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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Anette and Pedro | summary = "Closed...I don't think chapters ever really close in my life" | gamedate = 2015-12-07 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | ...")
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| location = <BOM> The Spatters - [[Ascension Island]]
| location = <BOM> The Spatters - [[Ascension Island]]
| categories = Anette, Pedro, Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants, BOM Cabin
| categories = Anette, Pedro, Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants, BOM Cabin, Ascension Island
| log = Monday morning. The sun is rising and it's only just light enough to see clearly outside. A moist chill lingers in the air though it's a comfortably cool temperature wise. Outside the cabin, Anette flutters down, landing perhaps a bit more roughly than normal. On top of her more recent injuries, she also sports blood splattered across her clothes, a few stray drops staining her neck and face. There are no visible injuries on her though. Her right hand is smeared with blood, as if it had been hastily wiped off but not actually clean yet. Slowly opening the door, she slips inside, attempting to keep as quiet as possible. Once inside, she leans up against the door, letting out a slow, deep breath, her eyes shut as she relaxes.
| log = Monday morning. The sun is rising and it's only just light enough to see clearly outside. A moist chill lingers in the air though it's a comfortably cool temperature wise. Outside the cabin, Anette flutters down, landing perhaps a bit more roughly than normal. On top of her more recent injuries, she also sports blood splattered across her clothes, a few stray drops staining her neck and face. There are no visible injuries on her though. Her right hand is smeared with blood, as if it had been hastily wiped off but not actually clean yet. Slowly opening the door, she slips inside, attempting to keep as quiet as possible. Once inside, she leans up against the door, letting out a slow, deep breath, her eyes shut as she relaxes.

Latest revision as of 07:29, 21 January 2016

Thank God There's Booze
Dramatis Personae

Anette and Pedro

In Absentia


"Closed...I don't think chapters ever really close in my life"


<BOM> The Spatters - Ascension Island

Monday morning. The sun is rising and it's only just light enough to see clearly outside. A moist chill lingers in the air though it's a comfortably cool temperature wise. Outside the cabin, Anette flutters down, landing perhaps a bit more roughly than normal. On top of her more recent injuries, she also sports blood splattered across her clothes, a few stray drops staining her neck and face. There are no visible injuries on her though. Her right hand is smeared with blood, as if it had been hastily wiped off but not actually clean yet. Slowly opening the door, she slips inside, attempting to keep as quiet as possible. Once inside, she leans up against the door, letting out a slow, deep breath, her eyes shut as she relaxes.

The cabin is quiet and cool inside, the fire having burned out sometime earlier. The curtains and blinds have all been drawn closed, keeping out the early morning light. And then the coffee maker comes to life, boiling the stored water efficiently. There comes a thump from the small room just off the kitchen, and moments later a rather bedraggled Pedro wobbles out of his room, a rather worn green housecoat pulled over his frame. He stands there next to the coffee maker for several moments before he blinks and peers up, seeing Anette there by the door. Squinting, his ears perk up. "Holy shit, Anette. Please tell me that's not your blood..."

Blinking her eyes open, Anette looks over to Pedro as he addresses her. Tired eyes scan him before she suddenly grins making her way over. "They're dead. Every single one of them, dead. And it was /glorious/," she says, smiling brightly and looking way too ecstatic for what has just occurred. With her clean(er) hand, she reaches for Pedro's hand to pull him close and lean in for a kiss.

Pedro's eyes go wide a moment. "Dead? Who? Shit, you didn't go back did you?" He eyes her once more, the blood now a serious cause for concern. "You sure you're okay?" He's rather easily pulled in, more from surprise than anything else. There a momentary resistance before he just melts into the kiss. After a short while he pulls away. "Oh. Uhm. What did I do to deserve that? I'll try to do that more often." He smiles and rubs at an ear. "But you really went back to finish them off? You are even tougher than I thought."

The kiss is hungry and passionate but once they pull away, Anette's mood darkens a bit as Pedro questions her. "Do you /really/ think I was going to let them live after what happened? Not just G but all of them." His show for concern softens her mood and she nods. "I'm fine. Tired, but fine. God I could use coke right now..." She makes her way over to the coffee pot, pouring herself the largest coffee mug she can find, glancing back to Pedro. "You're one to talk. We started out at their first place. Nothing much left since a tornado mysteriously blew through."

Pedro hmmphs and looks away a moment. "It was just a tree. And some broken glass." He wanders over to get himself a mug of coffee too. "I didn't hear any complaining when I smacked that dude with the box of his own product. That shit was heavy. 'Sides, I didn't go back afterwards." The bat mutant shrugs and takes a long, noisy drink of coffee. "I'm glad you're okay. I suppose... cleaning up the loose ends gives you a bit of peace of mind. Now, uhm... don't take this the wrong way. But take off all your clothes. You gotta burn them. That's what I did with mine after we got back. Any one of those guys could have been infected. And any bloodstains that stick around could be evidence, yeah? Not that the cops are going to be crying over a few drug dealers, but better safe than sorry."

