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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Peter, Ivan, IvanFamily | summary = Peter meets more of IvanFamily. | gamedate = 2013-07-18 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Ivan and...")
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Revision as of 01:30, 19 July 2013

{{ Logs | cast = Peter, Ivan, IvanFamily | summary = Peter meets more of IvanFamily. | gamedate = 2013-07-18 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Ivan and Peter's Dorm - FL2 | categories = XS Dorm, Xavier's, Mutants, Telecommunication, Peter, Ivan, NPC-Dorofei | log = The first thing one might notice upon entering this dorm room is the almost constant, low drone that emanates from almost a dozen terraria, situated mainly on and around one of the two desks present. Inside of them are plants, sand, bits of driftwood and a /lot/ of different insects and arachnids, all making their respective little noises. Krrt, chkk chkk. The other desk houses no such creatures, but it does have a laptop. There is a poster of a Dalek hanging next to a small television perched atop a few game consoles, a three-seater with a dark brown coffee table in front of it, two dressers and beds on the far side of the room. One is made quite neatly, the other... not so much. Books are strewn across pillow and sheets, mostly English and Russian-language. An even greater number is piled precariously next to the bed. Numerous postcards depicting well-known European and some Russian cities are taped to the wall above it.

Today is a special day: Peter Parker on SKYPE. He is /AT THE READY/, this time; armed with his new, unusual looking SELF-COOLING SUIT (dark red; it has an unusual honey-comb texture to it -- with two small metal black plates atop of his shoulders containing thin fans which are quietly whirring!), blue jean-slacks, two-toed socks -- thwippy things -- and his glasses. Sitting in front of his laptop! /Peering/.

"Ivan?" Peter asks. "Can you hear me -- Ivan?" HE SHAKES THE LAPTOP. Just a little bit. As if to test. "Ivan are you having Russian adventures /RIGHT NOW/ without me Ivan hello?"

There is no visual on Ivan's end of the connection, and for a moment, there is no sound either. Until-- BRZCHT. The sudden noise of a microphone being plugged in. Followed shortly by the buzz of multiple voices, then a single CLAP of hands and a deep voice saying, in Russian, "{I told you! It's the left one, it's always been the left one. The other one's where the sound comes OUT of. Lev must've fucked with it again.}"

"Peter?" Though Russian mumbling and discussing continues in the background, Ivan's voice drowns it out through sheer proximity to the microphone on his end. His voice is decidedly /not loud/, and a little doubtful. "Can you hear this?"

"/YES/!" The sound of Peter's voice is akin to a gunshot, and probably loud enough to acrue a little static on its way bouncing over satellites and across international lines before it barks out of Ivan's speakers. "I can hear you /IVAN/ Ivan hey oh man I can't /see/ you though can you see me--" Click click CLICKCLICKCLICK. Peter proceeds to click /all/ the things. "--I'm learning /Russian/, Ivan, I--{I learn Russian!}"

And just like that, everything on the other end of the world goes QUIET. Just before-- "{/OOooOOOOOhh/,}" from a distinctly feminine voice, and another, "{Did you hear that? He learn Russian! How adora--}" "{Ladies, be nice!}" A male pipes up, before one with a deeper voice adds, "{'Learning', Peter.} But it was not far. {Vano, come on, you forgot to--}."

Pop! And there's video. Of-- Ivan sitting in a chair, but squished against a WALL of the tiny living room he's in, because he's stuck with his father having pushed him out of the way with a big hand against his shoulder. He's dressed in a yellow T-shirt and backed up by four other siblings, two male, two female, all peering at the screen. Dorofei is looming over the desk, but once he sees the webcam works, he backs off a little. And waves, smiling! "Hello!" The heaviest of accents, as per usual. "HELLO PETER!" The four siblings behind Ivan chime in all at once, as though rehearsed. The sisters giggle. Ivan- just sits, stares, and gives a small wave of his own, looking only vaguely amused.

