ArchivedLogs:The Girl in the Green Sweatpants

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The Girl in the Green Sweatpants
Dramatis Personae

Josiah, Sage

In Absentia


Coffee, Russian literature, and ATHENA make for an awkward first encounter.


<NYC> Montagues - SoHo

It's later in the evening, though due to the weather there's quite a few people inside to be /warm/. Entering slowly, a quick flut of eyes alongst the entire coffeeshop before she approaches the counter, Sage is wearing..a fashion disaster. Purple t-shirt with light green sweatpants and black slippers, her short black hair as loose as ever, and her blue eyes covered with dark red-tinted sunglasses. Almost robotic movements, slowly paced, she tips her head up at the counter, speaking clearly and precise. "One caramel macchiato, and a bagel, thank you kindly." And then she's speaking again, but /not/ to the barista. "ATHENA, check schedule for January 31st, 2014, for any changes.”

Josiah is set up near the counter, forced to take the seat because of the amount of people here when he arrived. There were a lot. He's decidedly not a fashion disaster, which may be one reason he notices the girl in the green sweatpants. Another might be her unusual gait, which pulls his attention briefly away from the book in his hands, “Fathers and Sons,” in its original Russian. His lips turn down a moment, but soon get busy with the rim of his coffee mug.

As she awaits her drink, Sage doesn't even turn to Josiah to look at his book. She already spotted it when she entered the door. "Excellent book you are reading there. Did you know that the original critical reaction to Turgenev's masterpiece was so hostile that he was forced to leave Russia? Though, he was quite a controversial writer, I myself do not agree with the philosophy of nihilism.". Though the way she says it sounds like it could be an amicable response, there's little to no tone to it, robotic in sounding, almost emotionless. As she gets her drink and bagel, due to the lack of seating, she has to set up next to Josiah. "I hope you do not mind, there is very little room.". And then her eyes are scrolling up and down inside her glasses for some weird reason.

Josiah sets his mug down carefully and lowers his book. He eyes Sage for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to respond, and ends up shrugging. “Not much to agree with, I guess. Turned into a type terrorist mentality for some.” He offers a smile, though not an overly warm one. “Are you a lit major or something?” He leans back in the plush chair his occupies and gives a slight nod to other across from him.

"No. I have read the book and spent seventeen minutes researching Turgenev out of curiosity.". Though it might seem like it due to word choice, Sage is not being sarcastic at all, this is all truth. "Computer Science is my major, to be exact.". And then, she's talking to thin air again. "ATHENA, open RSS feeds.". And then her eyes are scrolling again. "My name is Sage."

Josiah snorts and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I guess that's all it takes,” he mutters, before offering the seat across from him again in a more obvious manner. The book is placed over his leg and left to rest there, while his coffee is lifted once more to his lips. “Sage, then. Nice name. Who's ATHENA?”

Sage finally takes the seat, taking a sip of her drink, before answering again calmly. "The glasses.". Inside Sage's glasses, she is currently scrolling through the various news feeds that she has added to her RSS, along with several political and mutant-activist blogs, but is scrolling quickly. "I built her myself."

Josiah wraps both hands around his mug, but finds little warmth there, as what's left of the coffee has cooled. “Really?” He squints noticeably, giving the glasses a second look and perhaps forgiving their appearance. “That's cool, I guess. Personally, I never got into the idea of wearable computers, but to each his own, right?” He downs the coffee and sets the empty mug down. “Must be pretty bright. Where do you study?”

"I teach, actually. Private school out of the city.". Sage says the infectious word in Russian, as she takes another sip of her drink, taking a bite of her bagel. For a teacher, Sage looks rather young, no more than 25 years old maybe. Her eyes continue to flitter, as she continues. "It allows me to multitask, using my hands whilst I do another task, upping overall productivity."

Well isn't she a curious one? This thought reads across Josiah's face quite expressively. “Wow, a teacher, eh? I wouldn't have pegged you as one.” He chuckles a bit an reaches up to scratch the back of his head. “Where are you from?” he asks, knocking back her bit of Russian.

Another sip. "Westchester.". Sage pauses. "Bulgaria in birth.". Covering all bases! She still hasn't glanced at him. "Teachers can range from many ages, I am only 25 in age and there have been many younger than myself. Unless you mean my overall dress and personality, which in case, fashion is a very irrelevant process to life and my personality is who I am which I cannot change."

“I suppose it depends on what sort of life you lead,” Josiah says, referring to the knock on fashion, which he does enjoy. “And I didn't mean to offend. Certainly didn't mean it as a bad thing.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat and glances at his watch. “I'll tell you what, though. I don't think I have it in me to teach a class, control a crowd of kids. It's impressive.”

"No, it does not. Fashion is highly irrelevant to all aspects of health and only functions in a social setting, which does not truly matter so much and fashion is not a large portion of it, as such, I do not bother and most people should not.". Sage says this calmly, no rudeness at all from it, before rising with her drink, having spotted Josiah's uncomfortability during a glance. "Have a good evening.". And then she's heading for the door.

Josiah watches the girl leave with one brow raised. When she exits, he looks down at his outfit, smooths out a crease, sighs, and dives back into his novel.