Logs:Prom on Ice

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Prom on Ice
Dramatis Personae

Avi, Celestine, Gaétan, Nanami, Tok


"Night with you always cool, boy."


<NYC> Ballroom - Le Bonne Entente - Astoria

This elegant ballroom has been transformed, tonight, into a glittering celestial wonderland. The "Out of this World" theme for the prom has translated into the tasteful work of a team of decorators endeavoring to make the grand space feel like a small reflection of the frosted night sky. Around the edges of the room the tables with their subtly embroidered tablecloths hold blown-glass centrepieces of star-shaped flowers in various colors flecked through with glimmering silver. Delicate lights hang suspended from the ceiling to look almost floating. There's no plastic cups and messy punch bowl, here -- formally-attired waitstaff circulate the room, trays laden with a variety of upscale hors d'oeuvres and nonalcoholic beverages in champagne flutes. The patio just adjoining the ballroom with its manicured flowers and photo-friendly lighting is a popular spot for selfies, though the official prom photographer has set up near the entrance of the ballroom with their own tasteful backdrop. By far the most breathtaking part of the decoration comes if you look up -- where there should be a ceiling, there is instead a breathtaking and strikingly realistic expanse of the night sky, glittering with far more stars than are ever really seen above the light-polluted city.

So far, the night is going swimmingly. Nothing on fire (yet), no huge fights (yet), only a couple spells of crying-in-the-extravagantly-fancy-bathrooms. For whatever misgivings people had about keeping the "Out of this World" theme given recent events, the decorators managed to transform it into something stunning and elegant rather than particularly reminiscent at all of ravenous marauding aliens. And, as kids do, many of the kids are having a good enough time you might well forget they're mostly traumatized and mourning, still.

Avi does not look, right now, particularly traumatized -- he looks dressed to kill in a black/purple floral tuxedo that pops bold against his deep brown skin, neat locs embellished with a few tasteful gold beads. He's just emerging from the actual ballroom, spilling out with a laugh. He is at least polite enough to wait for the current round of photo-takers to have finished and unsuspecting students to have cleared out of the way, before he's cheerfully announcing: "Aight, y'all, we putting this party on ice." There's a crackling of ice extending from where he stands, rippling out to start coating the patio flagstones in a frozen slick.

Tok is, currently, cleverly attempting to photo bomb the photos being taking through various means, whether it be peaking their head through a curtain, getting just a horn in the shot, or last second swapping their tail onto a student and immediately swapping back before they can notice.

They cackle to themself as a camera flashes, a student gaining some horns at the last moment.

Tok is wearing a fun patterned skirt with some leggings underneath so they can still scale the walls without worrying. They’ve got a baggy sweatshirt that probably doesn’t match great with the skirt, but neither do the torn up sneakers they’ve got on.

They’re about to target their next victim, when their ear twitches at the sound of ice rapidly forming. They perk up and begin to dart on over, weaving expertly between the groups of students. Upon seeing ice rink forming, they give Avi a “WHOOP WHOOP!” In excitement, backing up so they don’t get caught up in the ice spread.

Celestine arrives at the prom and is blown away at how good it looks, she can tell someone put in a lot of time and effort to make the prom look nice. She was wearing a salmon colored suit as she entered the party and sticks to the edges of the ballroom as she still didn't know a lot of people. So she stayed by herself for now, just listening to the music and enjoying some juice as she swayed from side to side. She then hears a commotion outside and walks over she sees students crowding around the exit to the patio. As she looks through the crowd she sees the patio being frozen over in ice and is both excited and worried.

"Aue!" Nanami doesn't seem quite as startled by the Sudden Ice as she might have been if, you know, she'd come to the prom with Anyone Else, but she's here with Avi and so her shock is mostly performative. She's clinging on to Avi's arm for balance, heels aren't great for ice skating but at least her date is steady enough on the slippery surface. Her own dress is a layered flowing thing in black and gold, hair down loose with a large purple hibiscus ornamenting it. She looks to Tok only briefly at the whooping before her expression twists into something like disappointment; she's turning instead to pull at Avi like she plans to dance. She does not successfully dance -- just skids, starts to reach down as if to take off her shoes but thinks quickly better of this and instead resigns herself to a life of skidding. "Night with you always cool, boy."

"Tch." Avi is putting words to his date's disappointment -- a click of his cheek against his teeth, a frown. "You don't hafta be into prom but you ain't gotta dis people who do want a fancy nights. Coulda worn your sweats and grungy-ass sneaks anywhere else, yeah? They got a whole entire wardrobe fulla fun digs if you didn't have time to go shopping." He can't be upset too long with a ballroom-ice-skating rink at his feet, though; he's twirling Nanami, very stable where he stands and dips her. "Think we all deserve a little cool, tonight."

Tok is attempting to slide around the ice, arms waving wildly as they try and fail to keep balance. But at Nanami’s look, probably something they’d been getting a lot that night, and Avi’s words, they pause. Their face shifts, first a mix of frustration, confusion, then their eyebrows raise in something like realization.

They stick their thumbs up, “ON IT!” and wade their way off the ice to find the fancy wardrobe.

Celestine steps onto the ice and holds onto anything she can hold to keep her balance and not fall. She inches her way to the middle with her hands stretched out on each side of her to stay balanced. But it was ultimately useless as celestine slips and falls to her knees. With nothing to grab onto she tries to stand up but she is struggling a lot. She gives up on trying to stand on the ice and places the palm of her hand on the ice. After a few second her hand starts to glow with heat and she slowly melts a small hole in the ice that she can use to stand.

"You see anything you like in that silly-ass closet, just keep it," Gaétan is advising Tok cheerfully as Tok scampers off, "my brother replaces that shit all the time." Is Lucien really that blase about giving away his carefully curated Silly Fun Clothes, who knows, but he is not here to argue with this advice. Gaétan is, at the moment, sitting on a bench at the edge of the patio, just slipping off his brilliantly shined oxfords to trade them for pair of black ice skates. Almost like he saw this coming. When he stands he is starting to head toward Celestine but pivots quick enough to make it look like an almost deliberate spin, neatly avoiding the hole melted in the ice. "C'mon," he's offering, brightly cheerful with one hand outstretched, "you didn't bring your own skates, my boy can hook you up."