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But, What can we do?
Dramatis Personae

Corey, Felix


What is the status of Penny? Felix and Corey discuss the unrest in the city, is there anything they can do? Felix boosts Corey for a speedy recovery of his wounds, which incidentally will also affect everybody Village Lofts building.


<NYC> 505 {Felix} - Village Lofts - East Village

Is this a library or an apartment? There are books and papers everywhere, in stacks on the tables, piled on the bookshelves, sitting on the furniture, and even in the kitchen. This place is, messy and unorganized, but clean non the less. Bookshelves line almost every wall, the contents of which are only partially sorted. Music and movies here, books and brain puzzles there. There is a couch off to one side of the room with two small end tables on either side, a coffee table before it, and a small television directly opposite. On the far side of the room is a computer desk with a three monitor display, several computers tucked under, and a very comfortable looking executive style chair. A small round dinner table with four chairs sits just outside a galley style kitchen. Near the kitchen is a short hallway that leads back to the bathroom and only bedroom, which also has bookshelves on every wall. The only decorations in this apartment are the myriad of brain puzzles, scattered around the room, and the chessboard on the dinner table. There are no pictures on the walls, no plants, no animals, if not for the bookshelves this apartment would be rather empty looking.

It had been three days since the incident at the Evolve Coffee Shop. Felix has been laying low, and recuperating from head wound he sustained. He had not though to call Corey until this morning, being more off than usual. The phone was not answered, so he left a message, "Hi Corey, this is Felix. Please call me when you get a chance, or just stop by. Apartment 505, Village Lofts. Thanks." While the message does not sound distressed or like an emergency, it is obvious that he sounds a bit off, a bit slow in his speech.

Felix is lounging on his couch, dressed in his Columbia sweat pants and shirt, watching the tv and messing with his tablet while he waits for Corey to call back or show up. He is still a bit on the slow side today for multiple reasons. His head and left arm are bandaged up.

Theres a knock at the door while Felix is watching tv. Seen through the apartment's peep hole is Corey, standing there wearing a plain black teeshirt and pair of newish blue jeans with a pair of sneakers. While waiting for a response, he starts to pull the phone out of his pocket to make the call, realizing the mistake of not calling before he came over a tad too late. "Man, such a doofus," he mutters to himself.

Felix get up and moves to the door, a bit slower that usual, but he will peek through the hole to see who it is and then open the door seeing that it is Corey, at the same moment his cell phone rings in the background. "Hi Corey, come on in," not in his usual voice, he motions into the room, then looks over to his phone for a moment and back again at the phone in Corey's hand with a bit of a questioning look on his face. "Can I get you something to eat or drink?"

Looking a bit sheepish as Felix looks between the phones, Corey hangs up. "Nah, I had stuff at the coffee shop already, I'm fine. You however, look a bit worse for wear," he says as he looks to the bandages. "Guessing you got caught up in one of the bouts of anti mutant fervor?" Shaking his head at perhaps the world in general, he does take the moment to actually look over his friends apartment again to see if anyone else was present. "Guessing Penny isn't here?"

Taking a look up and down the hall, Felix is obviously still shaken up from the incident, "Ya, I was at Evolve Tuesday... " he cuts off checking the hall one more time before closing the door behind Corey, locking the door with a click of what appears to be a new dead bolt. "A gang of kids threw bricks and Molotov cocktails. I was hit pretty good by flying glass." Moving back into the living area, he moves some of the books off of the furniture and onto the coffee table so there is a place for Corey to sit. "Sorry about the mess, I do not have people over often," offering a little smile as he sits down on the couch. "Stella, tv, off," he says to nobody, the computer screen in the background has a little action on it and then the tv shuts itself off. A sexy sounding voice comes from the computer, "The tv is now off. You have a new email from Xavier High School, I have sent it to your table. You missed one call from Corey." He is distracted for a moment as the computer talks, then addresses the comment about Penny with a concerned look, "No, Penny is not here."

"Man, thats pretty rough. Theres only really been arguments at Montagues, but I think Hanna's place got messed up abit too." Shaking his head, Corey takes the seat that is offered and sighs. "Glad you're for the most part alright either way. If you want to boost me to recover you're welcome. It doesn't seem to hurt me any." Shrugging, he lifts his arms to the back of the sofa to keep them busy. "I don't think anybody could really hurt her as far as I know, but I don't want her to get caught up in anything either. She's so young."

