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| subtitle = Mens. Shirtless Mens.
| subtitle = Mens. Shirtless Mens.
| location = Xavier's School, Foyer then Med Bay.
| location = Xavier's School, Foyer then Med Bay.
| categories = Mutants, Kira, Scott, Xavier's
| categories = Mutants, Kira, Scott, Xavier's, XS Foyer, XS Medical Lab
| log = <XS> Foyer
| log = <XS> Foyer
Xavier's foyer provides a suitable introduction to the opulent mansion. Teak-paneled, wood floors immaculately polished, vaulted ceiling ribbed with dark wood boning, there is no doubt this school was built with no expense spared. The hallways branch off to the separate wings, with the grand staircase spiraling upwards to the residential dorms above.
Xavier's foyer provides a suitable introduction to the opulent mansion. Teak-paneled, wood floors immaculately polished, vaulted ceiling ribbed with dark wood boning, there is no doubt this school was built with no expense spared. The hallways branch off to the separate wings, with the grand staircase spiraling upwards to the residential dorms above.

Revision as of 13:55, 15 May 2013

Supernatural(tm) Moment

Mens. Shirtless Mens.

Dramatis Personae

Scott, Kira

In Absentia


Kari is gracious and kind. Scott is Scott.


Xavier's School, Foyer then Med Bay.

<XS> Foyer Xavier's foyer provides a suitable introduction to the opulent mansion. Teak-paneled, wood floors immaculately polished, vaulted ceiling ribbed with dark wood boning, there is no doubt this school was built with no expense spared. The hallways branch off to the separate wings, with the grand staircase spiraling upwards to the residential dorms above. Scott stumbles into the Foyer with a straight back and a pinched face. Indeed - he's been shot in the shoulder, a glancing blow, but that's still something that will fuck you up fiercely for a while. His jacket is bleeding and he was lucky to manage to make it back here to Salem in one piece considering his brake line had been cut.

That said, stumbling in with a shot arm is going to get you noticed, and surely one of Kira's friends had told her about the gruesome event since gossip travels faster than light speed here at Xavier's School, even if Scott is staggering towards the elevator towards his own room quietly.

Kira is in fact called. After all, new girl is known for supposedly having healing powers. No one's seen them in action yet, and some are curious so by the time she gets to the elevator, cutting Scott off at the pass as it were, a small group of various students are following her, not bugging or anything, just watching from a small distance behind her.

Kira steps forward towards Scott, eyeing the blood. She slips off her glasses and studies him as she says, "Stop, hold up... let me take a look at that. You're bleeding." She frowns in concentration as she checks to see if there are any other injuries hiding here or there, or if it is just a clean through and through bullet wound or if the bullet is still in the shoulder. She moves closer to Scott as she asks him to hold up. "Let me check that? Can you take off your jacket and shirt? I need to see the shoulder better, and have to touch you if I'm going to heal that." She says, "That is... ah... I guess I should ask, do you want help?" She suddenly says as she takes a half step back, as if realizing she may be over stepping some bounds here in offering.

Scott turns and gives Kira a patient look, his face the best mask over pain he can muster. He runs his free hand through his hair and sucks in the air through his teeth. He looks on at some of the other watchful students behind him, and then back to Kira.

"Kira, nice to see you too. Look, I appreciate the offer - but if I'm going to be taking anything off, it should probably be in Med Bay. It's sort of inappropriate otherwise."

Summers has a very very subtle sense of humor. Very few people pick up on it. At this point Kira seems to become aware of the crowd that has gathered behind her, and flushes as she realizes she's just asked him to take his top off in front of... well, more than a few of the girls in the school. She gives a little cough and nods, "Ah, yes, um, if you can lead the way? I get lost around here still. We can go and I can take a look at it there? From here I think it's just a flesh wound, should be able to fix it up right quick, if you'll let me." She offers, then glances behind at the crowd, "By My Self." She say sternly, glaring at those who were following her with those glowing eyes.

