ArchivedLogs:Situation Normal, FUBAR

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Situation Normal, FUBAR
Dramatis Personae

Mya, Karolina

In Absentia


Karolina and Mya meet for the first time.


The sky over Xavier's.

Mya she's more a drifter than an out and out racer. She could probably WALK faster than she's going right now. But it's a very relaxes sort of look, anyway. Her narrow, painfully thin frame has filled out a little bit more, and she still has her yellow and purple striped scarf wrapped around the lower half of her face and even a black, bead-eyed teddybear backpack of some sort at her back. Her eyes glow lazily in the open air as she just sort of... floats there. It's almost like watching someone float on their back in a pool.

This appearance is aided by the fact that there are dozens of tiny twin black trails of something smokey coalescing from the air and pouring into the girl's body. Something about it seems to make her appearance more... solid, almost healthy somehow. Then again, with her bizarre anatomy, it may just be too difficult to tell what health entails for her.

Karolina Dean could race. Or, really, it felt like she could race when she was really pushing it, but then she had wind in her eyes and stuff, and getting a bug in your teeth was frankly one of the most disgusting things in the entire world...! But regardless of such things, Karolina Dean was enjoying the outdoors. Not too high, never too high - you don't want to draw attention to the school by sparkling all across the sky, but she was 'skimming' the ground, for certain, wearing goggles, t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and the goofiest, happiest grin in the world.

/Zipping/ out over the lake, her diamond-like sparkling could probably be seen from Mya's position, as Karolina seems to linger there, before she arcs towards Mya. It would probably take her a good minute - she was going fairly quick (20mph), but still. Karolina arcs towards those puffs of smoke, and comes to a stop with a suprised start. Hovering there in mid-air, she pauses for a long moment, eyes cast downward - before she lifts them again with a smile, and a lift of her hand. "Um, hi! Are you a student?"

Mya floats there still longer, rotating slowly in the air to face Karolina.

With the way her dark body turns, trails of smoke leading into it, she probably seems sinister more than anything else. She does that slow turn thing, though, more because she is a slow flyer. Smoke drifts, after all. "Oh. Hi!" It's an oddly hollow voice. Still mostly genderless in its nature. "Oh, hey! You're pretty!" She examines the diamond-skinned girl with a careful eye,"Yeah. I'm Mya (she pronounces this like 'Maya')." Self-consciously, she tugs her scarf up a little to better cover her mostly featureless face and crosses her legs beneath her in a full lotus position.

"You're kind of fast. Huh. What's your name? And why do you look so familiar?" Another pause follows as the girl does what APPEARS to take a deep breath. Then she says the creepiest thing ever,"You taste nummy."

It was sinister in appearance - and one might notice Karolina's approach kinda grow a little bit tentative, and the smile that she tries to bring unto her lips? A little less... you know, bright.

But that was before she got a good look at the dark form, and could identify it as a person, "Hello!" she exclaims, the cheeriness in her voice not really forced. "I never quite expect to see many people up here - sometimes, you see Peter kinda swinging around, but, um..." Karolina pauses, eyes attracted to the movement that draws the scarf higher unto Mya's face. But Karolina's eyes flicker back towards Mya's own.

"Thank you for the compliment - you're pretty too, you know," says Karolina, kinda flying a bit closer. It did sound honest - if casual, "Are you... well, how are you flying?" she asks, grinning a bit roguishly then, as she offers a hand to 'shake'.

"I'm Karolina Dean, from California," she says then, "Are you from there? I grew up around Hollywood, so... I'm totally on the other end of the universe here," she says. Although then comes the odd statement, Karolina pulling her hand back a little bit. "I'm... sorry? What did you say?" The girl's eyes glow a bright bluish color, the eyes shifting at the corners in a manner that might be recognizable as a smile. "Awe, shucks! Thanks. My real body is kind of icky, so I'm working on making this one a little prettier every day. And more human-looking." She reaches out to take the hand. If it's not pulled back entirely, her hand is bizarrely light, as if it were dangerously frail or barely-there, but kind of sooty-rough in a smokey sort of way. It's also feverishly warm. "This body is made out of solidified smoke particulates. I sort of push them around, but it's..."

"... well, smoke kind of drifts. It doesn't really /fly/ fly. Hell, a stiff wind would blow this body up and I'd have to pull it back together." It's irritating, but not painful." Mya's eyes however widen, taking on a bright yellow color when the girl introduces herself,"OH. EM. GEE. YOU. THAT'S WHY YOU LOOK FAMILIAR." She actually laughs delightedly,"I met your parents! They visited me in the hospital for Make a Wish! I had your parents sign, like, a million things, including my favorite 'spy-hat'. Oh, wow! Fancy meeting you here!"