"Hanna's place too." Felix shakes his head, though it does look like his mood has perked up just a bit now that his fiend Corey is here to brighten things up like he does. With the invitation to amplify Corey's healing ability, and without holding his hand out, Felix smiles and then turns up the power slowly. "I agree, she is probably not hurt. But, I am still concerned for her based on the news I have been hearing."

"So, shit has hit the fan. I've heard they aren't letting mutants into hospitals either. I think I would have preferred to avoid the ancient Chinese curse of living in interesting times." Corey feels invigorated as his own powers get unleashed, and he lets out a relaxed sigh. "I feel like I should be doing something to help, but its kinda beyond me. What do you do when the entire city seems to be against you? Hide? Stand up and be a bigger target? Someone needs to go to the media, but ya know, someone who knows what the hell to say."

Felix quickly takes on a much improved mood as Corey's power elevates. "Yes, the situation in the city is not good. For anybody, be they human or mutant." Rubbing his arm as he feels the strange sensation associated with the accelerated healing take place. "Wow, that really is amazing," removing the bandage from his arm so that he can see what is taking place. "I agree, I wish there was something I could do to help as well. But, I am not about to put myself in the front line. You and I are lucky, we can blend in easier than some of the others. Felix turns the boost up a bit more, slowly, keeping an eye on Corey, he does not want to make his friend uncomfortable or hurt.

Corey doesn't seem in any way put out as the power is boosted, instead merely having a healthy pallor to him. "Yeah, if it was this way all the time I could set up my own clinic. Just walk past a room and people are better, but without you doing that I don't know how fast it is. I'm sure that would require a bit of lab work and a medical degree I can't wrap my head around." Scratching his chin, and frowning at the incoming stubble he shrugs. "So, aside from us hiding what we are, is there anything we can do? Or is this a wait it out till calmer heads prevail?"

Watching as the cuts and scratches are now visibly sealing themselves over, Felix is almost transfixed as he pokes at the scabs and they fall off. Touching the bandage on his forehead, the pain is completely gone, and he slowly removes the gauze revealing two inch gash that has almost completely healed over already, although it looks like his wounds will leave scars. Realizing this, and the hair growth on his and Corey's faces, he starts letting the power level return its normal levels. "I think we can do what we have been doing, stay in the background, help those who and where we can. We become the /underground/ support network. Hopefully things will work themselves out, I am willing to be that there will be more active participants that will step forward into the /limelight/."

"Perhaps, but I can also see things getting worse. There are plenty of people that just kinda go, well I guess Dark Side to put it in geek terms," Corey says with a smirk and a nod towards the computer. "after stuff like this. I wouldn't be surprised if mutants who had more dangerous capabilities just stood up and decided they won't put up with it anymore. Just start laying waste and killing humans in vengeance." Sighing, he pulls his phone out and glances at it now and then. "Violence doesn't solve anything, it just leads to more violence. Maybe we can start some social media thing, I mean hell, they used it to cause some middle eastern governments to be brought down. Might work to show people what dicks they are when they're burning things down and hurting innocent people."

Felix nods, "There will likely be violence on both sides. I have seen this before in Russia." His head drops for a moment. "I agree violence is completely needless, and solves nothing. I certainly do not want to see anybody at all get hurt. I guess we can take advantage of our ability to mingle and see if we can make contact with others, find somebody who can make a difference and support them as we are able." Standing up as he notices Corey looking at the time on his phone, "Sorry, do you need to get back to work? We can talk about this another time if you need to get going."

"I just hope that what we can do is enough. I feel sorely ill equipped for dealing with this situation, but who really is prepared for it?" Corey replies, and looks a little sheepish as Felix calls him on the phone checking. "Sorry, yeah I need to get back. I will be free in a few more hours though if you need any more help. Or if you find Penny." Standing, he slides the phone back into his jeans, and runs a hand through his hair to reposition it. "Thankfully after that boost, I could probably go for another full day, I kinda feel like I just had a power nap." Heading towards the door, he glances out the peep hole first, before starting to unlock things. "And hopefully you wont need all these locks anytime soon. Good luck my friend."