Scott's brow pinches with a modicum of amusement and pain interlaced with one another. The wait for the elevator was no doubt excrutiating. The elevator opens and takes them down below to the Med-Bay, where sadly McCoy is off duty. One kid over yonder is resting after contracting mono, so he's being helped elsewhere. Scott lumbers in to one of the plain beds and carefully removes his jacket, opening one of the cabinets and pulling out a length of gauze to soak up some of the blood coming out of his shirt. He gives Kira another look, and says, "Thanks for being willing to help me out, all right? I'm sure it's not as bad as it looks, so you're probably right about it being a flesh wound." He peels off the shirt (which smells faintly of glass and of course the iron smell of blood) and sets it on the cabinet as well. Supernatural(tm) moment, indeed.

Kira frowns and gets rather professional as she looks around. "Okay, this is annoying, where is the..." She mutters, as Scott gets out the gauze. "Just lay down there, and let me look then..." She tries to push him back down on his back and to put her hands on his shoulder around the wounded area if he'll let her. "This is going to... actually no, I have no idea if this will hurt. Just... hold still for a moment, and we'll see. Maybe you can tell me if this hurts?" She says with a nervous grin.

After that she focuses on the wound. Her hands glow faintly yellow, the glow spreading across the wounded area. Flesh stitches across flesh, dirt and any other material that got into the wound oozes out as if pushed out of a toothpaste tube then the muscle closes up behind it, knitting back together. The skin stretches across the entry and exit wounds, turning bright red, then yellowish as if bruised, then... pink, matching the rest of Scott's skin. The whole thing didn't hurt one bit in fact. Actually it was kind of soothing plus as she finishes there is no pain at all. Mind you there is still all the blood from the wound. It didn't go back into the wound.

As Kira finishes she looks a bit pale then... suddenly steps back and sits down hard on the floor behind her with an 'oomph', looking a bit dazed, as she tries to take slow breaths. "Ah.... there... that should do it... I think? How does it feel?" She asks from her spot on the floor.

Scott seems pretty shocked as well, all things considered. To have been shot earlier today and not see a single mark on his skin the next, it was pretty humbling. "It didn't hurt at all," he mused in wonderment, extricating himself from one of the steel examination tables in order to reach down an open hand for Kira to take. He clearly didn't realize it would take so much effort for Kira to mend it up, from his guilty expression.

"Here, take my hand, let's get you up here. Are you all right, Kira?" Kira takes Scott's hand and gets up, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just probably need to go eat something. I get the feeling helping people gives me low blood sugar or something." She mutters, "Anyway, I could do more if I had to, just... not in practice I guess, but how to you practice? Ask people to let you shoot them then promise you'll fix it?" She ventures then laughs, "Ah, no, that doesn't sound too good. First bullet wound I've fixed up. I bet the more of them I do the better I'll get." She says, as she regains her stability. "Just don't ask me to climb any ropes or run any marathons right now, okay boss?" She teases, trying to make light of the situation.

Kira tilts her head, "Seriously though, all better it looks like, at least to my eyes. How did it feel? Did it hurt at all or was it okay? I never got to ask the girl with the compound fracture I healed..." She adds softly, "Everyone was so freaked out that day..." She shakes her head, "Anyway, glad to help. I was wondering if I could do some rotations down here? Focus on learning medicine? With my eyes I could probably do a lot just with normal medical stuff once I learn how." She points out as she looks around the high tech state of the art room. Scott seems a little bewildered by all of the various questions, running his hand through his hair and allowing his jaw to drop a little bit. He quickly reaches for his shirt and throws it over his head to cover up his lotsamuscles build, rolling his arm at the shoulder in continued wonderment. He glances back over his shoulder at Kira.

"It was pretty painless. I never felt a thing. It was actually pretty surprising - I was expecting it to hurt. I've only really ever seen that on Logan." He clears his throat and turns to face Kira, leaning his hip on the edge of the steel bed.

"Abilities practice is pretty regular around here, but I'm positive I can talk to Dr. McCoy and set up a rotation where the two of you can study medical tips and EMT. There's no reason you can't be down here if you want to be, if we can get school medical policy straightened out. Which may be a little bit of a hurdle, but we'll see."

Kira nods then... there's some hesitation as she looks around then looks back up at Scott, up only because he's taller at this point, she is standing. "Um, Professor? Did you know my roomate was... or... um, is... that is to say... she... um, is a... ah... he?" Rather a sharp change of topic but this is the first time Kira has gotten to see Scott alone since she got her room assignment. "I was just wondering if you knew when you er... assigned me to that room is all." She gives a little gulp and is clearly flushing at having even asked this, or maybe she's flushing because she saw Scott topless, or maybe both! She moves back to sit in a nearby chair until she can regain her strength a bit and looks back at Scott to listen for his answer.

