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Anette twists beneath the goon's hold, though without her abilities accessible she's not quite as powerful as she usually. This realization is not lost on her as her eyes slowly begin to shift from rage-filled to fear. G's kiss on her neck sends a shudder and wave of nausea through her, though she angrily growls, "Don't fucking TOUCH ME." Though she does manage one quick glance to Pedro betrays an extremely rare emotion for her - terror. Once G begins ordering his goons about, she suddenly stops trying to escape and begins focusing on twisting her head towards Pedro. "Pedro, get OUT!" she screams, panic rising in her voice.
Anette twists beneath the goon's hold, though without her abilities accessible she's not quite as powerful as she usually. This realization is not lost on her as her eyes slowly begin to shift from rage-filled to fear. G's kiss on her neck sends a shudder and wave of nausea through her, though she angrily growls, "Don't fucking TOUCH ME." Though she does manage one quick glance to Pedro betrays an extremely rare emotion for her - terror. Once G begins ordering his goons about, she suddenly stops trying to escape and begins focusing on twisting her head towards Pedro. "Pedro, get OUT!" she screams, panic rising in her voice.

Pedro grunts noisily as the man grabs him while he was looking at Anette. He initially doesn't resist, looking over his shoulder to see what is happening behind him. When Anette is knocked to the ground, the bat begins to squirm greatly, attempting to break the man's grip. "{Let me go asshole or I'm gonna break your kneecaps. And then feed them to you." The kicks he tries are ineffective, as Pedro cannot get the leverage needed to kick the spots that need kicking. The wink from G has Pedro hissing, but Anette's scream causes the hair on his neck to stand up. As the large goon begins to carry the young mutant away, there's a flash of movement as Pedro lunges forward, sinking his teeth into the man's neck under the chin. Then a whole lot of screaming begins.
Pedro grunts noisily as the man grabs him while he was looking at Anette. He initially doesn't resist, looking over his shoulder to see what is happening behind him. When Anette is knocked to the ground, the bat begins to squirm greatly, attempting to break the man's grip. "{Let me go asshole or I'm gonna break your kneecaps. And then feed them to you.}" The kicks he tries are ineffective, as Pedro cannot get the leverage needed to kick the spots that need kicking. The wink from G has Pedro hissing, but Anette's scream causes the hair on his neck to stand up. As the large goon begins to carry the young mutant away, there's a flash of movement as Pedro lunges forward, sinking his teeth into the man's neck under the chin. Then a whole lot of screaming begins.

G doesn't seem to care much about what Pedro is doing to his goon, as long the goon continues to keep Pedro away. Carlos, still holding onto Anette tightly, continues to force her towards the staircase. G, grinning happily with his 'prize', follows along just behind them.
G doesn't seem to care much about what Pedro is doing to his goon, as long the goon continues to keep Pedro away. Carlos, still holding onto Anette tightly, continues to force her towards the staircase. G, grinning happily with his 'prize', follows along just behind them.

Latest revision as of 21:05, 6 December 2015

Just Say No

TRIGGER WARNING: Violence and rape.

Dramatis Personae

Pedro and Anette


"This would strictly be a...private arrangement. One night and you get your fix."


<Bronx> - Drug Den

It's late, almost midnight, as Anette and Pedro make their way up the steps to an old, dilapidated building. Anette had convinced Pedro to come along (not that it took much effort) on a supply run. Which was mostly true, they both carried bags filled with food, medicine, and whatever goodies they came across. Anette conveniently left out the final stop on their journey, which led them to one of the shadier streets in the Bronx.

"You can come inside. Or not. Doesn't matter. I shouldn't be long," Anette says, already climbing up the steps to the door whether Pedro chooses to follow or not. She stands up close to the flaking door and knocks. It's easy to believe no one is home but after a few silent seconds, the door opens, revealing a tall, muscled man. "In," he orders in a gravelly voice holding the door open only long enough for Anette (and Pedro) to slip inside.

Pedro regards the slightly worn building with suspicion, and eyes Anette curiously. "Did…you think I couldn't guess what this place was?" he says with a bit of annoyance in his voice. He lets out a huff of breath and shakes his head, choosing to follow her up the stairs. "I got your back,” he says simply. He's quiet when the muscled man opens the door and orders them in. He waits for Anette before following quickly on her heels.

"I didn't care if you could guess what this is, as long as it was too late for you to say no," Anette mumbles once he's inside. The comment about having her back gets no response as she follows the large man in. The inside make utilitarian look decorative. Only the bare necessities fill the room, not so much as a flower or painting decorate any of the walls. Even the furniture is hardly used, suggesting not a lot of time is spent living here. They're led to what might be a dining room, with a small table with four chairs sitting in the middle. Pushed to the walls are cardboard boxes, packed with god knows what and unlabelled. Sitting at the table already is a thinner, but equally tall man with shoulder-length black hair, slicked back and day old stubble growing on his face. He appears to be divvying up a white powder into ziploc bags, a small kitchen scale begin used. Off to the side is another man, as big and bulky as the one that led them in, but hispanic looking and bald.

