"Thought I was Dr. McCoy, sir?" Sebastian asks, with a quick twitch of his lips, stretching up (up! up!) onto his toes to gesture at about where /Hank's/ tall height would be as compared to his not-even-five-feet. "We do have a lot in common, it's an easy mistake." There's a teasing lilt to the words.

He rocks back down to stand flat, hands folding behind his back, and though he steps /just/ inside the room he doesn't come any further. "I know. But Taylor said you were here today and I wanted to talk to you. Is now an alright time, sir?"

"I haven't talked to anyone but Doctor McCoy for a few hours," Iolaus says, and his smile flashes to a grin. "Yeah, come in, come in. I've almost got this done except for documenting it." The doctor says, picking up his notebook and beginning to scribble into it. "What's up? --" A brief pause, and Iolaus pauses, pen on the page. "Sebastian, right?"

"Yessir." Bastian's smile curls a little wider. He glances to Iolaus's notebook, but only for a brief moment before shifting his attention back to the doctor. "I came," he says directly, "to tell you that you should give me a job."

Iolaus nods at the name and begins writing back down on the paper immediately, only to freeze again a moment later and look up at Sebastian with a wide grin. "I see." he says, and he crosses his arms over his chest, giving Sebastian an amused grin. "A job in what?"

Sebastian unfolds his webbed hands from behind his back to spread them in front of him. "From what I hear about the construction plans, you've got about two years' worth of prep work to pack down into the next six /months/ when your building will be ready. You probably need as much help as you can get."

His hands drop to his sides, black eyes meeting Iolaus's. More seriously: "-- And I've got one of /the/ foremost," or, well, only, "experts in mutant medicine working right here in my school, I'd be stupid /not/ to try and see what I can learn from you. And," here his smile returns, a quick crooked slant of a grin, "-- I'm a lot of things but I'm not stupid. I'm one of the smartest students in this school, and I want to help your clinic."

This statement causes Iolaus to frown slightly as he peers at Sebastian. "Buttering me up, hmm?" he says, a chuckle in his voice. "You do know there's very little actual medicine between here and the time the clinic opens, right? It's all business stuff, administrative stuff. Organizing the business side of the non-profit comes before the scientific and medical sides. We probably won't have anything but medical and scientific policy before we open the doors."

"It's the truth," Sebastian dismisses this initial statement with a shrug, "outside of here I'd pretty much have to go to Scotland to be around the same kind of knowledge base." He accedes to the rest of it with a quick nod. "I'm excellent at organization," he tells Iolaus. "And this way by the time the clinic /opens/ you'll already know me. And already want to hire me for other things."

Iolaus' frown deepens for a moment and he leans back against the lab counter, tapping the notebook against his chest. "What kind of organization are you looking for, Sebastian? I'm not sure what positions I have open that you would enjoy. Most of the openings are in the fundraising divisions."

Sebastian's nose crinkles up at this, his head shaking as he lifts one webbed blue hand demonstratively. "You don't want someone like me anywhere near your fundraising division," he says wryly, "not even in the quiet inside parts. You want a lot of attractive humans. Or even pretty harmless-looking mutants like Daiki."

His hand drops again, both hands folding once more behind his back. "I'm sure your /company/ has a lot of great people working for them, anyway. I want to work for /you/. You have a million and three things to focus on these days. I'm sure you could use someone helping /you/ manage all of them."

Iolaus laughs and he shakes his head. "Sad, but true. My fundraising division is well in the hands of someone much more experienced at managing that side of things than I, and I am content to leave it that way." He looks curiously over at Sebastian, fingers tapping against his arm.

"It's funny; we're actually hiring for my administrative assistant, though we're generally looking for people with many years of experience with it." The doctor pauses for a second, chewing on the inside of his cheek and causing it to bend inwards slightly. "What's your end goal? You don't strike me as the type of person who wants to be an administrative assistant for the next however-many years."

"No," Sebastian answers with a crooked smile, "I don't, particularly, want to be an administrative assistant forever. But I'd be /good/ at it." He shrugs a shoulder, hesitating a moment before continuing. "/I/ want to go into research. You're starting what's possibly the most groundbreaking venture /in/ medicine today. I'm not saying this to flatter you, sir. I'm saying it because I'll learn more being around you, even if I'm just booking your appointments, than I will in four years of high school science classes."

Iolaus nods, slowly, looking down at the floor. "I see." He says, and he unfolds his hands and puts pen to paper once more. He writes in silence for several moments before he looks up at Sebastian. "Alright. Tell you what - right now, I need someone to schedule my appointments and run my life, while we look for someone to do it who has the experience. If you cover me, now, I'll make sure that you get a tech position when we open. Maybe I'll even let you shadow some of the doctors as a post-doc would." He lifts a hand. "Not a job offer... yet." he says, with a smile.

Sebastian's smile curls brighter. "I take my last exam tomorrow. I can start next week." Which, conveniently, is the same time Jackson is starting his actual guarding duties.

"We'll have to have you talk to our HR department so we can arrange you a youth work permit and all that." A pause, and Iolaus shrugs his shoulders. "Will depend on your dad's OK, as well. It's not exactly a low-risk position, working for me. As he should know, considering /his/ job." he says, with a faint smile on his face. "Here," he says, scribbling down a number on the bottom of the page and tearing it out of the notebook. "Your first job can be to call Maribeth and tell her that I'm hiring you to be my executive assistant until we open and arrange all the meetings and paperwork that I need to sign."

"My life," Sebastian says, a little wry as he reaches forward for the paper, "hasn't been very low-risk. I'll -- ask my pa." He takes the paper, then hesitates again, his smile curling kind of /shyer/ now that his initial confidence has proven successful. He tips forward onto his toes, curling an arm around Iolaus quickly in a brief hug before stepping back. "Thanks," this is warmer than before. "I guess I'll see you next week."

Iolaus hesitates a moment before carefully squeezing an arm around Sebastian. "You won't thank me when you're working the same hours I am," he murmurs, brightly, but his eyes are twinkling with mischief. "See you next week. Give Maribeth a call, soon, so she can get everything in order. I think your school has to do something."

"Pfft. Who needs /sleep/ my pa never does." Sebastian holds the paper tight to his chest like it is a valuable /prize/. He flashes Iolaus another smile, and then hurries away.

PROBABLY to call Maribeth straightaway.