"It's always a complicated situation when it comes to students that young who consider themselves in the middle of a gender identity issue," Scott says with a weary sigh, wiping his forehead of excess sweat and wiping it onto his pants leg. He rubs at his jaw and gives Kira an honest look with his visor. "There are plenty of mutants who filter through Xavier's School dealing with those sorts of things. The reason I made the call to put you together in a room is that I didn't think any harm or untoward behavior could come from it. Your personalities and situations in life seemed pretty similar. I'm sure it may be a little uncomfortable and unknown, but I assure you it would be just as awkward for Kris to room with a boy as it would be with you."

Kira frowns a moment, "I suppose? But... you can understand my... confusion about it all. I mean, I don't know what to think about it.... she clearly wants to be treated as a 'she' and I'm doing my best to be helpful I guess. But back in my home town if some boy did that, they'd be beaten until they couldn't walk straight, if you get my meaning... So it's a bit of a shock for me is all. I'm doing my best to not be rude and to be understanding. I just... wanted to make sure it wasn't some mistake or anything." She ventures, "But anyway, so..." She glances at the shoulder, "What were you doing that got you all shot?"

"It wasn't a mistake. Like I said - it's fairly difficult to make the most progressive or rightest call in situations like this. If it's making you too uncomfortable, there's no reason I can't assign another room-mate to accomodate," Scott says, his hands planted on the edge of the steel bed. He seems to legitimately mean that, too, not like it was some sort of bigot-bait to bully Kari into leaving it alone. He tilts his head and rolls his neck, and looks down at his shoulder. "This was a mistake. I've been searching for leads on the location of certain missing students - this was a miscalculation that lead to a dangerous fight. I'm not proud of it."

Kira nods a bit then shrugs, "It's okay, I can stay there, I just... need to figure out how I'll deal with it. I can't really be closed minded, now that I have glowing eyes and all, can I?" She points out and tries to smile a bit as she puts on her glasses again. "Anyway, so... was searching for leads on some one and... got shot? That's not good. Um, not to be rude or anything but did you have back up with you. Seems like the kind of thing that calls for the buddy system at the very least, doesn't it? I mean, you can still keep a low profile with two of you... and you could have watched each other's backs?" She suggests.

Scott gives Kira a blank, silent look that seems to drag on for a while. That visor could be pretty unsettling sometimes.

Kira stares back a bit, then shrugs. "Anyway, you're patched up, all ready to go out and get shot again. Just let me have a meal before you do so I'll be ready to take care of it." She teases lightly, or what she hopes is lightly to try to lighten the mood. "If you do need me I'll be up in my room then." And with that she gets up from her chair and starts to exit. "Look - thank you. I'll take it all under consideration, and I'll make sure you don't have to be doing this for me again," Scott says, rubbing his arm a little tenderly. A faint smile appears on his lips. "Get some sleep, all right?"

Kira pauses then frowns and turns back, "Really? That'd be a waste, wouldn't it? That'd be like me telling you I'll make sure you don't ever have to use..." She pauses, as she's heard rumors but actually isn't entirely sure about Scott's powers to be frank, at least not in a 'see in person' kind of way. "Um, don't ever have to use your powers?" She finishes lamely. "I don't think you'd like that too much, so please, don't do that. Let me help, cause... it's all I can do, you know? I'll never be out there on the front lines. I'm not strong, I don't fight, and nothing I can do would help in a firefight, but I can help those who make it back, you know?"

"That's not really what I meant..." Scott trails off a little flabbergasted. He scratches his temple a little uncomfortably. "But uh, I was just trying to reassure you I wouldn't get hurt again..." His lips screw over to the side as he tries to find a way that doesn't seem shitty to phrase that sort of thing. "Of course I'd like your help, but it's not like I'm itching to be shot again," he settles on.

Kira ahs softly, "Sorry, just too many people have kinda pushed me to not try to use my powers. People are... apparently kinda proud of their scars and injuries. I don't get it." She shrugs, "Just take care of yourself, okay? Professor Summers?" She says, then gives a little grin, "And just think, I can tell all the girls I got to see you with your shirt off." She smirks and with that hurries away down the hall.