Logs:⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅? (Friend?): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Alestair, Ren | summary = “It shouldn’t have to, it’s just as alive as you, no?" | gamedate = 2024-06-09 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> NY Public Library - Midtown Manhattan | categories = Alestair, Ren, Mutants | log = Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference libra...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Alestair]], [[Ren]]
| cast = [[Alestair]], [[Ren]]
| summary = “It shouldn’t have to, it’s just as alive as you, no?"
| summary = "It shouldn’t have to, it’s just as alive as you, no?"
| gamedate = 2024-06-09
| gamedate = 2024-06-09
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> NY Public Library - Midtown Manhattan
| location = <NYC> [[NY Public Library]] - Midtown Manhattan
| categories = Alestair, Ren, Mutants
| categories = Alestair, Ren, Mutants, NY Public Library, Magic Users
| log = Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.
| log = Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.

Latest revision as of 02:10, 12 June 2024

⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅? (Friend?)
Dramatis Personae

Alestair, Ren

In Absentia


"It shouldn’t have to, it’s just as alive as you, no?"


<NYC> NY Public Library - Midtown Manhattan

Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.

The library is quiet today, as a library usually is, but also in terms of the lack of people currently occupying it. Most people are out and about enjoying the sunny weather as opposed to spending their time inside.

Ren is one of those people however. He’s is somewhere deep in the aisles of shelves, now having rolled over to the section containing books about plants. He wears a long dark coat, one that might look out of place if he were to step outside, a fabric mask that does match the color of his coat, and his hair is actually brushed today. Seated in his wheelchair, his pants ride up slightly enough that you could potentially catch a glint of metal from his left leg. He has a small, fading red mark on his forehead, from where he yanked out a flower from the sunlight he couldn’t avoid on his travel over. On his lap sits a few books already, bright bold words such as 'PARASITES: Comprehensive guide to nature’s unwelcome guests' and 'Parasitic Infections: Diagnosing and treatments' and maybe a book buried underneath the stack that has the word 'Aliens' in the name. He pushes in the locks on the wheels and stands for a moment to reach for a book, sitting back down and replacing the books on his lap.

He attempts to flip through, but unfortunately in the plant section of the library there are some plants, distracting ones at that. Cacti that clearly aren’t getting the light they need, painted an unnatural pink color, and the rocks glued down. Ren huffs, and rolls over, picking the pot up and inspecting the glued rocks with a disgruntled look on his face.

Alestair is also in the plant section, seeming to notice the plant about the same time as Ren. “You poor thing.” he hums to himself as the other man inspects it. He’s dressed in an Otherworldly black silk cloak, a red button down, black slacks, and black gloves. “Would you mind if I looked at it?”

Ren’s eyes dart upward, narrowed at first, but the sharp expression fades when he realizes he’s talking about the plant. Ren seems all too happy to pass the plant on to Alestair, quickly holding the pot up to him, “Why the hell do they do that? I mean—I know why, it sells better—but it’s like they want the stupid things to die.” He grumbles.

“I find an upsetting number of people disregard the needs of plants. They are alive after all.” Alestair turns the pot around and murmurs something in a language that’s hard to place, sounding almost like Tolkien’s Sindarin and his eyes give off a soft green glow, some minor twisting of his offhand fingers and suddenly this particular cactus goes quiet for now, seemingly much healthier. He looks like he’s about to say something, possibly to the cactus, but instead Ren catches his attention. “Oh my, what do we have here. Are you alright?” It’s very clear he isn’t speaking to Ren, instead almost looking through him with owlish eyes.

“Uh Yeah, sure. I think they maybe just shouldn’t own pl-“ Ren’s eyes widen at the glow in Alestair’s eyes, and the sudden quiet, happier pings the cactus is giving off. His eyes dart between the otherworldly cloak, to Alestair, and the cactus. “Oh goddamnit.” He huffs and rolls backwards a bit, “I was having a good day too.” He mutters, as he begins to turn to leave, ignoring Alestair’s question.

The alien plant, responds to Alastair instead, <<Hello. Hello. Sun please! Too dark. Lost lost lost. Squished. Who is this? Danger?>>

Ren freezes mid motion, and after a moment of processing the sudden understanding of all the sounds around him, silently rolls back forwards towards the table. “Alright. The hell did you just do?”

“No danger friend. I’m sorry I didn’t even notice you were there.” Alestair’s gaze does shift to Ren properly now, “though I believe that was the intention.” He exhales long and slow through his nose, “I was checking in on the plants. If I’d known that would’ve included you I’d of asked first, my apologies.” He bows slightly at the waist.

Ren pinches the bridge of his nose, takes a long, deep breath. “I-it’s fine. It’s just-you can hear it too?” He asks, strained.