"!!!" Peter snaps to attention when he hears the voices in Russian; at that correction, he begins to flush -- violet entering his chitin-clad face. But when the image pops on, Peter's eyes pop right back in response -- and suddenly he's suppressing what is /almost/ a squeal! "OhmyGod Ivan you brought /SIBLINGS/," Peter announces, with a sharp CLAP of hands, and then: "Oh I mean, uh. Hello," Peter says, with just a hint more moroseness to it. Yes, PROPER and SOLEMN and--

"--oh yes hello Mr. Dorofei!" Peter says, managing /not/ to say 'Mr. Ivan'. "Hello, Ivan-siblings!" And Peter proceeds to WAVE! Before focusing, briefly, on Ivan: "Oh wow I forgot you have like. ALL the siblings, don't you? Um. Hi, Ivan," he repeats, a little more shyly.

ALL of them. "I did not- bring them, they /invaded/." Ivan admits, quietly, although he doesn't particularly look to be in the position of where he can rectify this situation. Also, now that he's pushed away from the wall and can relax a little, he looks a /little/ different from when Peter last saw him. Not MUCH, but the kind of different that a month full of physically tough work'll do to a previously quite scrawny person.

He looks up, to a taller male standing besides him, and asks, "{Introductions}?" But! A slightly chubby girl in her twenties with bleach blonde curly hair, wet from a shower, pushes forward from the small gathering instead, taking it upon herself to point to the farthest sibling, who looks quite a lot like her, "Naaaadya, {my best friiieend}", the two giggle again before she moves on, "Artyom, {loser}." Artyom, an athletic but shy-looking teen only a few years older than Ivan with short-cropped hair gives her a glare, but subsequently offers the webcam a smile. Finally, she points to the last sibling, who spares no glares or smiles at all. He looks startlingly like his father, standing next to him. "Zhenya-- and Drav. {But you know him.}"

Ivan, finally finding a spot to interrupt, sits UP and asks quickly, "Peter. Peter how are you."

Peter listens! And nods his head excitedly as each of those present are introduced in turn. Lips making tiny little movements to silently mouth the names, as if to help him remember. At the mention of 'loser' Peter's eyebrows shoot up; he gives Artyom a tiny, sympathetic smile. And then...

"--Ivan, you look--" And here Peter lifts his arm, FLEXING it. As if to show off. "--/built/ have you been lifting weights? I've been -- pretty awesome, actually, oh man I have--/all/ the stuff to tell you about, I kind of want to say it in Russian but I can't talk really quick in it and I keep getting tenses and possessives messed up, but /anyway/ I'm working for Stark Tower! And I finished a prototype of that cooling suit I showed you? Except now it's actually, like, a /device/ with water pumps and peltier plates and /everything/ and it works, I'm wearing it right now," he says, tapping the plates on his shoulders -- as if to illustrate!

"--also oh man," Peter says, glancing past Ivan toward -- his siblings! -- eyes widening. "--do all of you guys --" His eyes flick back down to Ivan, briefly, "--like, talk to bugs too? Or is it just /Ivan/? I always wondered about that, if like, people related end up with similar things, or..."

There's a brief moment of where the Russian siblings start to talk amongst themselves again, as though Peter isn't actually STILL THERE, with Dorofei peering at them. "{He looks so weird, did you know he'd be all, you know--}" One of the girls starts, more amused than anything else, but the other interrupts her, "{Natasha I don't think you even introduced /yourself/, you stupid cow-- aaa!" Apparently now is WRESTLE TIME. Ivan is nearly bowled over as the two girls collide laughing into the back of his chair, as Artyom steps asiiide to let all of that madness happens. Zhenya and Dorofei at once go, "{Cut it out!}"

Ivan looks slightly confused, not only at the prompt scuffle, but also at Peter's comment, shaking his head. "No weights. I have- work is very-" English. It appears difficult to switch BACK to. He settles eventually on, "Difficult." He looks happier just /listening/ to Peter, focused on the screen and the image he is shown, as if staring harder will magnify it and allow him to look CLOSER. Wanna see. Dorofei and Zhenya listen too, but looks a little /confused/. Ivan suddenly smiles a little wider, a little more amused, and looks timidly up to Zhenya, who positions himself behind his much smaller brother, /ruffling/ his hair. As is and always has been the task of taller and bigger siblings.

