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Revision as of 03:24, 9 March 2014



Dramatis Personae

Corey. Kate


Learning over lunch


<NYC> Happy Cakes Bakery

Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Once inside, the walls of the combination bakery and coffee shop are covered in crisp clean white ceramic tile, with the occasional randomly placed tile with an color engraving of a tropical flower, or tile made of reclaimed China. Ambient music reminiscent of the Big Band era plays through the shop, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to make conversation difficult. Tables and chairs in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles fill one side of the room, none of them quite matching each other, but all of them seeming to work together. The other side of the shop is a long series of gleaming glass and chrome bakery displays, filled with colorful sweets and treats of every description. To one end of the counter is a gleaming chrome espresso machine with far more tubes and bobbles than is really necessary, but producing excellent espresso beverages. At the other end is the old style cash register, a chrome and cherry wood relic from a bygone age that dings cheerily with each sale. The wall behind the counter is covered in photos of a tropical island, as well as a pair of shops that look like a smaller version of this one, several including a pair of dark haired women.

Having replied to the text that Happy Cakes was the better place to meet up, Corey had made his way into the bakery with a bit of a smile. He enjoyed the comfort of the place, and the baked goods, and it helped that he was comfortable with the owner and the workers. He is wearing a zip up sweat shirt with the zipper open, showing a long sleaved teeshirt in green with a red cross logo on it, tucked into a pair of blue jeans. He had brought along his anatomy text book, and a stack of note cards and after dropping them at one of the tables, he settles in to wait for his studying compatriot so he's not stuffing things in his face when she arrives.

It may have taken a bit to actually settle on a place to meet, but it does not take as long for Kate to arrive once the time and location are settled. A bounce in her step, thanks to the marvelously spring-like weather, Kate enters the cheery little bakery, considerably less bundled up than she had been previously. Wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans, tucked in to the tops of black riding boots, paired with a cute cardigan sweater in a happy yellow color over a leaf-green tank top. A chunky turquise necklace and matching earrings complete the look, her dark hair pulled back into a wavy pony-tail that bounces in time to her step. A large canvas tote bag hangs over her shoulder, doubling as a purse and a book bag. She stops by the counter to order herself a large mug of coffee with an extra shot of espresso, before headin towards Corey's table, a warm smile on her lips.

"Hey there. You ready to get to studying?" Kate says, sipping at her coffee, perhaps a bit surprised at how good it is. As she approaches Corey's table, though, she regards him curiously, opening her mouth as though to say something, but refraining, instead saying, "I brought some of my notes from college rounds, too, in case you wanted to take a look at them. Some interesting stuff, at least in my opinion."

"Heya, let me see about ordering something first. They have really good pastries here, and muffins. Really everything is pretty good, just depends if you're in the mood for a lot of sugar, or something slightly healthier." Corey grins as he slides out of his seat to get a few danishes and a coffee. Once he's acquired it, he settles back into the chair at the table and takes a sip of the coffee. "Hrmm, alright. I can start looking through your stuff first. I don't know if the editions have changed much since you looked through it. I figure they'll have to start including special sections on mutations soon. I'm not sure how they'll have anatomy sections when there are shapeshifters and amorphous blobs."

"No problem. I'll just get the interesting notes out over here," Kate says with a grin, settling in to the chair opposite where Corey had been sitting. The canvas bag is dropped to the side with a solid 'thunk,' as Kate sets her large coffee down to let her riffle through the bag and select a worn marble composition book from the bag, setting it in front of her. "I'm not /that/ old. Haven't been out of college for that long, thanks," Kate snorts and looks up at Corey with a smirk, starting to leaf through the pages of her note book. A frown creases her brow at the comment about mutants, and she shakes her head, "They need to include something. Because right now the policy is that there is no policy, no requirement to offer treatment. People are dying because of that." Her tone takes on an unhappy note, as she watches Corey head for the counter, muttering quietly, "Not all of us are amorphous blobs."

"I wasn't saying you were old. I just know how often they update textbook versions. How else will they bilk you of all your money?" Corey breaks off a piece of danish and pops it into his mouth with a nod. "But yeah, I'm sure that they'll have to update a lot of training over time. Even if they decide mutants are second class citizens who have to go find their own hospitals away from the humans. Which is kinda dumb, since well, I mean a few mutant geniuses might cure cancer and well, sucks for the other people?" He shakes his head, and offers the plate of multiple danishes to Kate. "It's why I'm hoping that the registration wont stop me from being an EMT. It would be kinda stupid, but I mean I guess that the Mendel clinic might accept it still. Or maybe the free clinic near where I live. We'll see." He sighs and drains a bit more of his coffee.