<<Safe! Safe friend. Friend? Hello hello! Meet new friend, yes? Meet new friend.>>

“Now you’ve got it all riled up. It’s never gonna shut up now.” Ren’s eyebrows scrunch, “Is this gonna be permanen- Oh no you don’t.” Ren quickly clamps a hand on his sleeve, but it doesn’t seem to do much as little vines grow out from the cuff of his jacket towards Alestair, like a greeting.

“It shouldn’t have to, it’s just as alive as you, no? But yes, I can hear them as well.” Alestair asks, brow raising slightly, before reaching out to offer a finger to greet the plant. “You’re being treated fairly, yes? Enough light and nutrients?”

The vines wrap around Alestair’s finger, and Ren lets out a defeated sigh. “It’s a dirty freeloader is what it is.”

<<Hello! Hello hello! Hello friend. Squished. No light! Sad. Big Plant needs more water. Big Plant needs more sun! Big Plant doesn’t go in sun. Sad sad.>>

Ren begins to pull his arm away, trying to gently pull the vines from Alestair’s finger, “Sorry. Just Ignore it. You don’t have to entertain it.” He says tiredly.

“We’ll whatever the case may be, it seems you’re connected now. You’d likely also see improvements if you took care of it but as it stands you’re killing yourself with it.” Alestair must be some sort of teacher, because the tone he’s taken sounds like he’s gearing up for a lecture but instead a look of realization crosses his face and he’s speaking to the plant again, “Where are you from friend, I haven’t encountered any plants like you in my travels.”

Ren stares at Alestair for a long time before speaking up, “With all due respect, I don’t even know you. I know how to take care of myself.” He says, none too gently, and continues tugging on the vines which just wind further up Alestair’s hand.

<<From far! Very far! Different dirt. Traveled long far. Was warm was humid then was cold cold cold then was warm again then cold then warm. Lost! Now in weird soil. Big Plant warm.>>

Ren rubs at his temple, “It feels different from other plants, don’t think it’s from… around here.” He answers for the plant, “Usually I can’t even understand it.” He makes some headway and gets one of the tiny vines unwound, and looks up curiously at Alestair. “Speaking of around here, I thought your whole cloak thing was maybe just you being a weird New Yorker but now I’m thinking otherwise. You from around here too?” He asks with a jerk of his head.

“Very interesting.” Alestair almost seems to forget Ren is there before straightening up and nodding at the man. “I’ve encountered a few sapient plants, but this one is something else entirely. If you weren’t a combined being I’d love to study it.” A wistful smile crosses his face for a moment before he bows once more, “How rude of me, my name is Alestair. I’m rather new to this city, originally I’m from Colorado.”

The muscles of Ren’s jaw flex from under his mask as he clenches it shut. He takes another moment, before responding, “Well, hopefully we won’t be combined for too much longer, so you might get your chance.” He nods his head slightly, “I’m Ren. From Maine, been here a few years.”

<<Bring new friend home? Yes yes bring new friend!>>

“No.” Ren responds to it, finally removing the rest of the vines from Alestair’s hand, “You’ve encountered other sapient plants you said? They as talkative as this one?”

“Usually not, they’re more interested in eating you. This one doesn’t seem the type though.” Alestair seems confident about that, but who really knows.” He fishes around in his cloak quickly producing a business card and offering it out. “If at any point you’d like me to take a better look at it you can find me here, I specialize in the plants.” He observes the vines for a moment before looking at Ren properly, “You’re upset now, but I think you might’ve made a very powerful friend.”

Ren looks at the card, and laughs. He takes it though, “‘Course you specialize in plants. Just my luck. Y’know, you’re the second person to give me their business card in the last two weeks. I’m starting to think maybe I need a business card.”

<<Friend! Friend! Powerful friend. Never eat friend. Warm. Warm warm.>>

“I might take you up on the offer, though. It seems to like you or whatever. Hey, maybe if I get rid of it I’ll bring it to you and you can combine with it instead, how ‘bout that?”

“Unfortunately for us both, I think it likes you.” Alestair offers another smile and inclines his head slightly. “Goodbye friend, hopefully we meet again.” He turns with a twirl of his cloak and heads off further into the stacks.

Ren offers a wave, even thought he gets the feeling Alestair wasn’t talking to him.

<<Bye friend! Oh no! Sad. Sad. Miss friend. Miss friend. Bye friend. By⟒ ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅. ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅.>>

Ren brings a hand up to his head at the sudden incompatibility, the way the signals don’t slot into his brain as easily, and he sighs. Once Alestair leaves, he unlocks the wheel brakes, “I think he liked you better than me.” he mutters.


“Yeah, sure, let’s go home.”