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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = Marinov, Paige
| cast = [[Marinov]], [[Paige]]
| summary = "Hey, someone call the Central Park zookeepers, there's some escapees!"
| summary = "Hey, someone call the Central Park zookeepers, there's some escapees!"
| gamedate = 2016-12-14
| gamedate = 2016-12-14
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| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> [[Central Park South]]
| location = <NYC> [[Central Park South]]
| categories = Citizens, Marinov, Mutants, Paige, Xavier's
| categories = Citizens, Marinov, Mutants, Paige, Xavier's, Central Park South
| log =
| log =
Central Park South is home not just to the park itself, but also to the Belvedere Castle, the Alice in Wonderland statues, and the Central Park Zoo. These areas tend to draw tourists like a magnet - it is, perhaps, for that very reason that places like Bethesda Terrace tend to attract more New Yorkers than not, if just to escape the press of tourism that infiltrates the whole city.
Central Park South is home not just to the park itself, but also to the Belvedere Castle, the Alice in Wonderland statues, and the Central Park Zoo. These areas tend to draw tourists like a magnet - it is, perhaps, for that very reason that places like Bethesda Terrace tend to attract more New Yorkers than not, if just to escape the press of tourism that infiltrates the whole city.

Latest revision as of 00:31, 19 December 2016

Lots of Littles
Dramatis Personae

Marinov, Paige


"Hey, someone call the Central Park zookeepers, there's some escapees!"


<NYC> Central Park South

Central Park South is home not just to the park itself, but also to the Belvedere Castle, the Alice in Wonderland statues, and the Central Park Zoo. These areas tend to draw tourists like a magnet - it is, perhaps, for that very reason that places like Bethesda Terrace tend to attract more New Yorkers than not, if just to escape the press of tourism that infiltrates the whole city.

It's nearing five in the evening and the sun has already set as a horned woman and her companion walk upon one of the paths in Central Park. They are approaching a bridge, an arched structure of stone set over a narrower part of the Pond. Despite the chill, there are others roaming the Park, keeping their attention mostly amongst themselves.

Her gait is odd and uncertain, different than even a week ago, but Paige is committed to putting in the necessary exercise. The boots she wears do not function the way they were intended to - there are worn creases were the toes should be and her ankles aren't even inside them anymore. "You have, uh, finals coming up soon, right?" the blonde girl directs to her companion before sighing. "I would...I mean, I technically do...should be doing finals of my own, but I'm pretty sure my continuous absence from classes has ruined any passing grade possible at this point."

Marinov seems willing to help Paige walk, as they remember how much difficulty they had in the first little while after transforming into what they are today. The teen wears just a light black jacket, a band t-shirt for an indie band nobody has likely heard of and a kilt, despite the cold outside. Their own footwear is designed in such a way that it can accomodate their feet, unlike their walking companion. "Yeah, that's right. I've got a napping problem, so I gotta record my classes and listen to them later. Boredom puts me right to sleep, and I get bored if I'm not moving or at least talking much." They tilt their head, "Are you still enrolled, then? I would've thought you'd have dropped your classes or something."

"I--" Paige begins, soon cut off as she stumbles a step before managing to right herself. "I didn't officially drop out. I just...ran. Away. So technically, I think I'm still enrolled? I'm sure my parents have been notified by now or something. I don't know what they know at this point." She glances at Marinov, narrowing her eyes with an amused expression. "Classes aren't -all- that boring. Well, high school classes are," she concedes. "Ugh, and all those papers."

Marinov moves quickly to help stabilize Paige when she seems to need it, seeming always able to move from relaxed to ready in the blink of an eye. "Well, I guess your parents just know that you've disappeared. I guess they might have... filed a missing person report or something?" says Marinov, with some concern. "I like some of the material, but I'm either at 'go' or 'stop' and there's not much in between these days."

