ArchivedLogs:Don't Get Killed

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Don't Get Killed
Dramatis Personae

Nicoleta, Toma, Trib


Just a moment in the lobby of the Sunrise.


<NYC> Sunrise Apartments - Lobby - Clinton

The lobby of this apartment building is shabby, to say the least. The tiling has not been replaced in quite some time, chipped and coming up in many places; there is a faint smell of mildew coming from somewhere by the stairwell. The exterior door has a large crack in it of questionable origin, and the paint is peeling on the interior walls. The elevator is often slow to arrive, though at least the thing /runs/ alright. For now.

In the lobby of the Sunrise Apartments, a statue waits.

It's pretty detailed, as statues go. It's carved of wood, the details eerily life-like, down to the missing two fingers on the right hand. Someone's spent a lot of time on this, going so far as to dress it in a pair of jeans and a blue denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up. There are even boots on its oversized feet. Those who live in the building will recognize its likeness as one boxer in residence. It's easy to recognize the /glare/ in his expression as he gazes out the window.

It's a pretty good statue.

Emerging from the staircase, are two hoodie-cladded, gloved figures, one who is carrying a large axe. Of course, it's Nicoleta Lupei, with Toma following close behind her, a hatchet in a makeshift sling on his back and a pistol to his side. As the twins descend the staircase, they spot the 'statute' near the window. As Nicoleta recognizes it, she loudly, in English, speaks to Toma. "Hey..that's a nice statue. What if I went up to it and just..thwacked the head off? Eh? Eh?". Toma glares at her, just shaking his head, as she laughs a bit, calling out to Trib. "Hey, Pinocchio.".

Trib doesn't move as the twins descend the staircase. It's not even certain that he's actually /heard/ them until Nicoleta mentions thwacking. Then there's a slow.../melting/; the wood seeming to run down his arms and into his hands, leaving his skin pink and fleshy-looking. He turns slowly, narrowing one eye as he takes in the twins. "You look like characters in a fuckin' bad horror flick," he grunts, the tight line of his mouth somewhat smirk-like. "You playin' Buffy the Vampire Slayer or somethin'?"

"Fuck you, I'd rather be Ash fuckin' Williams.", Nicoleta quickly shouts over to Trib. "For your information, this is our 'zombie hunting' gear, courtesy of Nicoleta.", Toma politely informs him. Nicoleta butts in next, still waving her giant axe around, though mostly non-threatening. "Hoods are for rain and cold, axes are the ultimate zombie-killin tool, as are hatchets and pistols. Have you not seen movies? They inform this pretty fucking clearly.".

"You'd need a chainsaw," is Trib's glib input on Nicoleta's possibly being Ash. "An' be missin'a fuckin' hand." His smirk becomes more defined as the girl speaks, and by thet ime she finishes, he actually /chuckles/. "You're a fuckin' trip, Natasha," he says, shaking his head. "I've seen zombie movies, an' I agree that they're pretty fuckin' clear. But, you're forgettin' that this ain't no fuckin' /movie/. It's just a fucked up /situation/."

Nicoleta just grimaces at him. "America's like a fucking movie. The world's like a fucking movie, in my fucking perspective. Yeah, this situation is fucked up, which is why I have an axe and I'm saving people the issue of beheading their loved ones. Aren't I a nice person?". Toma firmly plants his palm to his face, as he speaks. "We're doing what we need to do to survive, really. It's what everyone's doing. Looting, killing things that attack us...I don't think we're the only ones doing this, are we?". Nicoleta then adds in, firmly. "Also, they were out of chainsaws at the hardware store.".

"Probably not," Trib concedes, lifting his shoulder and ignoring Nicoleta's insights to focus on Toma. "I've done a bit." He doesn't specify which exactly, opting instead to head for the stairs. "Patrol went by ten minutes ago," he offers helpfully as he begins a slow ascent. "Don't get Boris killed, Natasha. I like /him/."

"Yeah yeah, don't get yourself killed, I'm still hoping to get the honors one day.". Nicoleta half jokingly replies. "Toma, let's go.". Toma nods, but not before responding to Toma. "Also, my name is Toma. I believe I have told you this before.". Nicoleta just laughs a small bit, as they head out the door, weapons in hand.