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Latest revision as of 13:00, 15 October 2013

Dramatis Personae

Ducky, Faelan


Photography, walking, and talking.


<XS> Forest

Quiet and shady, the trees rise all around here high and thick. In stillness, woodland creatures make appearances, though sudden noises scare them back into the cover. Dappled sunlight filters down between the thick foliage, and the ground underfoot is heavily overgrown, though here and there paths have been worn, by deer or years of students wandering familiar trails.

The forest is alive and well this afternoon, with cute little woodland creatures scampering about to acquire food stuffs to build up fat supplies for the approaching winter. Many birds have already flown south for the winter, but the ones that stick around year round are still flittering about from tree to tree, chirping their little heads off and snagging bugs and nuts from the area. Many of the leaves have already started to fall from the trees though, but the ones still remaining are brightly colored and letting through sunlight to the forest floor.

Heading out into the forest after the time when classes would end, Faelan decides to follow his therapists advice and get out and do things. He had invited a few others to head out to the woods with him to be company, and perhaps slightly useful to the process of taking photos. He is dressed for the chilly fall weather, and with jeans and a thick Xavier's sweatshirt on, he is carefully holding the borrowed camera from the school in both hands, despite the strap around his neck making it more difficult to fall. Leaning against a tree, he watches towards the school to see if anyone will be able to make it with all the fall homework that is to be had.

At least one student has taken Faelan up on the offer of walking around in the woods. Or, perhaps, Ducky is just on another one of her random excursions into the forest surrounding the school - either way, she is making her way down the lawns and into the tree-line, hands stuffed in the pocket of her heather gray Xavier's hoodie, perhaps a size too large for her frame. A pair of dark denim jeans, tattered at the edges from being stepped on over time, with loosely tied hiking boots on her feet, complete the look. Her ever present pigeon is nestled into the hood of her sweatshirt. She offers a small wave and grin when she spots Faelan, crunching lightly over the fallen leaves and twigs towards him, trying to be at least somewhat quiet. The chatter of the birds in the area begins to increase in volume, as the remaining birds begin to notice her presence.

Offering a wave to Ducky as she comes into view, Faelan gives her a smile as he lets the camera rest against his chest, though still keeping one hand on it. "Heya. Thanks for coming on out, I wasn't sure who would be able to make it. At least it's not too bad a day right?" He nods a bit, more to himself than anything as he glances around at the chattering birdies. "Well, at least that answers the one question. I had been hoping to get some good nature shots in before it gets too dark. Think they'll be willing to sit still any?" He gestures about to the tree line, glancing up with a thoughtful look. "Or is it trying to take action shots and getting lots of blur?"

Ducky nods and grins, "No problem! I kinda tend to come out here in the evenings anyway after classes, so it's no trouble to try and help out. I can really only get the birds to sit still, though, and even then they might not exactly be inclined to sit perfectly still, really. What with being birds and all that jazz." Ducky babbles for a moment, before looking sheepish, and dropping her voice, "Sorry, I should probably be quieter, since, y'know, other animals don't like me as much normally. But, um, normally, I can just sort of sit down and the birds start coming around more. I can try that, if you want?" She crinkles her nose up at the mention of motion shots, "That I think depends on the camera? I mean, can try? They move, a lot." She pauses in her chatter, and leans against one of the trees nearby to wait for Faelan's directions.

"I'm still new at it really. Most of my shots end up blurry for now, I think I'm still getting used to trying to keep my hands still and be patient and take the shot." Faelan nods again at that, and hrms in thought. "Well if we want to stick around here you can sit and relax if you like? I mean we have lotsa grass and trees and stuff, but nothing much bigger than squirrels and birds, which I'm fine with. I don't think we have anything scary around, and deer are really skittish. Pretty sure they would runaway from me if I was invisible even." He seems to be weighing options at that, then looks to Ducky again. "Should I be invisible? I mean, would the birds be more comfortable? I mean, they like you, but I'm not like you."

"You don't have to, but it might help. Or they might fly into you trying to get at me," Ducky offers with a giggle, settling down against one of the trees in the area, resting her back against the bark. She closes her eyes for a moment, and looks like she's concentrating on something, "This also lets me concentrate on focus. Which I sometimes have issues with, so this is good, too. I can totally write it off as practice." Ducky smirks slightly, and settles back against the tree, "Up to you if you want to be invisible or not. If it makes you more comfortable? The birds will come to the area one way or another - I kinda make them docile?" There's a snort and a giggle as several of the birds in the area start to light along her arms, chirruping happily - it's mostly just the small brown birds - sparrows, chickadees, and a handfull of mourning doves. More start to rustle through the branches above, and Ducky winces slightly, "They don't mind you as long as you don't make too many sudden motions."

