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Revision as of 22:26, 26 July 2013

Guerilla Tactics
Dramatis Personae



Marrow fights soldiers, Osbots. During Morlock raid.


<MOR> Below New York

Buried beneath the bustle and noise of New York's busy streets, the world underneath the city is a quieter place. Quieter, but far from deserted. Occasional ladders, often rusting, ascend to the city above and are evidence that at /one/ point these tunnels had been in use, or had been planned for it; perhaps by way of maintenance, or access to subways or sewers. These stretches have been abandoned by civic infrastructure for some time now, though, but occasional scraps of evidence -- discarded food wrappers, piles of tatty blankets or moldering old mattresses, sometimes voices carrying echoes through the dank concrete -- give evidence that /someone/ still uses these tunnels. The rumbling of subway trains sounds frequently through the walls, many of the train routes accessible through various doors and openings.

The sewers are what you would expect; quiet, murky, stinky. Up until the moment when the Morlock-styled alarms go off -- set off by a sudden intrusion by Nox, in a desperate bid to warn her family of invading peoples.

That would be the men in black body-armor and face-plates holding assault rifles.

There's two of them, slipping down the tunnel right now; in front of them, three Osbot drones -- machines the size of basketballs with four shielded propellers that sit on pivots, spinning around to keep them aloft -- bristling with every manner of communication and surveillance device, feeding a constant stream of information back to the main base /and/ the soldiers moving forward. The Osbots sling forward steadily, their 'web-nozzles' pointed and ready to fire; the troops, meanwhile, creep forward, sweeping everything in front of them -- viewing the data before them through a constantly-updated HUD and their low-light vision goggles.

Even with the wonders if modern technology on your side it's hard to spot a Sewer Knight down in the sewers. Especially when the knight in question is Marrow and she's on the hunt. Dressed in tight fitting bone armour that has been darkened with ink and sporting enough sharp spikey weapons that she'd make a porcupine green with envy she perches on a pipe up above, further down the tunnel the troops are marching down.

"...stay alert," one of the soldiers speak, his voice muffled through the plate. "Heard there's sewer people down here." The Osbots ahead continue to buzz; one of them swoops ahead, scanning the tunnel with an array of thermals. SCAN SCAN SCAN.

"Sewer people?" the other soldier says. "What, like alligators?"

"No. Like -- /mutants/. Living in the sewers."

"--yeah, just like the alligators. And the Loch Ness monster." They continue to creep forward, assault rifles posed at the ready.

Marrow waits patiently for the drone to get a little closer, reaching for a dirty looking blanket each corner of which is weighted with bricks. Silently she counts down until her diversion, a tapedeck hooked to some speakers down a side passage, to go off. As she mouths zero the tape plays "Holy shit, I'd ask if you're as goddamned stupid as you are ugly but I doubt you even know what it means." This is but the start of Marrows hour long cussing mix-tape. Perfect for leaving under the bed of people you don't like.

"Th' hell is--" one soldier begins, but now both are swooping down to pay attention to the source of the sound, barrels bristling as they step -- as a unit! -- to take point positions on either side of the branching tunnel; their guns point down the hall as one calls out: "ANYONE IN THERE! HANDS ON YOUR HEAD! ON THE FLOOR!"

The Osbots, meanwhile, buzz like an angry hornet's nest. When the weighted blanket lands on the first one, it goes down -- CLUMP! -- and proceeds to writhe, spasming beneath that canopy; the other two immediately hum and sweep a few feet backward, as if processing this sudden change in events...!

With an almighty leap Marrow springs from her perch, grabs a rusty iron bar and swings like an unwashed gymnast. And then comes the dismount, hurling herself through the air towards the nearest of the soldiers drawing a pair of wickedly sharp curved daggers. "DIE FUCKERS!"

The two remaining Osbots hum to life as Marrow moves; the soldiers are /already/ being informed of an attacker behind them by their in-helmet radios -- which is prompting them to begin turning an instant /before/ Marrow descends, bone-daggers in hand.

It doesn't help soldier #1, who gets slammed -- hard -- just as he's turning. The length of the assault rifle is shoved roughly downward to the ground; the knives puncture through the grooves of his shoulder bit, biting in deep -- a strangled cry escapes the mask as he stumbles back, the second blade glancing off of his chest-plate. The second soldier, however, has stepped back, /out/ of immediate range -- and is hefting his rifle into the air, pointed at Marrow. *THUBT* -- out goes a small, metal, electrified cannister, aimed for her side; it carries a charge roughly equivalent to a police taser. The soldier on the ground's armor is, of course, designed to let tazer charges pass /through/ them to the ground.

