Logs:A Decent View

From X-Men: rEvolution
Revision as of 04:46, 26 August 2024 by Astillcurrent (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Joshua, Lily | mentions = | summary = "Climbing." | gamedate = 2024-08-25 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = Kalymnos, Greece | categories = Joshua, Lily, Mutants | log = It's been clear and sunny all day today, and though down at beach level it's a bit warmer, up higher here it's perfectly mild and the view is ''fantastic'', the ocean spreading wide and lit up in a brilliant array of colors as the sun slowly starts its descent. Joshu...")
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A Decent View
Dramatis Personae

Joshua, Lily

In Absentia




Kalymnos, Greece

It's been clear and sunny all day today, and though down at beach level it's a bit warmer, up higher here it's perfectly mild and the view is fantastic, the ocean spreading wide and lit up in a brilliant array of colors as the sun slowly starts its descent. Joshua is sweating profusely all the same as he places his last anchor, tests it twice and then twice more before clipping in and continuing the last pitch of this climb. He pulls himself up over the top of the cliff, wiping his forehead with a cool-damp quick-dry towel that's draped under his helmet, and setting himself up to take advantage of the glorious view as he sets up a secure anchor at the top before he's calling down: "On belay."

"Climbing." There’s a sheen of beaded sweat across Lily’s skin when she finally pulls up and over the cliffs edge, pleased smile on her face as she hauls their gear up behind her. "Ff—," might be just a noise, might be the start of a more familiar word, but either way it dissipates into a huff of exhausted breath when Lily turns and takes in the magnificent sunset. "--okay," she is allowing, is her tone actually grudging, probably not, "this is a pretty dang good view." She sits, shucking her helmet and running a towel over her short-shaved scalp. "Solid top fifteen. Maybe top ten."

"Hfff." Joshua huffs out a low amused breath at this. He's unclipping himself once Lily is firmly on firm ground, pulling off his own helmet and leaning back against a solid rock. "I'll take maybe." Where did these beers come from? He sure didn't haul them up here with him, but there's a pair in his hand, now, and he's cracking one open against his belay device and passing it over to Lily before opening the other. His eyes fix out on the setting sun. "Universe is getting bigger," sounds idle. Might not be.

Lily drapes the towel over the back of her neck, takes the beer and a swig before resting the cold glass against her red cheek. "Been getting bigger. In the big bang aliens way and the —" She pinches her forefinger and thumb together before quickly spreading them, "— alternate reality rip in space, way." Lily glances sidelong at Joshua. "You that bored of Earth-climbing? Where we going next, Planet Asgard?"

"I'm never bored." Joshua gulps at his beer, rolls his neck. Doesn't smile, but there's something satisfied in his quiet groan as he stretches long and then eases. "Damn curious to find your top five, though."

Lily laughs, short and easy. "I have high standards. You’re only making them higher." She takes another, smaller, sip of her beer. "What about — if you figure out how to bring air with us, let’s go to Mars. Set the first routes there. Bet the views there will take spot number…" She rolls her head back to look at the slow-darkening sky. "…mm, six, maybe. Think you can figure that out before Labor Day?"

"Air's light. Can't be too hard." Joshua's taking a deep breath, letting it back slow, as if this will provide him inspiration for the task at hand. He takes another swig of his beer and taps the mouth of his bottle against his teeth. "... when's Labor Day? I got time, right?"

"In what time zone?" Lily is grinning. "Next Monday. Ff-- Is it Monday here?" She starts to dig out her phone, not that she's looking at it before continuing. "This Monday, maybe. I believe in you." Does she believe in his grasp of time, maybe not. "I'll settle for Utah, if you can't swing a space trip."

Joshua looks at Lily blankly, which is perhaps to be expected when she asks him the date. He does not even bother reaching for his phone. There's a stretch of silence, but eventually he frowns, deeper. "... fucking Mormons," he grumbles, his head shaking with an air of very deep grievance. "Lotta New Yorkers'd swallow Moab as Mars if I dropped 'em there a second."

"Moab's nice." Lily shakes with unvoiced laughter. "Lotta New Yorkers don't know shit." She leans back, takes another sip from her beer. "Do you think you have another climb in you. Before the kids come back."

"Ngh." Joshua wobbles his head side to side noncommittally as he considers this. "Got work." But then he shrugs, casual, accepting. "Got a day off too. I'll get my space suit ready."

"Holding you to that." Lily nods, pleased, and settles in more comfortably to watch the sun. Holds up her phone to snap a picture -- frowns at the way her camera doesn't capture the glittering water, turns it to selfie mode and gestures to Joshua to get into frame. Clinks the necks of their beer bottles together. Click.