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Revision as of 02:33, 19 February 2014

Dramatis Personae

Rasa, Sebastian




<XS> Rasa and Sebastian's Dorm - FL2

A standard, if comfortable, dorm room. Two beds, two closets, two desks.

Rasa's side of the room is colorful. Ze's hung up scarves and veils from all over the world, most of them with gorgeous embroidery and rich colors. A couple from Japan and China have animals on them, but that half of the room is definitely more reminiscent of a tent from the middle east. Hir bed is also covered with satiny Egyptian cotton sheets, duvet cover and pillow shams. There is a lot of red and russet browns with some gold highlights in between.

Sebastian's half is -- fairly boring. Plain blue sheets on the bed; his desk tends to carry a large assortment of books (tidily stacked) at any given time, as well as a large assortment of clean white bones, often in the process of being rearranged into some sculpture or other. There's often a guitar in its case resting up against the side of the desk. His closet and dresser tend towards mess, comfortable hiking-type clothes in a fairly drab assortment of blacks and greys and neutral earth-tones spilling out of them. It is brightened up somewhat by the artwork on the walls, a handful of paintings in the same whimsically surreal style.

It is pretty early in the morning when Rasa turns over in bed, peeking across the gap between their halves of the room. Ze doesn't especially need to be anywhere and a quick glance at hir immediate vicinity reveals the sleep did not produce any of the interesting rewards it has in the recent past. Grogginess keeps hir eyelids from staying open for any amount of time at first, but when ze picks out Sebastian's form in the gloomy dark of the morning, ze focuses a little better. Ze tucks the pillow underneath hir neck a little more and studies hir roommate to see if he's awake. When he shows some sign of alertness or at least movement, ze utters a quick, quiet query, "hey."

Sebastian's form is easy to pick out, this morning, lit by the glow of his tablet screen beneath the comforter tented up half-over him on his bed. He's not dressed in much, just dark flannel pajama pants, the long gills at his sides pressed flush to his skin, but they flare back open at the sound of Rasa's voice. Close again a moment, later, his nostrils flaring instead. His fingers continue tapping against his screen. "Oh. Morning. You're up."

"Did you sleep at all?" Rasa asks, a little more volume in hir voice, now that ze knows hir dorm buddy is awake. Ze pulls down hir comforter a little to reveal a teal tank top, hir pajama pants still hidden under the blankets. Ze studies him sleepily for a moment before moving on, the previous question not seemingly needing answering. "Homework or work work?"

"N -- maybe. I don't know. Like an hour." Sebastian shrugs, pushing his pillows back and dropping the comforter so he's just propped up in bed, now. He sets the tablet down in his lap, rubbing his knuckles against his eyes. "Work -- work. My homework's finished." He taps at his projector attachment now that Rasa is awake, the air in front of him blossoming with varying windows. Email in one, code in another, some disembodied car part sliced open in a third, reddit hovering behind his head. "Class isn't for a bit."

Rasa sits up more, looking at the displays as they come into view. "You know, it's much harder to not read over your shoulder when things are floating all transparent around you." There's a hint of amusement in hir tone, hir attention primarily on the car. "How was your weekend? I know we went out Friday, but you've been busy otherwise."

"Reddit's really pissed off about registration," Sebastian informs hir, blowing the browser window up bigger and actually physically pulling it over to position it between the two beds for easier reading; a long thread about how the registration measures are far too lenient and should allow the public access to see which mutants live where.

Sebastian is focusing on his machinery, though, gills fluttering slowly. "It's just this. One really odd bug with how it handles turning if four cars hit the intersection all at once it's -- too polite." He shakes his head, flicking at the little piece of machinery to open it up further; in the terminal the lines of code scroll and change in response to his machine-dissection. "I don't know. Worked? They found Horus. How was -- yours?"