"Well, it was enough to have to trail them for three hours to find their new hideout," Anette says, taking a small sip from her mug. "I didn't ask you to come back. You've already done enough and I didn't want to drag you though more. Besides, I needed someone more...professional." Pedro's concern gets a faint smile. "Don't worry, it's all been taken care of. For all anyone knows, they were killed by zombies. Though potential infection is a valid point." With that, she sets her coffee down and slips her shirt off over her head, dropping it on the floor with a wink.

Pedro stares a moment and looks away, his ears flushing red inside. He slips a foot over and snags her shirt with it. "I uh will deal with this for you," he says, as non-chalantly as possible. "So you took someone else with you then? Anyone I know?" The batty one leans against the counter, taking another sip of his coffee. "You both got out unhurt?" Pedro grins brightly then. "So tell me how it went. With the amount of blood on you, and the fact that you said Glorious like you were practically orgasming leads me to believe they had no idea what hit them. Hot knife through butter, si?"

"You're adorable when you're nervous," Anette teases, carrying her mug to the table and sitting down. "Yeah, I took a friend. Someone you know," she says, nodding along casually. "We both came out fine. It really was almost orgasmic. Have you...ever killed anyone before?" she asks, looking up to him as a grin grows across her face. "Hot knife, gun, talons, jaguar teeth. Nothing held back." Pedro casually tosses her shirt over his shoulder, and moves to settle at the table across from her. His blush doesn't let up though. "Well, I do worry." He raises an eyebrow slightly and shrugs. "I'm pretty sure some of G's thugs were not in a good way after they'd been sliced and diced by flying glass. Some may have died, I don't know. Have I done it personally? Like, up close, in their face, watch them die kind of kill? No. Could I? Probably." Pedro's face pales slightly at Anette's choice of weaponry. "Jaguar? Heh. Killian? And I swear you said gun just now. I didn't know you packed heat."

"Worry about what, me? I think we've just established I can take care of myself," Anette says with a grin. She nods slightly as Pedro admits he's never killed. "It''s a rush. Almost like the cocaine." She gives Pedro an odd look as he seems to grow nervous. "I don't. I prefer knives, guns are too impersonal. Killian disarmed one of the thugs and I took the opportunity. G got special treatment. Killian held him until he begged, then I slipped a knife in his gut. Best thing I've ever felt."

"I know you can take care of yourself. That doesn't mean I can't worry, does it?" He sips at his coffee, and looks away at the mention of cocaine. "I have not done cocaine, but I have heard people talk about it. I can understand how it must be liberating to see the person who had something over you bite the dust." The bat looks back to her. "Guns really bug me. Like, scare me. A whole lot. And very impersonal. You never worry about the bullet with your name on it, it's the one addressed 'to whom it may concern' you have to look out for." Pedro spreads his hand-wings out on the table and smiles to her. "I am glad that chapter of your life is closed. How are you uhm dealing with the lack of crack in your life?"

Anette takes a deep breath, as if trying figure it out for herself. "Craving it like hell right now. God this is going to be rough. Thank god there's booze," she says, leaning back against her chair and taking a large gulp of coffee. "Closed...I don't think chapters ever really close in my life. Looking forward to whatever fuck up this leads to." Her smile suddenly falls, as some memory begins flashing past in her mind. "G...he offered a deal. His life for all the drugs I could want. And I...I thought about it. I thought about taking the deal."

Pedro nods to her, leaning his chin on a hand. "I can understand that it will be hard. But you can lean on me, okay? Anything you need or want, I'll help you. I'll distract you as best I can. Maybe we can throw ourselves into zombie hunting, si? Maybe that will give you the rush you need while you walk away from crack one day at a time." G's offer causes Pedro's ears to rise up, and the bat nods. "You are, like most everyone else, just a person in the end. He was trying to exploit a weakness, he still thought, near the end of his life, that he had a hold on you. Last mistake he ever made."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right," Anette says, slowly as if she didn't quite believe it herself. But she doesn't push it further. "Killing zombies sounds fantastic. In a couple days maybe. I really need sleep." She sets her mug down and slowly rises, offering a hand to Pedro. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" she says, a playful grin growing across her face.

Pedro nods to her, "I am going to be out a few more days anyways. Doing what I did wipes me out. I don't think I could put out a candle right now." Her offer of a shower causes him to smile. "Twist my rubber arm some more, why don't you?" He hops off his chair, his grin almost an exact mirror of hers.

Pedro's admission that his power is essentially useless causes her to pause from her walk to the bathroom, pausing and turning to face him with an odd look of...concern? Upset? Suddenly, she leans forward to kiss him, a hand reaching to the back of his head. Unlike the hungry kiss from before, this one is sweet, almost tender. "Thank you," she whispers once she pulls away, before making her way to the bathroom again as if nothing just occurred.

Pedro is once more surprised by a kiss, and it leaves him weak in the knees. He can only stare after her for several moments, shock plainly on his face. He rubs the back of his head as he follows after her.