"Th-thanks," the blonde girl says to Marinov, grateful for their help as she trips again. "I think it's the boots and not having toes that, uh, move right." She breathes out a sigh. "Knowing them, they probably have. I bet they think I was kidnapped by mutants or something. On the other hand, I'm sure enough people could have noticed the horns that any questions would lead to the simple conclusion that I...uh, what did you call it? Manifested?" There's a small shake of her head. "What material -do- you like, then?"

"I like chemistry class," says Marinov, shrugging a shoulder lightly, "That's alright. Interesting. But if the lecture's dry, eh, I can't do it!" They look down towards Paige's boots and comment, "I think you are going to need to replace those soon... I dunno how hooves will feel against the cold ground on their own." The shrugs and says, "And yeah, I say manifested, or the mutantness manifested, 'cause it's there before the actual... effects show, right? I dunno. I'm not a scientist." Their expression changes and they add, "I talked to one of my teachers about my project I want to do, and she said that she is willing to help. Maybe put me in contact with the people who put on that mutant olympic thing, yeah? Get word out there."

"Chemistry was pretty cool when I took it back in high school. I'm not so worried about the feel as I am..." Trailing off, Paige rolls her eyes at her response. "Right. Like I'd be any less obvious as a mutant if people could see my...hooves." There's a hesitation in her voice. "It' -weird- saying that. 'Hooves'. 'My hooves'. I didn't get tested for the X-Gene," she admits as she turns her palms upwards in an appeasing gesture. "Manifesting just sounds...better than 'becoming a freak'." The horned woman winces before continuing. "I'm getting better...I've just got to embrace this whole, uh, 'being a mutant' thing."

She takes a deep breath and glances at Marinov. "The olympics? Oh! You mean the, uh, mutant ones. I...didn't really watch them. I was home for the summer and my parents were going on and on how horrible it was to show...'freaks' playing games to children. You think those people could help with your fashion dreams? That'd be totally awesome! That's some really impressive networking you have going on!"

"Hey, they can at least help me with publicity. They put together something that was pretty special and successful, so maybe they can at least give me pointers," says Marinov, "Since I imagine their goals are similar to mine." The teen nods a couple of times and says, "Anyways, your hooves are alright, they're yours at least. At some point in her life, every girl's body goes through changes." Marinov says the last in a sort of jocund tone but then seems to get distracted.

"Sometimes twice?" Paige replies with an amused tone, having picked up on the joke. "Pretty sure I already -went- through puberty." Her eyes glance to Marinov to find their expression something other than expected and her brows pinch in concern. "I promise not to rub off any changes on you, I swear," she offers in an attempt to prolong the light-heartedness. "Publicity is good. Olympic sports stars always seem to make good spokespeople. Though I feel like the only one I've really seen around on TV outside of companies advertising the fact that they're sponsoring the Games is Michael Phelps."

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about how puberty is fucked up," says Marinov, giving a reassuring look, despite not being able to really properly smile because of how their face is. "I think that's when most mutants manifest, 'cause it's such a shitty time. Though thanks for letting me know it's not contagious!" Marinov has a chuckle and then nods, and seems about to say something when a man passing in the opposite direction calls: "Hey, someone call the Central Park zookeepers, there's some escapees!" His friends seem to think it's funny. Marinov's suddenly bared teeth would indicate that their taste in humour is different than the fellows.

Paige has been focusing on her walking, nodding as she listens to Marinov speak. Her mind is already formulating questions and responses when an ear twitches at the sound of loud voices. Though the sensation is unsettling, the horned woman is more concerned with possible violence. Muscles tensing and body stiffening, eyes darting to the passing group and then to Marinov. Seeing their response, she whispers, "Just let them pass. We'd be better off than getting in a fight with their sorts."

One of the young men, seeing Marinov's expression, says, "Whoa, I hope it doesn't bite!" But Marinov just remains tense and angry looking as they pass, almost like they are holding their breath and holding back from doing anything for Paige's sake. Once they are a bit further out of earshot, the youth grumbles to themselves, "Sure as fuck I bite, could bite your ugly face off if I didn't think it'd taste like ass." But it's only when a throaty growl emerges that they make an active effort to calm down, stopping in the walk and taking deep breaths. The colour in Marinov's ears has turned to a red that betrays how angry the couple of comments made them.

