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Line 2: Line 2:
| cast = [[Hive]], [[Peter]]
| cast = [[Hive]], [[Peter]]
| summary = Peter texts Hive while [[Logs:Moving Violation|stuff goes down in Central Park]].
| summary = Peter texts Hive while [[Logs:Moving Violation|stuff goes down in Central Park]].
| gamedate = 2013.02.20
| gamedate = 2013-02-20
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = Central Park
| location = Central Park
| categories =  
| categories = Hive, Peter, Citizens, Mutants, Xavier's, Telecommunications
| log = <pre>
| log = <pre>

Revision as of 00:48, 5 March 2013

Text Under Pressure
Dramatis Personae

Hive, Peter

In Absentia


Peter texts Hive while stuff goes down in Central Park.


Central Park

Peter ---> Hive: hey hive listen i gotta show you something 
can we meet somewhere outside cool with freaky stuff im in 
the city

Hive ---> Peter: What in the fuck are you on about. Also, 
who are you.

Peter ---> Hive: oh right i got this num from 
mrjacksonimeanjax dammit i dont know how to backspace 
this is peter

Hive ---> Peter: Kid, you need to learn to use a phone. 
What were you on about?

Peter ---> Hive: i know how to use a phone i just never 
texted before and the autocorrect doesnt work i think i 
disabled it when i jailbreaked it and i just gotta show 
you something nuts like basically i can fly now

Hive ---> Peter: Okay, why are you doing this in the 
CITY? You know your school basically exists to let you 
do that shit safely, right?

Peter ---> Hive: yes i know ive been practicing in the 
school i havent done it in the city but i gotta learn 
how to do it in the city eventually because like the 
surfaces and angles are all different but im not gonna 
like just do it anywhere and i figured youd know a cool 
place to practice like maybe a construction site anyway 
im in central park right now but im not gonna do it here 
dont worry

Hive ---> Peter: ... You haven't seen the Danger Room 
yet, have you?

Peter ---> Hive: danger room what the heck is a danger 

Hive ---> Peter: A place for you to practice. Talk to 
your teachers. You'll have *plenty* of buildings to 
practice on.

Peter ---> Hive: like seriously because the gymnasium 
isnt working i think theyre getting suspicious what with 
me leaving it all plastered in white string every morning 
like some crazy party so okay i will ask but

Peter ---> Hive: just so were clear if i ask one of the 
teachers wheres the danger room and theyre like ha ha 
peter you been pranked you wanna find a snipe too i am 
gonna be so furious

Hive ---> Peter: Hahaha. Ask them. I think it's pretty 
standard part of training anyway once you're settled in.

Peter ---> Hive: dude wth i think some crazy dude just 
used me as an example for his crazy

Hive ---> Peter: Crazy dude? Why are you talking about 
yourself in the third person?

Peter ---> Hive: no not like my crazy some other dudes 
crazy hes ranting in the park about cleaning up the city 
i think he just really hates litter and hes afraid its 
gonna start knifing kids

Hive ---> Peter: I don't think that's what people mean 
when they say cleaning up the city, dude.

Peter ---> Hive: why not see this is why you guys need 
me on your team youre all so negative maybe this guy is 
just really pissed off at all the litter like he is the 
batman of litter maybe litter killed his parents and now 
he fights litter thats just his thing

Hive ---> Peter: Yeah. Uh. Maybe. Our team doesn't do 
litter though. You can join litterdude's trashfighting 
force. Be like one of the fucking Planeteers.

Peter ---> Hive: hive

Peter ---> Hive: you know what

Hive ---> Peter: What?

Peter ---> Hive: i dont think captain planet was a captain 
at all

Hive ---> Peter: Oh shit. You think he was an impostor? 
There's probably a fine for that.

Peter ---> Hive: yeah i mean if there isnt there totally 
should be also ranty mcranty is talking about mutant 
registration i guess the litter batman theory is out also 
jax is here brb

Hive ---> Peter: ... Registration? Ugh. Fucking bigots. 
Tell Jax to laser him for me.

Peter ---> Hive: sos things just apeshit dudes shooting 

Hive ---> Peter: What??

Peter ---> Hive: dudes shooting quills nicked me in the 
shoulder jax put up a shield oh man this is gonna be on 
the news i gotta bail

Hive ---> Peter: Are you OK? Is Jax OK? Are you still in 
the park?

Peter ---> Hive: yeah feelin sick and dizzy but jax is tots 
control of this like a boss i got spencer everythings good 
now i think

Hive ---> Peter: Shit, Spence is there too? Sick? Why are 
you sick? Do you need a doctor?

Peter ---> Hive: im fine quill had poison but dude said its 
just a temp debuff also spencers fine jax is fine everything 
is fine but quill dude is freaking out and crying and this 
is like so uncool man

Hive ---> Peter: That sounds terrible, I think you all need 
to get out of there. Someone's on his way to pick you all 
up. OK?

Peter ---> Hive: ok but be crazy careful police are pointing 
guns and yelling about shooting dudes and nobodies dead or 
anything but situations kinda tense also i cant actually walk 
right now cuz debuff

Hive ---> Peter: Police? Are you all getting arrested?

Peter ---> Hive: no just quill dude i think theyre telling 
everyone else to bail but jax has him under a shield and 
hes still shooting quills so hes probably not gonna be able 
to go anywhere till quill dude calms down

Peter ---> Hive: think i can walk gonna take spencer to the 
car and go i jumped when i grabbed him think somebody might 
have seen it

Hive ---> Peter: Is Spencer calm? You shouldn't touch him if 
he's panicking. Getting out of there sounds like a good idea, 
though. If you can make it.