"{Peter asks,}" Ivan starts to explain to brother and father alike, "{if you can all talk to them. The insects and spiders.}" There is almost no pause before Dorofei starts laughing, a thunderous laugh that puts a grin even on Zhenya's face. "No, Piotr." Zhenya replies, looking to the webcam again to speak very slowly, "But! Maybe, if we are being fortunate, we will learn a day in the future." Artyom frowns, elbowing his brother in the side."{Let him ask! Don't make fun of him. He's curious. I like 'm-- Peter! You look amazing! I like your-}" He gestures at his own chest, smiling.

"--oh--" Peter begins, just as. There is apparently WRESTLING going on behind Ivan! Eyebrows shoot up; an expression of concern flickers over his face -- but soon evaporates when the sound of laughing swells up from behind Ivan. Oh is okay, this is -- apparently -- GOOD wrestling. Wrasslin'. Peter is okay with /wrasslin'/!

The laughter from Dorofei prompts Peter to grin; he catches the Russian -- it's a strain, but by the expression on his face, he is able to process /most/ of it, if not all of it! A slightly sheepish look passes over his features, before his eyes flicker over to Artyom, his cheeks once more deepening to violet. "Oh -- oh. Uh, th-- {thank you! Is--}" Oh, Peter does not know the Russian word for this. "Chitin," he says, before -- "{Bug skin.}" And then, to Ivan! But also to others:

"Oh holy/crap/ we got a new student? And she can /fly/, uh. {Fly!}" Peter makes a little whoosh noise, lifting his arms up into a superman pose. "No wings! Just, /flies/, it's totes cray cray!"

Zhenya appears /bored/ of the conversation. He sinks slightly lower over his brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to give him a makeshift sort of HUG, before detaching and focusing on his fightin' sisters instead. Dorofei moves in to take his place, next to Artyom. They too appear to be straining to catch the meaning of Peter's English, though Artyom seems delighted by Peter's bits of Russian, smiling wider with every time it happens. "{Bug skin? That's- wow.}" He seems /genuinely/ impressed. Dorofei just looks amused.

Ivan sits quietly amongst it all, his eyebrows lifting at the new of- apparently SUPERMAN student. He looks like he's about to say soemthing, but his father frowns and cuts in, with-"'Cray cray'?" Ivan exhales half a unit of amusement short of a chuckle, "Crazy." Both Dorofei and Artyom simultaneously lift their heads with an understanding 'aaaahhh'.

"That is amazing." Ivan /finally/ answers, turning back to the webcam. With an excited little smile. "You can /both/ be superheroes." This last word, incidentally, appears to freeze the whole room, making everyone's but Ivan's smiles disappear as everyone's attention snaps back to the PC. What.

"--oh yes it's, very buggy," Peter explains, proceeding to pinch a cheek! And pull. It's kind of elastic, but kind of not; it's much more firm and taut than normal skin has much business being -- with a glossy sort of gleam to it. "{I shed! Like cicada!}" Peter announces, very cheerfully, as he pulls. Like this is the most excellent thing in the world.

That last bit gets Peter's eyebrows to /shoot/ up, his face fitted with a grin. "Ohyes, we can both -- I mean. Oh. Uh. Oh," he remarks, eyebrows lifting as he notices the sudden focus of everyone on the other side of the cam -- and the evaporation of all those smiles. His eyes get wide; his mouth tenses up into a straight line: "Oh, um. Is that -- bad? Um. Weird? That I--" As if he were sneaking this message to Ivan alone, Peter's voice gets lower as he leans forward: "--Ivan did you /tell/ them I am a superhero I don't think they knew."

