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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Aloke, Iolaus | summary = A brief meeting in the teacher's lounge. | gamedate = 2013-10-04 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> [[Teacher...")
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| subtitle =  
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| location = <XS> [[Teacher's Lounge]] - B1
| location = <XS> [[Teacher's Lounge]] - B1
| categories = Mutants, Humans, Citizen's, Xavier's, Mendel Clinic, Aloke, Iolaus, Teacher's Lounge
| categories = Mutants, Humans, Citizens, Xavier's, Mendel Clinic, Aloke, Iolaus, XS Teacher's Lounge
| log = Running a school for mutant teenagers just taking control of their powers is not an easy job, and the teachers at Xavier's deserve a place to come and relax. This lounge is their place to come and de-stress, and it does not skimp for relaxation. The room is elegant and luxurious, plush couches making up the seating in the lounge and a glossy glassy bar wrapping around one wall, well-stocked with alcohol (and perpetually fresh-brewed coffee, for those so inclined. A large-screen high-def television hangs on one wall, stocked with about as many movies and games as the childrens' rec room upstairs. High bookshelves hold a wealth of books. The fridge here is always well stocked, and the cook is always willing to make deliveries down to this level. Far in the back, a hot tub is submerged into the floor, for still more unwinding.
| log = Running a school for mutant teenagers just taking control of their powers is not an easy job, and the teachers at Xavier's deserve a place to come and relax. This lounge is their place to come and de-stress, and it does not skimp for relaxation. The room is elegant and luxurious, plush couches making up the seating in the lounge and a glossy glassy bar wrapping around one wall, well-stocked with alcohol (and perpetually fresh-brewed coffee, for those so inclined. A large-screen high-def television hangs on one wall, stocked with about as many movies and games as the childrens' rec room upstairs. High bookshelves hold a wealth of books. The fridge here is always well stocked, and the cook is always willing to make deliveries down to this level. Far in the back, a hot tub is submerged into the floor, for still more unwinding.

Revision as of 05:26, 5 October 2013

Yoga and Important Things
Dramatis Personae

Aloke, Iolaus

In Absentia


A brief meeting in the teacher's lounge.


<XS> Teacher's Lounge - B1

Running a school for mutant teenagers just taking control of their powers is not an easy job, and the teachers at Xavier's deserve a place to come and relax. This lounge is their place to come and de-stress, and it does not skimp for relaxation. The room is elegant and luxurious, plush couches making up the seating in the lounge and a glossy glassy bar wrapping around one wall, well-stocked with alcohol (and perpetually fresh-brewed coffee, for those so inclined. A large-screen high-def television hangs on one wall, stocked with about as many movies and games as the childrens' rec room upstairs. High bookshelves hold a wealth of books. The fridge here is always well stocked, and the cook is always willing to make deliveries down to this level. Far in the back, a hot tub is submerged into the floor, for still more unwinding.

It’s mid-morning and Aloke is already here for some downtime. He has a yoga mat rolled out, and is wearing long, white linen pants, which are fairly baggy to allow movement. He’s also wearing a simple white t-shirt with a faded ‘The Dead Milkmen’ logo on the front. Rather than through the nice sound system here, Aloke just has his phone playing some ambient nature sounds near his mat. The sound of a babbling brook, some birds, and insects as well. He’s not doing anything fancy on the mat though. In fact, he’s standing to the side of it, on the hardwood floor, on one foot in a simple tree pose, very still, but with his eyes open, apparently looking at nothing in particular at the moment.

The door opens and closes quickly. The doctor leans against the door and lets his head fall back onto the surface of the wood, eyes closing for a moment before he looks up and takes a step off of the door. He brushes some lint off of the edge of his dark red dress shirt and gives Aloke a smile and a raised hand. “Sorry,” he apologizes, a smile wide on his face. “I’m not sure I’m even allowed here, anymore. I’m not teaching classes this semester.”

It, apparently, is more of a joke than anything else, as Iolaus doesn’t seem to have any compunctions about walking over to the bar and opening a beer for himself. After all, it’s four o’clock somewhere. “Yoga?”

Aloke turns his head, smiling, but remains in the pose a moment longer. “Oh hey, I’m sure it’s fine. It’s not like Charles doesn’t know what’s going on on his campus.” He shrugs and finally relaxes. He walks to the bar, opens the mini fridge and retrieves a water bottle. Close up, he’s pretty sweaty, but it’s the glow of a fresh workout, rather than that of someone who’s just grimy and gross. He takes a swig from the bottle, and fishes around behind the bar before finding the fruit bowl. He sets it back on top of the bar, and gets and apple for himself. “Yep. Yoga helps keep me focused, and aware of what my body’s doing. I got away from it for awhile, or at least, kind of lazy about it, but the mental discipline is really helping.” Aloke pauses, and visibly decides to add something a little awkward. “And hey, speaking of ‘help’, thanks for yours last month. I don’t think I ever actually... said it. So thanks. I needed all the help I could get.”