"Ah right, the window problem. Yeah, I don't want to get slammed into, and its probably bad for them too. I wish I was immaterial and not just invisible. It would be so much safer, but I guess thats the sort of thing Kitty had." Faelan glances about, then places his back against a tree opposite to Ducky's position so he has some stability. "I can be invisible here, since they wont be trying to run into a tree right? So you can have the birds, and I can take the pictures. Though, um, most of the pictures would probably have you in them if the birds start landing on you. Unless you also want to be invisible, but then the birds would probably be disturbed. I don't know if they'll stick around to sit on you if they can't see you any more?" There is a snap of the shutter as he talks, apparently taking pictures already.

"It can hurt them, yeah. But sometimes they just come towards me without much attention of what might be in their way. And they don't normally expect to have a window pane standing in the middle of the woods," Ducky explains, leaning back against the tree and watching Faelan curiously through half lidded eyes. "I don't mind being in the photos, but if you'd rather I not be in here, you can make me invisible. Kinda curious what it would be like," Ducky says, raising a hand up to her face - a little red chested finch lighting on her hand, right in front of her eyes - and she grins happily at the little bird as it fluffs up its feathers at her. "If you look up, the birds will be in the trees too. And likely on the ground around us. I can only carry so many on me at a time," her hazel eyes glance upwards for a moment, but she looks slightly distant.

There is a slight rustling of the leaves as Faelan shifts his position, showing that while he may be invisible, he isn’t exactly the master class stealth ninja. There are a few more shutter snapping noises coming from the area of leaf rustling though as he continues at it. “Its up to you. I can make you invisible, but I’d have to get closer, meaning I have to be careful not to get in the way of bird flight in the meanwhile.” Creeeeak goes the tree as he leans against a low hanging branch to get better stability. “I should see if they have tripods I can borrow. Might be less blurry then at least.”

Ducky shakes her head, "Eh. Maybe if you want to do this again, I'll try being invisible. It would be kinda cool to see. Or, y'know, not see." She eyes the little finch balanced on her fingers, grinning slightly and tilting her head to the side to look at it closer, for a moment neglecting the conversation entirely - at least any that is audible to Faelan. A slight giggle escapes her lips, and she shakes her head, but makes no other sound for several minutes. Regardless, the birds continue to arrive - a wider variety making their way towards their location - now a large black bird lights on the same branch Faelan leans against, close enough that the back draft from its wings hits Faelan as it lands. “Probly do. They seem to kinda have a little bit of everything,” she responds distractedly.

“I had wanted to head a little further into the woods if you’re okay with that? I’m supposed to take shots with different lighting levels, and short of waiting till its dark that’s probably the best way.” Fading back into sight, Faelan watches her talking to the birdies. “They must really like you. I guess the same happens with Ivan, I mean he has Lena and all the moths and stuff. Though I guess he doesn’t attract things too much because the mosquitos and bees aren’t really too bad around him in the warm months.” Glancing into the woods further, he frowns. “Oh right, bug repellant. I should put some on before we go much further. Shoving his hand up under his sweat shirt, he rummages a little before pulling out a little spray bottle of DEET. “Did you want some too? I don’t know how good the birds are at keeping ticks away, but with the local animal population, we want to avoid Lyme disease problems.” He nods and holds out the bottle towards her.

“Sure - can move. They’ll follow,” Ducky contributes, carefully rising to her feet, with three birds balanced on her arms and shoulders - the little red finch having taken up residence in her unruly mess of hair. Once she is standing, the raven that was beside Faelan kicks off and settles onto her shoulder with a trill, head butting her lightly, “You lead. We’ll follow.” Ducky stuffs her hands back into her pockets, “Nah - I’m fine - the birds keep pests offa me. Most part anyway.” Standing and waiting for Faelan to move, Ducky closes her eyes again, wobbling in place for a moment, “‘S’getting dark. There should be owls and other birds coming out as we get further into the woods. Little birds’ll stay closer to the edge mostly, since s’dark.” There’s a wince, as though talking aloud were increasingly difficult.

