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| subtitle =  
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| location = <NYC> [[Central Park North]]
| location = <NYC> [[Central Park North]]
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants, Central Park North, Kaylynn, B, Killian
| log = The lights flicker on in New York, and though they can't quite match the brilliance of the sun they still manage to make the city glow. Despite the late time of day, there are still a few people out and about. Some are going to night shifts, others just getting off. A handful are just out to enjoy the night air.  
| log = The lights flicker on in New York, and though they can't quite match the brilliance of the sun they still manage to make the city glow. Despite the late time of day, there are still a few people out and about. Some are going to night shifts, others just getting off. A handful are just out to enjoy the night air.  

Revision as of 14:01, 23 July 2015

Dramatis Personae

Kaylynn, B, Killian

In Absentia


"Mind if I pet you?"


<NYC> Central Park North

The lights flicker on in New York, and though they can't quite match the brilliance of the sun they still manage to make the city glow. Despite the late time of day, there are still a few people out and about. Some are going to night shifts, others just getting off. A handful are just out to enjoy the night air.

A couple of guys are throwing a frisbee on one of the greens, and it's Kaylynn that seems to pop up out of nowhere and catch it when it misses its mark. "Got it!" The woman is dressed in a pale green sundress that's a bit out of place really, as is her southern lilt. Clearly she isn't from Texas. The frisbee gets tossed back before Kaylynn continues shoots them a wave and then continues. Her flip flops are in her hand instead of on her feet, and she wanders through the grass. There's a grin on her face as she feels the green blades brush against her feet...kind of like home. Kind of. One of the people out wandering the park right now might seem at first glance to be a little too young to be out this late without a chaperone -- at least, B's tiny stature certainly doesn't scream Adult. Then again, the distinctly not-human features make it pretty hard to tell much by way of Age or Gender at a /second/ glance. The tiny blue sharkpup is making hir way across the grass from the direction of the reservoir, dressed, today, in black cargo capris liberally adorned with silver chains and zippers; chunky silver and blue platform sneakers, a purple tee shirt reading 'Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty', and an unzipped leather kutte over top (it has a large emblem emblazoned on the back -- a Jolly Roger, though the skull is distinctly inhuman as well, sharp sharkteeth and disproportionate enormous eyeholes; in place of crossbones, it has crossed fencing foils. Around the symbol are the words Mutant Mongrels MC.)

There's a faint droning buzz coming from just over hir shoulder, a metal-bodied cobalt-blue dragonfly gliding along behind hir. The teenager is paying more attention, at the moment, to a tablet in hir hands than to hir path; ze cuts straight through the frisbee game before glancing up, wide-eyed and startled, at the whizzing disc overhead. "Eep! -- 'pologies --" Hir head ducks as ze scrambles out of the way of the game, casting the men and Kaylynn an uncertain glance that suggests ze is rather used to strangers -- not really /appreciating/ demonic-looking blue people interrupting their games.

As the frisbee arcs through the air, from the trimmed shubbery bolts a black and white medium sized dog. White legs in their blurr are more immediately noticable than the rest of him, in the intermittently lamp-lit park as the overly fast canine sprints across the well-kept lawns and leaps for it. There's the sharp sound of teeth striking plastic, that overly dramatic paused pose of the 'success!' catch in mid-air, and then the dog lands hard but gracefully for the air it managed to get on that jump. As he lands, he almost collides with B, far more focused on the fleeing object overhead than passersby beneath. A quick dodge, a short strided step of what appears to be consideration. Brilliant brown eyes glance up to hir, huffed, panting breaths audible around his caught 'prize'. Clearly, the frisbee never makes it back to those boys as the dog is shortly prance-stalking beyond B in very border collie like behavior after Kaylynn. Classically marked and medium coated for the breed he is, he trails after her, apparently intent on 'returning' it to its thrower.