Rasa piles some pillows behind hir and lays back against them and the headboard of hir bed, hir brow furrowing as ze starts to read the page projected. "Hn." Ze manages in responds, brows growing a little bushier as ze processes, hir skin growing dark. There are several smart remarks displayed across hir visible skin as ze drags hir knees up to hir chest, frowning now, but ze only utters one. "Damn, what do they think we are? Sexual offenders? Every last one of us."

Ze clears hir throat and tilts hir head to one side, looking away a little as ze tries moving on to better topics. "Well, I mostly wanted to try out some of the stuff we saw on Friday. Spent a good while in the gym with Kurt. Some of it, I'm not strong enough for -- you know without bulking up, so it's been taking some practice and learning to get it down. -- and that's an automated car right? I... don't remember driver's ed. What are you supposed to do when four cars approach a four way stop all at the same time? Have a tea party?"

"Shane does pee in public a lot." Sebastian's gills flutter in brief silent laughter. "And he totally has sex with minors." He pulls his legs in, crossing them together beneath the comforter as he pulls the screen of code closer, frowning at it and typing quickly at -- nothing, though a moment later a keyboard has just materialized itself beneath his fingers. "Can you twist yourself around hoops like that woman did? With the --" He gestures towards his head, cheeks flushing slightly dark and his eyes dipping downward shyly. "Awesome hair."

He nods as he looks back to his car-part. "Fully automated." He says this with a touch of pride. "I don't think we've /programmed/ it to have a tea party but maybe we /should/. I think what you're supposed to do is sit and cry. And gesticulate at each other wildly. And everyone inches forward and then everyone sighs and gestures again and then stops and then everyone inches forward again. But robots aren't that impractical."

"He's barely not-a-minor himself." Rasa replies, a small roll of hir eyes. The car talk catches hir attention, distracting hir from responding immediately. Then, ze considers for a moment, hir eyes sliding closed as ze draws upon the memories from Friday. "Hmm. Almost. I'm trying to work on it naturally, rather than just borrowing your skeleton and inherent flexibility." Ze reaches and grabs a pillow, pulling it somewhat slyly across hir torso. "I never know what I should be working on, you know, my body in it's quasi-unconscious state, or the bodies I take on. It's like a RPG. Which party members do I level up?" All of hir chattering has been a camoflague for hir movements, flinging the pillow across the gap to land on Sebastian's head as ze transitions. "You did have fun on Friday! Success! That was the whole point -- to take you out to see people with awesome hair."

"He's sixteen," Sebastian says a little breathily with another ripple of his gills. "And you level up all your party members together. At least I never like it if I've gotten any of mine way ahead of the others. It feels unfai -- ack!" His gills flutter faster; he curls himself around the pillow when it thwacks into his head and falls down atop his work, the holographic imagery totally unharmed by pillow assault. "Her hair was incredible. It looked like water when she moved -- I guess that was the point of all the. Glimmer. With her costume and everything." His blush deepens; he hides it against the pillow now clutched against his chest. "I am pretty bendy. But I'd just fall off the hoop I think. She spun enough to make /me/ dizzy."

"You could do it, with practice." Rasa grins to hirself, sliding off of hir bed and padding over to Sebastian's, slipping on where his feet would go. "You want to go back this weekend and see if miss watery hair will give you lessons?" Ze tries to hide hir smile a little, but the fact that it wishes to grow makes it difficult. The effort exaggerates the expression to nigh Cheshire proportions when ze finally does grin. "Do you have a crush, or did you see what you want to look like?" There is, however, a line of text down hir arm that says, 'does the 'little shark' want to swim inside her waters?' Ze may be spending too much time with Shane.

Sebastian presses his face harder against his pillow, shaking his head quickly. "NoIdidn't-- don't." His voice is muffled. He tips his head up just enough to peek one huge black eye at Rasa, face nearly purple with his deep blush. "I just like it when people are good at what they do. There's something amazing about th -- th -- th --" He's caught sight of the text on Rasa's arm. His face presses /right/ back against the pillow. "{Ohgod}," he squeaks in strangled Vietnamese. "You and Shane are not allowed to be friends anymore."

