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Latest revision as of 04:27, 18 September 2013

Impure Thoughts
Dramatis Personae

Iolaus, Hive, Micah, Jane

17 September 2013

Yay, innuendo! XD


<NYC> Construction Site - Lower East Side

Though the imposing green plastic covering still hangs over the metal fence blocking the construction site off from the road, there is hardly much point in trying to hide it anymore. Not for a while, but now, the building that is behind it towers into the sky. Plastic sheeting has been replaced with windows, metal and paint, exposed steel by plaster and carpeting. The only thing that appears to have not been finished, from the outside at least, is the removal of the fencing, and the removal of thick sheets of white plastic that cover the name above the door. Outside, most of the trucks have long since left, replaced by movers carrying in equipment of all shapes and sizes, and decorators coming in and out with swatches and chattering about light and the carpet installation.

Outside the door, Iolaus is chatting warmly with one of the people supervising a mover - a lab supervisor, as it turns out, prepping one of the chemical labs with new equipment and supervising the finalization of the installation of the MRI. A few paces behind him stands Jane, ever watchful, glancing around the landscape with her arms crossed over her chest.

Though much of the heavier work has tapered to a halt, in between the decorators and movers there are still a sprinkling of contractors at work. Hive, at the moment, is tracking dust in over the gleaming new flooring in what will be the lobby. He looks somewhat like he's been climbing around inside a /wall/ somewhere, and he is just untucking his phone from where it is pinned between ear and shoulder. The scowl on his face /might/ suggest an irritating phone call, or might just suggest Hive's default mood. He is stompy enough to match it, heavy steps accentuated by the workboots he wears. He turns the scowl on Iolaus as he pushes his way out the door, squinting in the sudden brightness outside. "Don't you have work to be doing? S'still my building for a /couple/ weeks more," he grouches at the doctor.

Micah looks more than a little out of place, gawking a bit at the final stages of building and hauling of large things going on, dressed in his work clothes of TARDIS blue polo and khakis. He has a rather full canvas bag slung over one shoulder as he picks his way along, looking for Hive. “Oh, hey, hi!” he calls out as he approaches. “I didn't /think/ I got here too early. Sorry if I'm interrupting. I can just sit somewhere...if anywhere is actually out of the way. I'm not sure there is an out of the way here.”

"Ah. No problem. Best get back to work, anyway. Still have a long way to go. I'll be down in a few." Iolaus says to his companion who takes one glance at Hive and wanders quickly off. "It's good to see you, too, Hive." Iolaus says, smile bright despite the chilly welcome - and chilly weather. "Surprisingly enough, I know, I'm not just here to gawk. I'm here to do the final sign-off for the installation of one of the biohazard lab seals." At the sound of another voice behind him, Iolaus turns and smiles brightly at Micah. "Micah! I didn't expect to see you, here." He turns to glance back at Hive, then at Micah in turn. "No, not interrupting. I did want to talk to you, later, Hive, but it's not urgent." <<About what you are going to do after this.>> A brief memory of him at a lawyer's office floats through his mind before he pulls it back onto topic. "Here for a tour, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. Always a pleasure." Hive's voice sounds gruff and distinctly unpleased, his dark eyes cutting over towards Jane. He shoves his hands into his pockets, stepping away from the door towards Micah. "-- After this I'm going to be gorram sleeping for a month," he adds over his shoulder to Iolaus, "by which time someone'll probably have bombed the place so I'll come rebuild for you. Sup." His chin jerks upwards to Micah afterwards. "-- Uh I didn't plan a tour, fuck, did you /want/ a tour? We -- actually have floors and shit now."

“Oh, hello, Io! Good to see you.” Micah greets with a broad smile and a little wave, bouncing a bit on his toes for the last several steps over to the pair. “I was just showin' up for lunch, really? I got a text.” He taps his pocket, presumably where a cellphone is hiding. “I mean we /could/ take a tour, but that could always wait 'til the place is more finished and you're less busy. Mostly I was thinking t'put food in you. Y'still got time for lunch, right?” He glances back and forth between Hive and Iolaus for a moment.