The man at the table looks up as they enter, grinning at the sight of Anette. "Came for the usual? I've got your fix sweetie. Who's with you, a boyfriend?" he says, looking over Pedro with amusement, clearly not concerned at all with his presence.

Anette grins and glances towards Pedro with a shake of her head. "Heh, no. Just a friend. Brought him along just in case. Don't know if you heard but the city's swarming with zombies. Mind if I see it before I hand over cash, G?" Anette seems calm and relaxed as she speaks with G, not bothering to remove the coat and gloves that cover her wings and talons. She reaches inside her coat and pulls out a manilla envelope, holding it up to show G it does exist, though she doesn't reveal its contents just yet.

Pedro grumbles slightly at her response. "At least be honest with me. I wouldn't have said no.", he says quietly. He is quite careful not to look at the other men any longer than a glance, simply noting their presence with a slight nod. The man at the table earns a slight frown at the boyfriend comment, mostly because Pedro knows what Anette's reply is going to be. The bat mutant simply waits out the transaction for now, pretending to be uninterested in the transaction going on. The product lining the walls is seen too, but he simply looks past it while looking around.

G reaches into a box under the table, pulling out a baggie filled with white crystals. "Pure as snow, twice as fun. Same as you got last time," G says making his way over to Anette as he holds out the bag. "But unfortunately for you, the price went up," he adds, pulling the bag away at the last second. "Like you said, the city is currently overrun with zombies. Nothing's selling which is fine because I can't get anything anymore. So we need to renegotiate."

Anette freezes as G pulls the bag away at the last second, confused. "Are you fucking kidding me? I can barely afford the deal we had! And I've kept my word, you haven't been attacked, have you?" she asks, her voice dropping to a growl as she struggles to contain herself. "Look, whatever you want, I'll pay it. Just hand it over."

The bat's ears perk up ever so slightly at G's change in the deal, though Pedro doesn't react more than that. Zombies are ruining businesses everywhere, the drug business can't be all that different, aside from the product on offer. His eyes shift to Anette as she replies, and he shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, fidgeting a little. "Got a little if you need it.", he says to her, quietly.

G looks incredibly amused as Pedro offers to chip in. "Sorry boytoy but I don't think you have what I'm looking for." As he speaks, he's gotten close, incredibly close, to Anette, looking down at her with a slowly growing grin. "Let's just say some of my girls have fallen ill or otherwise haven't been showing up. I could use someone with," G says, raising a hand to gently touch Anette's cheek. "Don't worry, I don't plan on sharing you with anyone. This would strictly be a...private arrangement. One night and you get your fix. Do we have a deal?"

As G steps closer, Anette begins to tense up, sensing things are about to go sour, very quickly. Sure enough, his words cause her to shiver and as a hand reaches up to her, she very quickly bats it away and takes a step back, slipping the envelope back in her coat. "No fucking deal. Either we stick to our deal or I'm out," Anette says firmly, turning to face Pedro. "Let's go," she says, before looking up to see the goon that led them in blocking the doorway and, considering his girth, succeeding very well.

At some point during G's offer to Anette, Pedro's nictitating membranes have slid closed over his eyes, making his eyes appear to be solid white. As Anette says that they are going, he turns, a constant stream of clicks coming from his mouth. When the goon blocks the doorway, the bat mutant looks up at him, and then to Anette.

A sharp whistle is heard and just as Anette turns to face G, a fist meets with the side of head. Taken by surprise, she merely yells and falls to the ground. The goon blocking the door moves to grab Pedro, wrapping his arms about him in an attempt to immobilize him. Before Anette can regain her senses and stand, the other goon has made his away over holds her in a similar fashion. Despite her struggles, he has a strong hold on her and, with her wings trapped beneath her coat and talons beneath her gloves, she's powerless. Not that she'd admit it as she glares daggers into G. "I'm sorry, that was worded badly. I wasn't /asking/ about a new deal, I was /telling/ you about our new deal." G steps closer once again, placing his hands on her waist and leaning down to peck a kiss her neck, even as she struggles against the goon's hold. He turns and makes his way towards the other end of the room they entered from where another doorway lies, a staircase just visible. "Mike, send away the boytoy. And don't worry, you'll get her back tomorrow morning," G orders the goon holding Pedro, grinning darkly as he offers the bat a wink. "Carlos...bring her upstairs."