Paige did not pick up on her companion's comment. Her face is red, though the color is probably more due to shame and embarrassment than anger. "How do you put up with this?" she asks, having stopped next to Marinov. "I can't even...get mad about it, because that's what I see when I look in the mirror half the time. Less now, but still frequently. Sometimes I feel like I belong in some freak show, you know? Not the...general populace." She sighs, shoulders rising and falling. "I don't have the same issue with other mutants. Just me." Taking a few deeps breaths of her own, she closes her eyes for a moment before reopening them. "I mean, with you, I feel safer, you know? But that stuff...still gets to me. I just always want it to be over as quickly as possible. They're assholes, but their words hurt."

Marinov takes a few more breaths, shooting a dirty look after them, and speaking a bit more calmly after a few more deep breaths. "Lots of the times when I go out, I cover up... so nobody can see what I look like. I'm not scared of most non-mutants, 'cause I'm strong and quick and can get away if it turns to violence. But it still fucking hurts to be ridiculed. I don't like when people act like I'm not even a fucking person." The youth shakes their head and says, "But you're not a freak, and you don't belong in a freakshow. They're the monsters and assholes, people who'll hurt and scare people who already have a rough draw for a laugh." They look towards Paige and says, "But you can't believe the bullshit they say, 'cause believing them gives them power."

"I...but they -do- have the power. They're the majority. Look who was elected to be President." Paige takes a deep breath. "Sorry. You're right. It's just that things like that really get to me. I was raised to think lesser of mutants. My parents tried to teach me that mutants -weren't- people. I was raised to fear them. To fear us. To fear me. It hurts like all fucking hell when I think about it. I'm so tired of it, though!" Her fists clench. "That shit gets to me! I know you're right, but ugh! They -are- the fucking monsters, but that means my family is -full- of monsters. I'm so fucking ashamed of them. I'm so fucking ashamed of -myself-!" More deep breaths and she closes her eyes and falls silent for a moment. "I'm not strong. I can't get away quick. But we -are- people. Mutants -are- people."

"Hey, hey..." says Marinov, now speaking softer. They put a hand on Paige's shoulder and say, "I know, and... it's okay to be scared, Paige. It's alright to feel whatever feelings you're feeling, like if you're mad, or scared or... whatever. It's only natural." They sigh deeply and continue, "They're the majority, and they have the power, but we'll still live our lives. And we'll work to make things better, for people like us, yeah? Maybe we'll help make it so more mutants have more of an okay time... and maybe we'll help make it so that some non-mutants don't grow into monsters. It's not fair, but maybe... it'll be okay?" The last few words are said with concern, Marinov's expression softened.

At first, the touch doesn't seem to affect Paige, but she soons relaxes under its presence and seems to respond to the change of tone. Drawing a deep breath, she closes her eyes. "It' okay," she allows before opening her eyes again. "We'll...make things better." She frowns, eyebrows pulling together. "You really think that will work? You think your idea will make regular...non-mutant people..." One of her hands gestures idly as she searches for the words. "Will make people more accepting?"

"I think my idea won't change a lot," admits Marinov, "Not for a long time, and not in the form I sorta imagine it. But... if we can do lots've small things, well, lots of littles makes a lot, right?" The teen's ears flick a couple of times and they add, "I guess I just mean, we'll apply whatever skills we've got to make things better in the future, whatever that looks like. And that could make people more accepting, or maybe it'll make things easier for mutants."

Paige nods at Marinov's words. "Lots of littles," she responds, echoing the teen's words. "Ever since I came here, people have been doing 'lots of littles' for me. Sometimes big littles." With a sigh she continues. "I probably don't seem it - what with all my freaking out and complaining, but I'm happy here, I think." Another deep breath and she turns to face Marinov. "I really don't know what I have to offer in terms of skills, but I can bag groceries." It's a small attempt at humor once again.