Then the girl realizes she said something creepy and pulls back sheepishly,"Er... Your light. Certain types of light have edible wavelengths. It's sort of radiation. That and pollution. I mean... edible... I eat pollution, and radiation, and light and stuff. And your... uh... shine... It's nummy. Wow. That was creepy, huh?"

Karolina would normally apply some pressure with a handshake - however - when her hand touches the other young woman's - for normal people, there would be a small area, a little bit past where they physically touched 'lina, that would glow in the same way as 'lina's own self. Smoke forms, might be different, however. The warmth was nice, and one could probably see 'lina relax a little bit, and smile up at the other a little wider.

"Oh, this isn't you?" asks Karolina, before she pauses - the colors around her cheeks favoring more yellows and reds for a bit. (A blush), "W-well, I mean to say... you have two bodies?" she asks then, tilting her head to the side, drifting away a bit after the handshake ends. "I think you're doing good so far, though - this one has the sense of the... you know, it's a bit..." Karolina narrows her eyes, and thinks of the word. "Like an elf, I guess - otherworldly? It's beautiful - so I can't wait to see how you spruce it up," she says, laughing lightly.

And then comes the recognition. "O-oh?" says Karolina, sounding a little taken aback, overall, "They did what? For Make-A-Wish?" she says. "When was this? Like... recently, or a little while ago?" she says. Perhaps her tone was a little interrogative, but she sounded utterly disbelieving. "Frank and Leslie Dean, right? The movie stars?" she says.

Although she bites her lower lip, and kinda pauses, "I... well, it isn't that I don't believe you, but -..." she says, sighing softly, and shaking her head, but the last things said do bring a little bit of a smile to her suddenly troubled expression. "A little creepy, yeah. But not so much - I've been told I look delicious before, but I think I'm okay with it being meant in this way!" she says, the upbeat sound a little more forced.

Mya nods emphatically at Karolina,"Oh, yeah. Or maybe it's just another me. I'm not up on metaphysical niceties... Just... this is a projection. A bunch of smoke I stick my mind into. My real body is... in the basement of the school. It's not pretty at all, and it's kind of dangerous just existing, so we have to keep it behind lots of layers of radiation shielding and environmental filters."

The girl shivers all over, moments later, and her eyes glow a pinkish color. She, too, is blushing, it seems. "Oh, well thanks. You kinda look like an angel yourself. Dark and light, right? I'll try to keep the shape unique. It's, like... ultimate self-expression." She spins around in the air slowly, showing off. "A while ago. I'm fuzzy on the time. I was dying of lung cancer when they visited me so the pain meds don't make everything clear. Your mom and dad, they were acting out some of my favorite scenes. It was pretty cool. They didn't even let photographers in the room or anything." Pause. "Are they okay? They were really nice to me, but..." She sounds guilty, suddenly,"I remember... I exploded shortly after they visited me... I don't remember if they were there when it happened. I was worried they got caught in the blast." She reaches up to run fingers through that odd hair of hers,"Well, if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure I only eat the bits you radiate? Like, byproducts?"

"So many different powers can make your head hurt if you think about it," says Karolina, bringing a hand up to her head to kinda touch the side of it as an illustration. Although the mention of the other woman's situation causes her brow to furrow, and her eyes drift down towards the school. "Are you... okay in there? Do you need me to bring you anything?" she asks then, lifting her eyes back up to the avatar.

Karolina was trying to smile, but the observant would notice the pinching at her eyes and edges of her lips, and the way she was fighting the corners of her lips from falling. "I'm glad they took the time to visit with you," she says, her eyes glancing down and away as she sighs, gaining composure slowly. "I always thought they were nice, but I found... so many... they did so many bad things in their lives," says Karolina, lifting her eyes back to the other. "They did not die from you," says Karolina, "And I know most of the world thinks they disappeared - if the world cares at all, I guess, but they are dead," Karolina says, her voice uncharacteristically grim. And Karolina falls silent for a long moment.

Karolina's tone had been falling, overall, for most of the discussion, but she looks back to the other then at the talk about energy. "Well. I'm going to have one of the super-smart kids look at me, and tell me what I'm doing exactly, but that sounds... reasonable? Peter was saying something about all this just being solar energy?" she says, tone still a bit down, but casual. Folding her arms together, she smiles. "Is it like... giving you power or something fun? I sparkle all the time, so I give you permission to take all you need."

