ArchivedLogs:Mmm...brownies....: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Daken, Anette | summary = Daken brings brownies and he and Anette veg out on the couch (Disclaimer: minor drug use. Drugs are bad. Stay in school, kids.) | ga...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = Daken, Anette
| cast = [[Daken]], [[Anette]]
| summary = Daken brings brownies and he and Anette veg out on the couch (Disclaimer: minor drug use. Drugs are bad. Stay in school, kids.)
| summary = Daken brings brownies and he and Anette veg out on the couch (Disclaimer: minor drug use. Drugs are bad. Stay in school, kids.)
| gamedate = 2015-06-21
| gamedate = 2015-06-21
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> 202 {Anette} - Sunrise Apartments - Clinton
| location = <NYC> 202 {Anette} - [[Sunrise Apartments]] - Clinton
| categories = Brotherhood of Mutants, Mutants, Daken, Anette, Private Residence
| categories = Brotherhood of Mutants, Mutants, Daken, Anette, Private Residence, Sunrise Apartments
| log =
| log =
It's nearing eight when Daken arrives outside of the apartment, dressed in blue t-shirt depicting Cheech and Chong as 8bit characters reading 'Super Bario Brothers', a pair of faded jeans, and a simple pair of black shoes. Slung over his shoulder is a worn messenger bag, which he checks before knocking.
It's nearing eight when Daken arrives outside of the apartment, dressed in blue t-shirt depicting Cheech and Chong as 8bit characters reading 'Super Bario Brothers', a pair of faded jeans, and a simple pair of black shoes. Slung over his shoulder is a worn messenger bag, which he checks before knocking.

Latest revision as of 12:32, 27 July 2015

Dramatis Personae

Daken, Anette

In Absentia


Daken brings brownies and he and Anette veg out on the couch (Disclaimer: minor drug use. Drugs are bad. Stay in school, kids.)


<NYC> 202 {Anette} - Sunrise Apartments - Clinton

It's nearing eight when Daken arrives outside of the apartment, dressed in blue t-shirt depicting Cheech and Chong as 8bit characters reading 'Super Bario Brothers', a pair of faded jeans, and a simple pair of black shoes. Slung over his shoulder is a worn messenger bag, which he checks before knocking.

Sitting on her couch with her laptop, Anette doesn't particularly seem to be busy and she almost eagerly jumps up when she hears knocking. She's dressed for comfort - baggy t-shirt and pj pants. She opens the door and smiles to Daken before realizing what he's wearing. "You look ridiculous," she says, opening the door all the way to let him in.

"Do I ever take myself seriously?" Daken replies with a teasing grin, pressing a kiss to Anette's lips as he moves in. "But I had to wear it, because it's movie night. New thing that's happening now from time to time." He continues in to take over the television, switching it over to accommodate the copy of 'Fear and Loathing' he brought, before turning his attention to retrieve two glasses from the kitchen area.

Anette follows Daken into the kitchen and pulls a bag of chips out of cupboard. She sits down at the table while she watches Daken, mindlessly munching on the chips. "Movie night? Where, here?" She steals a glance of the movie case. "Oooh, any good?"

"A bit trippy, but pretty good. I also brought movie enhancers." Daken sets the glasses down and tugs a bottle of Crown Royal from his bag, as well as four brownies. "One for you, three for me. Just don't eat all of it at once, yeah?" He proceeds to pour a small amount of the liquor in each glass before settling in next to Anette and starting the movie.

"Crown Royal, fancy," Anette replies, before her eyes widen at the sight of the brownies. "Are those...jesus, really? What, did they let you bake them on the Island?" She stares incredulously at the brownies, with some mix of awe and disbelief.

"I didn't really ask. Had some butter infused already, so I just made the brownies. I can eat all of them if you're worried about it." Daken suggests. "Won't do a whole lot to me anyway, just mellow me out."

"Considering it's you, that sounds like a lot," Anette says, before rising from her chair and taking the brownie. "I don't know if I trust your baking skills," she teases, looking over the brownie curiously.

"I'm not a five star chef, but I can cook." Daken protests lightly, starting in on the first brownie. Once it's put away he finally nods towards Anette, "Yeah. Why I said not to eat the entire thing, or you might freak out. I can't promise not to laugh at you if you do though." Then the other brownies are started in on.

Anette finally gives in and takes a bite, chewing it thoughtfully. "Mmm...could be worse. No burnt bits." She sets the rest of the brownie down for now. "I feel like we need a lava lamp or something. Maybe throw on some Pink Floyd."

"Can do that too if you don't want to watch the movie." Daken grins, leaning over to nip at Anette's ear before finishing off the last of his brownies. "Probably enjoy it a lot more, to be honest."

Anette laughs as Daken flirts with her. "My god, you are so cheesy." She reaches to take another bite of her brownie. "Hey...did I ever apologize for that thing with the glass? And your eye?"

"You didn't need to." Daken shrugs a bit, taking his glass and wrapping an arm around Anette. "Did I let you know how stunning you look right now?" he switches the subject with an honest smile.

"If you weren', you'd probably be blind in one eye right now. So I did need to. Do need to. Did. Whatever." Anette glances down at her clothes and lets out a laugh. "So all those times I dressed up and purposely looked nice...wasted effort?" "No, just made it easier to show you off." Daken winks. "And I'm me. Literally had an eye ripped out before.. The glass wasn't nearly as awful." he assures her.

Anette grins at the compliment and makes her way to the couch, leaning back and making herself comfy as she pats the spot next to her for Daken to sit. "Doesn't mean I can't be upset about it. Hell knows I'd be pissed at you if you did the same, even with a healing power."