"Heh, well, I'm sure that you'll do and have done plenty of littles for other people, yeah?" says Marinov, nodding once towards Paige. "Glad you're happy here. I'm sort of glad I came here, too. I mean... I needed to get out of the school I was in. At least at the place I'm at now I feel like... well, I don't have a fucking target on my back, at least."

"I will," the horned woman promises. "I have to." Paige's eyes study Marinov for a moment, a curious expression on her face. "Is that the least of it? Please tell me people don't give you, uh, shit at this fancy mutant school? I'm glad you got out, honestly. Otherwise you wouldn't be here to be my friend." This last part is said with a wink.

Marinov laughs at the last part of what Paige says, "Yeah, that's right. I guess I have more friends in New York than back home, too..." They shrug and continue, "As for my school, nah, people don't really give me much shit at all. Like I said, I even dated a guy there for a bit, until he moved on. I'm just not a big people person, I guess. I spend lots of the time in the woods."

"People can be...overwhelming. I much prefer video games or a good book to parties," Paige replies, shrugging. "And from what I've been seeing, crowds tend to be full of people waiting to harass us. I didn't have many friends back home or at school and some of them I probably don't have anymore after this, you know, whole manifestation thing." She sticks her hands into her sweatshirt pocket before apparently thinking better of it and taking them out again. "What are the woods like?"

"The woods are just a bunch of trees and a bit of wildlife. I dunno. I usually spend my time there like... running, jumping, climbing. Like acrobat shit! I've got too much energy to spare, gotta burn it off somehow," says Marinov, offering a shrug at the question. "I... I sometimes have problems with like, weird instincts, though. Like hunting instincts. Things move, and I feel like I have to chase. Sometimes it's like I lose myself, which I hate. But that's how it is."

"Lose yourself?" Paige asks as she eyes her companion, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her voice. "I'm guessing you didn't have these 'instincts' before your manifestation? That's..." She trails off and bites her lip before continuing. "Does it scare you? I'm...worried that with all these changes going on with me that something might change in my brain and I might never notice it. But you say you hate it - what do you mean by that?"

"Yeah, I didn't have those instincts before manifestation," says Marinov, with a shake of their head, "Just a bunch of little changes. I used to be pretty much vegan, but now the smell of blood makes me hungry. Can't even taste sweet anymore, actually." They gesture towards their own head with both hands, "But it's just stuff like... chase instincts, or just going to sleep if my body is at rest... really annoying. But I mean, even non-mutants have instincts, right? It's just... they're more socially acceptable, 'cause all humans have them. But when I say I lose myself, I guess it's like, well... I am still in control, but the me in control is sort of different from who I used to be. My brain forgets that some shit is just not normal, or isn't perceived as normal."

"You noticed these things, these changes." Paige gestures as she speaks. "That's a good thing at least, right? And at least you can go to the woods for all that. I mean, heck, I'd -love- to be able to sleep whenever I laid on my bed." A wry grin passes her lips, but soon fades as she seems occupied by other thoughts. "I, uh...I think I feel more scared that I used to?" The statement ends in an up-pitched inflection. "I'm not sure what it is. I mean, it's normal - I get it - to be scared of what's going on and being scared is alright and everything." Here she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "It's just that...I don't know. I wanted to -run- from those people earlier. Just run. Before the changes happened, I was different. Or at least I think I was. Like, I've been in plenty of confrontations before, right? It's just a part of life. But whatever I was feeling in those was never like an urge to run away. It kind of all started when I left college."

"Yeah, I guess it's good that I can go to the woods... just some shit is unsettling," says Marinov, going silent to listen to Paige, ears tilted forward and eyes fixed in genuine interest. "You feel more scared? I guess your fight-or-flight-ometer tilted a bit further towards flight. Mine's a bit more towards fight, but I was always pretty scrappy. I mean you're right, it's probably normal to feel scared, but if you never were inclined to run away... I dunno. I used to think it was stupid, but as a part of my anger management classes I was encouraged, uh, required to keep a journal. I'm using it now to document feelings, changes, stuff like that... it might be something you could think about, journaling. Just so you do the whole self-reflection thing."

