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Dramatis Personae

Peter, Rasa

In Absentia


Part of Morpheus TP.


The viewscreen flickers. An image of Eric Sutton -- except with graying hair, dressed like COMMISSIONER GORDON -- appears. "Super-friends!" he exclaims, his voice excitably desperate. "Lex Luthor is attacking the World Hug Bank!"

This is... it's a large, bright circular room; a little like the XS Danger Room, but with furniture, a pool table, arcade games (Galaga! Centipede! Pac-Man! Street Fighter!), a few bookshelves... and that massive viewscreen that dominates the back-end.

"We /need/ those hugs," another voice emerges from the view-screen -- as it becomes a splitscreen, with Eric/Gordon, and -- a dark, brooding figure -- dressed entirely in black, save for his chin, with piercing white eyes and pointed 'demon' ears -- along with a swooping cape... or are those -- wings? says. His voice, and his chin, might render him recognizable -- as Dusk. Dusk, cosplaying as Batman. "--to deal with the critical hug shortage." He is trying to do the Batman voice, from the new Nolan movies, but it is not working out very well.

"I'm tied up delivering shoes to orphans," says another voice -- now the screen splits again, revealing -- Jackson Holland. With piercings, and eye-patch, and bright, vivid neon-pink-with-white hair, the white bits dressed up to look like lightning bolts -- but otherwise, dressed up as... Superman? "--I won't be able to get there in time."

"We're busy hugging the fuck out of dolphins," another voice -- younger -- cuts in; the viewscreen splits again -- now it's... Shane and Sebastian? Dressed up in what look like golden fishscales -- Aquaman? Both of them? The only way to tell the difference is that one of them is cursing -- both are underwater. "Fuckin' dolphins are getting their shit ruined down here. Sounds like the only one left is--"

"I've got this," Peter's voice booms through the room, stepping forward -- clad in a bright red shirt with a yellow lightning bolt emblazoned across his chest, and blue jeans. He otherwise looks just like -- Peter. Chitinfacey.

If and when Rasa finds hirself standing in this room, ze will likely be very confused. Even moreso when ze realizes ze is dressed... in a black form-fitting outfit with a long, dark blue cape -- and two red 'belt-straps' criss-crossing over hir chest, ending at the waist. The cape is secured by two golden 'clasps' at hir neck, with a raised collar.

"Hugging... the fuck...?" Rasa repeats the words she hears over the intercom, a very confused look plastered on hir green face. By the time ze reaches the end of what ze's uttering, ze's asking a question, turning hir face on Peter slowly. "Did I hit my head in the danger room? What is going on? I... Oh holy crap." Ze raises hir arms to give hir outfit a once over, hands moving to touch the cape at hir shoulders and move in to feel how it is attached to hir neck. Ze then sweeps it aside in the back, looking for hir tail. "Is... there an objective? I feel like this is a weird outfit for training, but I'll go for it. It's a bit... long." Ze rubs a hand across hir face and tilts hir head as ze looks Peter over. "Who are you supposed to be? Can't be the Flash, right? Shazam? The pants are throwing me."

"--I'm--" Peter begins, cutting himself off, before beginning again -- turning from the viewscreen to blink owlishly at Rasa. "--Captain... Marvel. Billy Batson, yeah. I -- what are you doing here?" he says, then, eyebrows scrunching together -- and glancing back at the viewscreen. The image has flickered; there is the international HUG BANK (which is really just... an ordinary corner bank with 'HUG BANK' printed on a sign above it), and there is... Norman Osborn, except bald, emerging with a bag over his shoulder labeled 'HUGS', grinning gleefully.

"--this is," Peter begins, staring at the screen -- then looking back at Rasa! Again. "--are we in the Danger Room? Or are we dreaming?" It seems Rasa's appearance -- despite looking largely /in character/ -- has thrown Peter a little off. Still, he's wearing a crooked smile. "--you're the Green Martian."

