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Latest revision as of 22:17, 30 March 2014

Fight For It
Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Kay, Sabrina




<NYC> TriBeCa

Home of the most expensive residences in New York, and of many a celebrities' penthouse, TriBeCa is now best known for being merely that - the richest neighborhood, and, as a result of the many films and television shows shot there, one of the most recognizable ones. Still, the vast majority of the people who walk its streets are that vermin most despised by New York City residents: tourists.

Iron-gray and rainy, too early for streetlights to kick on and too overcast to illuminate the cityscape, there's little foot traffic out in the damp and wet at the moment, cars throwing up spumes of water over the cub. Kay, for one, does not seem put out by the weather; tall ratty and rangy in a gray hoodie and baseball cap, wallet chain and faintly grungy overgrown hair, he's carrying a box from the Happy Cakes Bakery, wafting thick smells of sweet frosting through a lid he's... opened. To PICK amongst its multi-cupcake contents. CHOP LICK.

SWOOP. Thwomp. There /may/ be a proscription in the city against using mutant powers in public and -- /most/ likely, using big-ass wings to /fly/ violates that. And yet there is very /abruptly/ an enormous bat descending on Kay from above. Aside from the truly gigantic clawed bat-wings, Dusk cuts a very /normal/-looking figure -- dark hair neatly trimmed, faint scruff of stubble shadowing his jaw, plain black sweatshirt over plain green v-neck tee, jeans, boots. But the shadow he casts on the ground when descending is noticeable even on the rainy grey day. There's a wet sheen to his dark wings, making them look even darker, and he /thumps/ down onto the pavement by Kay with an abruptness and a /ferocious/ energy that might seem like he's descending from the heavens to /mug/ the poor man.

Which it seems like he /is/. Because immediately upon landing he reaches out a hand to /yoink/ a cupcake from Kay's box.

Sabrina is just walking by. the fourteen year old tanned teen stares at what's going on. even though mutants are rather common around the city nowadays she's never really seen anyone use their powers. probably due to the rules against using them in public. she moves closer to Kay, though being relatively close to start with already She asks "Can I have a cupucake?"

It's like a freaking monstercrow attacking a FOX, Kay's long-tall body practically SPRINGS into the air when he's descended upon, squalling some inarticulate sound that is part startlement and part laughter, his voice cracking and shrill, "--fucking New York /pigeons/ get your own god damn-," this is apparently about BOTH winged and non-winged people at once. He is TRYING to play keep away, holding the box out and away with a spidery-fingered hand splayed right in the middle of Dusk's face, mooshing at him back. To come into proximity of him, one would feel a significant increase in dry firebox /heat/, filling up the scooped shapes of Dusk's wings until he succeeds in gaining confectionary. "What'll- urgh!" he says... from the tangled /midsts/, pulling free himself like it never happend, "you gimme for it?" GRIN?

Kay's longer limbs have an advantage over Dusk's -- at first, anyway, in pure /arm/-reach alone the pyrokinetic wins but Dusk cheats, one enormous /wing/ stretching up to help him hook Kay back in so that he can pilfer the cupcake. He sniffs at it, then, /eying/ his prize with a look first triumphant and then wary. "What kind's this one?" He's suspicious, now, of his stolen goods. "Oh, hey," his dark eyes light up eager and bright when Sabrina asks for a cupcake, "get one from him without milk and then I'll /trade/ you. I can hold him down while you steal." Clearly to him this seems like an entirely reasonable dessert-acquisition process. His wing is damply curving around behind Kay's back already. Like a /snare/.

Sabrina blushes! she moves closer and says "What do you mean. I.. uhm. we can't.. he's a /mutant/. He might kill me if I steal a cupcake from him or something." she obviously isn't all that used to Mutants. especially not those with wings! she Just.. walks up to Kay and asks "Can I have one? We don't /have/ to fight for it.."

"Kiddo, this is fucking New-Yawk-New-YAWK," Kay's scratchy tenor and west-coast accent does not a good nasal New England brogue /make/, and it drops pretty shortly, "Not gonna get anything if you ain't gonna fight for it." He says it like it's one of the /benefits/ of the city, if anything. His teeth might be bad, but his grin is lively-bright. Dusk's ready wing is countered with Kay raising a foot and kind of just /placing/ it on the outside of Dusk's thigh, not pushing him off yet but the two of them look like a cartoon parody of a fight that's abruptly been paused mid-tussle to have a conversation. "Hahaa sucker - that's carrot cake. MMM too bad, this non-dairy one," he has to pause and root around in the box to find it first, "Is gonna sure taste gooood." He waves it back and forth in front of Dusk's nose like he might just MASH it in his face.

Sabrina is a bit of a sceptic. "I guess..' she says. before putting her usual smile back on her face. she doesn't have any accept. she's rather generic, just a normal girl, not that the usual fourteen year old 'shy' person shows off any belly. She moves over to Dusk. staring at the box for a moment. she nods, giving somewhat of a sign that she's ready to get the box.