Ivan is- oh. He looks around, his smile blinking out of existence a little more with every twitch of muscle trying to force his expression back to neutral. "I- do not think. I used the word, but. I."

"Peter." Dorofei starts, as the three siblings in the background start conversing amongst themselves in hushed voices. His own is calm, but stern and paternal. The kind of voice used for commands, not for suggestions. "This- is not safe. It not- it is not..." Artyom just looks /concerned/, continuing in Russian, though slowly and with the friendliest smile he can manage, "{Peter, Ivan told me a little bit, but not very much. I understand he's proud of you, but you have to be careful. You can find other ways to help people. Like shelters or raising money. Charity.}"

Ivan, meanwhile, just looks a bit helpless. Like a puppy that's being blamed for having done something TERRIBLE but he's not quite sure what it is. "{He's safe /most of the time/,}" is his quiet input, at which his father SCOFFS, and turns to walk away, muttering something under his breath, before, "{Your mother's coming home soon. Wrap it up.}"

"--oh," Peter responds, as Dorofei speaks, a certain meekness entering his posture; the flush of violet creeps up his face, and then: "/Oh/. I -- yessir," he quickly states! "I -- understand. Um. I don't -- do the really dangerous things. Anymore." A tiny-bite at his bottom lip at this /maybe/ lie. "I --" His eyes flick toward Artyom; the blush intensifies, bordering on indigo. "{Yes. I understanding -- sorry, did not worries intend to give.}" Pause, before: "WaitIreallymessedthatup."

At Dorofei's slow exit -- and mention of Ivan's mother -- Peter's flush dwindles just a /little/ bit. He manages a grin again: "Sorry, um. I /am/ being safer, though, I haven't even -- gone out and gone looking for like -- people to save. For /months/. Except the train but," and here Peter's tone suddenly grows faster, eyes widening, "that /totally/ wasn't my fault it all just happened in front of me and I had to do /something/ or people would have died but I still maybe shouldn't have done it because it was /so/ dangerous but I will be super-careful from now on, /so/ careful, you have no idea--"

Peter cuts himself off. "--um, sorry. But. It was nice meeting you all! And, Ivan, when you get back, there is /so/ much awesome stuff I want to show you...!"

"It was nice." Artyom repeats in a semi-copied sentence of Peter's, his smile a little awkward between glances toward his father. He gives a wave, then scoots off as well. Maybe to go talk his dad out of being so NEGATIVE. Zhenya, too, disappears to talk with others in the background, but words are hard to catch over the microphone.

The two sisters, however, close in on the PC again, still happy but now sort of- excited. Like they've just found out a SECRET. STARING at Peter. Ivan peers at them for a moment, but then- directs his attention back to Peter. "I know. No sorry. I heard about the train. I think- some times bad things find you because you can stop them." He sounds slightly /sad/ about this, but is smiling not long after he's said it. "But it is okay. Because it means you bring good things to other people, some times." His sisters kneel down on either side of him. Peering, still. Whispering things in Russian, like 'what's he saying' and 'do you think we'd look good together'. They're /intrigued/ now. If also equally amused at each other's comments. "Oh," Ivan adds quickly, reaching to - a little awkwardly - rub the back of his neck. "Can you say hello to Shane? We had a conversation over e-mails. I was glad."

In the background, a door opens and slams shut. More talking starts from yet other people in the apartment, everyone seemingly speaking right over and past one another. The sisters promptly rise and wander off, both waving excitedly as they do. "Good bye Piotr!" "Bye-bye!" And then, it was just Ivan.

"Oh," Peter says, in response to Ivan's explanation concerning BAD THINGS and their intersection at PETER-VILLE. The chatting sisters in the background manage to get that indigo in his face creeeping down his throat. "Maybe. Sometimes --" Peter hesitates, here, a little, as if struggling over a concept. "--sometimes I think. Maybe, um. I'm not good at -- avoiding? Bad things. When I get that... tingly sense? With danger? And it's telling me to get away? Sometimes--" He frowns, nose wrinkling. Peering at his keyboard. "--I just. Get /closer/."