Spraying himself thoroughly, Faelan starts heading deeper into the woods, or at least further away from the mansion. While he may not be very stealthy, he at least seems comfortable moving around in the woods, having spent plenty of time in his training in various environments. "I had hoped Ivan would come, but he's been really distracted lately. But mainly I had been trying to be social and stuff." He shrugs as he pauses and looks around before heading further along some unmarked math. "You doing okay? If you're feeling a bit wobbly we don't have to go too far."

Ducky follows along wordlessly, the eclectic flock that surrounds her beginning to thin slightly as she moves, only to be replaced by an increased number of black birds, doves, and small brown and beige spotted birds that dart among the fallen leaves around her feet. Overhead, the leaves rustle, both with the slight breeze as the sun’s rays begin to fade, but darker shadows flit from branch to branch, keeping pace with Ducky’s movements in near silence. Ducky - despite her quietness - seems to be doing quite well out in the woods - her footsteps light, quiet, and barely crunching through the leaves at this point.

“I’m o-kay,” Ducky responds in a slightly singsong voice, surrounded further by the rustling sounds of wings, “There’s nighthawks. Look up.” Her eyes - slightly unfocused now, glance upwards, to the birds bustling about through the canopy - almost difficult to distinguish from the leaves overhead. “If you wanted one down lower, I can try an’ get one.” She blinks, and nods, “Sorry - s’kinda not too social when there’s this many birds. Like standing in a crowded room when everyone around me is trying to get my attention at the same time.” There’s a faint frown, “I don’t mind walking. I like being in the woods. Just kinda interesting to have another human around to talk to, too.”

“Alright, if you say you’re okay.” Faelan nods and looks up to the canopy, clicking a few shots though he isn’t quite sure he actually saw a bird or just some leaves rustling in the wind. “Its ok, you don’t need to make em come down. I mean, hawks are pointy and all right? Best not to bother them when I just want to get some pictures. If they are already down, then you can see if they are willing to stay still.” Looking around more, he hrms abit at the changing swarms as they go deeper. “Theres still more open places than cities, so I ended up in them abit. It feels safer than when people are all around. I think its called agoraphobia or something. Maybe anthrophobia? Something like that.” He seems distracted in the concentration of trying to see everything and not trip over something else.

“Mmm… can’t make them come down. I can ask though,” Ducky lilts, slows her pace and looks up, frowning slightly, “These aren’t that pointy. Also kinda littleish. Not gonna be ‘round long. They’re already here late, ‘should be migrating now.” At this point, Ducky stops entirely, holding out one arm to her side, looking up still, “You can come here. ‘Ssok. We’re friends. How come you’re still so far north, little one?” The bird that lands sort of heavily on her arm, wings fluttering about slightly as it regains balance, isn’t even a foot tall, with mottled gray, brown, and tan - almost a bit like a pointless eye-spy image. It makes a light “preeeee” noise, and ruffles up, looking at Ducky with huge dark eyes. “Oh. Ok. S’lazy hawk. You should probably go soon. It’s gonna get too cold up here,” she says, looking down at the bird with a frown, before holding it out towards Faelan, “See - not pointly. Kinda little. Not technically a hawk, really. It’s part of the nightjar family.”

Ducky nods to the fear of people, “I get like that, sometimes. If I’m around a flock for too too long, and not around enough people. I get skittish.” She tilts her head at Faelan in a decidedly birdlike manner, blinking, making an obvious attempt to focus in the dimming light, “So where’s the farthest away you’ve ended up before?” The flock does seem to have thinned out a bit, with less movement in the leaves above, and very little on the ground around them at least.

Faelan is careful as the new birdy lands on Ducky’s arm and goes click click click of the camera in hopes of getting a picture that isn’t too bad. “It is kinda smallish. I don’t think I’ve heard of a nightjar before? Does that mean it comes out at night?” He hrms and looks around with it being not quite that dark, and shrugs figuring it may just be her powers.

“People seem to cause all the problems, or are the most dangerous. An animal will attack because its hungry, or because you’re too close to its house. People attack you because you are different.” Faelan frowns and lets out a sigh, thinking at her question. “I don’t know. I think it was during my first escape that it got the furthest. It mighta been Africa? Or coulda just been one of the islands down south. They were black and didn’t speak English, so doesn’t really narrow things down too much.” Glancing about for any new wildlife, he doesn’t really figure he’ll see anything with their chatter. “The more afraid I am, the further I go. So could end up anywhere in theory. Its not exactly something you want to try out, it inconveniences everybody having to make flight plans, or calling a cab and all.”

