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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = Kaylynn, Lulu
| cast = [[Kaylynn]], [[Lulu]]
| summary = Lulu encounters her only weakness : chocolate. Huuuum, chocolate... *drools*
| summary = Lulu encounters her only weakness : chocolate. Huuuum, chocolate... *drools*
| gamedate = 2015-07-17
| gamedate = 2015-07-17
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle = Can't resist the temptation
| subtitle = Can't resist the temptation
| location = Au Petit Chocolatier, NYC
| location = <NYC> [[Au Petit Chocolatier]]
| categories = Citizens, Xavier's
| categories = Citizens, Xavier's, Mutants, Au Petit Chocolatier, Kaylynn, Lulu
| log =
| log =
Au Petit Chocolatier has only recently changed ownership, but the tiny shop hasn't been remodeled. Settled in a small two story building, the chocolaterie is out of place in the modern bustle of New York. The large windowed store front with it's wooden frames speaks of a more rustic era, as does the cloth covered overhang that has the shop's name embroidered on it. Just a passing glance through the glass shows shelves and shelves of chocolate. Some are prepackaged and put on display while others are encased in two large refrigerated displays at the front. The most peculiar section of the store is in a corner however. According to a sign it's dedicated to "Homeopathic Chocolate!".  
Au Petit Chocolatier has only recently changed ownership, but the tiny shop hasn't been remodeled. Settled in a small two story building, the chocolaterie is out of place in the modern bustle of New York. The large windowed store front with it's wooden frames speaks of a more rustic era, as does the cloth covered overhang that has the shop's name embroidered on it. Just a passing glance through the glass shows shelves and shelves of chocolate. Some are prepackaged and put on display while others are encased in two large refrigerated displays at the front. The most peculiar section of the store is in a corner however. According to a sign it's dedicated to "Homeopathic Chocolate!".  

Revision as of 20:48, 18 July 2015

Choco-gasm in choco-land

Can't resist the temptation

Dramatis Personae

Kaylynn, Lulu

In Absentia


Lulu encounters her only weakness : chocolate. Huuuum, chocolate... *drools*


<NYC> Au Petit Chocolatier

Au Petit Chocolatier has only recently changed ownership, but the tiny shop hasn't been remodeled. Settled in a small two story building, the chocolaterie is out of place in the modern bustle of New York. The large windowed store front with it's wooden frames speaks of a more rustic era, as does the cloth covered overhang that has the shop's name embroidered on it. Just a passing glance through the glass shows shelves and shelves of chocolate. Some are prepackaged and put on display while others are encased in two large refrigerated displays at the front. The most peculiar section of the store is in a corner however. According to a sign it's dedicated to "Homeopathic Chocolate!".

A door behind the cash register is propped open, and Kaylynn emerges from it with a tray of chocolates in hand. The woman is clad in a strapless coral sundress and an apron, which has protected her clothes but not her body. An unfortunate smudge of chocolate is on her cheek and there's a sprinkle of powdered sugar in the long hair she's tied up in a pony tail. Whoops!

From time to time, the students at Xavier's institution had the chance to go out in New York. Chaperones were watching over them, but Marilou was old enough not to their main focus it would seem.

She has been carelessly wandering around, eyes focused on the ground as she attempts to walk on the sidewalk without putting her feet into the same section twice.

When eventually... Something catches her interested. Words she recognizes : 'Au Petit Chocolatier'. The teenage girl ends up drawn to the store like iron to a magnet, hands resting on the window as she stares at the various chocolate from the store.

Unfortunately, thinking too much about those chocolates cause one of them to vanish from the shelves and appear into her hands after a moment. She leans back, open her palm to look at it. She glances right and left before she discreetly sneaks it into her mouth and then rubs her palm against her jeans.

With a mouthful of slowly melting chocolate, Marilou decides to walk into the store to have a closer look at all those delicacies, a little sparkle in her eyes as she strides around slowly, her gaze wandering about the various shelves like she's appraising the countless treasures of a huge vault.

This teenager's obviously sucking on something in her mouth but, considering she just entered, it could be anything, right?

The gentle ringing of a wind chime accompanies Lulu's entrance to the store, and it draws Kaylynn's attention. "Hello! Welcome to Au Petit Chocolatier!" It isn't a French accent that greets the girl, though the shop title is pronounced quite well. Instead, a southern lilt floats its way over to Lulu and soon there's a smile directed at the girl.

