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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Kisha, Marinov | summary = "Kisha wishes to speak with you. Please can you remain stationary for a few minutes?" | gamedate = 2017-05-17 | gamedatenam...")
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| subtitle =  
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| location = <XS> [[Great Hall]]
| location = <XS> [[Great Hall]]
| categories = Xavier's, Kisha, Marinov, XS Great Hall
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, Kisha, Marinov, XS Great Hall
| log = The largest room at Xavier's, the Great Hall is designed to hold all of the mansion's residents and then some. Built for the mansion's bigger functions, it serves as the school's dining halls on ordinary days, and ballroom when needed. On school days, long trestle tables stretch across the hall, high-backed chairs with plush cushions offering seating for the students.
| log = The largest room at Xavier's, the Great Hall is designed to hold all of the mansion's residents and then some. Built for the mansion's bigger functions, it serves as the school's dining halls on ordinary days, and ballroom when needed. On school days, long trestle tables stretch across the hall, high-backed chairs with plush cushions offering seating for the students.

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Kisha laughs. "It wasn't a lot of effort," she points out. "A few stray thoughts while the office connection was down for an upgrade. It's practise for some presentations I'll have to do to sell my next few ideas at work. I expect it'll also come in handy for college projects." She flicks at the hologram a few times to scroll through the options one last time. "I can email them anyway, see what they have in place and so on. Worst case if they have everything covered I can do you some video editing on my lunch hour if you fancy putting out any promotion videos."
Kisha laughs. "It wasn't a lot of effort," she points out. "A few stray thoughts while the office connection was down for an upgrade. It's practise for some presentations I'll have to do to sell my next few ideas at work. I expect it'll also come in handy for college projects." She flicks at the hologram a few times to scroll through the options one last time. "I can email them anyway, see what they have in place and so on. Worst case if they have everything covered I can do you some video editing on my lunch hour if you fancy putting out any promotion videos."

"Eh, well, it might not be a lot of effort for you, but like, if I tried it, I'd be at it for days, so... I appreciate it," says Marinov, watching as Kisha scrolls through the holograms. They start to gather up their papers and books. "I'm sure that you'll be more than prepared for any college projects that come up in your future. I'll send you all the info as soon as I get back to my room! I have everything on my computer." They switch to Russian for a moment to add, "/Thank you again, Kisha! I better get going back to my room."
"Eh, well, it might not be a lot of effort for you, but like, if I tried it, I'd be at it for days, so... I appreciate it," says Marinov, watching as Kisha scrolls through the holograms. They start to gather up their papers and books. "I'm sure that you'll be more than prepared for any college projects that come up in your future. I'll send you all the info as soon as I get back to my room! I have everything on my computer." They switch to Russian for a moment to add, "{Thank you again, Kisha!} I better get going back to my room."

Latest revision as of 18:08, 19 May 2017

Digital Marketing
Dramatis Personae

Kisha, Marinov

In Absentia


"Kisha wishes to speak with you. Please can you remain stationary for a few minutes?"


<XS> Great Hall

The largest room at Xavier's, the Great Hall is designed to hold all of the mansion's residents and then some. Built for the mansion's bigger functions, it serves as the school's dining halls on ordinary days, and ballroom when needed. On school days, long trestle tables stretch across the hall, high-backed chairs with plush cushions offering seating for the students.

Marinov sits at one of the tables that are set up for the dining room after most everyone has vacated, books and papers spread out. It looks like they have a couple of schedules and location charts with names assigned to blocks of time or to particular booths in the venues for their art show, but they also have some schoolwork that they are working on. The felinoid student seems to be almost falling asleep as they do so, one earbud in and the other hanging out of their ear. For the time being, Marinov is wearing a blazer, red tie and pleated grey skirt, with a few pieces of silver jewellery.

"Ah, Marinov. Kisha wishes to speak with you. Please can you remain stationary for a few minutes?" Comes a Kisha-esque voice from a buzzing little UAV drone that zips into the Great Hall. "Alternatively the conversation can be held via drone remotely. Please indicate if this is a course of action you wish to take after the beep." There is a pause and then the drone beeps.

"O bozhe moi," says Marinov, putting a hand on their cheek at the drone, ears folding back at the loud beep. "I will remain stationary-ish for the next little bit, yeah, sound quality's always a bit better in person, yeah?" They sniff the air lightly and glance about the area.