<< Sleeping and then working more, no doubt. Maybe not for me, though. He's going to be excited -- or bite my head off. >> Iolaus smiles brightly and shakes his head. "He's got plenty of time for lunch, I'm sure. He needs to eat, and preferably not the plaster it looks like you've been crawling around in, Hive." Iolaus says, flashing Micah a grin. "No hardhat required, anymore. At least, they took the sign off of the gate. Maybe I'm still supposed to have mine, but I left it at home. Thankfully." If the comment about a bombing bothers him, it doesn't show on his face, though it does cause a spike of concern to flick his eyes towards Jane. Her mouth thins. << Probably. >> "We will take the necessary precautions."

"Got plenty of time. I was just gonna get coffee, though," Hive admits with a grimace. "Food seems --" The grimace deepens. "Flicker's a gorram busybody." His hand lifts, scruffing dusty-dirty fingers through his shaggy dark hair. "Bite your head off for what?" His eyes narrow suspiciously on Iolaus. "We have more hard hats." He turns, drawing in a slow breath as he looks upwards at the expanse of /building/ towering over them. "Yeahok. Sleep for a month, wake up and find Jax had an aneurysm because someone /tried/ bombing the place on his watch and hit his shields instead. Better?"

“Too bad. They're just so darn /fashionable/,” Micah replies with mock dismay at the lack of hard hats. “Have there been...attempts at anythin' so far? It's seemed like things have been pretty quiet, from the outside perspective, anyhow.” He scrunches his nose up at Hive. “Coffee, while delicious, is not lunch. We could get you coffee /with/ lunch. But you must lunch.” The mention of Flicker tugs his lips upward. “Flicker's wonderful, an' you love 'im, an' I'm not fooled, grumpypants. But who's biting off heads now?” He always gets a little confused at these half-heard half-telepathic conversations. “You're in fine form today,” serves as a response to the Jax-aneurysm scenario speculation. “/Definitely/ need food. Prob'ly also sugar.” He turns to Iolaus. “We're puttin' food in this one. You wanna food, too?”

<< Shit. >> "Flicker? Who? --" A beat. "I'd love some food," Iolaus says, concentrating very much on the hunger inside him and pointedly not about anything relating to the telepath. Concentrate. "But not to take food out of his mouth. I think he needs it more than me, at this point." Iolaus glances at the other man, eyes flicking down and up for a moment, and his lips quirk into a smile. << Or not. Fine just the way he is. >> "Sleeping for a month, though. I think you'll have earned it, in spades. It's some incredible work you've done here, Hive." << I just want to make sure you are properly rewarded. >>

"Coffee's the same lunch I have almost every day." Hive's scowl deepens at the invite to Iolaus, shoulders tensing up a little bit higher. "Just so you know," the smile he cuts to Iolaus is sharp and thin, at those overheard snippets, "your /cock/ is not /nearly/ reward enough for the goddamn /miracle/ I pulled off for you here. We are talking like. A stack of blowjobs that reaches /twice/ as high as this building."

He lifts one hand out of his pocket, wrapping (bony!) arm around (bony!) chest, fingers curling in against the opposite bicep. "Flicker can be wonderful /and/ a gorram busybody. Why don't you take /him/ to lunch, I bet class is exhausting, too. -- Jax says it's been quiet so far. Uh." He looks at the near-finished building again. "-- That might be ending soon."

"His roommate," Micah explains with a gesture toward Hive. "Who apparently arranged this without Hive knowin' about it. He's a sweetheart, though." He arches an eyebrow at Iolaus. "Y'know, it's not like there's not enough food t'feed multiple people. It is a thing that can happen." His weight shifts from one foot to the other as they stand. "Been tryin' t'convince you at vacationin', anyhow. Lots of sleep sounds like a good plan. Which /just/ coffee for lunch doesn't. Just 'cause it's what y'do most days doesn't mean that's what y'need t'do to--" Hive's sudden colourful commentary (again in response to things Micah isn't privy to!) derails Micah's sentence handily, replacing it with quiet blushing and confused looks instead. Moving. Right. Along... "Um. I am already here. Flicker is at a college, the place is full of easy food. Are you objectin' t'food for a /reason/? 'Cause. I can stop bein' pushy if there's a legitimate reason an' not just a grouchy."