Kate grins, accepting a dainish with a nod of thanks, "Was kidding. But yeah, book publishers seem to delight in 'updating' things as fast as possible. I try to keep up to date on current knowledge, but the internet makes that a bit easier at least. Cheaper too." She nibbles on her dainish, a look of realization dawning on her features at the comment about registration, questioning quietly, "Oh, you too?" She sighs, looking at Corey appraisingly, a slight smirk on her lips, "I'm hoping my work doesn't fire me, once my card comes in. I'd rather hate to go back home so soon. Feels like giving up. Was told to apply at the Mendel Clinic, though - apparently they're hurting for people right now." Taking a long sip from her coffee, she shrugs, "Some mutants can cure cancer, genius or not. But of course, no one is going to accept or allow that in the medical field. Too freaking stuck in their ways."

"Yeah, thankfully philosophy hasn't really updated much in the past century, so the books didn't update much. Taking these classes were way more expensive," Corey says with a sigh. "But yeah, the internet is great for books and research things. But I tend to use the ones at the library anyway so it's not too much of a distance from the books to the internet updates." At her question of you too, he raises a brow though, but nods. "Yeah, um, I should probably mention that I can't really control it, but it's not really harmful. It's kinda the opposite really, like just being near me is good for you." He blushes, realizing how that sounded. "I meant like health wise not, yeah." He shakes his head, shoving danish into his mouth to give himself a moment of respite. "But yeah, I doubt hospitals for humans would accept that. I bet there would be lawsuits against a mutant doctor for healing someone without using FDA approved methods."

"Philosophy? Wow," Kate chuckles, keeping her voice low, "I headed to college not quite knowing what I wanted to do, but fell into nursing pretty readily. I always liked helping people, and my mutation kinda pushed me that way, too." She nods about the internet research, "I try to keep up on the latest discoveries and research, there's a handful of medical journals I subscribe to, just to read. Got a tidy discount through my school, so I sort of cling to it. I 'd be willing to share them some time, if you'd be interested. It's kinda interesting, it not always the most applicable to what I do for a living." She munches on the dainish, taking dainty little bites, smiling innocently at the stumble and blush, "Oh really, now? Well then, I'm certainly not objecting." Kate glances around, checking to see if people are listening in, before adding, "Had been wondering what that was. Yours sort of bumps up against mine I suppose." She pauses, a touch of color rising to her cheeks, at how that might be interpreted, "I mean, um, well. I can sort of... sense. Health related things. General at first, more specific with touch." Wiggling her fingers a bit, grinning sheepishly.

"Yeah, I liked philosophy. Just not exactly applicable to making any money, like I think the most lucrative thing you could do would be to write text books." Corey chuckles and shakes his head. "I didn't really know what I could do till recently, and that's only because someone told me I was." He smiles at her offer and inclines his head readily, "I'd appreciate it. Again, probably nothing that I'd actually directly benefit from, but learning new things isn't exactly a terrible thing." Raising a brow at the description of her powers, he replies "Huh. That's probably a lot more useful, especially in your line of work. I don't really know what's going on with what I can do. It just kinda works, and well I can't object too much. I don't ever have to take sick days, and well it really helped out a friend of mine. She actually owns this place, but it helped her arm get better faster when it got broken. Though, I wish I could do something more to make Why it was broken in the first place never happen again. But, at least I know what I am is kinda helpful."

"Ethics. Had to take a handful of classes for that sort of thing in college. Always was part of the philisophy stuff," Kate explains with a shrug, sipping from her coffee, nodding, "I'll see if I can print some of the more recent stuff out next time I'm at the library." She looks down at her hand, wiggling her fingers and grinning, "I still get sick, like sniffles and stuff. But I can stabilize people, or heal them, once I know what's wrong. Requires skin to skin touch, though, for a while. Exhausting to all involved, as far as I've found, when it's super serious." Leaning forward to rest her arms on the table, glancing down at the table thoughtfully, "It's why I started working towards a nursing degree. Never thought registration would have the chance to take all that away from me. But... maybe it won't be that bad?" She doesn't sound quite so confident in that statement, having heard the rumors floating around work about upcoming policy changes.

"Ethics was okay, but it sorta felt like justifications for why people are assholes to each other. For example, one could use the Greater Good philosophies to justify genocide against mutants. After all, it's such a small populations of mutants in the world, and some of them are dangerous, so it would be the most good thing to do to remove all the dangers to regular humans." Corey shakes his head and chews on more danish with a sigh. "But yeah, I prefered classes on Aesthetics or Humor, and occassional media related classes. The history of philosophy classes were kinda interesting too, in seeing how thought processes had changed over time." He looks a tad sheepish though, realizing he was philosonerding. "Your abilities sound rather useful though. I mean, think of the lives you could save if you were allowed to use it for people's benefits? The best I could do would be to help people recover faster in a hospital. Get out of post-op easier and such. I don't really even know how extensive it is, like, do other people get over their colds easier? I figured going EMT at least would be helpful, and something I could do without needing massive amount of education. And maybe I could get some reduction in class costs or even having them paid for by whatever place I worked at."