"I mean I wasn't -stupid-," Paige elaborates. "But I didn't want to physically -run- away. And it's bullshit, too, because now I can't even run at all. Or at least not yet. It's unsettling, yeah." The horned woman shrugs, offering a nod. "A journal could be a good idea. I've never kept one before." There's a pause as she finishes processing what Marinov said. "Anger management? Really? Huh. You seem to be pretty, you know, good at helping me calm down. And you had every right to be angry at those assholes. I guess that means it helped, right? I might have mentioned it before, but I've been going to a support group to help me adjust to: one, not being a disrespectful idiot around mutants; and two, being a mutant."

"Uh, with those guys, I would've beat the shit out of them if you didn't seem worried about a fight breaking out... I guess I am still more than a little hot-headed," says Marinov, "Fighting is why I got into anger management in the first place, some assholes gave my Tim a black eye, so having more of a sort of fight response is a powderkeg. Still, I use that anger management shit now to keep out of trouble, but it's hard." They chuckle and shake their head, "If I'm able to calm you down, it's 'cause I can remember what they talked about. And I don't remember if you've mentioned your support group, but I hope it's helpful to you, to be able to talk to others. There's a lot of variation, nobody has the exact same experience, but... there's a lot of similarities too."

"Oh..." comes Paige's response. "Well. Then I'm glad I was here to protect those assholes from getting beaten up. Thank you, by the way, for not fighting. Aside from being scared all of the freaking time, I'm also trying to keep my head down. The less of a scene I cause, the less they'll harass me, right?" This is said with a hopeful tone, making it less of a statement and more of a wish. "I don't know what that Tim's problem was. You have a partner that will beat people up for you? Sounds like a good life. And it -is- helpful. The support group, I mean. The stuff we talk about helps me control my fear of, well, mutants. I'm trying to break the habit of thinking I'm in danger whenever an obvious mutant pops out."

"Yeah, I understand. I don't like drawing attention to myself either, just sometimes see red," says Marinov, shrugging uncomfortably. "But I guess you're right. If you don't draw attention to yourself, people won't pay as much attention. Just shitty that it has to be a thing." They chuckle and continue, "Are you pretty nervous when you meet an obvious mutant? I guess I've got a pretty scary face if I try, with all the pointy teeth." They make a scary face demonstratively, looking very much like an angry feline in expression. "As for Tim, I dunno. I figured he'd be accepting, but people surprise you. Hercules was great, though." Marinov makes a wistful sigh, "But not all great things last forever."

Paige narrows her eyes as she inspects Marinov's expression. "That is rather frightening," she concedes. "I’m -super- nervous whenever I meet an obvious mutant. But I actually worked up the courage to actually -talk- to you that day. Most of the time, it's different. And you're -nice-. Not everyone is so willing to forgive my faux pas and staring. Did you know there's a...there's someone who looks like a shark? I never caught their name, but I ran into them on the roof of the Commons. They were fighting with Steve, because that's apparently something they do together." The horned woman lets out a sigh. "I -freaked- out. I was...I felt -certain- that...I don't know. I felt like I was in danger even though I wasn't."

"And I don't know if you know Flicker, but his arm...I had trouble not staring the first time I met him. Taylor -- the other Taylor -- I didn't say anything, but his tentacles made me squeamish. And I made a huge scene when I saw Akihiro's...claws. I think maybe I'm more scared of people who have mutations that look like they could cause me pain?" The blonde girl offers a shrug. "And Hercules? You don't mean the hero from ancient Greece, right? I've never heard of anyone named Hercules before."