Ducky shakes her head, “Nah. It’s a misnomer.” She is intently focused on the new bird, hazel eyes wide, as she chatters on, “They’re technically crepuscular - they come out at dawn and dusk, and eat bugs and stuff that are also active at that time. Nightjar is one of the old names for them.” There’s a little bit of a snort-giggle, and she tilts her head again, looking at the bird, then at Faelan, “Granted, this really wide spread family of bird is apparently really unlucky in naming. They also got called goat-suckers. It’s their Latin name. Which is just mean.” Ducky disgorges a wealth of completely useless information about the bird, grinning like a fool, none the less.

Her dopey grin fades though, when Faelan talks about his powers, and she nods slowly, looking curiously at him. “Yeah. People aren’t good when they’re faced with something they don’t understand. Makes them… kinda worse than animals sometimes. But people are just animals - ‘specially in large groups. Herd mentality, flock mentality. Weed out the ones they feel don’t fit right in the group, don’t fit the norm,” Ducky says quietly, shivering as she talks. “Didn’t know that, though. About the being afraid thing,” she says, tilting her head slightly, eyes still focusing mostly on the nighthawk on her arm.

“Corpuscular right.” Faelan nods at the naming of the thing. “Latin names for things are so weird. But I guess it doesn’t help that they didn’t really have the things we have. Also, kinda sorta different continent. Its one of the things that I got trained on, identifying where I am by species. Knowing their names… not so much, but I can recognize certain biomes and places based on it and all. Can narrow it down with combined animal, plant and bug species if you can’t tell where you are by the stars or being close enough to a city to ask.” Looking to the camera, he takes the chattering moment to swap out the film of the camera, apparently it being one of the older ones the mansion had.

“Most animals don’t try and kill the different ones. Just get them Out of the herd, so they don’t get the protection benefits of being part of the group.” Faelan lets out a slight sigh and shakes his head. “And yeah, it seems to be part of my triggers. Its why they have me on some anti-anxiety and mood relaxers. It helps a little, but its kinda ingrained. They say I’m making progress though, I mean, I don’t hide from the people who go into the library. “ He has a slight smile at that, then double checks the camera again with the replaced film. “Okay, good to continue now.”

Ducky opens her mouth as though to correct his pronunciation, but closes it again, shaking her head. “I just like reading about birds, and I kinda remember stuff, so that’s kinda what I know about. Not… that great with all the other things. I’m kinda bird-brained,” Ducky offers sheepishly, shrugging her bird-filled shoulders. “If I could find a bird, I could probably find out where I am. And where the nearest city is. They kinda know that sorta things a lot,” Ducky says, watching Faelan reloading the camera. “S’good that you’re making progress, though. And probably kinda a bit more helpful with the whole assistant librarian thing if you don’t hide from people. Makes it a bit more easy to assist, and all that,” Ducky says with a giggle. “D’you wanna keep going into the woods more?”

“Yeah can head further in.” Faelan gestures in such a direction. “Guessing the whole communication thing would make it pretty easy to survive, if only because the birds would help you out. Most people look to the animals to figure out what is safe to eat, or where to get water from. You can just ask them for it instead. For me, if the environment is too hostile, I just jump again. Water is the worst to land in though, since if you can’t see land, you could be almost anywhere, and its not worth the effort of trying to figure out where you are.”

Trudge, trudge, trudge Faelan goes deeper into the woods, looking up occasionally and snapping some pictures. “There’s lotsa stuff I could learn that could help me out, which is what’s making it hard to decide for college. Do I let my powers define me, or do I figure out what interests me and not worry about my powers. Since languages, biology, ecology, and all sorts of things about nature or cultures would be really useful for me. I could be a world explorer, photographer, and such. Lacking aim means I can’t really do stuff like be a courier or delivery type. Mainly my powers still only really good for getting away from something, well the teleporting side of things. Being invisible is really only useful for doing badguy type stuff, sneaking around, stealing things and all. And I don’t want to be like that guy from the story.”

