ArchivedLogs:Foggy Beginnings

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Foggy Beginnings
Dramatis Personae

Ross, Mya, Inès

In Absentia


Ross and Mya meet. This will be the greatest friendship /ever/.


<XS> Great Hall

With dinner already over, the Great Hall is relatively empty. Some students still remain seated, working on homework or just chatting with their peers in plush chairs. In the corner sits a teenaged, purple skinned girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, and purple highlights in her hair wearing a thin Ramones t-shirt arguing with a dark-haired darkeyed Columbian girl about something. "No, I'm not strange, you bitch. Why don't you go fuck off, Ines?". Ross hmphs as Ines leaves, angry because Ross is unreasonable about, well, who knows /what/ they were talking about. She launches herself softly onto a chair, and begins picking at the table.

Mya meanwhile is still getting used to ambulating in a normal manner. Tired as she is from the move, she's been filled with a nervous energy, so she pulled together an avatar and walked its butt up to the elevator. A while in the elevator, and she's let out on the first floor, still fiddling with the appearance of the avatar. Right now, it still looks like some sort of big-eyed alien of sorts. With the Great Hall mostly empty, she's startled when a student accidentally bumps into her, causing her to disperse briefly into a cloud of smoke that causes some coughing to the person who bumped her. The student apologizes and moves along, even as Mya pulls herself back together in solid form. She watches the other purple-haired girl depart, and approaches where Ross sits, "Is... this... uh... the cafeteria?"

Still picking at the table, Ross briefly lifts her head up, flicking her ears forward. She is startled by Mya's appearance, bouncing back slightly. "Ha, cafeteria? I don't even know if we /have/ one of those. This is the Great Hall. It's like the living room without the TV...or maybe that wasn't the best allergory, fuck it." Ross leans back, now more comfortable after realizing Mya is a new student and is completely corruptable. "I'm Ross, by the way. You new?". She adjusts her wrist cast, still not having healed her break, and decides not to reach out to shake her hand. Yet.

Mya floats up slowly to perch on a seat and crouch in a manner reminescent of a frog and peers at Ross curiously. "I think, technically, that was more of a simile, not an allegory. Nice usage, though. Gets your point across well." She 'sniffs' the air, for lack of a better word, "Things always smell so weird in this body. I wonder if it'll always be that way, or if I can... fix it with practice. Oh... I'm Mya. M-Y-A. But you say it like 'Maya'. Like the Mayans. Yeah. I'm new. They just got finished settling my body in the basement, so I decided to explore. Oh, hey, you're purple too. Neat." Weird how she makes sounds, even with no mouth. No telling how she manages that.

Ross gently scoots her seat back maybe an inch. "Uh, settling your /body/? What exactly...I don't mean to be rude, okay yes I do but, is your mutation...?". She peers forward, scooting back again to avoid possible death. "Also, yes, I am purple. I do not like being purple. I just became purple last week and it is bothersome." She backs away some more and scratches further into the table, avoiding eye contact.

Mya shakes her head,"Oh, um... Well, this body is made out of solidified and ionized smoke from what I understand... I use this to get around because my real body emits so much smoke, toxins, and radiation that most people would die just from being anywhere nearby. Without... uh... help, I'm sort of a small scale environmental disaster. So I got a special chamber in the basement that contains and scrubs all that safely." She floats back off the seat and puts some distance between Ross and herself. "Why does it bother you so much? It really suits you quite well. Could be worse. You could be paisley."

Deciding to make eye contact, Ross looks up, but quickly looks down again after seeing the alien eyes again. "Well, that must suck pretty badly. Will they be giving you a dorm? I mean, being in the basement sounds really boring.". She stops scratching and looks up again, this time not looking back down. "Well, I uh...kind of think people like you are freaks. It was how I raised, really. I grew up in Texas to a pair of hard conservatives in an all-white neighborhood. It really wasn't until my power kicked in that I knew about mutants, I just had heard of the rumors and stuff. Also, the fuck is paisley? Is that like, a vegetable?". She smiles, confused.

Ross shrugs. "It'd also be a place for this...'form' of yours to stay, I guess. Be alone or something." She shifts her body slightly, more comfortable. "Yeah, cancer sucks. I guess it is an improvement.". She pauses as well. "Austin for me. Gun nuts everywhere. Also, yeah, I guess I'm a freak now. It's still dawning on me. When I first found out I was purple I freaked out so badly I fell into the lake. One of the teachers actually /dove/ in to fish me out." Ross suddenly gets an idea. A bad one. "Maybe you could dorm with me. Well, use me as a storage space, but, same difference, right?". She smiles, perking her head up. She obviously has evil intentions to anyone who knows her well enough or is good at face reading.

Mya has neither of these advantages when dealing with Ross. "Oh, that'd be cool. You can talk to whoever's in charge and let 'em know I'm cool with it. Anyway, don't worry about this 'freak' thing. Be more careful around water, though. We can't have you drowning. If someone had to fish you out, I guess that means you can't swim. Wish I could teach you, but this body doesn't really hold together well in water."

Ross laughs, shaking her head. "Oh, I can swim. I was just catatonic and freaking out because I had no clue I was purple and the bitch who pointed it out did it by calling me Grape Kool-Aid.". She sighs, lifting her body slightly. "Well, I have to go, I have 'chores'. But yeah, I'll definitely tell the staff!". She smirks, heading for the door. Step one to evil domination, check. Now, to master her evil laugh.