There is a chime and a light flicks on in acknowledgement. There is a brief pause, almost as if elevator music was about to start playing, then it lands to claim a chair. Several minutes later Kisha herself arrives, wearing a lab coat and her aviator goggles. "Good day Marinov," she offers as she perches on the edge of a chair. "I've been dabbling with some digital marketing stuff recently and I thought some of it might be good for your current project. I wasn't sure if you already had someone on that, so I thought I'd run it past you first." She frowns, her expression mostly obscured by the screens in the goggles. "Oh and if you need secure emails, web hosting and so on just let me know. I'm renting a server but it's not powerful enough to do what I was intending. So right now is going to waste."

"Privyet, Kisha," says Marinov, watching Kisha wiith some curiosity. "Web hosting could be pretty handy, though the event is coming up real soon. Still, I mean, I am hoping that this is gonna be a sorta annual thing, so that would be actually really useful. And... what kind of digital marketing? That sounds like it'd be pretty interesting. I'd love to take a look." They tilt their head slightly, tail flicking back and forth. "It's cool that you're thinking of it! I mean, there's been a fair amount of interest, I couldn't really do it without all the, you know, volunteers."

Kisha blinks a few times. "Well I left my offer of help a little late then," she says with a shrug. "Sorry about that. I have been working on something I can't talk about. Oh and I guess final exams. But lets be honest Bob could probably do those." The little drone zips into the air and projects a holographic imagine into the air. "Nothing too special, a few things I threw together during less interesting classes. It's set up to prevent anti-mutant spammers from bringing the site down, plus there's an option for business emails." A selection of web page designs and email stationary templates appear on the hologram. "Marketing wise I thought you could use some official social media accounts, link to associated art blogs and sites, possibly you could even livestream backstage work or do features on artists who are contributing."

"Oh shit, yeah, that would be cool," says Marinov, nodding a few times, "I would love to be able to do, like, features and show some live work or something on the site." They pause a moment, and tilt their head, "And... nah, you didn't leave your offer of help too late or anything, we've just got limits on, like, what we can change around at this point. But there's still a lot to do, and a lot that you can help with between now and then. It's still a few days away, and I do have some... eh, I don't want to say promotional material, but something like it, yeah?- from some of the artists."

"I'll send you some links with passwords and log in info for the server. Then you can pick out the schemes you like," Kisha offers with a brief smile. "You could probably get better themes if you paid for an artist or had one willing to work for free. But they are functional and won't cost you anything. If you email me the files and some notes about where you want them I'll set everything up." She flicks her hand at the hologram and it shifts to lists of social media sites. "If you have anything pre-registered as an official account you can attach that info too. Otherwise the server has some text files with suggestions for account names which are unclaimed. I don't have anything suitable for high resolution video recording spare but I think the school has a few cameras you could borrow."

"Oh, yeah, I imagine that I'll use, like, a theme that's already on it for now," decides Marinov, "Then after, maybe commission something for next time around. I mean, there'll probably be some folks there who I could contract for that, yeah?" They tap their claws lightly against the table as they think, "But I can send you some of the stuff to get it set up. I'm not exactly a, uh, computer genius or anything. I play around a fair bit on social media and stuff, but that's about my top limit. B and Dusk have been helping me out with some of that stuff, too. So they might have, uh, more insight on how things so far has been set up? I think there's still lots of work to be done on that front, so an extra genius on the case... well, never hurts, yeah? I really do appreciate it, Kisha."

Kisha laughs. "It wasn't a lot of effort," she points out. "A few stray thoughts while the office connection was down for an upgrade. It's practise for some presentations I'll have to do to sell my next few ideas at work. I expect it'll also come in handy for college projects." She flicks at the hologram a few times to scroll through the options one last time. "I can email them anyway, see what they have in place and so on. Worst case if they have everything covered I can do you some video editing on my lunch hour if you fancy putting out any promotion videos."

"Eh, well, it might not be a lot of effort for you, but like, if I tried it, I'd be at it for days, so... I appreciate it," says Marinov, watching as Kisha scrolls through the holograms. They start to gather up their papers and books. "I'm sure that you'll be more than prepared for any college projects that come up in your future. I'll send you all the info as soon as I get back to my room! I have everything on my computer." They switch to Russian for a moment to add, "{Thank you again, Kisha!} I better get going back to my room."