The woman doesn't /seem/ no notice that one of her chocolates has disappeared and is currently being devoured, but it's hard to tell. In any case, she doesn't seem to be mentioning it at all. Even though her focus is on the new potential customer, Kaylynn's hands are working fast, setting the newest batch of chocolates in one of the normal refrigerated display cases. When the owner of the store greets her, Marilou's lips curl into a broad toothy smile and she lifts her hand up to give her a cheerful wave in greeting, opting not to speak with a mouthful until she lodges the remaining pieces of chocolate in her cheeks, "Nice name! Gotta love it,"

It's hard to resist so many temptation when you're a chocolate junkie : Marilou takes a deep breath to inhale the wonderful scent of cacao, especially with Kaylynn setting in a new batch. "Man.. First time I've noticed this store," She says as puts her hands on the one of the show glass, her face inches away from it as she stares at the chocolate inside, "...First time I /ever/ saw one! That's like the best place in the world.."

She lifts her gaze up at Kaylynn and asks, without malice, "How come you're not fat, huh? 'cause I totally would.."

"It's amazing what a new coat of paint can do to get a place noticed." Kaylynn chuckles softly and the corners of her lips move upwards in a smile as Lulu stares into the display case. One of the chocolates she's putting on a tray is instead put on a tiny piece of paper and slid over towards the girl. "Try this, tell me what you think." It's not your usual chocolate. There's a sprinkle of pop rocks on top and a dark chocolate truffle center also infused with pop rocks. Odd to say the least.

"Surprisingly, it takes quite a bit of energy to make them. I manage to burn off what I eat every day just running around the kitchen. heh!" Speaking of eating...Kaylynn's throwing one of the chocolates into her mouth as well.

The words 'try this' snap Lulu out of her reverie and she perks up from her intense indecisive staring. She lifts her gaze up at the tray, her smile widening visibly at the offered chocolate. She glances up at the woman, as if making sure she had permission before she leans in and takes the offered piece of chocolate with utmost care, almost as if she was afraid of breaking it.

The first piece was delicious, but this one makes her moan in bliss. She was definitely an expressive girl, that's for sure, "Oooh, huuum... I would have given my soul for something like that when I..." She stops her musing and just closes her eyes to suckle more on it and enjoy the moment.

"You're my new favorite store ever... I wish they didn't have brooms up their butts and would let us go out more often..." She complaints to herself.

A wicked grin of gluttony spreads on her lips and she says, "Might as well take as much as I can! Let's see how much I've got..." She says as she moves one hand in her jean's pocket.

Kaylynn's reaction isn't /quite/ on the level as Lulu's but there's a happy little sigh as the chocolate melts in her mouth. The sigh is accompanied by the amusing crackle of pop rocks too. "I'm glad you like it! Feel free to let me know if you want to sample anything else."

The chocolatier waves to the other display cases, every one except the 'homeopathic chocolate' case that is. "Hmm, do you live locked up in a tower or something hun?" The question is asked with a raised eyebrow, though now her hands are busy putting chocolates on the tray once more.

Marilou's lips curl into a grin and a soft chuckle escape her throat, "Ahah, if you let me sample whatever I want, you'll run out of business," Her hand slips out of her pocket with a few money notes. "Huh... How much can I get for 35 bucks?"

The girl then gives Kaylynn a shrug, "Meh, not really..." She admits, "Going to a special school... Xavier's Institution... They're so afraid we might break something or, dunno, get mugged by the swarms of New Yorker's criminals or something they keep us on a tight leash.. Rules over rules over rules," She says, waving her hand up dismissively.

She then idly reaches out to take one of Kaylynn's business card (if she can see one).

"You sure you want to spend all that on chocolate?" Not that Kaylynn seems to mind. Instead she pulls out 3 boxes that can hold about 15 chocolates each. "You can fill these up with whatever you'd like."

At the mention of Xavier's school there's a soft, "Ah," of understanding. "I'd go stir crazy if I was locked up in a private school. Then one really cared what we did where I lived." The chocolatier chuckles, glancing as Lulu takes one of the business cards on the counter. It has the name of the shop in curly font at the top with a subtitle of 'Gourmet and Homeopathic Chocolates'. Kaylynn's name is also there as well as a phone number and e-mail address.

