ArchivedLogs:Art and Casing the Joint

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Art and Casing the Joint
Dramatis Personae

Melinda, Remy

In Absentia

20 January, 2013



Museum of Modern Art, Manhattan

<NYC> MoMA - Midtown East The halls and galleries of the Museum of Modern Art house one of the most influential collections of modern art in the world. With works from Matisse and Picasso, Rousseau and Gaugin, and pieces as famous and Starry Night, visitors flock to this museum every year to take in the history collected on its walls. Its library houses a trove of influential works, as well, a collection of books on art and art history and files on thousands of artists.

It's one of those funny things about a city like NYC. there are millions of people that walk arround leading millions of lives... and yet paths will cross, and once they do they seem to cross again and again. Case in point, A chance encounter at a coffee shop that specializes in cupcakes with a man in a duster and a motercycle one day. Today there is the same man, now in a Armani suit studing the works of the modern masters... Remy LeBeau's eyes are still covered with sunglasses as he seems to linger over one of the paintings, a slight smile turning the cornor of his lips.

Melinda is moving slowly through the exhibits, her coat slung over one arm, dressed in a knit dress of robin egg blue and gray tights underneath. She pauses for a while to examine the color scheme on one of the pictures, brushing her hair behind her ear. Unfortunately, Mel doesn't recognize Remy at all in the change of clothing. She wanders right up behind him and studies the same painting, but likely for different reasons.

Remy grins a little as she steps up beside him tilting his head slightly, "Ah always admired 'is use of color. It was like de man was at war wit' de canvas." he says in a casual tone, though that accent is quite distinctive. He sighs and rubs his tired eyes behind his sunglasses despite the dimness of the gallery.

Melinda doesn't comment on the sunglasses. "Oh? Well, I guess," she studies the image a little longer and tilts her head to one side. "I guess I never understood the more angry artists." She presses her lips together and considers it a moment longer before starting to move on to the next paining. Still no recognition.

Remy smirks a little bit, "Blue velvet cupcake an' cafe latte, non?" he asks in a casual voice, rolling his neck as he walks to the next painting, eyes trailing across the canvas...

"Cappuccino." Melinda admits, turning to look at the speaker, brows furrowing. She looks him up and down before pursing her lips. "You... were that guy that left early on, right? What was your name again?" She considers for a moment. "Remy right? Sorry I wasn't there. I had to ... well, I had to take off and go to work."

Remy smirks a little bit, "Yeah, Ah 'ad a phone call from a guy who wants me ta do a job foh 'im. 'E's been ducking mah calls and now all de suddon he won' stay off mah line." he says with amusedexasperation.

Melinda smiles and shrugs a bit, turning her attention back to the painting. "So what kind of work do you do? Can you get the guy a job?" She moves her coat behind her back and holds it there with both hands, moving forward to read the card next to the painting before stepping back and examining it once again.

"Security consulting," he says with a shrug, "An' 'e's de one dat gots de job foh me." he says calmly as he looks at the painting with a smile on his lips and then turning to look at her more directly, "People pay me allot of money ta show dem how ot'er people woul' take allot of money from dem."

"OH... you're one of those former convicts that makes the security tougher for the next generation?" Melinda is amused by this, tearing her attention away from the painting. "Do you go through the entire act of breaking into a place and stealing a thing, then returning it to tell them what they need to do better?" She sweeps her hair over one shoulder as she speaks. "Sorry. Seems like a pretty cool job."

Remy smirks a little bit looking at her with amusement in his eyes and then grins slightly, "Ah's say yah pretty close, wit' one very notable exception." he says with a smirk and adds, lowering his glasses slightly, "Convict implies Remy evah got caught, non?" his demonic red on black eyes glowing slightly.

"I am sorry," Melinda apologizes, ducking her head a little. "I just don't know why a person turns to being legitimate in that kind of job unless they have a record that keeps them from getting away with it." She shrugs and turns a little bit away. "Sorry." She glances back at his eyes a few times, but says nothing about it. "So, why are you on the straight and narrow?"

Remy pushes his glasses back up his nose and grins that devil may care smile and shrugs, "Go out on top ah suppose. Maybe try de new game before de old one get boring?" he shrugs a little bit and tilts his head. "Take dis place foh instance. De security pretty good but, dare is holes."

"Oh." Melinda's brows rise up as she looks around the room. She purses her lips and lets her arms move around to her front again. "I can understand if you don't want to talk about it now. I mean, you don't want to attract too much attention right now, right?"

Remy chuckles a little bit and shakes his head, as if amused by something. "Do yah know what de single mos' conspicious t'ing in de worl' is chere?" he asks in an amused tone, "Someone trying ta look inconspicious." he grins just a little bit. "We coul' talk abou' assassinatin' de president and ninty nine people out of a 'undred fully ignore us if we use normal posture, and voice tones.

"Well, I didn't say to /look/ inconspicuous, but you wouldn't want someone to overhear you and accidentally and steal your business." Melinda shrugs and looks back at the painting. "It's always when you think you got it all together that Murphy's law kicks into affect and you lose a nice job." She nibbles on her lip and then asks, "Okay, where are the holes. I'm curious."

Remy smirks just a little bit and starts to point at one of the security gaurds when his phone starts to play again. he sighs a little bit, "Every time Ah try ta talk up a pretty woman." he says with mock exasperation, answering the phone and saying "LeBeau. Oui. Non.. Oui. Oui. Okay Ah be right dare." he sighs and smiles, "Ah gotta go again, maybe next time?"

"Good luck with your work," Melinda smiles and waves. "See you around."