Mya wrinkles her nose a little bit,"I dunno. I mean, I'm fine. I've got something to sleep on, and things to fool around with if I get bored... But I spend most of my time animating THIS body. I'm... I'd like visitors, but... I'm kind of gross. I'm... basically a walking skeleton down there. I'm kind of... sensitive about how I look. They got it set up so I can play boardgames across the barrier. But the doctor has to clear you before you can come into the chamber."

She is silent on the news about Karolina's parents, though. "I'm sorry your parents died. Whatever... went on with them... I'm not sure I understand... But they were your parents, whatever else they were. They did a nice thing for me. I'm just... sorry you had to deal with it. Their deaths, and your disillusionment. I get THAT you know? I knew I was going to die from a young age. It... kind of makes accepting the truth... easier for me, I guess. For me. It's still weird knowing I'm not going to anytime soon."

Dark discussion indeed. "It's... well, it's... like food for me. As far as they can figure, it's what qualifies as nutrition for me. It doesn't REALLY have a flavor. But certain pollutants and radiations have... a sensory difference? And some are more pleasant to consume than others? Maybe it's more like fuel. I get hungry for it when I Don't take enough, and I burn through it quickly when I use my powers. Makes sense, though. Solar energy has a clean 'taste' to it. Industrial radiation is more filling, but it's like eating a lot of junk food. Makes you feel 'bleh'. Are you made out of solar energy then? Or do you just emit it?"

"You're afraid people would get nervous or disgusted around your 'real' body should they see you down there. You feel that this body is more... acceptable?" says Karolina, tilting her head a bit to one side, a gentle sort of tone in her voice. "I'd like to meet you, and play board games with you - I'll make an appointment with Dr. Hank soon."

The topic about the parents, the one that was bringing Karolina down. "Thank you," she says, offering a little smile to Mya - it was just a small smile of gratitude, really. "You spent a lot of time having to come to terms with death, and accepted it - only for it to change at the last moment?" she asks. "But I just emit it. I'm all flesh and blood beneath this here - I have skin, blood, and a heartbeat - but sunlight makes me feel - I feel depressed if I'm out of it too long. If I stay out of it long enough, I dim down, but I start feeling weaker and weaker. So maybe we're the same like that. We both like radiation, in some ways," she says with a wink.

The girl actually rotates until she's floating upside down,"Sometimes I think I may actually be dead, technically. But... I'm still here, and that's what matters. I don't mean to sound depressing. I love my life now. I'm not in pain anymore, and this is more freedom, believe it or not, than I had before. It's just... weird." Her eyes take on a warmer shade now,"Heheh. The sun is pretty nummy, then. I guess we can agree. We'll just have to make sure you get plenty of sun. Hey, Karolina... I'm gonna get some sleep now. See you soon?"

"Maybe my powers can 'soak up' some of your bad radition, too? And turn it into harmless sparkles?" says Karolina, a little bit of hope in her voice. "But I guess I don't know if all this light I release is dangerous or not. No one has said anything, but... um," Karolina pauses a moment, then, nodding her head a bit with what was said. "I won't give you any reason to be scared. I'll do everything right, I promise," she says, placing her hand on her heart.

Karolina kinda tilts her head as the other woman rotates, and purses her lips together with consideration, "It's different," she says, "And you're still kinda getting used to it all?" she asks then. A pause then, and Karolina considers further, the smile growing again. "I'll see you later, for sure! We can sun together, or something, and watch people play basketball." Another moment, and 'lina seems to come to a decision slowly rotating herself as well, until she too was upside down - but then she falls a handful of feet, whirls herself back around, flapping her arms and panting with a quickened breath. "Oh my god. Never again!" she says, flitting back up towards the other.

"Night!" Karolina quickly manages to add.

Mya lifts a shoulder a little bit,"Only if there's no danger to you. Do you need to breath? Well, either way, I can at least play games across the barrier with you. Just... remember... It's pretty bad, okay?" That hollow voice, it sounds almost... hopeful? "Some of the professors come visit me, but... I think for a lot of them, it's just... they feel bad for me? Or maybe they feel it's their obligation. Plus they're... adults. They don't really get it, you know?"

"You know, you sure hit the nail on the head, Karolina. Getting used to it. And happy to be doing so. I'd like that. Everyone around here is so... active. It's a real joy to see-" And then she's covering where her mouth would be if she had one, trying to stifle her laughter,"Oh, thank goodness... I was worried I wouldn't be able to catch you if you fell. Maybe you should work on that one a little closer to the ground near the pool?" Her form begins to break up into wisps of smoke,"Night Karolina. Sleep well when you get around to it." Her glowing eyes and waving hand are the last to disappear,"It was nice meeting yo-"