"Huh?" Marilou asks, obviously confounded by Kaylynn's question. She looks into her other pocket, sticking her tongue out as she pulls out more money, slipping them to see how much she's got this time. "Of course! What a question! I need to have enough for myself and share," She puts the money beside the cash register : "Here's another.." She glances up to be sure she counts right, "Fifty bucks, there, all yours..." After all, it's safer to pay for her goods with borrowed money.

Marilou flips the card swiftly between her fingers, a wide grin on her lips as she says, "I'll be keeping that..." She slides it in one of her pocket... And then grabs a few more, "... And might hand out a few, who knows!"

Marilou shrugs and turns on her heels to walk over the Homeopathic corner, "Eh, my parents think I'm crazy or something... I'll get all the help I need for my," She lifts her hands up in the air, making invisible quotation marks, "Problems," She says with disdain and exasperation.

She heaves a sigh and says, "I needed the change anyway -- was a good shift of pace... Say," She adds, changing drastically the subject of the conversation, "What about those chocolates? What's so special about them? What's homeopathic chocolates?"

"Sounds good to me." Kaylynn grins at the card pocketing before the expression fades. Now there's a wrinkled nose and a look of annoyance. "You look sane enough to me...though I know exactly what you mean about the whole parents thing. That's half the reason I ended up in New York."

When Marilou begins making her way to the homeopathic case, Kaylynn follows suit with a swirl of her coral dress. "They're ah...alternatives to medicine. This one's for pain relief, this one's for motion sickness, this one's for hangovers..the rest are for other things." She's pointing to various ones as she goes, though honestly they all look normal, exactly like the other chocolates on display.

"That makes both of us then," Marilou replies, "They worried a lot about me, guess it's better that way, they worry less..." When Marilou talks about her parents she seems relative detached maybe due to the focus she gives to the chocolate, who knows.

She grins and says, "Huuuum, got anything to help focus? You know, help students study and concentrate? That'd be useful... Or something to give a little boost of energy, more of the hype of just chocolate, I'd take some.."

"Worry is still a good sign at least. They care about you." Kaylynn grins a bit before leaning over and pulling out two chocolates from the special case. They're both white chocolate with a smattering of peppermint crumbs on the top. "These should work for that. Just take one in the morning and it should last the rest of the day."

"Rest of the day?" Marilou says, barely concealing her surprise, "Man, that's one hype, ahah, perfect!" The girl says, her lips curling into a wide smile. She rubs her hands together and says, "I'll keep those greedily for myself then, ahah,"

She grins and then moves over the 'normal' chocolate display, staring like a predator at the various pieces of chocolate. Thankfully for them, a glass is in Lulu's way, "I'll take... This one... This one... Oooh, and some of this one too! A few time each, yeah... I bet they'll love it," She ponders out loud as she takes all the chocolate she could have with her money.

"Mhm, rest of the day." Kaylynn lets out a soft chuckle and moves over to the regular display cases again. "If you know any kids taking ADD meds or whatnot when they're not supposed to, introduce these to them instead. It's safer."

The chocolatier starts placing the chocolates Marilou picks out in the various boxes. "What's your name by the way? You've already got mine!" Kaylynn juts her chin towards the business cards quickly, her hands still busy packing away!

"Marilou -- but you can call me Lulu," The girl lifts one hand up in the air dismissingly and says, "Dunno when we'll get a chance to meet again! We don't get to go out in New York alone all that often... In fact," She glances over her shoulder and says, "I should have some chaperone not too far, hope he's not blowing a fuse," Her intonation makes it sound like she's not stressed or worried in the least about that.

"I'll make sure to drop by whenever I get the chance to restock -- I'm sure other students will love your chocolates to. How wouldn't they? It's like a mini-orgasm in your mouth,"

She grins and extends her hands to get the packages one Kaylynn's done with it, "Oh, and keep the change.. A little tip for the sample,"

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Lulu." Kaylynn tips an invisible hat to the girl before nodding. "Good luck with your...chaperone." Ok, so the chocolatier finds it a bit odd that they can't go outside on their own but she's not going to say anything about it! Instead there's a soft laugh, "I'm glad you like them so much. See you on your next restock day then...and thanks for the tip!" The Texan lifts a bit of a hand to wave at the teenager, though a moment late she's popping another chocolate into her mouth. The benefits of owning the place!

Hands full and a bright smile on her face, Lulu leaves Kaylynn's store... Not a single remorse about paying those chocolates with Kaylynn's own money. Most likely. It didn't cross her mind... Thinking is for the weak anyway.