Iolaus' eyes widen and, behind him, Jane snickers, a rare smile working its way onto her face. Iolaus flashes her a dirty look even as he protests, "Stop misinterpreting my thoughts! I didn't get you /fellatio/ for your goddamned bonus, you asshole," he says, amusement bright in his voice. << Not that you wouldn't give him one in a heartbeat. >> "But it is generally not a done thing to discuss people's compensation in front of third parties." The doctor bites out, rolling his eyes. "I think we need to get him sugar stat, Micah, before he grouches us to death." he says, voice still playful and light as he shakes his head, cheeks burning slightly. "Yes. Food. Let's go, quickly, before he gets any more ideas."

"Misinterpreting." Hive's mouth pulls up into a smirk. "Yeahok /that/ one was pretty clear." He shakes his head at Micah, shrugging in one quick twitch of shoulders. "Fine. Right. Food. You show me a vacation where I don't ever have to hear another fucking person and I will vacate the hell out of this shitty place. How come 'grouchy' isn't a legitimate reason?"

Micah's cheeks seem to be demonstrating precisely how many shades of red they can shift through at breakneck speeds. "Ohgosh. I...uh. I can be not here. If there was a need for y'all t'discuss things. So long as that one eats a thing, I don't /need/ t'be here. Work stuff's important, too." Hive is apparently Captain of the Not Helping Squad today. Micah chews at his lower lip, resigned to the fact that he's just going to be blushing for some time now. "Could send you campin'. Somewhere remote. Do some hikin'. Some climbin'. Grump at some nature." He giggles at the last recommendation. "Grouchy isn't a legitimate reason because No Food is a cause of Grouchy. S'a terrible positive feedback loop."

"Maybe send you somewhere down South. Go spend some time in the Appalachians or something. Or, you know, there's always Siberia." Iolaus jokes, eyes twinkling. << Maybe we shouldn't have set him up in that place in SoHo if he isn't into the whole 'people' vibe. Then again, it is New York. Good luck finding some place /without/ people. >> "We could send you there. Seals and snow for company, but very few people." Iolaus grins at Micah and shakes his head. "I promise, my thoughts are much purer than he thinks they are." A quick pause, and Iolaus flashes a wide smile at Micah. "Where are we getting some food for Hive? And for us, I suppose."

“What, no, it's lunch break I don't have /shitall/ to do for work we're not discussing --" Though Hive pulls up short at this, turning to scowl at Iolaus. "-- SoHo? What the fuck?" His eyes narrow on Iolaus a long moment before he moves over nearer Micah. "C'mon." Though a few steps towards the fence and he stops again: "-- uhyeah, where the fuck are we going?"

His head shakes at Micah's explanation. "/Living/ is a cause for Grouchy. No Food seems like an excellent /cure/. And Io, I don't think your thoughts are any more dirty than everyfuckingbody /else/ around here."

“Seals are cute. Snow's cold, though.” Micah fusses the fingers of both hands through his hair, just for one swipe. “Ohgosh, don't worry about it. Impure thoughts are fun. S'half of what havin' thoughts is for. I just--” he gestures to his own face rather than supplying words, “over everythin'. S'a redhead thing is all. An'...a little bit confused by /this one/ carryin' on half a conversation where I can hear it.” His head tilts toward in point about whatever about SoHo. “You're welcome t'dictate if y'gotta place y'wanna go. Otherwise there's this little deli in walking distance that makes really creative sandwiches an' bagels. An' sandwiches /with/ bagels.” He rolls his eyes at Hive, patting him on the shoulder. “Yeah, not /everybody/ is a grouchyface all the time. An' starvin' t'death don't sound like a good way t'stop bein' a grouchyface, either.” A little snort of laughter answers Hive's last comment. “Well, if anyone would know...”

"How about we go down to get some Thai?" Iolaus says, grinning at Hive. "I'm hungry for Thai." Innocence, itself, despite the teasing tone in his voice. One can almost see the halo floating above his head. "I think there's a pretty good restaurant down the street a couple of blocks that I've been to before." A brief pause, and Iolaus places his hand on Micah's shoulder. "Or we can go get bagels. Come on, let's go, grumpy." Iolaus says, letting his hand drop as he takes off in the lead of the little group, stepping down the block towards the bagel shop. To lox, and beyond!