"Nah, I don't know any Flicker," says Marinov after a bit of thought, "But I heard of him. I think he went to my school before I did. I guess it's probably a fair instinct to get a bit scared around people who can hurt you, so long as you make an effort to get to know them... I'm surprised you approached me in that arcade place, 'cause I imagine that my claws and teeth look a bit like they could cause harm, too." Marinov says, "As for Hercules, well, I'd say he's an Adonis, but he's definitely a Hercules. As far as I knew, that's his real name, but I don't think he was actually a demi-god or anything. Strong, smart, sweet and fucking handsome."

Paige sighs, her face reddening slightly. "-Please- don't take this the wrong way, but I was kind of desperate." She holds up a fist, extending fingers as she ticks off items. "First of all, I had been basically bumming around coffee shops with no place to live. Second, I barely slept to the point that I don't really remember all of what went on. Third, I was scared and alone and hadn't really planned anything aside from arriving in New York. And number four, I was starved for human interaction. Er, mutant interac---whatever, that's not the point. Besides you seemed a lot less threatening than some of the non-mutants, to be honest. And given who my family is, I wasn't expecting anyone to be nice to me." Finished with her explanation, she chuckles at the teen's description. "That hot, huh? Sounds like the whole package right there."

"Well, I'm glad I was the most approachable looking person in that place. I can understand all that, sometimes human contact can be a nice thing to get when times are tough. I guess I've never been deprived of it enough to want to seek out, really. Sorry that you had to go through all that," says Marinov sympathetically. They chuckle on the topic of Hercules and nod a couple of times, their blush only showing on the little exposed skin they show, "Yeah... Herc's the whole package for sure. He acted like he was lucky to have me, but it was really the other way around. If he were still around..." They shrug with an expression that says, 'who knows?'

"Anybody is lucky to be with someone who loves and respects them," the blonde girl remarks, though her deep statement is followed by a stumble forwards. "Goddamn fucking hooves," she curses under her breath before sighing and shaking her head. "I'm sure he felt very lucky is what I'm saying. And I'm sure you felt the same way -- I think both are probably true. When you find someone you love, every moment feels like a blessing, yeah? At least, that's what I figure." She glances towards Marinov. "As for what I went through, I'm starting to realize that it wasn't that much. I have lived a pretty privileged life."

"I guess so," says Marinov idly at the talk about finding someone you love, "I'm not super experienced in the romance department, anyways. Surprised I'm even as experienced as I am, really." They shrug again, eyes snapping over to make sure that the stumble does not become a trip. "I'm pretty sure from a before and after sorta perspective, we've all lived what could be thought of a pretty charmed existence."

"Yeah, well, neither am I," Paige admits with a soft sigh. Fortunately, she did manage to regain her stability from the stumble. "I don't know if it's really just a before and after perspective, you know?" The horned woman reaches up to scratch the back of her neck, wincing as her arm swipes her ear. "Before all this, I couldn't have cared less about mutants. And now...well here I am. I've been, uh, doing some, you know, research into mutant things. Like current events and such and...there were a lot of terrible things. Just in the past few years. I feel like an idiot for not knowing about them before. Like truly awful things. And there I was completely and blissfully ignorant of all that."

Marinov raises their chin and sniffs the air for a few moments, noticing the twitch of Paige's ear and narrowing their eyes as if trying to determine if that's something they noticed before. They shake their head quickly and say, "Ah, I guess... yeah, I guess if you grew up with people with a distaste for mutants, I can't see why you'd care. For me, I dunno, I think I'd consider myself an ally, before. I had attended protests. And it's different. Now, I'm more scared of the police than I was when I was like, some cute, blonde, white, angelfaced kid. Nobody wanted to hit that face with a baton." They shrug, "But I guess I've gotta admit, if I met your past self, I probably wouldn't care for her much... I guess there's some good in that, if you value empathy or whatever, though I don't care much for people having to suffer lots to learn that lesson."

Paige nods at Marinov's words. "Well, you're in luck - I haven't suffered. Being a mutant and all has just really put things into perspective. I took a lot of things for granted like, you know, being able to go into any store I wanted. The police...are complicated for me. My brother's an officer and I just kind of always figured the police would help me. Now I'm scared I'm going to get in trouble and they'll look at my registration and find that it's wrong. And -now- I'm worried that there -could- be a missing persons report filed. Fuck."