Kate grimaces, but nods, "I'm afraid some people would really like to use that argument. Regardless of how helpful some of us try to be. I did well in my ethics class, but it always sort of left a bad taste in my mouth." She shakes her head, taking a bite of her danish as though to clear said taste out. "Never really took too many electives, outside of biology and anatomy classes. It helps me, um, to have studied that, with my ability," she finishes off her coffee, "Useful, but a bit intrusive, sometimes. When people are close enough to me, I can tell how healthy or not healthy they are. I tend to tune it out, but it's sort of just... always there. Like... you are seriously the healthiest person I've ever been around. I mean, you are amazing." Blushing, Kate shakes her head, "Ah, right. Apologies for that. But yes, that's sort of the same way I got into this. I want to help people. And if genetics gave me a way to do that more, why /shouldn't/ I want to do that?" She listens to him describe his powers, nodding, "You'd probably get a better sense of it if you get into this field. I only know what I do because of classes and working. Even if I don't use it openly, it's saved lives."

"Oh there are others. The Nietzsche fan boys really like the ubermensch ideas for mutants too. So basically, the simple answer is, people can be jerks, but we try not to be for some reason or another unless we can get away with it." Corey shakes his head and finishes off his coffee as he listens. "Er, thanks. Though my doctors say the same thing basically. I'm as healthy as a person can be, which you really can't complain about, and it was subtle enough that I never really noticed it." He offers a shrug, then smiles at the studying and working in the field. "Yeah, I mean whether or not I ever learn to control it or whatever, it would still be nice if it could help people on a more widescale factor. I am happy to help out friends when they ask, but it's not really a thing most people even bother me over. If someone is bleeding and hurt, what I can do is only going to do so much good. Be better off supergluing it shut than waiting for it to heal in my presence." He glances to her marble note book and his note cards. "But I guess we kinda got off on a tangent. Though I guess you would make a much better studying partner with what you can do."

"I can understand that. Apparently my abilities were suppressed until I left home, for some reason," Kate says with a cough, not elaborating further, though she does eye Corey with a slight smile. "I'd be curious how it interacts with mine, outside of you just showing up as an spectacularly healthy person," she says, grinning, "I can tell it's effecting me, passively, rather pleasantly. My powers give me sort of... obnoxiously detailed personal awareness. But I imagine you might offset some of the side effects - it's exhausting to both me and the person I'm working on. But around you I could probably go all night long." And then she shuts up. Blushing and chuckling nervously, Kate focuses on her book, "I mean, um. Gah. Okay. So, uh, studying? Right. Studying... hehehe."

"Don't know honestly. I had a friend who could boost things and that's kinda the only interaction with someone else's capabilities I've had. Well, aside from kinda making Jayna have some out of season growth." Corey looks sheepish at that, and gives the coffee preparer a bit of a wave as if to indicate who. "If you think it would help you out I'm willing to. I mean, its not much more for me than sitting there and trying not to look like a dufus." He is of course slightly blushing, and not at all commenting on the things said. "So if you want that in exchange for the help studying, I'm totally fine with that. Or I can buy you meals instead. Whichever"

Kate nudges the notes with her empty coffee mug, cheeks still flushed with color from her embarrassment, "Hm, I'm fine with the studying over meals idea, can't say I've met too many people around town yet, and I rather like the company. Just maybe I could call in a favor at some time if I need to heal something severe?" She chuckles, focusing on the notes, "Alright. To studying, So maybe if I ever have to call in that favor for an emergency, you'll be able to do more than just sit there."

"Meals it is. And its not really calling in a favor, I'd be glad to help if you think it would help. I don't think anyone has ever really asked me to help do something like that aside from Hanna and her arm. Though, I apparently have been helping out my boss with her baby, so that's kinda a good thing." Corey bites his lip at that, as if there is more to the story that he isn't particularly sharing. "And yeah, studying. I can't exactly rely on my gifts to stop someone from dying, so it's kinda more important to learn the actual medical skills I'd need in an emergency. Keep someone alive long enough that what I can do, actually does help." Flipping through his note cards a moment, he hands them over. "You can quiz me on those to start, or just make up things you think I ought to be able to pick up from anatomy."