"Wait, we're sleeping?" Rasa looks even more confused by this, side eyeing Peter incredulously. "Do you feel like you're sleeping? Should we try to wake up?" Hir eyes shift to the view screen once more, nose crinkling up annoyed at the image of Osborn. "Dude, Peter. Billy. Bob. Whatever. This is kind of weird. Maybe we're consensually on some sort of drug and in the danger room for more believability. Or we're asleep and dreaming and none of that really matters. We got two choices here: we try to put a stop to it or we go for it and go after Lexie-Normie and save... the ... fucking hugs. What do you want to do?"

"I--" Peter frowns, glancing at the screen. Yes! Lexie-Normie is, in fact, stealing the hugs. And cackling gleefully as he does so. "--don't... know. If we should -- I..." For a moment, the entire world seems to flicker, rippling in response -- as if mimicking Peter's indecision. But then...!


KRACK-KOW. Exactly how does lightning travel through a ceiling? Who knows. But a lightning bolt does do that -- spewing out from above Peter, hitting him straight-on. And suddenly...! Peter is... well. Still Peter. He looks exactly the same, except now his red t-shirt with lightning bolt is a red /uniform/ with lightning bolt -- and a white cape, traced in gold.

"...holycrap that worked," Peter says, clapping his hands together -- there is a resounding *WHUMP* from the sheer force this action causes. "--we should. Save all the hugs. Is what we should do." He says, /DETERMINATION/ on his face. Then: "I think the Justice League satellite has a teleporter."

"Damn." Rasa begins, just staring at him and his transformation. "Oh hell, remind me what I can do - on the way to the teleporter because we /have/ to try that out. Plus, it'd be nice, if we did nothing else, to punch him in the face. I kind of have wanted to for/ever/. Asshole deserves it." Ze shrugs hir shoulders to get used to the weight of the cape, taking a few steps to get moving in what ze feels intuitively is the correct direction, then finds hir feet off the ground and hir torso pitching forward... flying? "Oh holy crap."

"Oh--" Peter starts, and now he himself is -- flying. Hovering, really. Eyes wide. "Oh, wow, yeah I'm basically -- oh wow we can fly this is..." He flexes his feet, a little, waving them about -- before swiping a hand over his head to see if... nope, no wires. He looks back at Rasa, grinning -- floating toward... was that door there before? Well, there's a door there /now/, and it's opening with a Star Trekkian 'hssss' as he moves toward it. "--you're the Martian Manhunter, you have -- like, /all/ the powers. You can shapeshift into green things, make yourself super-dense, become intangible, telepathy, super-strength, fly, telekinesis, uh -- I think your weakness is fire? Like you're supposed to be really freaked out by it but I don't think /you're/ freaked out by fire, so..."

Through the room there is... it looks like a Star Trek set. From the newer movies. Teleport pads and /everything/. There's also a wide open set of windows framing the far wall, though -- and through it, they can see the stars... and earth. A massive, blue orb that dominates the majority of the view; swirling white clouds, vivid greens and browns, and the gleaming cerulean of the ocean. Standing behind the controls of the teleport pad is -- is that Micah? It's Micah. Except half his face is sheathed in metal -- along with his arms, and... he looks like a cyborg. A skinny, grinning cyborg. Well, actually, that's what he /is/ -- Cyborg.

"We need to teleport to... the hug bank?" Peter says, a little meekly, to Micah.

Rasa floats in from the other room, very seriously enjoying the sensation of flight, belly facing the ground, head craned to see where ze is going. Ze swoops over to the windows and presses hir face and hands up to the surface, staring down at the planet below, eyes wide, mouth a little in awe. "Pet... Cap, you gotta come see this. It's like - I don't know if it's my powers, but it's like the best macro photograph and I feel like I could zoom in forever and never lose the image to pixelation." The wonder is definitely leaking from hir small Martian form. Ze turns around when ze hears Peter speaking to Micah-borg. "Oh, Yeah. We have to teleport now. Isn't that fantastic?"