It isn't until Kaylynn's walked a bit that she hears the commotion and finally glances behind her. It's a good thing no one's standing next to her too, because the thick brown locks she has tied up in a ponytail would probably hurt the way she's flicks them about. Once her eyes are back on the track, it takes her another few seconds to register what happened. Teenager, frisbee, dog..."Oh, dammit! I'm so sorry!" The chocolatier spins on her heel and calls the words over to B, "You alright?" The woman doesn't seem at all fazed by the androgyny or the blueness. Instead there's just an apologetic smile. There's a slight swirl of her dress now as she suddenly crouches down, meeting the dog at eye level. "Hey sweetie!" Her southern drawl is no less prominent now than it was earlier, but it's a friendly tone honestly. She holds out a hand, the back of it facing in the dog's direction. "Mind if I pet you?" Forget the frisbee, now she just wants to pet the dog!

"-- Oh -- {sorry,}" B says again in hastily mumbled Spanish, when the guys' almost-thanks turns to almost-irritation at the stealing of their frisbee. Sure, /ze/ didn't steal it, but ze's -- /there/. And less cute than a collie. Ze takes a quick step back, folding hir tablet against hir chest. "Me? Huh? What -- oh. No I'm -- fine, I just -- wasn't. Paying attention, m'-- {sorry.}" Against the sides of hir neck, hir gills are fluttering quickly. Hir nostrils flare, sniffing quickly at the air. "... not your dog?"

The dog, uncollared, unmarked as far as ownership, stares up at Kaylynn apparently not curious enough to take the offered hand for a sniff. Rather, he drops the frisbee and takes two or three expectant steps back, the creature looking from the frisbee to her, to it, and back again. 'Throw it' that says, in typical dog-language. Ears that had at once been folded back on his head are perked in attentiveness, though one deviates back as if listening to B. His head turns, distracted if for a moment to re-consider hir, nose sniffing briefly in the general direction.

"Nope...but she's cute, isn't she?" Kaylynn has no way of knowing if the dog is a boy or a girl, so she makes an assumption. The /wrong/ assumption at that. "Seems pretty friendly /sure/ you're fine?" The chocolatier furrows her brows a bit, looking a tad concerned at B's nervousness. But then there's the dog dropping the frisbee and she goes to pick it up. "Sorry boys, I'll give you a few bucks for another!" This said to those who she is apparently going to shamelessly steal the frisbee from so she can play with a random dog. There's a quick flick of the wrist and the frisbee goes flying...right at B. AGAIN. "Oh my god, oh my god I'm so sorry! Duck! Or catch or...something!" The woman can throw a football, but apparently she can't toss a frisbee. Go figure.

B shifts from one foot to the other, brows pulling in towards each other. Hir nose twitches again. "... I dunno." Hir voice is a little noncommittal. "He's a dog, I guess. I'm -- pretty sure I'm --" Probably this sentence was going to finish with 'fine', but instead it finishes with a very tiny startled growl as the frisbee flies towards hir. Hir hand snaps up to snatch it out of the air with alarming rapidity, even before the startled sound has faded. Just as quick, ze's sending it zinging back towards its /actual/ owners. "You could probably just throw him a stick or something. You know, something you don't have to steal from random people?" It isn't said with a whole lot of /reprimand/. Just kind of bemusement.

The border collie takes off immediately for the frisbee, stops just, /just/ short of jumping up on B for it. Then, he is just as quickly bolting for it as shi sends it towards the mildly irritated boys beyond them. The dog snatches it right as it hits the grass, right between the guys who scramble for it, shoutings of "Bad dog!" and the like ensuing rapidly after. With white-tipped long-furred tail swinging behind him, up and swaying instead of hooked behind his hocks as he keeps on going past them as they give chase, it's clear there's abundant dog-like humor in this new 'game'. One slips and falls as he grabs for the dog, who then jumps back through the line of bushes from whence he came. With his prize. A minute, maybe two, pass before a young man's voice with a breathy, cocky chuckle beneath it gives, "You lost something." Killian comes from behind a tree somewhere next to the pair, mostly clothed in blacks with a lighter shirt beneath an unnecessary jacket for the warmth. A smirk scews his face once he can be seen in the light, and the frisbee is held out to Kaylynn- even if he's a couple steps too away to actually hand it to her.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that? Stealing a stranger's frisbee is about the biggest rush I get on a daily basis. Nice reflexes by the way." Kaylynn chuckles softly and throws a crooked grin in B's direction as she does so. Her gaze flicks inevitably to the bounding collie and frisbee then. She lets out a small cheer when the dog snatches the frisbee, and soon bright laughter is pouring forth into the now lively night. "I think you're a bit out of shape, boys!" Not that she would be able to catch the dog either if she tried. When it disappears there's a disappointed little pout on the chocolatier's face and she cranes her neck towards the bushes as if hoping it might emerge. Of course, then there's a man emerging and Kaylynn moves over to accept the frisbee with the slight tip of an invisible. "Thanks, and sorry...was that your dog? I swear I didn't feed it anything strange!" There's a smile for him followed by a glance back over to B and the boys. "Think they'll really miss this that much?"