Anette twists beneath the goon's hold, though without her abilities accessible she's not quite as powerful as she usually. This realization is not lost on her as her eyes slowly begin to shift from rage-filled to fear. G's kiss on her neck sends a shudder and wave of nausea through her, though she angrily growls, "Don't fucking TOUCH ME." Though she does manage one quick glance to Pedro betrays an extremely rare emotion for her - terror. Once G begins ordering his goons about, she suddenly stops trying to escape and begins focusing on twisting her head towards Pedro. "Pedro, get OUT!" she screams, panic rising in her voice.

Pedro grunts noisily as the man grabs him while he was looking at Anette. He initially doesn't resist, looking over his shoulder to see what is happening behind him. When Anette is knocked to the ground, the bat begins to squirm greatly, attempting to break the man's grip. "{Let me go asshole or I'm gonna break your kneecaps. And then feed them to you.}" The kicks he tries are ineffective, as Pedro cannot get the leverage needed to kick the spots that need kicking. The wink from G has Pedro hissing, but Anette's scream causes the hair on his neck to stand up. As the large goon begins to carry the young mutant away, there's a flash of movement as Pedro lunges forward, sinking his teeth into the man's neck under the chin. Then a whole lot of screaming begins.

G doesn't seem to care much about what Pedro is doing to his goon, as long the goon continues to keep Pedro away. Carlos, still holding onto Anette tightly, continues to force her towards the staircase. G, grinning happily with his 'prize', follows along just behind them.

Anette unfortunately realizes her options are limited no longer fights against her captors, though yellow frantically search the area for any opportunity to gain an advantage. This opportunity quickly comes as they begin to climb the staircase. She fights against Carlos's hold just enough to twist him so his back is to the guardrail and in a split second, she lifts her legs and pushes against the wall with enough force and surprise to knock him into the bannister, unbalancing him enough to loosen his grip on her. She breaks free just in time to catch another fist from G, this one splitting her lip open just below the black eye that's beginning to form.

While Anette's head is spinning, G grabs her by the hair and quite literally drags her up the stairs. Too dizzy to fight, she's surprisingly easy to drag. She only manages to regain her senses after he's dragged her into the bedroom immediately right of the staircase, door closed but not locked behind them. She rises, only to be forcefully pushed back down, this time onto a bed. G's immediately on top of her, her wrists pinned down with one hand and his other hand snaking up her shirt.

Normally not one to back down, perhaps it's one too many punches to the head or mere shock of what's happening but Anette's struggles to break free are few and far between. For the most part, she lays back, her eyes closed and head turned away from G, flinching under his touch. Though as his hand moves up, something in her does awaken and she screams once again, twisting her entire body in one last desperate attempt to free herself.

At the fresh scream from Anette, the howling downstairs jumps several octaves, drowning out the shouting and brawl down stairs. A loud cracking sound outside is followed by the house shuddering as if hit by something heavy. The sound of shattering glass is quickly drowned out by the renewed howl of the wind. Crashing and crunching precede the house shaking further as things start to come loose. The whole house rattles now as the howling wind gets louder. Closer. Something /heavy/ smashes into the door, throwing it from its hinges and THUDDING into G's back before crashing to the ground. One of those heavy, well sealed packages from below. And in the doorway stands one bloody and bruised bat mutant, covered in blood and gore that can't be all his.

G collapses very unceremoniously as the box crashes into him, knocking him out. Anette, having no idea what's happening, had merely shut her eyes against the apparently collapsing house. Upon opening them to reveal Pedro, she gives a quick laugh. Not the amused kind but the kind where you simply feel the need to make a noise of some sorts while your brain sorts out the crazy. Quickly, she rises and, though she still appears to be shaking a bit light-headed on her feet, she nearly knocks down Pedro on her way out, despite him being the one to rescue her. She hasn't completely forgotten about him as she glances behind her, making sure he's keeping up with her. No words are spoken, not yet.

"Back door.", he slurs as she pushes past him. He does follow, though he limps rather noticeably. "Living room is a mess. Front door blocked." It sounds like he's got a mouthful of marbles, but it's only swelling. Small cuts in his hoodie are slowly becoming tinged a rusty colour. "Still people in the front and upstairs." His descent down the stairs is hurried, and he almost falls, catching himself on the railing at the last minute. "You okay?"

Despite the urgency to get out, Anette slows down just enough. Physically, she only sports a black eye and split lip, coupled with the shakiness of a massive fear-based adrenaline rush. Mentally...god only knows. "I'm fine," she settles with for now, even as a small trickle of blood drips down her chin. "Safehouse. Close by. Fly," she yells, stripping off her coat and gloves and finally releasing her wings and talons. The second she steps out the backdoor and has the room to stretch her wings, she's up and gone.

Pedro limps outside the door and struggles to flap his wings. He makes a bit of a yelp trying to do so. He does manage to get airborn though, with help from a rather convenient updraft, which keeps him aloft long enough to make the safehouse. Though once there, he just sinks down and loses consciousness.