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Lillian Eleanor Francis
Codename Flower Knight
Birthdate December 12, 1992
Species Mutant
Affiliation Citizens
Alignment Fragrant Good
Powers Boundary Walking
Occupation Grocery Drone/Street Artist

xxxxxLily Francis is Tatters' twin sister, a cheerful (if unsociable) girl who divides her time between bagging groceries at the local Shop Rite, hovering around trying to take care of Tatters, and slowly but steadily making a name for herself as a street artist. Her work tends to be subtly but insistently political, and is characterized by both elaborate, gradually developing growths of vegetation that creep their way across buildingsides and eventually burst into bloom, and by stenciled silhouettes of variously human figures huddled in corners or standing and holding hands. As an artist she's adopted the moniker of "Flower Knight," signing her work with icons of scabbards and helmets sprouting flowers and maintaining a blog where she compiles photographs others have taken of her work plus occasional commentary.

Despite having achieved marginal notoriety after being featured on a smattering of popular blogs (the Tumblr community in particular seems to like her work), Lily has kept extremely quiet about her personal details, though general consensus has pegged her as Probably A Mutant, due to both her obvious mutant sympathies and her ability to art in broad daylight in impressively public locations without attracting notice.


xxxxxLily is rather small and very blonde. She wears colored contacts that tint her eyes a rather striking amber, as a show of solidarity with her sister and also to hide the fact that beneath them one eye is stark white and the other is pitch black. She generally clothes herself reservedly thrift-shop wear, mostly a collection of sweatshirts and jeans.


xxxxxSocially, Lily is quiet and shy, softspoken and most comfortable at the periphery of crowds, and squints as if into a bright light when she's the subject of too much attention. She prefers indirect communication whenever she can manage it, leaving notes and cheerful, whimsical drawings in lieu of talking face-to-face. She tends to open up a bit more in the company of her sister, allowing Jill to hold the bulk of the attention while she snarks from the sidelines.

When not engaged in avoiding conversation, however, Lily is a motivated, driven idealist who firmly and enthusiastically believes in the triumph of good over evil, of love over adversity, and -- most of all -- in happy endings. She's not stupid, or even particularly naive; she knows that things don't always work out that way in real life. That's why the world needs heroes, to discretely meddle and occasionally stand up and punch things in order to make sure those happy endings happen. Sneakily making the world a better place is what Lily is all about, and when taking a stand is needed she can count on the assistance of her reluctant brave, grumpy dashing homeless sewer urchin Stalwart Sewer Knight of a sister to be there for her and get shot at or something.

Lily Boundary Walking.svg

Lily treats the boundaries of perception as doorways, crossing unobserved space in the blink of an eye. The short version is that she can teleport, but only when entering or leaving someone's field of vision and only to a corresponding "boundary" and only in the same "direction."

The slightly more complicated version is that Lily's power divides the world into what Lily calls "whitespace" and "blackspace." The former is any space that's being actively observed -- basically anywhere someone would be able to see Lily. The latter is unobserved space. The borders between the two are game for stepping, though valid boundaries do *not* include where fields of vision overlap or where they're halted by solid objects, those objects can and do cast "shadows" in blackspace. As a rule of thumb, Lily can only step if no one would actually be able to see her teleport. Additionally, steps are directional: she can step from either whitespace or blackspace, but has to step into a similar zone.

To allow her to actually do any of this, Lily has an additional sense she calls "boundary sight." She can see people's eyes projecting luminous cones of whitespace, rotating and flickering and casting long shadows when objects block their line of sight, wrapped in the subtle fabric of Boundaries. Her boundary sight is not blocked by physical obstructions, though details are reduced to an indistinct fog after a moderate distance, and are further washed out by her own vision when she has her eyes open.

Individual steps do not require much effort, but stepping quickly many times in succession gets tiring pretty quickly, especially if a lot of distance is involved. Sharp, pronounced boundaries are easier to step across, while fuzzy boundaries or vague, dim perceptions are trickier. Other senses produce whitespace too, though often don't create much of a zone unless they're an area-surveying tool like echolocation or something. Psychic observation tends to produce big globes of whitespace which Lily can sense (and hates, because it means there's nowhere she can duck out of sight). Electronic observation produces whitespace only if a person is actively watching the feed; recordings tend to glitch out for a few seconds before and after the step.

While mostly just static and noise, the glitches occasionally get a bit...creepy, especially if Lily steps multiple times on camera and the artifacts pile up. And while usually the only sign of her stepping is a flicker of movement in the corner of one's eye, some people - especially psychics, for some reason - seem to find it particularly unsettling, occasionally glimpsing something monstrous at the moment of translocation. Lily claims not to know what the deal with this is, attributing it to just kind of being a creepy power.

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