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Peter Calls Kai
Dramatis Personae

Peter, Kai


Has awkwards.


Peter calls. About an hour after text-messaging! Ring, ring.

The phone rings a couple of times before the line clicks open and Kai speaks. Sort of. It's very loud. "HELLO PETER THIS IS KAI."

Peter responds, after a moment -- apparently subdued by the volume. His voice rather surprised: "Uh... hello? Kai? I can hear y--are you yelling at the phone? You don't have to yell at the phone."

"Oh." The younger boy's voice is a lot quieter, now. "I am sorry if I was too loud," he says, his voice a bit rushed-sounding and bright despite the softness. "Did you get my test message? It is very hard to type on a phone. When are you coming back to the school?"

"Oh, it's fine, just -- oh, yeah. I got your text message," Peter responds, before adding: "Um oh yeah -- you know -- do you have a computer? 'Cuz yeah it's kind of rough typing everything out on -- /OH/," Peter replies to the question, suddenly: "I'll be back by this Friday."

There's a pause at the question, as if Kai is trying land on a proper answer. "I have a computer," he says. "But I do not know how to do email on it. You said you would teach me, so that I could write Ivan. I sent him a message on Saturday, but he did not answer." The boy sounds a little troubled by that. "But he is probably busy," is a little cheerier. When Peter answers /his/ question, there's an even longer pause, and one can almost /hear/ Kai's brow lowering in confusion. "Classes start on Friday," he points out, a little dismayed. "You will not be back before then?"

There is -- humming! -- on the other line. Like Peter is thinking to himself. "Right! I haven't -- right, I'll show you how when I get back. Oh yeah I mean, I'll probably be on campus by Thursday -- but I'll /definitely/ be back by Friday. Um. I'm sorry I just kind of -- up and left without warning. I didn't, um. Actually /plan/ on just -- leaving. It was..." An uncomfortable shuffle on the other line, followed by a clearing of the throat. "...kind of an impulsive thing."

There's another long, dismayed silence as Peter speaks, and a little puff of breath every now and then as if Kai is holding them in. "Thursday." It's quiet, and thoughtful. "All right." The apology gets a soft exhale, and there's a shifting noise as Kai adjusts the phone. "It is true. You are very impulsive," he says, and there's a bit of cool detachment in his voice. "But I am glad you are safe and not kidnapped."

"/Probably/ Thursday night, I dunno," Peter admits. "You said everything's quiet there? Like, uh. Nobody exploding? And yeah, uh. I probably shouldn't have -- I mean. Somebody -- it's rough right now, for people in the city? I'm not even going /out/ unless I'm riding in Jax's car or my uncle's car. I'm totally safe. I mean, safer than /most/ people, anyway." Peter pauses, before adding: "Sebastian met Tony Stark. Wait, do you know who Tony Stark is? Uh. He's -- dude who looks like, uh, the guy who played Sherlock Holmes. Except totally cooler."

"Thursday /night/," Kai makes the correction in a dull sort of voice. There's another shuffling, and Kai's voice fades for a moment. "No one is exploding," he confirms. "It has been very quiet around here. There is a carnival in town," he says, in a tone that's mildly accusatory, "and Ducky says there is a big bird that eats pets flying around, but everyone is safe that I know of." He falls silent at the question, then. "Tony Stark is the man they talk about on the news," he says slowly. "They talk about his technology and business, and about the women that he knows. He is sort of handsome, I suppose. I liked Doctor Watson better. How did he meet Sebastian?"

"Ohyeah, I heard about the -- I'll probably miss it. Actually, wait, maybe not, they leave next /Monday/, right? I bet," Peter adds, "we could go to the carnival during the last weekend when I come back, that'd be pretty -- sweet, actually. I've never been to a carnival." The mention of the big bird eating flying pets does not, apparently, rile Peter! Maybe he already heard of it. "I dunno, I think he just -- his dad knows him? Or something. And he just kind of showed up and was like 'heydude' and now they're gonna be bros. S'pretty awesome."

"Yes, that will be fun," Kai says, unconvincingly bright and somehow detached-sounding at the same time. "I have never been to a carnival, either. I have never been anywhere." He's quiet as Peter explains the Stark connection, and hums softly. "Yes, that is awesome for Sebastian," he says carefully. "I have heard that he enjoys technology things, so it seems like it would be a good friendship."

"Yeah Sebastian is -- um. So," Peter adds, a little hesitantly; his own tone is meeker, with a hint of bafflement! The bafflement dissolves as he goes on, though: "I guess I'll see you -- Friday? And we'll -- maybe go to the carnival over the weekend? Probably with a teacher or something 'cuz, I guess it's just West-Chester but I'm kinda nervous about going out /anywhere/ without, uh, somebody there who can make sure nothing bad happens."

"I would have to have a teacher along, anyway," Kai says, in that same oddly detached voice. "Because of Foom. But yes. I will see you Friday," he says, and there's a bit of sad resignation that works its way into his voice. He does not confirm carnival plans, notably. "I hope that you are having fun." doesn't sound like a very fervant wish. "Please do not get kidnapped before Friday."

"I, uh, won't," Peter replies, awkwardly. "I'm not -- gonna even go out I'll be fine. Okay! I'll, see you then. Bye!" And, unless Kai says something to interrupt him, Peter proceeds to hang up!