The Osbots, meanwhile, buzz and swing around, swooping in on the situation -- trying to get a bead, hovering back. The third one continues to writhe under the canopy.

From the moment Marrow lands on the first soldier she's already rolling towards the second soldier, twisting and tearing her dagger loose. The shock cannister strikes her bone armour with a brief thwzap before skittering off. Screaming, part battle-cry and partly in agony from the brief jolt of electricity she sweeps one blade at the solders gun in an attempt to knock it to one side while the other is stabbed at the side of his knee.

"Fffnn--fuck!" the soldier, stabbed in the soldier, yelps; the assault rifle is released as he goes down, reaching for his service pistol -- fumbling with the latch for more than half a second, the brief shock of pain leaving him struggling for a moment longer than it takes Marrow to close the distance between her and his compatriot.

The second soldier is less unlucky; he steps /further/ back, a certain zen-like calmness shown in his motions -- when Marrow takes a series of quick double-swipe with the dagger, the soldier is bobbing out of range -- his back now pressed to the wall. And then -- *THUBT* *THUBT* -- two more electrical pellets. One for the throat, the other for the chest.

Meanwhile, Osbots incoming -- THWP THWP THWP THWP -- four shots, intermittent, aiming for Marrow's arms and feet.

"OI, Fight like a man yah Cuntweasel," Marrow snarls, diving into another low roll as the pellets whistle overhead. As she springs up from her roll for another bout of blade work one of the twhps catches her dagger, tearing it from her grasp. "GAH, The fuck?" One weapon down she grabs directly for the end of the barrel, a small bone nub sprouting from her palm, while her other dagger slices back and forth.

"Nggh fuckin'--" Soldier #1 has pulled his pistol, /finally/; he shifts, rolling to the side -- gritting through the pain as he takes aim at Marrow's back. Taking long enough to make sure the angle /doesn't/ line up with the soldier she's currently fighting. And -- BLAM! BLAM! Two shots, aimed for her left shoulder.

Soldier #2 grunts as his rifle is snatched; the bony protrusion manages to /hook/ into the rifle's barrel-guard, and suddenly -- it's being wrenched aside. The boneknife slices into armor -- there's a shudder, a /grunt/ as Marrow scores a hit against his upper right torso, slipping through a layer of kevlar -- but then he's /slamming/ his rifle forward, shoving it forward like a makeshift club, aiming to smash it into her face -- his armored knee jerking up for her abdomen. "FUCK! Shoot the bitch!"

THWPTHWPTHWP -- the Osbots continue their organized assault on Marrow's appendages, carefully /sniping/ their shots, taking great pains not to hit the soldiers.

One of the pistol bullets ricochets off Marrow's armour while the other blasts a chunk of her shoulder off. "Die die die DIE!" she screams, riding the clubbing blow from the rifle so she can try grab hold of the armoured knee and heave soldier 2 round so she can throw him at solider 1.

"Gghrohfuck," Soldier #2 manages, suddenly -- seized, THROWN like a sack of potatoes toward his compatriot. Who, beneath his metal mask, pops his eyes open wide -- pistol /snapping/ up toward the ceiling to avoid an accidental shot. Right before -- WHUMP, SLAM. They both collapse on the /other/ side of the tunnel, briefly entangled.

At which point, the Osbots -- now with a /fully/ clear shot -- stop fucking around. THWPTHWPTHWPTHWPTHWPTHWP -- /six/ shots -- three from each -- proceed to /swarm/ Marrow, using the opportunity to try and just glue her face, her eyes, her legs, her hands -- anything and everything they can reach. GLUEGLUEGLUE.

Marrow springs for the side tunnel under the withering barrage of thwp, hurling the other bone knife at the pair of soldiers tangled on the floor. One of the thwips hits her foot, gunking her foot to the floor until with a heave she tears her foot loose. Leaving the ragged remains of her boot stuck there as an everlasting momument to stink. "So long Fucknuts, I hope you've had your shots!" Her escape route is thankfully one the Osbots will struggle to follow, a series of quick turns down narrow passages and then a dive into a pool of scummy water and a long swim down a pipe.