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Revision as of 06:16, 3 January 2014

The Fury Before the Storm
Dramatis Personae

Regan, Thea


Going to war


<BOM> House of Leaves - Ascension Island

A small log cabin halfway between the main clearing and the beach, this little lodge is nestled alongside a twist in the stream. A large mulberry tree by the water has had a tire swing hung down over the creek; its branches seem in occasional need of pruning for how they butt up against the side of the cabin.

Inside, the cabin is small and neat. Its entry room is a small sitting space, an eclectic host of artwork hanging on the walls. It holds an old but very comfortable black leather couch, a sunny yellow throw rug in front of the fireplace, a pair of large bookshelves on the back wall, a small oak coffee table in front of the sofa. A little dining table along the left side wall stands next to a window; pushed up against the wall, it has room for only three chairs. There's a tiny kitchenette off in the back.

The right wall has a door leading to the bedroom. Its queen-sized bed is usually covered in an abundance of pillows and blankets, bright yellow and dark blue. A desk stands against the window, often littered with books and notes. The bathroom is small, tiled in pale stone, with a claw-footed bathtub.

It's been a rough few days for Thea around the island. She was agitated when Jax was taken into custody, having such a whirlwind of complicated emotions in that field. But then when Dusk was arrested too, this seemed to galvanize her. She's been thoroughly peeved ever since the news filtered out to the island, and she was even heard raising her voice at Hercules this afternoon, something she almost never does with anyone, let alone one of her creations.

So she arrives at Regan's door with only Sonic in tow, her terrier-sized pill bug pet. She knocks softly on the door and steps back, letting Sonic rub up against her leg.

Regan has been somewhat agitated herself, less so with Jackson's arrest but far more so with Dusk's. In her it shows differently, a focused intensity, quieter rather than more snappish. It takes a moment before she comes to open the door, lips pressing together as she pulls it open. She's in jeans and a large cream-coloured sweater, hair tied back into a French braid. Her blue eyes skip over Thea and Sonic briefly. "Thea," she greets, with a small nod of her head. "Please, come in. This snow doesn't seem likely to let up soon."

Thea only seems to remember Sonic when Regan mentions him and looks down at him before back up at Regan. "Oh, is it ok for him to come in? I didn't even think..." If Regan agrees, Thea will make sure Sonic is inside before closing the door behind herself. She's wearing black fleece pants, cheap ugg boots, a gray hoodie with cutouts for her wings, and a black knit cap that looks loose enough to not squash her antennae down too much. "Thanks," she says, once inside. She slips her boots off by the door to not track snow in, revealing delicate bare feet but with toes resembling her spidery fingers. They don't seem prehensile; they just have the extra knuckle in each digit like her hands.

"/Fuck/," she says suddenly, almost too loud for close quarters, barely inside the cabin. Her hands clench and her wings flick out in an 'X' behind her, until they bump up against the ceiling and the floor. Sonic skitters away, rolling up into a ball next to Regan's heater. "How do you handle this /stress/? You're so fucking calm..." This last is actually quieter, and clearly meant as a compliment rather than any kind of indictment.

"Certainly." Regan gestures both Thea and Sonic inside, heading over to pull a chair out from the small table and sit in it. Her legs cross, one knee slid over the other and a hand dropping to rest on her knee. Her eyes lower at Thea's outburst, and she gives a small shake of her head. "I handle it by maintaining a healthy baseline level of fury at all times," she answers Thea a little drily. "I take it Dusk's incarceration doesn't sit well with you, either, then."

Thea's nostrils flare as she takes a deep breath, and visibly calms herself. She nods and smiles a dark smile when Regan discusses her 'fury'. "I like that. That makes sense at least. I was worried I would come in here and you'd tell me to calm the fuck down." She crosses to the table and glances back to the door briefly. "Apologies for yelling. I've just been... " She turns back to Regan and pulls a seat out for herself to sit across the table from her. "We need to get him back. I have unfinished business with Dusk." Her expression is somewhere between furious at the fact that he went and got himself arrested, and the classic 'woman scorned' look.

"There are times for calm. Those times are --" Regan pauses, shaking her head again. "Few and far between, these days. Anger is admittedly best when it's /focused/. But not best when it's /calmed/."

Her eyebrows hitch upwards at 'unfinished business', at Thea's expression. One corner of her mouth curls upwards, a brief smirk that fades away soon. "We /do/ need him. Though I don't know that /that/ kind of business will ever be finished."

Thea smirks and shakes her head. "No, probably never finished. But I'd still like to get him back here so I can slap his beautiful face." She sighs and looks up at the ceiling for a long moment. "Sor- Apologies. You don't wanna hear all that. All that shit aside, getting him back is what I wanted to talk to you about." She shrugs and smiles over at Sonic who is just starting to unroll by the heater. Thea leans down and wiggles her fingers at the tiny monster and it scurries over for her pettings. "You know what I can do, Regan. But I wanted to talk to you first. I fucked up before, on taking orders, and I promised that wouldn't happen again. But with your permission, I'd like to put a little army together, and break Dusk and Jax out. Sure, Jax can't go home. But maybe we can recruit him. Sounds like he can hold his own at least."

"Slap him," Regan sounds rather amused at this. "Besides getting himself arrested, what's he done." Her leg swings absently, one foot bobbing against the other. Her fingers toy at the loose end of her braid. Her eyes slip over to Sonic, and then back to Thea. "Mmm. The man can definitely hold his own," she agrees thoughtfully, "though I'm not certain on recruitment. I don't know if he quite has it /in/ him to do what is necessary. Dusk, though --" Her eyes turn up to the ceiling. "It's a hard call. I am /certainly/ unwilling to leave one of ours in jail. But his association with Holland means a likely team of lawyers on the case -- but. If he loses this case --" Her lips press together, thin. "I haven't been able to find yet where they're being held. Holland's husband would likely know. I'll get that information off of him, it'll give you more to go on."

Thea's eyes shift away when Regan asks about the slapping, and then she just shrugs. Apparently she's not prepared to comment any further on that topic. She leans forward though, surprised and eager when Regan mentions getting the location. "Really? We'd be ok to go then? I really appreciate that. I don't know how long I could just sit on my hands, you know?" Thea reaches up to run her long fingers through her hair. "Thanks, Regan. Really."

"He's family." Though here Regan presses her lips together, her brows furrowing. "I'm not certain it'll be /his/ preference. But we should at least try."