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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = Caleswood, NPC-Saint-Quentin
| cast = [[Caleswood]], [[NPC-Saint-Quentin]]
| summary = The textual equivalent of a sinister conversation between shadowed figures, which has perhaps lost some of its gravitas in the transition.  
| summary = The textual equivalent of a sinister conversation between shadowed figures, which has perhaps lost some of its gravitas in the transition.  
| gamedate = 2013-03-11
| gamedate = 2013-03-11

Revision as of 21:21, 11 March 2013

Vignette - On Nonsense
Dramatis Personae

Caleswood, NPC-Saint-Quentin

In Absentia


The textual equivalent of a sinister conversation between shadowed figures, which has perhaps lost some of its gravitas in the transition.


Somewhere on the internet...

m_saintquentin has opened a connection.

Encryption validated. Signed dsec 13-11-03

  • c_caleswood: What am I looking at?
  • m_saintquentin: promi lab upstate got hit this weekend
  • c_caleswood: That keeps happening to them, doesn't it?
  • m_saintquentin: haha yeah
  • m_saintquentin: which suks cause our guy there got eaten
  • m_saintquentin: and it taks fukin months to get clearance for that shit
  • m_saintquentin: so were short a spy for a while :(
  • m_saintquentin: but the evac was a mess so its takn them a whil to get there shit back 2gether
  • m_saintquentin: so i used his xcess codes. :)
  • c_caleswood: And?
  • m_saintquentin: thats the feed right from lvl 4 cells
  • c_caleswood: So they had a mutant who turns into a dragon, and probably don't anymore. This is entertaining, but I fail to see the relevance.
  • m_saintquentin: no no haha
  • m_saintquentin: look at the one with the sword
  • m_saintquentin: who keeps gettin thrown at th ceiling
  • m_saintquentin: no fuckin way thats not a hound look what it does at 1:04
  • c_caleswood: Interesting. Do you think that's our Miss Francis?
  • m_saintquentin: cant see how it isnt. how many sane 1s r still at large
  • m_saintquentin: in ny
  • m_saintquentin: whod charge down a dragn
  • c_caleswood: 'Sane' isn't how I'd describe walking into a Prometheus sub-containment level with a sword. But I see your point.
  • m_saintquentin: haha
  • m_saintquentin: shes like fuckin chulin all ovr again
  • c_caleswood: Oh lord, as though we need any more of that nonsense. Do you think a propensity towards obnoxious heroics is a side-effect of the Hound mutagen?
  • m_saintquentin: haha dunno
  • c_caleswood: This is serious, though. I want every scrap of data or speculation you can get on the attackers, and as complete a roster of their powers and resources as you can compile. Then I need you to figure out what we can do to repel a similar attack.
  • c_caleswood: If she knows about Prometheus, then she and her friends have compared notes. Which means they know about us. Which means we might be getting a visit from their little army fairly soon.
  • m_saintquentin: got it
  • m_saintquentin: gonna be tough though theyve got all kinds of shit
  • m_saintquentin: porters shielders monsters probly like six different ways to subvert personel
  • c_caleswood: Well, do the best you can.
  • m_saintquentin: want i should talk to osborn about leasing some materiel?
  • c_caleswood: Hah! And you can round out our supplies with a visit to Toys 'R Us too!
  • c_caleswood: But no, seriously. I want effective countermeasures and deterrents, not gimicky nonsense.
  • m_saintquentin: Haha i no just windin u up ;)
  • c_caleswood: Hmph. Do talk to Miss Sara though about the feasibility of deploying a Hound, though -- that may actually be one of the less destructive ways of occupying their heavies. She will probably have a lot on her plate as it is, but we may be able to free up some of her other duties.
  • c_caleswood: IF a leashed Hound is field-ready and not liable for subversion.
  • c_caleswood: Also stop by the estate tonight, if you get a chance. I have another job for you.
  • m_saintquentin: got it
  • m_saintquentin: u want fries with that?
  • c_caleswood: No.
  • c_caleswood: But forward that video to the Hound lab while you're at it, I think the boys there will get a kick out of it. Marked as secure, naturally.
  • m_saintquentin: haha naturally

m_saintquentin has closed the connection."