“I guess I include the sort of fear you seem to have been experiencing as kind of suffering,” says Marinov, “but probably good that you don't think of it that way.” They scuff their shoe against the ground and say, “Can't you update your registration? The new changes are pretty new, yeah? I am registered too, I know that shit can be a real pain. And…” Marinov hesitates a moment, but they let curiosity get the better of them, “Do you think your brother would help out a mutant, in the day to day? If he didn't know his sister… well, is one?”

The horned girl's ears flick once as she draws a sharp intake of air. She stops walking, caught off guard by the teen's last question. "Do I think my brother would..." Her head bows as she trails off and closes her eyes. With a deep breath, she continues, answering simply. "No." Paige takes another deep breath, her face reddening. "I don't think he would. And I'm not sure his sister being one would make much of a difference. I mean I hope it would. I really, really hope it would." She tilts her head back and opens her eyes, swallowing. "My registration," Paige begins. "It's been a several months since I started 'manifesting'. Isn't there a, uh, fine for not telling them?" Apparently having regained some fashion of her composure, she turns her gaze to Marinov. "Being scared of everyone and having my skin crawl way more than usual...I -guess- that could be suffering."

"Ah, apologies," says Marinov, "Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything by asking that, I just... guess I sort of hope that some officers are gonna be sort of sympathetic to our cause, you know? But... it seems like they won't really be on our side." They shrug a shoulder and continues, "I am not sure what the fine is for not telling them. I'm not sure what's considered in a timely manner... I haven't looked into the law much, and my changes are pretty much the same as always. I guess everything happening at once was alright, like a bandaid being ripped off, except it turns your life upside down instead of stinging a little."

"It's...okay," Paige replies softly. "I'm sure there are some that would be on our side. Just because my brother isn't...the...most accepting of officers, doesn't mean that it's standard for all of them. We were raised by the same parents, remember? He just...doesn't have the mutant gene." The blonde girl lets out a huff. "I've been putting it off. I've just...I'll go do it. Soon. We were talking earlier. About manifesting. It usually happens at puberty. What is going on with me? Why now? I'm twenty - this shouldn't even be happening."

"Uh, yeah, honestly... I was on, like, puberty blockers when I manifested, so I dunno if that's always one hundred percent the case. I know it's sometimes stress related or something? That's what triggered it for me. For a very short time, I was basically super strong and fast and badass without any side effects or anything..." says Marinov, shrugging, "Did it start for you at a pretty stressful time or something? Might be going slowly 'cause your body couldn't handle a fast change. I mean, mine put me in the hospital pumped full of morphine, so... I can get why it might be better slow too."

Paige seems to take a minute to think before responding. "I...was kind of stressed out in general. But not like any more than normal? I was home for the summer, working at my dad's store as usual, but...I just wasn't sure what I was doing with my life, you know? My parents were always giving me the 'you need to be a business major' shit all the time and at first I was on board with it? But later, I just wasn't sure. There was some other stuff too. Like, I didn't do as well on one of my finals as I thought I was going to do. My brother was always working long hours late into the night and I was just, you know, worried about him."

"And I guess I'm lucky despite everything. Like, I've been able to deal with my changes as they come." Here the horned girl pauses for a moment. "Maybe it's not that my body couldn't handle it...maybe it was my brain? I mean, you've known me for a few weeks now and I'm sure you've heard -plenty- of my complaining on how difficult and scary everything is. I can't imagine how I would have reacted if it all happened at once."

Marinov seems happy enough to walk in silence while Paige thinks, but tilts their head in thought when she speaks, "Well, I dunno, then. I am not really knowledgeable about mutant stuff, really. Maybe it was just a sort of slow boiling stress, which caused a, uh, slow boiling change? I bet if you talk to some kind of science person, they'd know the answer better than me." They shrug and remark, "So they wanted you to be a business major, huh? Sounds boring. I guess I'm sort of thankful that my parents didn't really have any expectations for me." Pause. "I mean, they expect me to succeed! Just not... you know. I've never had anything charted out."