"Kinda sorta. But also depends on the birds in the area. And if there are actually birds in the area - if not, I'm screwed," Ducky muses, following Faelan's lead further into the woods, the rustling of birds continuing along with their movements. "Some birds are jerks. Like seagulls. Seagulls are really not helpful," she says with a pout, wandering along. There's a curious head tilt at the mention of college, "Well, is there anything that's both? That you like doing, but also kinda works well with your powers? I mean - not like the world's really gonna go 'oh, yes, your mutation is a benefit! you're hired!' - they're more likely to not hire you, even if it's true. But still, I think it could be good to not completely discount what you can do, no matter what the origin." She crinkles her nose, "I guess, yeah, invisibility isn't as legally useful as everyone thinks it would be. I mean - I'm sure it could be useful outside of crime stuff - like, um, photography and film? Tree in the way of the shot? Not now! Temporarily invisible! And then put it back when they don't need to see through it?" She shrugs, unsure of other hypotheticals that would be applicable. "I just wanna work with birds. Maybe nature. Conservation and stuff. It's kinda all I'm good at," she offers, looking up into the canopy of the forest.

“Well yeah, I mean it would help out with photography, but animals deal with smell not just sight. Its not like with people, people you could photograph all day invisible as long as you aren’t standing somewhere they would bump into you. But that just sounds more creepy that way.” Faelan frowns at that, and as they have trekked, they come across a fallen tree slightly rotted. “I was hoping Ivan would be available, theres all sorts of bugs out here in the forest that he could get out easier. Otherwise its just kinda leaning and poking and hoping some sorta bugs are available.” Speaking of which he does just that and snaps a few shots. “But yeah, I don’t really know yet. You want to study something that can at least make some money and not just be interesting. Like Miss Winthrop, she has an english degree, so she teaches and works the library. And most of the other teachers at the school all have a degree in what they teach. But I don’t really want to teach anything, so its getting an education on something that has an associated job. Which, I honestly don’t know what I want yet.”

“Birds are mostly sight. Only ones that do smell are the carrion feeders, like ravens and buzzards and stuff,” Ducky babbles, trudging along with her burden of birds. “But I know whatcha mean. At least you kinda pass pretty easily for human - so s’not like you’re gonna have trouble going to school or getting a job after the fact,” she says quietly, glancing up at the swarm of birds that is following her around from being outside so long. “So you don’t wanna teach. Would you wanna write? I mean - if you still end up bouncing around - could always start a blog or something - talk about places you go, things you see? Dunno how well /that/ would go, but it could be a neat little travelogue type thingy,” Ducky looks down at the rotting log, somewhat quietly, although as her attentions turn that way, so do the attentions of a few of the starlings that were on her shoulders and head, who swoop down to enjoy a quick snack. “Ah. Ivan seems to have been a bit aloof-er than normal lately, I think? But if you were wanting to take photos of bugs, might be a better idea to do it when I’m not around. Unless you really want to do a photo set on the food chain or something.”

“I hadn’t really thought about the travel log thing. Maybe if I had a bit of money saved up first, since well, I mean unless I’m stealing food or scrounging it up from nature, I’d still have to buy food and such. So it might make a good hobby but I don’t think it would be too practical long run. Though I guess once its popular I’d have advertising and stuff paying for it.” Faelan frowns in thought, trying to figure out the details. “And I’d have to make sure nobody is paying too much attention to the hows of my travel. Would be different if people thought I was some eccentric rich guy being a weirdo world traveling than if they realized I was a mutant just wandering about because I can’t aim a teleport.” He smiles a bit at that though.

Taking blurry shots of the birds eating the bugs, Faelan nods at her assessment of Ivan and the situation. “True, I don’t think he’d want his bugs eaten anyway. And I hope he’s alright, I haven’t seen him too much since he had gone missing. But then I don’t think Peter has really been the same since he had gotten taken. I can’t really blame them for having it rough since such a nasty thing happened. I’m still messed up from what happened so long ago, so only a few short months since all that? Yeah the school therapist is probably one of the busiest in New York. But I’m really thankful for them, I wouldn’t be out here taking these blurry pictures if not for them.”

Ducky nods, “Well, yeah, it kinda might need sommmore work and stuff, but, well?” She shrugs slightly and grins, “Could be neat to do maybe? At least would let you remember where you’ve been and all. Even if people don’t watch or read it. Still could be neat, maybe.” A frown and a nod at the talk of kids going missing, changes, and therapists, “Yeah. It’s… everyone seems to have something that’s gone wrong in the past. Can’t imagine being a therapist here is exactly an easy thing to do, really, since it’s not like everyone has the same variety of messed up as everyone else.” Ducky leans against a tree for a few minutes, watching the birds and Faelan sort of distractedly, falling quiet again.

The evening continues on like that, different birds emerging to collect around Ducky as the light begins to fail and the temperature drops lower into the fall night. The wandering goes on, with the pair chatting and observing things around them until the school’s curfew requires Ducky to start the trek back towards the mansion for the evening at least.