"I -- don't know." The bemusement in B's voice continues as ze tips hir head back to look up at Kaylynn, pitch-black eyes looking the woman over curiously. "I think -- I've never had the luxury of tweaking at random strangers just to /see/ if they'd get upset." Hir back is to Killian when he steps back out of the bushes, but hir nose twitches again. Hir head turns next, eyes narrowing on the man thoughtfully. Twitch -- twitch. "Yeah," ze answers, after a small pause. "Your -- dog." There's a very small closed-lipped smile that follows this. "/You/ can keep the frisbee, sure. That kind of thing just tends to never end well for -- people like /me/." With a small shrug, ze turns to head off.

"Were you planning on feeding it something strange?" Killian's curious tones are curled by amusement, though it's not that kind of friendly-greeting amusement. More smug, almost unpleasant. "Often carry strange foods with you in the park at night?" Pale eyes shift to B as he draws his hands back, shortly emptied of the frisbee, and shoves them into his pockets. He's quiet, even if those eyes narrow a touch curiously at hir, catching the short smile of hirs but rolls a shoulder in a shrug to breeze over it in easy time, "I see it around at times." Is not a well-hid lie but a direction of the conversation. "What doesn't go well- keeping misplaced objects? They have a few more in a bag. They'll get over themselves." Too-confident with that apparent knowledge, but it seems all of him could be described as such.

Kaylynn frowns at B's words of things not usually ending up well for people like hir. She can't deny it though. "Well it's not your fault if they over react. I'd say you should just kick 'em and run, but I think that'd turn out worse." There's a small wave for hir as ze heads out, but then there's roll of her eyes towards Killian. "Oh yes, you see I happen to carry around a spare supply of rat poisoning. Sometimes I fancy poisoning stray dogs for the fun of it." The corners of her lips turns upwards in a smirk before she continues. "I meant chocolate...I run a chocolate shop, sometimes I run into customers I don't remember and...yeah." She waves it off, not bothering to explain the rest. There's a bit more to why she blurted out what she did, but...Kaylynn will leave that for later.

"That's what I thought." Killian replies to the concept of rat poison, the mock-surity of it as if he was waiting for her to say it. He glances down as he takes a couple of steps. It's not so much away that he walks, just idle, thoughtful paces, "Can't trust nobody, that's why you don't let them pet you." Gaze slips back to her at that, a sidelong if mischievious thing to monitor her expression. "A chocolate shop, eh?" He stops, focusing beyond her to watch the boys packing up their things. "And you're so client-driven you take samples everywhere you go? Seems a little..." He searches for the word, "Over-achieving," he decides to use, apparently accepting it as good enough.

"You're a regular psychic, aren't you?" Kaylynn wrinkles her nose over to Killian, though her voice is tinged with amusement. Her eyebrows raise slightly at his next words however, and there's a glint of something in her eyes. "That's fair who knows what I could've done to...your dog." As for the samples bit, that earns an outright laugh before she's following his gaze over to the boys with the frisbees. She waves the one in her hand at them, shooting them a cheeky grin, but not throwing it back this time. "They're for me. My customers just now I'm a pig." There's a slight pause now as her eyes slide back to him and her expression turns a bit wicked almost. "Besides, they're useful. My chocolates don't just taste good they're....special." Whatever that means.

To her tease, he draws a hand free from his pocket to tap a finger to his temple as if to denote she's right on the money of his (non-existant) psychic abilities. There's an approving grin to her keeping the frisbee that takes the place of the smirk of before, lightening the lines of Killian's face a little bit more. "Y'don't look it." It's more creepy than a compliment, really, his look going from general to examining as though he hadn't wanted to, or needed to, before. "Not a big fan of chocolate myself. Th'shit is so sweet." He adds on the side, volume a touch lower for it as if dismissive, but he leaves it there for the sake of the more interesting caveat to follow, "Special, or useful?" An important distinction, or at least seems to be so to him.