Dusk's eyes widen; he /braces/ his leg up hard against Kay's foot, his wing curling more snug around the taller man's shoulders. Hook-hook-hooking Kay iiinwards and a little bit towards Sabrina. "Shit-shit-shit grab it," he says this with a /laugh/, bright and amused at Sabrina's worry: "Oh my god. Yes. I'm going to kill you over a fucking cupcake. Dessert is a /deadly/ pursuit around here." Though his eyes are flicking briefly back towards Happy Cakes with this statement, the strong muscles in his wings a little bit tenser. "I will so bite you, dude." His mouth is opening /threateningly/ towards Kay when the cupcake is waved at him -- with his lips peeled back it's easy to see the very /long/ very /sharp/ pairs of fangs that gleam in his mouth.

"I will so bite you BACK," Kay peels back his lips to show off - really normal human teeth. Kind of stained. He must feel the best defense is a good offense because he turns his head and bites on whatever part of Dusk is nearby. And since he's getting entombed in wing, there's a lot of Dusk nearby. The cupcake box is /easily/ within grabbing range. For the fleet of HAND anyway. GO GO GO!

Sabrina rapidly jumps in! she gets the cupcake box, SNATCHING it right to her chest. she moves back in a huge jump. then puts it down within reach of her ally, she grins "Here ya go. You owe me one." she says with a slight giggle. before running off.

"Ay, yo --" Dusk /yelps/ at the sinking of teeth in against one damp long wingspar, his other wing curling in to NOOGIE Kay's head with the tip of a wingbone. "There's not even any good /meat/ on that part man you could've chosen an /arm/ or something. Barbecue some flesh to go with your -- oh /man/ oh man!"

Very abruptly he releases Kay to /lunge/ towards the cupcake box, his fanged smile bright and wide towards Sabrina. "Shit yesss --" He lifts the pilfered box over his head in /triumph/. While his other hand shoves the carrot cake cupcake back in Kay's direction. "Man I so would've given her this, too. -- /Fuck/ which of these can I eat?" His triumph is maybe-compromised by the fact he still has no idea what's even edible.

"Aiee!" Kay's voice breaks and creaks, flailing to protect his head and bearing weight through his leg and into Dusk's thigh to try breaking free mid-noogie. Which means he goes spilling to the ground in a tangle of laughing, winded limbs and just /stays/ there for a moment, panting. He'll finally roll over onto his stomach, pulling up a knee to brace himself back up and leans forward, "Uuuh lemme see. They were the one with the pink frosting bit, HOMF!" He doesn't just take the cupcake from Dusk, he sinks his teeth into it and GNASHES into his custody like an alligator. Giving it a quick hard shake to snap its... cupcake neck.

Dusk stumbles backwards at the weight pushing against, his leg, wings flaring out wide to keep his balance as he inspects the contents of cupcake-box. "Ohshit." He snatches one with pink frosting out of the box, eyes alight as he sticks the cupcake between his teeth and closes the box. "Jesus I think you conquered that one. A+. Foe vanquished." He leans down to, rather delicately, set the entire box on Kay's head.

One of Kay's arms sways up to help balance the box like a hat. The other is pressing the heel of his palm against the bottom of his own cupcake and is CRAMMING the rest into his face, "Bitches don't stand a chance." Though it sounds more like 'buffses d'ssta dance.' The paper at the bottom of the cupcake only gets peeled away while the rest fits ALARMINGLY into the pyrokinetic's mouth. Entirely. It takes a lot of elasticity on the part of his cheeks. GULP. He cranes his neck to the side, trying to see if he could catch a last sight of the mystery girl, "You uh. Wanna gimme a lift home? How're you on juice?" By which he means... sweet sweet can-carry-grown-men-over-distances quantities of blood.

"/Home/-home or fighthouse-home." Because those two answers require very different quantities of /fuel/. Still, Dusk is devouring his cupcake rapidly -- albeit not in one monsterchomp like Kay. Opening his arms. Spreading his wings wide, despite the /stares/ this is getting from people walking down the sidewalk. "Can I carry you over the threshhold and everything?"

"Fight fight fight, yo," Kay is not making the spectacle better with this cheer, hopping up into Dusk's arms like a BRIDE. It's convenient for him to rest the cupcake box on his stomach like an otter, "I left Jen and Deepfried back there to hang out with the /ladies/."

Dusk curls his arms snug and secure around Kay, one looped beneath his shoulders, one looped beneath his legs, catching the grown man's weight rather effortlessly. "Ohshit. Am I missing /lady/-time, I'd better make good speed." Still ignoring the stares (and one not-so-surreptitious gawking cellphone camera shot), he beats his wings down with a shower of wet, pulling up into the air to take off for home.