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TEXTS: Ninja-love
Dramatis Personae

Alyssa, Shane


(part of futureytp.)



A text message comes, somewhere around noon California time:

  • (Shane --> Alyssa): How do you feel about coffee?

A reply comes, not immediate but not terribly long after:

  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I am particularly partial to coffee!
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): How do you feel about New York?
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Because I had this pretty awesome dream last night and New York's been sort of on a KICK of making dreams come true lately.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): So I feel like I should follow the trend.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I am standing in a sea of boxes right now.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): ...which isn't super clear, um, I'm kind of working my way toward New York ALREADY.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): What. What was this dream you had?
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): OK so this is crazy and suicidal but hear me out.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Do you remember Evolve? They got torched a bit ago and it's just sitting there dead.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): But B is kind of rich now? He gets phat stacks at Stark and has made good investments.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): And high school is pretty tedious when it's unlikely college will ever take you so I thought I could capitalize on his wealth and re-open the place.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): My dad has SILLY OBJECTIONS like "but you're only 16" and "but you don't know how to run a food establishment!"
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): But that's poppycock right.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Anyway I dreamed about you hanging out in our AWESOME NEW HOME Hive is building us (it was tricked out!)
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): And talking with me about our totally awesome coffeeshop.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): It's like my subconscious is reminding me I totally know someone who KNOWS about this shit right.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Also, not gonna lie, I make a SICK macchiato.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Your subconscious and my subconscious must be CONSPIRING cause I had a dream like that too.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I loved my shop but CALIFORNIA was getting kind of not-very-home-like anymore, and so I'm in the process of closing a deal selling and --
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): How would you like a BUSINESS partner??
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Because that totally defeats your dad's logic puzzle of "well you're just a teenager" (cause i'm not) and "well you don't have any business experience" (cause i totally do).
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): But you know NYC better than I do right now, and you already have a space in mind -- moving's gonna eat up some of what I make from selling but not ALL of it ...
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Oh man we are going to have the HOMIEST home out here you have no fucking clue, you could come live with us it would be the hom/est/.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): It's basically the sweetest setup in the history of awesome I bet Pa will tell you all about it.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): If he hasn't already.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Did he tell you he got SHOT? I mean again I guess he gets shot a lot.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): With arrows though who the fuck ARCHERS at people.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): OK sorry off-topic holy crap are you stealing my brain?
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Are you stealing my DREAMS?
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Maybe you're just my dreamgirl.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I mean to say hell yeah I would love a business partner. I was going to resort to forcing my pa into servitude baking for me and then.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Probably flailing a lot.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I've found business classes online at community college though so I'm not being TOTALLY stupid about this, only mostly stupid.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Oh man is there room? If I could live with you then I can stop long-distance apartment hunting, which oh my GOD you have no idea how much of a pain that is.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I had heard about the not being in jail anymore part!! Not about the getting shot (again) part.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): AN ARROW?? REALLY?? an ARROW.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Um anyway yes I would super love to do this thing. It is maybe crazy but I DIDN'T have a partner last time and probably would have been even more super successful if I'd wanted to stay??
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I think maybe I'll be in trouble if I say you're maybe my dreamguy too but WHATEVER.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Omg omg omg this is the best ever.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): There's totally room! I mean there's plenty of vacant UNITS but also our place HAS room anyway.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): We're sharing a triplex, it's me and B and Daiki in one unit, Pa and Ba and Spence adjoining and Flicker and Hive and Dusk on their other side.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Really it's all one big house there's doors in between the units so saying its separate apartments is kind of arbitrary.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): But there's DEFINITELY space in me and B's side -- uh also just empty units if you want your own.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): UMM but downside, it's still under construction. I suspect we can find you someone to crash with through spring though.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I mean Pa is going to be SO EXCITED you're back he'll probably fucking explode.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Which I guess would put our apartment out of commission so hopefully we can put a damper on the exploding.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): !!!!!
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I mean uh, actual intelligent words here, so long as there's room for my STUFF somewhere I don't care who I'm actually staying with I miss you all
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Pictures totally don't do anything/anyone justice and MAYBE I will change my mind after I've been there some but for right now I'm kind of sick of living alone, it is balls.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): !!! don't say that knowing him he actually COULD explode.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I was going to say maybe it should be a surprise but on SECOND THOUGHT maybe a surprise wouldn't actually be a good idea.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Less potential explosions that way.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): No way totally let's surprise him he just got ARROWED he could use some HAPPY surprises for once.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): (Seriously. ARROWED.)
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Actually he wasn't even the first! I dunno if you ever met Flicker's roommate Dusk (TOTALLY HOT VAMPIRE) but someone shot HIM too!
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): With arrows! It's like a TREND!
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Or just one really persistent mutant-hatey evil Robin Hood.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I am totally TRUSTING you that this will be a good surprise that does not backfire!
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Seriously arrows that is seriously rude.

(Alyssa --> Shane): I don't think I've met him yet!! I have heard of him though, he's the one with the awesome battywings and stuff right?

  • (Alyssa --> Shane): ANYWAY okay I just keep wanting to !!!!! at you but that's not very effective texting. ANYWAY.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): SUCH AWESOME WINGS. Dude you have not had proper cuddles until you have had them curled up in his wings.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): (Also, hot.)
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): But I have a predilection for bitey people.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Oh man. This is going to be excellent.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I mean, there's a definitely nonzero chance we're going to get bombed after opening.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): We'll just have to serve EXTRA good coffee and food to discourage this.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): But if I get you bombed with this plan, I preemptively apologize.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Everyone is on the hook for SO MANY cuddles when I get home.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Which totally includes you too, Mr Shaneface.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I can live with a nonzero chance of bombings I ALSO preemptively apologize.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): I would say preemptive apologies to your dad too for ENCOURAGING this but if I didn't you'd just do it on your own anyway.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): (And this way will be more fun.)
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I am always down for cuddles. I cuddle with the best of them.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Also yeah I was totally going to do it on my own but
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Let's face it, I wouldn't have NEEDED to get bombed.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): I'd have just run the business into the ground I don't know shit about shit. But I'm learning!
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): This way is definitely going to be more fun.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): OK shit gotta go pick up my little brother from school he doesn't have spring break till the end of the week.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): Why is it called spring break anyway we are still firmly in shitty-ass winter. I feel betrayed.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): ALL THE CUDDLES. Also naps, I will need hella naps once I've actually made it there.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Yeah I gotta go too I should get back to PACKING.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Just think I am moving AWAY from California's weather I am going to need all the coats, too, I will be cold forever.
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): ANYWAY RIGHT GOING NOW love you see you soon <3 <3 <3
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): Give my love to everyone else TOO, just don't tell them I'm coming.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): It'll be sneaky ninja love.
  • (Shane --> Alyssa): <3
  • (Alyssa --> Shane): <3