Dream-Micah -- /is/ it Dream-Micah? It seems to be, since Dream-Micah's only response to this request is a smile, and a series of rapid typing strokes on the keyboard in front of him -- nods his head to Rasa, as if this was the normalest thing he'd heard all day. Peter, meanwhile, is squinting at the planet, standing on the teleport pad -- as if trying to accomplish the same feat that Rasa has managed. "--oh, macroscopic -- I /think/ that's one of his powers too, yeah. I mean, one of your -- powers." His face flickers into a crooked grin; he shoots a look at Dream-Micah -- then back at Rasa. "--so, yeah. Beam us... up, I guess? To -- the /HUG BANK/."

"BOO-YAH!" Micah responds, before /slamming/ his fingers into the keyboard. And suddenly, the world is shifting; a flourescent light of blue engulfs both Peter and Rasa. The world twists, pivots, and whirls into itself -- before unfolding, spiraling back out like a whirlpool. The sensation is a little giddy and euphoric -- like having fizzy soda fly up your nose, prompting you to sneeze -- but without the burning. When it fades...

...they're in New York. A New York street, anyway; a few restaurants on their left -- a liquor store on their right. And... a hug bank, directly in front of them. It looks just like a drive-through bank, except with 'HUG BANK' printed directly above it -- and what appears to be a bald-headed Norman Osborn emerging, grinning sinisterly, carrying a large sack that is helpfully labeled 'HUGS' over his back.

He is clad in... green power-armor? It looks very smooth and shiny, with purple highlights; the sort of thing you might expect to see people make out of plastic and wear at a comic book expo. When Rasa and Peter appear -- a good ten yards out in front of him -- he stops, eyebrows zooming up, a scowl flashing over his face.

"Damn you, /Stupid/ friends!" he cries, shaking one fist to the heavens, the other still hefting his sack of hugs.

Rasa's feet stick firmly to the ground for the time being, staring down Lexie-Normie with narrowed eyes. Getting into the spirit of the moment, ze lifts a hand and points to him, hir voice dropping a little deeper as ze dons an impressive voice. "Drop those hugs right now, Luthor. You've been foiled. Surrender now and there will be no violence."

To Luthor/Norman's credit, he /does/ drop the hugs; albeit with an ever-deepening scowl. Rather than surrender, however, he proceeds to aim his 'fists' -- engulfed in purple gloves! -- at Rasa. "The world's hugs /will/ be mine, Martian! Ra's al Ghul! Take care of the big red cheese! This one's mine!" And then -- P-TCHOO!

The bright green ray-beams that lance out of Lex's fists -- intent on hitting Rasa straight in the chest! -- do not hurt, should they make contact. Rather, they simply /push/ -- sending their targets reeling back into the nearest wall. Walls which, upon contact, crumble beneath anyone's weight. The ground is soft and spongey, like a trampoline -- the blast-rays are like getting hit with giant, fluffy pillows -- and every structure in sight is apparently /actually/ made out of styrofoam -- weightless and breaking on first impact.

Meanwhile, Ra's al Ghul -- aka, LUCIEN TESSIER -- emerges from the other side of the Hug Bank, his expression one of cold detachment -- he is clad in a long, stylish black coat with popped up collars trimmed in gold -- and holding twin scimitars in either hand! He now, apparently, has a long braided chin-beard and a small mustache shaved down the center, streaks of gray through his hair. Upon sight of Peter, his eyes narrow, his grip on the scimitars tightening: "We meet again -- Talia! Take him!"

And then Desiree descends from another building, to the left --clad in a /very/ tight black body-suit, armed with a bow and arrow, with quiver -- taking aim at Peter.

Peter proceeds to blush /furiously/. "That is -- I did /not/ dream that--" Peter informs Rasa, gesturing wildly at Desiree, cheeks burning vivid indigo.