But! The mention of Ivan talking to Shane gets Peter's eyebrows to /sling/ up in surprise: "You have? Oh man, that's -- yeah I think he mentioned something about -- oh! Oh, goodbye," Peter says to the retreating sisters, sheepishly grinning as they head off -- then, back to Ivan, and: "It's so cool you two are talking I mean you don't have to but -- Wait, /Piotr/? Did they call me. Piotr?" This seems to both baffle and /amuse/ Peter.

There are a few quick nods from Ivan, whose hand lifts momentarily to rub at his face instead. He might be a bit /tired/ looking at this point, from either social interaction or his day before this. "It is difficult, for them. To hear the difference." He gives a thoughtful sort of stare downward, then back up. "Peter, can you do a thing for me?" He doesn't wait for an answer, perhaps convinced of it already, "To not get too close?" Now /he/ looks slightly worried, brow furrowing.

Aaand alone time is over again. A wild sister appears! This time younger than Ivan, by a few years. She wanders up to him quietly, grabs onto one of his arms, and just sort of- hugs it, face turned away from the webcam. Maybe attemptingto tug him, just a LITTLE BIT, toward something off-screen. Little bit greedily. /Her/ brother, Peter. HERS. Ivan- pats her on the back with his free hand, and leaves it there, humourlessly. As though this is a common occurrence. Quietly, he says, "{Regina. Just a minute.}"

"--I. I can, um." The indigo fluctuates, withdrawing back to expose violet; Peter continues to peer down at his keyboard -- as if he could somehow find the answer to Ivan's question there. But then: "...I can --"

Oho! Whatever Peter was about to add is cut off by the sudden emergence of a young Regina attempting to SEIZE HER IVAN and drag him away from the camera. Peter can't help but grin widely at this, the unusual landscape of colors drifting back to an even metallic blue. "--ohmyGod, Ivan, your family is /so/ adorable," he informs Ivan, JUST IN CASE. He wasn't aware.

But then, rather suddenly, perhaps forcefully, Peter adds: "{I will. Try not to get close. Promise.}" Face a little more serious, now, the edges of that grin worn away.

"Vanya- Vaaanya." The girl mutters into her brother's arm as sounds of pots and pans start up in the background. Tugtug. Adamant to keep from showing her face to the webcam, Regina whispers then, in the opposite direction, "{He sounds funny when he doesn't talk English. Does he know?}"

Ivan ignores the sibling latched onto his arm, for the most part, but does smile at Peter's assessment. "{Thank you. I want you to be alive when I get back. A dead superhero isn't going to do anyone any good.}" TUGTUG. His sister is getting IMPATIENT. He attempts to ignore it. "{I- hhRegina? What the fuck are you--}" Until he tips over sideways. THUD.

Ivan-- is on the floor, out of frame, as is his sister. Now- apparently crying. Immediately, there are more voices from off to the side, upset or worried or angry, or all at once. Regina is picked up and taken AWAY. Ivan crawls back up a moment later, chair tipped over, still. Uh. Over the sounds of a crying sibling and fussing other members of the family, he continues hastily, "I-- have to go. Peter, it was good talking. Twenty-four days and I will be back. We will talk more." Then, promptly, nothing. Gone.

"--hnh," Peter responds, that grin /resurging/ at Regina's whispered words, though not entirely making them out. But then -- when Ivan responds -- again, the grin flags, and Peter just... quietly nods. Pausing, opening his mouth to maybe say something else -- before -- AH WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Peter starts to rise to his feet -- as if he intends to CHARGE HEADLONG FORWARD to try and help Ivan and address CRYING SISTER. He might even look like he's seriously considering clawing his way through the monitor. But after a moment, he realizes the folly of his ways and settles back into his chair -- eyes wide! "Ivan are you--" Oh. And then! The screen is off.

"--okay," Peter finishes, but then he shakes his head, smiles, and reaches to turn the laptop off. }}