"Oh shit," Rasa replies when ze sees hir thoughts displayed so plainly on hir arm. The words break and scatter like fleeing ants at a picnic. "Err... Sorry about that, B. I just. You know, leak sometimes." Hir skin starts turning a shade of rosegold, amusment starting to seep back into hir eyes. "It's okay if you do like her. or like what she does, or just really love the way she looks. There's something inherently beautiful about a body moving at peak condition, doing things that require skill and practice. It's kind of how I feel when I see you and Shane swim - and you can't ban me from him. It's too late. He's corrupted my head and only your polite influence can help mitigate it."

"I like to watch people practice. In the gym. Or at fight club. Like when Dusk and Professor al-Jazari fight. Or you and Peter or Flicker and my Pa -- okay that one gets hard just to /see/." Sebastian wrinkles his nose, pulling up his knees towards his chest and squeezing Rasa's pillow between his thighs and his stomach. His arm wraps around his shins, other hand lifting to slowly bat his holographic car-part to spin it in the air. "I could ban him from you," he says with a small giggle. "But it wouldn't help he's a bad influence already. I don't think I'm enough to undo it he's like acid you can't /un/corrode."

Rasa reaches out and squeezes Bastian's feet through the blankets over them, smiling a little. "Yeah, all of that is nice. It's kind of a rush to do it, too." Ze watches him for a moment then lets hir gaze shift upwards toward the display, wetting hir lips. "Just the way the body moves and the limits are pushed - I don't know. I really enjoy just... throwing myself into some of that stuff, the fighting, the more artistic stuff too. Love the burn in my muscles and the ... well, never mind," ze gives a little grin and shakes hir head. "Bah. Don't ban him either. Sheesh, Bastian, what's with all this banning? Sometimes, you just gotta live and let live. Besides, you can't really say you can't un-corrode me, if you haven't tried. Maybe we should hang out more."

"I'm a tyrant that way," Sebastian explains, toes wiggling under the blanket in Rasa's grip. He spins the holograph faster, flicking it to send it just twirling in place. "Maybe I just like bossing him around. Makes me feel older." He lets his hand drop, dropping his chin down to nuzzle down against the pillow. "I don't think I could un-corrode anything. He's sort of more -- forceful. Than I am. I think he'd leave deeper marks than I can -- undo."

"You're a wonderful and amazing individual, Sebastian. You have so much inside you. Don't worry about Shane over shadowing you and your personality." Rasa reaches a hand out to lightly tease the hair on the top of Bastian's head, hir own head tilting to one side. "You're all color and artistry, seeing it when people fight and when people dance, right?"

Sebastian's brows furrow at this, and he shrugs uncomfortably, just shaking his head. "I don't know. I don't know if there's a lot of art in liking violence. Think that's mostly just the monster part." He starts swiping at the windows around him, saving his work and collapsing them down. "Should get ready for class maybe. There'll be -- class. Some time. And breakfast."

"Well. That feels a bit like contemporary society speaking, but I get your drift. I just think that there's a reason why they call some of the fighting forms 'martial arts' and that there can be beauty. Maybe you need to focus more on the Tai chi of it all and less on the brutal for a while, maybe?" Rasa slips from the bed and heads back to hirs when Bastian starts talking about the rest of their days, but instead of starting to get ready, ze grabs a throw off hir bed and approaches Sebastian, wearing it across hir front and over hir arms, leaning in to give him a hug without fear of accidental telepathy. "Or, you can do some circus stuff with me and just focus on the art."

Sebastian returns the hug in a quick tight squeeze, shutting off his tablet after he lets go. "You're good at the art. I'm not good at anything but brutal." He shrugs, setting the tablet and projector aside on his desk. He slides out of bed, shivering as his bare feet hit the floor, and goes to get his towel from where it hangs inside his closet door, together with a basket of toiletries. "See you at breakfast?"

Rasa pulls away and wraps the throw around hir shoulders. "Sure. See you at breakfast, B."