"Didn't dream... what?" Rasa is quite confused. Ze is clawing hir way out of a somewhat collapsed wall, squeezing hand fulls of the foamish debris and letting it crumble away from hir fingers. Ze rolls forward once free and jumps up into the air. Hir flight powers kick in as ze starts to free fall from the leap, adding speed as ze makes a corkscrewed bee line to Luthor-born, fists out front, before curving around him, giving him no target to fix his green-rays on. "What? Desiree?" An eyebrow rises quickly, a smirk forming, one which rapidly turns to a grin. "She certainly looks hot."

Rasa is quick to refocus on Norm-thor, reaching out to grab him by the back of his collar and yank him up with hir into the air.

P-TCHOO! P-TCHOO! Lime-green laser-beams fly out of Luthor-born's fists, missing the descending Rasa again and again -- his aim seems to be rather deplorable, on top of everything else. When ze finally hits the ground and plucks him up, his arms swing about and flail uselessly, as if he's a kitten who's just been snagged by the scruff of his neck. His eyes widen, desperation bleeding into what appears to be -- a temper tantrum. "No! No, the hugs are /mine/! You -- you super-/jerk/!"

An arrow is loosed at Peter; said arrow -- plunks off his chest. He doesn't even try to dodge it; just blinks and looks at the broken arrow on the ground -- then back at Desiree, then at Lucien, and -- FWOOSHFWOOSH. Like a blurring streak of red, he proceeds to wrap Ra's al Ghul up in a nearby lamp-post, bending it around them as if it were just a flexible pipe-cleaner. When he's finished, he brushes off his hands, still flushed; Ra's al Ghul's expression has not changed, just staring at him. 'Talia' drops her bow and arrow: "--we shall meet again, beloved--" -- before vanishing with the toss of a flashy smoke-grenade.

Peter continues to flush, mopping his face with both hands in embarassment. "--this is so weird. Kind of cool, but weird."

"Hey Pe--- Captain Marvel! Catch this one, eh? Tie him up nice and pretty. Then we'll return those... hugs..." Rasa is having difficulty keeping a straight face, staring down at Peter as ze circles slowly with hir angry kitty, Norman-Lex Osborn-Luthor. "Gotta return those hugs. think of all the poor children... who now have shoes... that won't be able... to... experience.. hugs." Ze sniffs, the laughter bubbling up inside trapped against hir clenched teeth. Once Peter appears ready, ze drops hir package into his care. "How do super heroes pontificate like this. I can't even get through a sentence. And you're blushing still because you saw someone in skin tight clothes. Imagine if she were one of those bikini-badguys."

"I don't know," Peter admits, accepting the Norman-Luthor package gracefully; said package continues to flail, albeit helplessly -- the sack of hugs remaining on the ground, awaiting Rasa to return it to its proper receptable. The bank even has what appears to be a Hug Slot, for night-time Hug deposits! At the mention of bikini badguys, Peter blushes /harder/ -- but grins, shrugging his shoulders, glancing back at the Hug Bank. "--I guess... this is the kind of thing I always wanted? It seems a little silly, now. But fun. I..."

The world shimmers, flickering; a sense of things breaking apart -- becoming more reasonable.

"--oh," Peter says, a little awkwardly, peering up at the sky. "--this /is/ a dream, isn't it?"

Rasa snags those bags of hugs and flies over to the bank to deposit them. Hir mouth is pressed into a firm line, still trying to contain hir mirth. "Come on, Pete. We're battling for hugs. Though, I do have to wonder what your psyche says about you if you think someone as dangerous as Osborn just needs a little wuv." Ze inhales deeply and wanders back over to Pete and throws an arm around his shoulders. Then ze turns hir eyes upwards to stare at the world as it comes apart. "Have to say, this dream was pretty awesome."

Osborn has disappeared; so has everyone else -- save Rasa and Peter. The city seems to be... drifting in and out of reality. There's something a little melancholy about Peter, all of the sudden; as Rasa comes closer and throws an arm around his shoulder, he manages another grin, albeit slightly half-cocked: "--yeah I like it I mean -- it's cool, I was just thinking, maybe next time I might dream about..."

Whatever he is about to say next, the dream is over; the world swirls into itself, vanishing into a bright, blinding speck of light -- then, nothing.