"-So- boring," the blonde girl says, correcting her companion. "Oh gods, what if that was it? What if I'm a mutant because of boredom?" She sighs and offers her own shrug. "I was probably going to do it, though. For them, you know. Besides, they probably knew bes---Okay, well, I guess they -didn't- know best because of all the anti-mutant stuff, but...who knows?" Paige pauses in her step, nearly tripping, and blinks. "My parents probably sound horrible to you based on what I've told you. They're good people, though. I mean...well, I don't know? They work hard...even if it's for the wrong things." She takes a deep breath and lets out a huff of air. "Sometimes it helps, you know? Having someone tell you what to do? Other times, it's just...ugh."

"Hmm. Well," says Marinov, with a thoughtful look, "I mean, I've heard that kind of thing before. Like, they aren't bad, even though they're actively harming you and the sort of community that you're part of. And... sure, maybe they're not pure bad or anything, I don't think anyone is, but from my perspective, they're harmful at least. And... it seems to have left you with some scars, too." They make a feline sort of scowl, despite not usually showing those kinds of facial expressions because they can be scary on a face like theirs. They decide to change the subject instead of pressing into what is likely a sensitive topic, "So, how has it been feeling to walk? What should we do next time to make it better?"

Nodding at her companion in silence, Paige's ears twitch at the change of topic. The sensation causes a grimace to pass quickly over her face. "Scars...yeah," comes her response before she moves on. "It's been feeling..." Here the horned girl furrows her brows. "Weird? Like not -bad- weird...a good weird? It feels better." She spares a glance towards her feet. "Better than before. Still difficult. It feels completely different, to be honest. I used to have fives toes and now I only have two." She falls quiet for a moment, thinking. "I think...I think we should get rid of the boots," she says with a sigh. "They're...just getting in the way and the way the toes of the boots bend ...they kind of trip me sometimes. But I'm honestly not sure what to wear! It's not so much having them on display even though I am -loath- to do it, but it's the temperature. And then how do I...keep them clean?" Paige gives a serious look to her friend. "Marinov, do I need a vet?"

"Well," starts Marinov with a flat tone in their voice, "My vet would probably say yes, but he's in it for the money." Of course, they are joking, Xavier's has got them covered! "And... yeah, it seems like the boots are causing a fair but of problems. We'll figure out something temporary at last, that'll keep your feet warm..." They nod emphatically and say, "At least we'll have to have that sort of plan for our next walk. But I think I should get going back, but I can go with you where you're going before taking the subway back."

"Going?" Paige replies with a blink before laughing. "I'm not -going- anywhere. I thought we were just walking! Besides, it's dark and I should get back to the Commons myself. And, yeah, the boots have got to go. They don't even fit right anymore." She lets out a puff of air. "But what did you mean your in it for the money?" If she seems confused, it's probably because she is. Narrowing her eyes, she looks at Marinov. "You were...joking, weren't you?" A shrug is given, though she still looks unsure. "But first things first. Maybe next time we meet, I'll have my registration up to date. Which way is the subway?"

"Of course I was joking!" laughs Marinov, "We have access to medical facilities sort of at the school, I think some of 'em specialize in mutant stuff, which seems pretty broad." The teen chuckles and gives a shake of their head, "I know we're just walking, too, I meant where you were going after you were walking, which was probably home, but I dunno, maybe you wanted to pick some groceries up or something." They shrug and gesture towards where the nearest station they are aware of would be, "I think that's where it is."

Paige nods to Marinov and starts heading in the direction they indicated. "Ugh. You and your fancy school. You -do- realize I'm jealous as fuck, don't you?" she says with a grin. "Though it's for the gifted and the young; two things I'm not. Anyways, I'm sure there's something out there even an old, unpowered, and broke freak girl could gain access to. Come on, let's head back."