ArchivedLogs:Twinstant Messaging

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Twinstant Messaging
Dramatis Personae

Tatters, Lily

In Absentia


A chatlog between the Francis twins.


The Internet

Fhtugilist has signed on.

Fhtugilist: Hey!

flower_knight: sup

Fhtugilist: I went swimming! There's totally a passage from the north channel that drains from the reservoir in Central Park.

Fhtugilist: Apparently it was underwater.

flower_knight: in this weather??

Fhtugilist: Yeah, the recent snow's been melting and the lake only like...half frozen, so the level rose.

flower_knight: no i mean

flower_knight: you wnet this weather!!!

flower_knight: sory on phone hands are cold

Fhtugilist: It's cool! I'm cold too. :( Swimming was kind of a bad idea, I lost heat pretty fast on the way back. Had to turn a lot of capilaries off, I probably look pretty bad.

Fhtugilist: *cappillaries

Fhtugilist: augh *capillaries. Are you out arting?

Fhtugilist: ...sis?

flower_knight: oops had to skddl one sec

flower_knight: updating a gardrn n the side of a deli

flower_knight: stepped inside to answer txt out of cold but someone lmsot found me

flower_knight: i think they saw the garden too so i put some distnce btween us

flower_knight: finished tho XD will seef its still there tomorrow

flower_knight: and watch the blog

flower_knight: omw home now!!

Fhtugilist: Okay! I'm sending you the rest in an email, so you can read it when you're home and warm and everything, but I met some kids at the reservoir. Shark kids, liked my scuba-kit, asked me how I did it. I told them I could morph but wasn't very good, and they said that there were people who could help with that.

Fhtugilist: Remember Xavier's School? For, one sec

Fhtugilist: "For Gifted Youngsters?" Apparently it is like a secret mutant high school haven or something. "Gifted" youngsters, etc. It sounds wicked sketchy, like HEY are you a mutant who has trouble controlling your powers (and are a homeless chick no one would miss), you should totally come out to our private exclusive compound in the middle of nowhere!

Fhtugilist: But I think we should check it out. If it ~IS~ sketch we should find out and put the word out that they're creepin. If it isn't, it might be pretty cool.

Fhtugilist: More deets and their contact info is in the email. I'll let/make you ping them 'cause you're more Respectable, see if you've got a day off of work when we could do a visit or something.

Fhtugilist: Once we have a date I'll let Nox know so she can tell folks if we don't come back. Let them know that in your email too, if they start trying to de-paranoid us or withdraw their invitation that's red flags.

Fhtugilist: You should like die your hair or wear a hat or something too probably? I dunno. We can do more paranoia later. Talk to you soon!

Fhtugilist has signed off.

flower_knight: got it

flower_knight: and sshh, youre great at shapeshifting <3

flower_knight has signed off.

Fhtugilist has signed on.

Fhtugilist: Um, change of plans, Nox wants to come too. Can you get us a time later on?

flower_knight has signed on.

flower_knight: k

flower_knight: is that a good idea?

Fhtugilist: Dunno. Probably not! :X But if it's dark, she's got pretty good mobility, so between you two it should be hard to pin us all down. So I don't THINK she's a tactical liability.

Fhtugilist: But I dunno if she'll keep her head if things go south. And, you know.

Fhtugilist: She REALLY didn't like the idea of us leaving.

flower_knight: yeah

flower_knight: well i'll tell em.

flower_knight: but heavens, jill

flower_knight: you need to learn to say no to people.

Fhtugilist: Meh.

flower_knight: no seriously you're terrible at that. she just pressured you into letting her come didn't she?

Fhtugilist: You're one to talk, miss "Go Be A Hero" pants.

flower_knight: i'm pressuring you into being what you already are XD

flower_knight: she pressured you into taking her into probably terrible danger for no good reason

flower_knight: and you know she'll slow us down and then take a laser for us and die

Fhtugilist: "Take a laser for us?"

flower_knight: yes. bullets don't hurt her

flower_knight: so lasers.

Fhtugilist: Or like a floodlight I guess?

flower_knight: yes a floodlight!! and then she'll die and it'll be your fault

Fhtugilist: Lily, you're laying the guilt on INCREDIBLY thick here.

flower_knight: i'm telling it like it is!

Fhtugilist: No. Shut up.

Fhtugilist: She's coming, and we'll get her out alive.

Fhtugilist: No one's going to fridge Nox.

flower_knight: do you really believe that?

Fhtugilist: ...

Fhtugilist: Worst. Conscience.

Fhtugilist: But seriously, I think we'll be fine. We have ample ability to bug out at the first sign of trouble. Either they'll throw up red flags right away, or they'll be super nice and solicitous and try and sucker us in later on.

Fhtugilist: And if they try and 'sic a neutralizer on us I can probably punch them out.

flower_knight: and it might actually not be a trap?

Fhtugilist: I'm not banking on that possiblity! Or, like, super hoping. It'd be NICE, but I don't want to get too caught up in Wishful Thinking.

Fhtugilist: I even talked to Callisto - I mean I HAD to talk to Callisto I guess, but she had vague good feelings.

Fhtugilist: So the Vague Portents are in favor, I guess?

flower_knight: well okay

flower_knight: gotta go rewrite this email then

Fhtugilist: started it already?

flower_knight: no but

flower_knight: shut up xP

Fhtugilist: :P

Fhtugilist has signed off.