"That's cause I burn off what I eat while making it." Kaylynn puts a hand on her hip when he starts to go creepy and there's a raised eyebrow. "Don't mind me, take your time. Would you like me to pull up a picture of one to compare? Just to make sure you're doing a thorough examination." A smirk plays at her lips now and she shakes her head, "You just haven't tried the /right/ chocolate. Not all of it's diabetes in a box. Hell, I bet I could find one you'd like." It's professional pride! As for what her chocolate is good there's another devilish look on her face. "Special /and/ useful. They're not mutually exclusive, promise." Not that she seems to be providing details just yet.

"It's that hard to put sugar in a pot?" Killian continues to bait, though he raises his hands in mock innocence at her offer for comparison. "'ey, if you want to offer, I won't say no." Arms fall back to his sides as she takes up what's apparently a challenge, his expression an unbelieving one with some of the amusement from before dwindling. "I doubt it, but it doesn't require liking something if it's /useful/." He trails off after pressing his selected word of importance, "Though I suppose everyone has a different definition of it. What, exactly, can they do?" It's asked not without dropping his overly analyzing stare from her to see who else remains as night darkens as much as it would with all the lamp light. Sparse people roam this park at night, though it's never without its stray passerby or homeless partially asleep.

"Forget psychic, you're an ass." Not that Kaylynn sounds upset, or says that in a particularly rude manner. No, instead there's a a bit of soft laughter. The talk about pig pictures is waved off in favor of her eyeing Killian now. "You haven't got anything wrong with you at the moment, do you? Headache, knee ache...something like that." A pause. "Anything /medically/ wrong with you." Because she clearly needed to clarify that. "You've got loads of people selling things like herb supplements or whatnot to take instead of meds. I guess I'm the same. My stuff actually works though. What they can do really depends on what they need to do." There's a slight shrug as she glances upward now, "They don't do miracles though."

"I am that." Killian's breathy chuckle trails his agreement, short-lived but hearty enough for what it is. "Wrong with me?" It seems a good thing she clarifies, as he appeared ready to answer but is curtailed with a crooked grin as she does so. "Ah- Nah, doing fine. Does it take much of yer stuff to do the trick? The light crap, er, whatever the kind is that has less of the chocolately bits," cocoa, that is, "Probably wouldn't be so bad." It seems less like a taste problem, more like an ingredient thing the way he has a tough of seriousness to it. "Where's the shop anyway? Close by?"

"Let's just say it's made to order. Whatever kind of chocolate, however much of it you want in it so it's strong or's pretty flexible." As for the sweetness...Kaylynn drags her gaze downwards from the sky so that now it's resting on him. "Or the chocolate can be skipped altogether and I'll just get you a vial of blood." That's probably a joke. Probably. She says it a bit too seriously though. She doesn't put blood in her chocolate...or she hasn't yet. "It's down by East Village, not too hard to spot really." There's a business card she produces from a pocket in her sundress, and a moment later it's being thrown towards him. Kaylynn is clearly better at throwing these than frisbees. The shop name, her name, and contact info for ordering are printed on the rather plain looking thing in flowing letters, "Au Petit Chocolatier. Check it out one day if you've got time."

Killian tilts his head a little at that curveball, narrowed eyes curious, mischievious. And far more interested than his lackadaisical manner of before. "Really." Is not a question. The business card is caught with no flare nor amazing catching ability, but it is snatched from the air promptly enough. He doesn't look at it immediately, a thumb and forefinger slipping it into a pocket and out of sight. "Got nothing but." He says at the aspect of time. "I'm sure I can find you- it, no problem." The slip doesn't really seem accidental since he appears to have entertained himself again with a widening of that arrogant smile. "Useful, special, whatever. Might stop by eventually." The 'caring' is back to being lazy, off-handed. And now he's turning to go back towards the tree from around which he appeared before. A gloved hand settles on the rough bark before he goes, "You see my dog again, won't be for no frisbee." Is said in a breath of laughter before he leaves the circle of light from the overhead lamps for the darker shadows of the shaded trail.