Logs:Least Flattering Season

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Least Flattering Season
Dramatis Personae

Kieow, Nanami

In Absentia


"No. I've had a brain all this time."


<XAV> Kitchen - Xs First Floor

The kitchen staff at Xavier's tends well to the needs of its residents. Always cognizant of its students and faculty's dietary needs alike, the menu has a wide variety of choices, and the longtime cook works wonders in the kitchen. The pantry, too, is kept well stocked for those who want to come prepare themselves their own snacks. The shelf, fridge, and freezer space is ample, though if anyone wants to keep their own food there, they'd better make sure it's labeled clearly, and even that is no guarantee it'll last.

The clouds outside cast a very gloomy atmosphere over the campus, but green is starting to take over the winter grays and browns. Inside, there's a small herb garden on a windowsill that Kieow fusses with. She speaks in quiet tones to the plants as she pours a little more water at the base of a thyme plant that has been recently clipped to enhance breakfast. Her finger are tipped in fine white hairs and a sprig of thyme sticks out from between her lips where she chews on it.

Standing up, the plant girl sweeps her collection of cedar needles over one shoulder and gathers them up in her hands as they drop from her scalp in chunks. She hums as she wraps a bit of twine around the stems and whispy tendrils of thyme begin to sprout all around her head. The fresher scent over takes the older wood musk while the bit of twig in her mouth disappears entirely. The flakey bark covering her skin pales and grows smooth -- green filling in the tan without leaving behind a mess.

When her more obvious transformation ends, Kieow straightens her silver blue jacket and smoothes out the skirt that covers her leggings completely. "Now I've done it..." She frowns as she studies her fingertips and hands as she leans the discarded boughs against the wall. Green eyes glance upward to the plant once more, head canting to the left. The plant that previously looked a little sad now stands taller, leaves stronger, and little buds heartier than last she looked.

"Chee, I thought you just pretty but you like a fo-real dryad, huh?" Nanami is wandering in just now, dressed still from some kind of practice in black and pink gym clothes and sneakers. She's beelining straight for the fridge to open it up and rummage inside, emerging with a can of coconut water green tea. She pulls its pop tab very gingerly, taking care not to catch her impeccably made up nails (glittery pink and red skulls on a matte black base, today) on the edge of the metal before leaning up against the counter. "Magic and all. -- Woah, do plants actually talk?"

"Look pretty? In winter? It's my least flattering season, but at least lacing fairy lights in my branches is fun for the holidays." Kieow smiles, deftly dodging the compliment, despite the livelier green in her cheeks. "Just wait 'til spring when I can get some flowers that won't fade the second I go outside." She glances back at the potted herbs and picks up her discards to gather in the crook of an elbow. "Well, they don't really talk, but they listen well - and respond to fondness focused on them. People go back and forth on that, though. I can't... actually give an authoritative opinion - since... I was still possessing a human brain when I was stuck in covid lockdown. So even if I was good at listening..." the conclusion is forgotten, specially since Kieow's eyes are now locked on Nanami's fingernails. "Ohhh. Those are great!"

"Huh?" Kieow has clearly lost Nanami somewhere along the way -- the other girl is giving her a puzzled look somewhere among the mention of COVID lockdown. "Tanks yeah they turn out real good this time --" She's glancing down at her nails with a pleased nod, but then looking back to Kieow, wide-eyed: "You no got a human brain? How does your thinking happen?"

"OH. No. I've had a brain all this time. I just... uh. Well, there was a time when COVID first hit where my throat closed up and I stopped breathing for a while and kind of went more plant than not?" Kieow's voice tightens and rises as she explains, worrying her fingertips against those on her other hand. "It was a very strange time. And uh. Kind of why I am here. And not back home... in Thailand." She shifts her weight uncomfortably and glances over Nanami's shoulder. "I... had to live in a pot of soil," she half whispers, softly.

"Oh." Nanami shifts uncomfortably, too, taking a deep swig of her drink to paper over the long silence. "Sound mad awkward, ya? Boring, mebbe. I think if I turned in a tree I plant myself outside." Her nails click lightly against the side of the can. "You don't have COVID no moa, though? But you stay here." The lift of her brows makes this into a question.

"Oh, well, I didn't really want to be outside, as I'm sure people would have been freaked out by the weird human shaped tree. Plus, you know how people are with plants... Just kind of tearing and cutting them without thought." Kieow shakes her head, eyes distant in memory. "They weren't letting me see people, you know. First I got kicked out of school... Then my friends weren't allowed to be seen with me. Bua said things were pretty shitty here, but at least I could go to school... See people. So after they got rid of the COVID, I stayed. With uh... Other reasons too." She refocuses back on Nanami and her nails before gazing at her face. "You... Don't think I should leave, do you?"

"Sucks," Nanami replies with a wince. "Who is..." She trails off with a frown, straightening from the counter and looking at Kieow blankly. "Huh? Girl how'm I suppose to decide something like that for you?"

"Doesn't stop many people from telling me I should go back home." Kieow states flatly, studying the other student's face quietly for her reaction.

Nanami's reaction is just to roll her eyes, her sigh exasperated. "K den. Someone wen get all high makamaka with you, take it up with them. I just come here for a drink, not fo get roped into be one bad guy in your sad life story." She's turning right around, gulping at her coconut water as she heads back out.

"Roped into? Hm." Kieow inhales deeply and turns to look back at the discarded branches. "Who would rope anyone in when so many just volunteer?" Another breath and she refocuses on Nanami and bows. "I apologize for offending."

Nanami only speeds up a little at Kieow's first statement, her rapidly fleeing back the only reply.