"Well, I like you." Daken takes a seat, resting his arm on the back of the couch over Anette. The change is slight, but the corners of his mouth seem to be creeping upwards, there's really no telling if it's from the brownies earlier or the conversation. Regardless he leans over to press his lips against Anette's temple, "So I'm not worried about it. It was an accident, and I'm perfectly fine."

"Yeah, it was an accident," Anette sighs. "Still...wish this whole dream thing wasn't...wish it didn't stick around in my head the way it does." She takes another bite of her brownie, as if to cheer herself up from this depressing conversation. "Ignore me, how have you been? What are you up to?"

"Just fighting with my own demons." Daken turns his gaze towards the television. "Trying to be a better person, for what it's worth. Not sure if I'm making headway, or setting myself up for a collapse."

"A better person? Well, have you murdered anyone recently? That's usually a pretty good indicator..." Anette leans up against Daken, staring at the TV as the brownies slowly seep into her brain. "Any particular reason for this change?"

"Not recently, I don't think anyway." Daken doesn't seem overly concerned about it. "Because I'm tired of the past working it's way into everything. It's ruined a lot of things, and it's turning me into a monster. And I know I'm better than that."

"Well, I have faith in you," Anette says, leaning over to kiss Daken's cheek before reaching for her brownie and taking another bite. "Have I told you I'm loving this brownie yet? Because I absolutely am."

"I figured you would." Daken flashes an easy grin, lowering his arm from the couch to Anette's shoulders. "Makes everything better, movies, music, sex, everything."

"I knew you had a motive," Anette teases, squirming as she gets comfy in Daken's arm. "So you're turning over a new leaf? A whole new and improved you? That'll be...exciting. Sure you'll still want me once you're all...bright and shiny?" She's now entered the stage where forming a complete thought is tricky, let alone speaking a sentence.

Daken presses his lips to the top of Anette's head. "Of course I will." he assures her, brushing his fingertips along her midsection. "I just hope you'll still want me, assuming I can even manage to change."

"Oh, I'm sure I will," Anette coos, closing her eyes and simply savoring Daken's touch with a soft smile on her face. "You know...has it ever occured to you...we only have two paths? We either break-up...or get married. And I don't know how well we'd do as exes." She blinks her eyes open and turns to look at the screen. "And I'm pretty sure...marriage would be a disaster..."

"Probably end up in a duel to the death." Daken teases, running his fingers up between Anette's breasts to tease up her neck and along her jawline. "Or a /lot/ of angry sex."

Anette can't help but giggle. "Duel to the death. Geez, I wonder who will possibly win that?" She lets out a contented purr, fluttering her wings as Daken continues to touch her. "So what about your previous exes? Did they lose duels to the death or did you still call them up for drunk weekend fun?"

"Haven't actually had a girlfriend before." Daken admits. "Just people I toyed with. Few of them are dead. Some of them are old. And a handful don't know where I am anymore." He lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug. "Shouldn't matter anymore."

"True. Just can't help wondering. Especially...well, you've always warned me about you. Don't know if I ever warned you about me enough. It's playing with fire." Anette lazily reaches for the Crown Royal Daken had brought and takes a large swig straight from the bottle.

"Just curious as to...possible outcomes and my chances of surviving them." For all her talk of fire and danger and survival, she seems pretty relaxed and laid back about it.

"As it stands so far, I don't think either of us has to worry about that." Daken waits for Anette to finish the swig before leaning over to press his lips to hers. "Figure I should warn you though. I might disappear sometime soon, shouldn't be for too long. It's not to sleep around or kill anything without you, more a chance to find myself. Have a lot of bad shit I need to get over, including all of Romulus' conditioning."

Anette pouts softy, turning her head up to look at Daken. "No...don't go. Though I appreciate that you'll doing things...without me." She settles back into a comfy position, though now it's her head resting in Daken's lap while she lays on the couch. "Geting over? What are you...what are you getting over? And are you sure I...can't be help?"

"I'd rather not go bat-shit crazy and cut your head off." Daken says apologetically. "But what do I have to get over? I've killed a lot of people. A /lot/ of people. I still have nightmares about training, and I can't interact with most people in a normal manner. It's getting to the point where I don't think I'll live another fifty years if I don't get my shit straight." He moves his hand back to Anette's midsection despite the way the conversation's going, rubbing her stomach.

"Oh, well, I appreciate the...not chopping my head off. I like it attached." Anette says, staring up at the ceiling as she speaks. "What could possibly end your life in fifty years? I thought you recovered from anything. Hell I...I saw you being shot once."

"I might be a one man army, but if nobody has my back I won't last forever. Especially if I get hit with one of those damn darts." Daken leans his head back, staring at the ceiling as well. "How about we do something else. Something less, depressing?" he asks, giving Anette's breast a squeeze and looking down to shoot her a playful wink.

Anette is suddenly thrown in a fit of laughter as Daken begins flirting. "Sorry, I...yes, depressive. Us...bed, couch. I don't...I don't think I can move actually. Or don't want to. Not sure anymore," she manages to ramble on once her laughter subsides.

Daken shifts a bit to scoop Anette up, walking her over to the bed and setting her down. He kicks his shoes off and strips off his shirt before taking his own spot on the bed, scooting up so he can wrap his arms around her from behind. "As high as you are, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell asleep soon." he teases.

Anette buries her face in Daken as her carries her, laying on the bed with a contented sigh, the same sigh escaping as Daken cuddles up behind her. "That...very well may happen."

Daken presses his lips to Anette's neck. "That happens sometimes."