Iolaus smiles and gives a little wave, taking a sip from his bottle before he responds. “Not much gets past him; it’s true.” A pause, and the doctor gives Aloke a nod of acknowledgement. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my job, and I’m happy to do it.” He pauses for a second, and his smile widens, eyes twinkling. “Besides, your timing was pretty good. If you had done it in a couple of weeks, I might not have been able to help as easily,” he says, flashing a line of teeth at the other man. “So, in some way, you were the one to do /me/ a favor.”

The doctor winks and tosses the bottle cap towards the trash can. It bounces off the edge and tinkles onto the floor, and Iolaus frowns at it. “Damn.” he mutters, as he steps over to pick it up and drop it into the can for good. “I’ve never gotten into yoga. Probably should, some day.”

Aloke shrugs and nods. “Never been accused of having good timing before, but I’ll take it.” He turns and leans his back against the bar, sipping at the water again. “So what happened with your classes? No enrollment? Or just taking a leave?” He watches the bottle cap efforts and nods at the comment. “Well, you’re welcome to sit in on one of my classes, if you want some time. We go at a pretty relaxed pace, for all experience levels. It’s just fun for me to share it.”

Iolaus laughs and shakes his head. “No time, really. The clinic is going to take up all of my time, and then some. And, I suspect, I am going to be getting harassed enough that I wouldn’t want to come too close to the school. Guilt by association with me, and all that.” He shrugs and shakes his head. “Maybe I am just being paranoid - or my head of security is starting to rub off on me,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck before he takes another sip of beer.

Aloke nods sympathetically. “Oh yeah, that makes sense I guess. And a little caution goes a long ways. I mean, at least you’re /doing/ this thing. Maybe it’ll start to tip the balance of mutant relations in the city. I mean, it has to get better eventually, right?” Aloke sighs and sips at his water again. “Although, even the weight of history behind us doesn’t help much in the here and now.”

“I don’t know. I’m not a politician.” Iolaus says, shrugging his shoulders. “But, somehow, I don’t think it will soothe tensions. I think it will probably be a lightning rod for problems, if just for the press that it’s going to create, and the easy location that mutants can be found.” The doctor takes another long sip of his beer, then chuckles. “Well, that’s why we have good security. Hopefully, good enough.”

Aloke purses his lips briefly, considering the implications and possibilities. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I see what you mean about the lightning rod thing. I was thinking people wouldn’t attack a clinic but, well...” He shrugs and sighs. “We all know /that/ isn’t true.” Aloke sips at his water some more. “Do you have a private company running security? I’m sure the cops don’t care.”

“We took it in house.” Iolaus pauses for a second and then smiles, widely. “Actually, one of your compatriots is a bodyguard of mine. Jax? Jane, you may have met as well; she spends some time in the danger room every now and then.” A brief pause, and a twist of lips. “I’m not sure if I’m glad her and Logan get along, or terrified of what they might do together.”

“No kidding? Yeah, Jax is great,” Aloke says, smiling brightly. Literally. His glowing eyes actually seem to brighten slightly at the mention of his friend. “Don’t think I know Jane, but she’s already got my respect for taking that on. I wish I was able to do something to help, but... yeah.” Aloke shrugs and smiles. “I was never even in a fight at school.”

“Nor was I, really. Once or twice - and then, of course, in sports, but...” Iolaus watches the other man’s eyes for a moment, curiosity shining - albeit less brightly - in his own. “Jane, I think, has been in her fair share, considering her time in the Army.” A pause, and the doctor puts the beer down on the counter. “Everyone working for the clinic has my respect, in spades. It’s not the safest occupation, and god knows it doesn’t pay very well. But...” he waves his hand, gesturing around him. “Sometimes, things are more important.”

“Well, we’re all doing important stuff,” Aloke says, considering. “But maybe I can come down and volunteer some time. I don’t have any medical experience, but I mean, I can push carts, or do laundry, or whatever.” He shrugs, finishes off the water bottle and leans over the bar to drop it into the recycle bin. “Sounds like you’ve got some solid security though. Logan is more than capable, and if he approves of Jane, well. That inspires confidence.”

“She is very... capable.” Iolaus says, stretching his arms and glancing towards the door. “A little bit too capable, sometimes. I’m a doctor, not the President of the United States. There’s safe, and then there’s paranoid, and then there’s Jane.” He flashes a wry grin at Aloke and picks up his booze again, swishing it around in the bottle in a slow circle rather than actually drinking from it. “We’d love to have you.”