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Dramatis Personae

Chloe, Deanna, Jack, Laura




<NYC> Lower East Side

Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

It's blustery and cold; the slate-grey sky overhead seems to be strongly considering flurrying but it isn't quite yet. Nevertheless the pedestrians unfortunate enough to be forced out-of-doors are both bundled and hurrying, for the most part, layers upon layers of gear that soundly signal that winter is definitively /here/.

In this, Chloe looks much like anyone else does, today. A warm cap pulled down snugly over her hair (not much can be seen of it, tied back as it is and tucked away into the back of her coat), a scarf wound around and around her face and neck, slim leather gloves, a long (expensive) tan leather coat down to her knees, tall (expensive) boots to mid-calf, layered pairs of leggings, a large (expensive) leather purse slung over one shoulder. Bundled. Less /hustle/ than some, she doesn't seem all /that/ bothered by the cold -- maybe it's all the layers or maybe it's her company, arm-in-arm with another woman as she heads down the sidewalk. Her voice is kind of muffled, between the whistle of wind and the scarf hiding most of her face: "Oh, Saeta's going to be so /cranky/ with me -- do you think we spoil her? I think we spoil her. I want to go to France but I can't bear the thought of boarding her -- dear God have I become a yuppie?"

She stops as she comes to the end of this, in front of a line of food trucks, the promise of delicious hot meals to cut the frozen chill. Despite the cold cold cold some of the trucks have looong lines; the one Chloe and her friend get into promises pho.

Slightly taller than Chloe, slightly broader. Deanna is similarly bundled, if less primly so; her clothes seem like they could've come from a military surplus store in the rugged non-fashion of them. Heavy sturdy boots, heavy sturdy jacket. Cap, gloves, scarf, her dreads tied back and tucked away as well. At first her only answer to Chloe is a grunt, eyes narrowed over the top of her scarf. Where her arm is hooked through Chloe's her hand vanishes into her pocket. "Gotta be a professional first." Maybe behind the scarf she's smiling. Who knows. Her deep voice is just gruff. "You're just a prima fucking donna."

Laura has made the decision to go out tonight into the cold and near blustering early evening. She is bundled up tight in a thick coat as she keeps her hands pulled up inside her sleeves rather than wearing gloves. Her shop of choice seems to be the Evolve coffeeshop and she heads that direction with a single minded dedication.

Jack isn't as lucky to be bundled. He's just in a hoodie and jeans but he's also found a scarf today. Head down and hood up to hide his lack of visible self, he's on his way to Evolve as well. Thinking about what he wants to do with his future isn't as easy as it might have sounded and he's elected to take a break to pursue some tasty coffee and snacks. The scent of the food trucks catches his attention for a moment though and he hums, debating altering course to head there rather than into the cafe.

Chloe's eyes widen in feigned insult, gloved fingertips touching lightly to her chest. "You /wound/ me, darling. I /am/ a professional. Professional /what/, it doesn't specify, now, does it?" I /happen/ to be /quite/ a professional --" Her fingers flutter out to the side. Jazzhands. "Prima donna. Oh. Ohhh." She's frowning as the line moves up, bouncing a little bit up onto her toes. "I can't decide." Almost unthinking, she steps just a little bit to the side, gesturing to Jack without really looking. "Are you going? You should go, I haven't quite decided just yet."

"It's a crock of bull. You always make a big deal and you always get the same damn thing." Deanna's tone is so longsuffering, but she steps aside too. /So/ patient. To wait for Chloe to settle on The Same Damn Thing. She unhooks her arm from her friend's to reach for her wallet, slipping it out of her back pocket. Her head turns to give a cursory glance back to whoever Chloe might be talking to, dark eyes skimming over head-down-hood-up Jack and then turning back to the menu without a real second glance, given that he's hidden anything noteworthy to (not) look at.

Laura seems to make a choice on her way to the coffee shop, why not see what the line outside the food cart is all about. Sometimes its best to follow a crowed, they often know what they are doing and the food must be worth the wait, or atlas a try. She catches sight of Jack in the mix of people and gives him a little poke with her finger as she slips into line. "You need a bigger jacket love."

Jack is a little surprised but he shakes it off with a little chuckle. "Thanks but I haven't decided yet either," he replies a little sheepishly. "Haven't even seen this truck before," he adds with another little laugh. He glances as Deanna takes out her wallet and quickly fights back that old pickpocketing habit. Bad Jack, you're trying to stop being a thief. Laura's appearance makes him jump a little but he keeps his hands in his pocket to keep them unseen too. "I'm working on that."

Chloe's nose crinkles up, but perhaps her BFF knows her Just Too Well. "Fair /enough/," she concedes this argument with a faint sigh, squeezing at Deanna's arm and bounce-stepping forward again when Jack doesn't take her place in line. "It's alright, /everything/ they have is good," she tells Jack with a small laugh. "Pho tai chin for me. And an order of spring rolls." She slips her credit card across the window of the truck. "And whatever she's having." Her thumb jerks toward Deanna. Who is maybe /not/ predictable enough that Chloe can order for her.

"Dac biet for me." Deanna puts her wallet away, unharmed both by thievery and by having to pay for her own lunch, score on both counts. She claims Chloe's credit card /and/ their food both, plastic bag slung over one arm and her other arm tucking back through Chloe's. "S'all good, yeah." Another cursory glance behind reveals little of interest yet again, so there's only a brief chin lift to Jack and Laura before the pair turns to wander back off to enjoy their lunch somewhere warmer.