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Revision as of 20:06, 17 March 2014

Dramatis Personae

Chloe, Rasputin


... wtfbbq.


<NYC> Tompkins Square Park - East Village

Small but popular, this tree-lined park is a perfect centerpiece to the eclectic neighborhood it resides in. Home to a number of playgrounds and courts from handball to basketball, it also houses a dog park and chess tables, providing excellent space for people watching -- especially during its frequent and often eccentric festivals, from Wigstock to its yearly Allen Ginsberg tribute Howl festival.

It's mid-afternoon and elsewhere in the park there are signs of some sort of festivities being set up. At the moment, though, it's just normal-park-like; not overly populous given the frigid temperatures. On a park bench to one side, Chloe is seated, dressed warm in long black coat, soft tan pants tucked down into high black boots, warm leather cloves, warm hat pulled down over her mass of curly hair (currently bound back in a half-ponytail.) She has a cardboard container in her hand, currently picking her way through a kebab purchased at one of the many food stands around the park, her dark eyes fixed outward with a sort of distant expression. Perhaps lost in thought.

Having been flying around the park for a while, watching the setting up, a small, brown bird flies towards Chloe's area, just..flying around. Rasputin lands next to her on the bench, silent as a bird at first..until ze talks. "Oh, hello! Lovely day, isn't? I'm so excited for the festivities and everything!". Rasputin is..attempting to bird grin, not very effective, as ze turns over to Chloe. "Hmm? Are you okay? You look..funny. I mean, your face. Not you. Sorry. Sorry! Oh cat jesus I'm screwing this up already"

"Hm?" There's a short delay before Chloe blinks, shakes her head, pulls herself out of whatever reverie she had been lost in. "I look what? I'm fine, I was just --" She glances up and then around, trailing off into puzzled quiet as she sees the -- nothing, really, looking around for whoever was addressing her and finding /apparently/ nothing. "... huh." No less puzzled, she reaches down into the large purse beside her, pulling out her phone to check the time and slipping the phone back inside.

Rasputin laughs a bit as Chloe looks around confused, as ze speaks again. "Down here!". And then, a wave of a wing. Ze's not good at privacy. Normally. "Just what? I'm Rasputin. The..actually I forget what the title of that dude was oh well. Nice to meet you!"

"-- Oh my god /oh my god/," is Chloe's instantaneous freaked-out reaction once she catches sight of the talking bird. Her kebab drops from her hand, leaving sauce streaked across her tan pants before it falls to the ground. In its place as she leaps up from the bench she is grabbing her purse, /swinging/ it by its strap to use the bag as a makeshift flail, thwomping out towards the bird. "Oh my god oh my god."

As Chloe begins..flailing, Rasputin is flying upwards, and away from her arc. "Hey! HEY! This is a public bench! That's like..assault! Not that I blame you, I'm..hard to get past not many birds can talk but. Eh. I'll just explain this quickly. I'm a mutant. Not your insanity, not..anything like that!". Rasputin is..significantly proud of hir mutant status, due to tone on..the sound that is coming from somewhere even though hir mouth never opens.

"{Oh my god,}" is Chloe's only still-semi-panicked reaction to this, in Spanish this time; her bag whips out one more time towards the spot where the bird just /was/, though now there is nothing to hit except bench. "{Oh my god what this whole city's gone crazy.}" Eyes huge-wide, she's shouldering her bag, gaze darting around the park as though looking to see if anyone /else/ is seeing the talking bird; there are sadly few other people within close enough distance to notice. Turning around, she makes /haste/ down the path away from the bench.

"...Oh well. Some people can't just appreciate my awesomeness.". Rasputin attempts to bird grin again, before flying off. UP, UP, AND AWAY!