ArchivedLogs:Causing Trouble

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Causing Trouble
Dramatis Personae

Alice Blink Ororo

In Absentia


"She's my /sister/, douchenozzle"


<NYC> Lower East Side

Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

A skinny teenager in a gray hoodie is running down the street, dodging pedestrians left and right. He looks over his shoulder in a panic at his pursuers, three older boys. Or maybe they're just larger. When he turns to watch where he's going again, it's much too late to avoid a sidelong collision with one of the two young women walking side-by-side down the street. The hood flies off of his head when he nearly falls, revealing pale green (maybe scaly?) skin and slit-pupiled yellow eyes.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" says the one he ran into, who stumbles and catches herself against her companion. She's dark-skinned and dark-eyed, a long mane of curly hair pushed back with a red hairband that matches the jacket she's wearing. Her jeans are black with a sort of cloudy pattern, as if intentionally and very mildy bleached.

Her companion is wearing a black cloak with the hood already thrown back, her long pointed ears, enormous green irises and purple markings plain to see. Blink is looking up at the other boys, catching up now. "Trouble, Alice," she warns, grabbing her sister's arm pre-emptively.

"Oh shit," says the green boy, taking off again, but one of the others has already grabbed his hood and yanks him back.

"Where you think you're going, freak?"

One of the many pedestrians nearly knocked back by the running boy is a tall woman with dark skin, white hair pulled back away from her face with a beaded brown headband. Orange t-shirt, a light black spring jacket, and white capris complete her ensemble. It seems today may have been intended to be relaxing but as they boy runs past her, a look of concern overtakes her and she steps a little faster to catch up to the boy and ensure his well-being. Before she can reach the boy, he's already grabbed by someone else.

"Easy there. No need to cause trouble," she says, rather calmly, to the bully who had followed and grabbed the green one. Though she does stand straighter, intently watching them and ready to respond to whatever reaction they may have.

"We ain't causing trouble, lady," says the last boy to catch up, slightly heavyset and wearing a blue athletic jacket. "This is just a little argument between us and Javier, alright?"

The skinny green boy, presumably Javier, is trying to twist out of his captor's grasp. "Lemme go, I'm just trying to get home!"

"Let's get out of these ladies' way, huh? Have a talk about..." blue-jacket boy says, waving his minions toward an alley. "how you better keep your suckers off my sister."

"What we do's between me and her, ok?" Javier's trying to sound tough, but his voice cracks in the middle of htis.

"You know, I don't think he wants to talk to you," Alice says, /following/ the boys and dragging Blink right with her.

"What, you one of them, too?" says the tall boy holding onto Javier. "You and your /girlfriend./"

"She's my /sister/, douchenozzle," Alice is surging forward, but Blink pulls her back and opens a swirling purple portal beside them, slipping through and reappearing in an identical one, ahead of the group of teens.

"You misunderstood me," Ororo says, her voice firming as her eyes slowly fade to white. "That wasn't a question." A wind picks up around them, a light breeze that would otherwise be unnoticable except the small group gathered here seems to be the only thing affected by it. She watches the girls slip through a sudden portal and end up near her.

When Blink and Alice reach together to pry Javier from the others boys' grasp, they seem to allow it more out of surprise and confusion than anything else. However, they rally quickly and surge forward, grabbing and pushing and spilling clumsy profanities.

Until the unnatural wind picks up, anyway.

"What the /fuck/," says blue-jacket, "is there /another/ one this neighorbood's like /infested/ with freaks!" He looks at Ororo, taking her seriously for the first time. "That /you/? What you gonna do, blow our minds?" He chuckles, but at the same time he's backing away. "You know, this is illegal. I'm gonna call the cops." He does in fact pull his phone from his pocket.

As quickly as the wind appeared, it's gone, and Ororo's eyes return to their natural blue. "And tell them what, exactly? It was windy?" she asks, raising a brow as she stares down the boys before finally turning away from them to the boy they've been calling Javier, frowning as she gives the boy a quick glance over. "Are you alright?" she asks quietly, eyes momentarily flitting up to the two girls. "All of you?"

"Yeah, what are you gonna tell them, some girls got in the way of you mopping the floor with him?" Alice says to blue-jacket. "I'm sure that's gonna do wonders for your rep."

"Should probably cut your loses and go," Blink suggests gently. But then, to Ororo. "We're ok, thanks."

Blue-jacket, though, is already turning to flee, and seeing this his sidekicks do, too. Javier's eyes are wide and wild as he stares after the bullies, and when Ororo talks to him he stares at her, too. But he nods jerkily. "Um. Thanks. They're still gonna kick my ass so bad next time they see me, though."